Suppose you have Spark + Standalone cluster manager. You opened spark session with some configs and want to launch SomeSparkJob 40 times in parallel with different arguments.
How to set reties amount on job failures?
How to restart jobs programmatically on failure? This could be useful if jobs failure due lack of resources. Than I can launch one by one all jobs that require extra resources.
How to restart spark application on job failure? This could be useful if job lack resources even when it's launched simultaneously. Than to change cores, CPU etc configs I need to relaunch application in Standalone cluster manager.
My workarounds
1) I pretty sure the 1st point is possible, since it's possible at spark local mode. I just don't know how to do that in standalone mode.
2-3) It's possible to hand listener on spark context like spark.sparkContext().addSparkListener(new SparkListener() {. But seems SparkListener lacks failure callbacks.
Also there is a bunch of methods with very poor documentation. I've never used them, but perhaps they could help to solve my problem.
You can use SparkLauncher and control the flow.
import org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncher;
public class MyLauncher {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Process spark = new SparkLauncher()
.setConf(SparkLauncher.DRIVER_MEMORY, "2g")
See API for more details.
Since it creates process you can check the Process status and retry e.g. try following:
public boolean isAlive()
If Process is not live start again, see API for more details.
Hoping this gives high level idea of how we can achieve what you mentioned in your question. There could be more ways to do same thing but thought to share this approach.
Cheers !
check your spark.sql.broadcastTimeout and spark.broadcast.blockSize properties, try to increase them .
Some background
We are running a fairly simple application that handles subscriptions and are running into the limits of the external service. The solution is that we are introducing a queue and throttle the consumers of this queue to optimize the throughput.
For this we are using a Quarkus (2.7.5.Final) implementation and using quarkus-smallrye-reactive-messaging-rabbitmq connector provided by
Simplified implementation
public CompletionStage<Void> consume(Message<JsonObject> message) {
try {
return message.ack();
} catch (Exception e) {
return message.nack(e);
The problem
This only uses one worker thread and therefore the jobs are handles 1 by 1, ideally this application picks up as many jobs as there are worker threads available (in parallel), how can I make this work?
I tried
Didn't change anything
Didn't change anything
#Blocking(ordered = false)
This made it split of into different worker threads, but ?detached? the job from the queue, so none of the messages got ack'd or nack'd
These different channels seem to all work on the same worker thread (which is picked on startup)
The only way I currently see is to slim down the application and run one consumer thread each and just run 50 in parallel in kubernetes. This feels wrong and I can't believe there is no way to multithread at least some of the consuming.
I am hopeful that I am missing a simple solution or am missing the concept of this RabbitMQ connector.
Is there anyway to get the #Incoming consumption to run in parallel?
Or is there a way in this Java implementation to increase the prefetch count? If so I can multithread them myself
The problem:
I have three instances of a java application running in Kubernetes. My application uses Apache Camel to read from a Kinesis stream. I'm currently observing two related issues:
Each of the three running instances of my application is processing the records coming into the stream, when I only want each record to be processed once (I want three up and running for scaling purposes). I was hoping that while one instance is processing record A, a second could be picking up record B, etc.
Every time my application is re-deployed in Kubernetes, each instance starts every record all over again (in other words, it has no idea where it left off or which records have previously been processed).
After 5 minutes, the shard iterator that my application is using to poll kinesis times out. I know that this is normal behavior, but what I don't understand is why my application is not grabbing a new iterator. This screenshot shows the error from DataDog.
What I've tried:
First off, I believe that this issue is caused by inconsistent shard iterator ids, and kinesis consumer ids across the three instances of my application, and across deploys. However, I have been unable to locate where these values are set in code, and how I could go about setting them. Of course, there may also be a better solution altogether. I have found very little documentation on Kinesis/Kubernetes/Camel working together, and so very little outside sources have been helpful.
The documentation on AWS Kinesis :: Apache Camel is very limited, but what I have tried playing around with the iterator type and building a custom Client Configuration.
Let me know if you need any additional information, thanks.
Configuring the client:
main.bind("kinesisClient", AmazonKinesisClientBuilder.defaultClient());
inputUri = String.format("aws-kinesis://%s?amazonKinesisClient=#kinesisClient", rawKinesisName);
main.configure().addRoutesBuilder(new RawDataRoute(inputUri, inputTransform));
My route:
public class RawDataRoute extends RouteBuilder {
private static final Logger LOG = new Logger(RawDataRoute.class, true);
private String rawDataStreamUri;
private Expression transform;
public RawDataRoute(final String rawDataStreamUri, final Expression transform) {
this.rawDataStreamUri = rawDataStreamUri;
this.transform = transform;
public void configure() {
// TODO add error handling
I have a flink job that has a nfs filesystem folder as a source and kafka as a sink. there are no transformations done at this point.
I have used continuousmonitoringfunction to continuously monitor for events on the folder and
ContinuousFileReaderOperator for reading the data.
ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction<String> monitoringFunction = new ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction<>(
inputFormat, FileProcessingMode.PROCESS_CONTINUOUSLY, env.getParallelism(),
ContinuousFileReaderOperator<String> reader = new ContinuousFileReaderOperator<>(inputFormat);
Initial size of the folder is ~40GB with 3785468 files(in all sub directories) in it.
I have created 1 job manager with heap 25G and 2 task managers with 4 task slots and following memory values.
taskmanager.memory.process.size: "26g"
taskmanager.memory.flink.size: "24g"
jobmanager.heap.size: "25g"
taskmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.max: "2g" "1024M"
taskmanager.memory.task.heap.size: "16g"
taskmanager.memory.managed.fraction: 0.2 "2g"
When the job started job manager is working on prepping the job and the prepping state is taking long time around 2 hrs. Once job starts it is working fine in transferring the files to kafka.
I am trying to fine tune the job, can anyone please help me understand what happens during prepping stage and what part of memory is important during this state ?
I am trying to play with memory params but nothing seems to work, without knowledge of what memory is used for what I am unable to proceed.
I have gone through flink documentation on memory but it is not clear on what managed memory is used for and DirectMemory is used for while processing the job.
Could some one help me understand what I should consider to fine tune the job ?
I have a spark steaming program with the following structure deployed in yarn-client mode with 4 executors.
ListStream.foreachRDD(listJavaRDD -> {
listJavaRDD.foreachPartition(tuple2Iterator -> {
while (tuple2Iterator.hasNext()) {
//Program logic
//Program logic
//Program logic
return null;
At some random points some tasks do not return from executor to spark driver even after program logic is completely executed in executor. (I have verified this by examining the executor logs). The steaming job continues without any issue once I kill the particular job.
The issue is related to the record size or the nature of record as well.
I have not been able to reproduce this particular issue identify the root cause.I would like to hear if anyone has experienced a similar issue or any possible causes.
I'm not quite sure whether this is more of an Openbravo issue or more of a Quartz issue, but we have some manual processes that run on schedules via Openbravo ProcessRequest objects (OB v2.50MP24), but it seems that the processes are running twice, at the exact same time. Openbravo extends the Quartz platform for their scheduling. I've tried to resolve this issue on my own by ensuring that my process classes extend this class:
import java.util.List;
import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDal;
import org.openbravo.scheduling.ProcessBundle;
import org.openbravo.service.db.DalBaseProcess;
public abstract class RBDDalProcess extends DalBaseProcess {
protected void doExecute(ProcessBundle bundle) throws Exception {
org.quartz.Scheduler sched = org.openbravo.scheduling.OBScheduler
int runCount = 0;
synchronized (sched) {
List<org.quartz.JobExecutionContext> currentlyExecutingJobs = (List<org.quartz.JobExecutionContext>) sched
for (org.quartz.JobExecutionContext jec : currentlyExecutingJobs) {
ProcessRequest processRequest = OBDal.getInstance().get(
ProcessRequest.class, jec.getJobDetail().getName());
if (processRequest == null)
String processClass = processRequest.getProcess()
if (bundle.getProcessClass().getCanonicalName()
.equals(processClass)) {
if (runCount > 1) {
System.out.println("Process "
+ bundle.getProcessClass().getSimpleName()
+ " is already running. Cancelling.");
protected abstract void doRun(ProcessBundle bundle);
This worked fine when I tested by requesting the process to run immediately twice at the same time. One of them cancelled. However, it's not working on the scheduled processes. I have S.o.p's set up to log when the processes start, and looking at the logs shows each line of the output twice, each line one right after the other.
I have a sneaking suspicion that it's because the processes are either running in two completely different threads that don't know about each others' processes, however, I'm not sure how to verify my suspicions or, if I am correct, what to do about it. I've already verified that there is only one instance of each of the ProcessRequest objects stored in the database.
Has anyone else experienced this, know why they might be running twice, or know what I can do to prevent them from simultaneously running?
The most common reasons for a double Job execution are the following:
Your application is deployed in a clustered environment and you have not configured Quartz to run in a cluster environment.
Your application is deployed more than once. There are many cases where the application is deployed twice especially in Tomcat server. As a consequence the QuartzInitializerListener is invoked twice and the Jobs are executed twice. In case you use Tomcat server and you are defining contexts explicitly in server.xml, you should turn off automatic application deployment or specify deployIgnore. Both the autoDeploy set to true and the context element existence in server.xml, have as a consequence the twice deployment of the application. Set autoDeploy to false or remove the context element from the server.xml.
Your application has been redeployed without unscheduling the current processes.
I hope this helps you.
Quartz uses a thread pool for the jobs execution. So as you suspect, the RBDDalProcess will probably have separate instances a in separate thread and the counter check will fail.
One thing you can do is list the jobs registered in the Scheduler (you can get the Scheduler using the OB API as: OBScheduler.getScheduler()):
// enumerate each job group
for(String group: sched.getJobGroupNames()) {
// enumerate each job in group
for(JobKey jobKey : sched.getJobKeys(groupEquals(group))) {
System.out.println("Found job identified by: " + jobKey);
If you see the same job added twice, check out org.quartz.spi.JobFactory and the org.quartz.Scheduler.setJobFactory method for controlling jobs instantiations.
Also make sure you have only one entry for this process in the 'Report and Process' table in Openbravo.
I have used DalBaseProcess in Openbravo 3.0 and I cannot confirm this behavior you're describing. Having this in mind it would be probably a good idea to checkout the reported bugs for Openbravov2.50MP24 and Quartz or post a thread in Openbravo Forge forums with your problem.