ArrayList <Double> Understanding - java

I am doing a project on ArrayLists and mathematic methods such as sum, standard deviation and variance etc and I have come across this ArrayList<Double>.
public static double Sum(ArrayList<Double> list) {
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
sum = sum + list.get(i);
return sum;
I understand how ArrayList works but I am not exactly sure what is going on in this method, can anyone help me understand it a little better?

These are called Generics. Oracle has a great tutorial on it
Long story short, if you write List list = new ArrayList it would mean anything can be put in that list: toys, food, books. Kinda chaotic, huh? I bet what you'd rather have are boxes that contain only certain types of objects: a box for toys, another one for food and one more for books. That's generally what generics allow you to do. By writing List<Book> list = new ArrayList<>(), you're saying that this list can contain only books. If you try to put something else in there, you will get an error.
To sum up, in your case, method sum takes ArrayList<Double> - a list that can contain only Double objects. You can be sure that all of the elements are of that type, so you needn't check.

Look at this: ArrayList<Double> list = new ArrayList<Double>(); it creates a list that can only contain double values. A double is a variable type that can contain whole numbers and decimal numbers. So creating a list like this only allows the program to add numbers to the list: list.add(4.3);
When you call this method, you must pass an ArrayList<Double> object to it: Sum(List); Then it takes the list and adds every element of that list together into a variable called sum. After it has done that, it will return that sum. return sum;.
Here's how it does that:
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
sum = sum + list.get(i);
Its basic syntax is for(initialization; condition; iteration). When first called it will execute the initialization, then it will continue to repeat as long as the condition is true, and every time it repeats it will execute the iteration.
This specific one creates a variable called i and assigns it the value 0 for its initialization. Then for its condition it does i < list.size(), meaning that it will repeat as long as the integer value contained in i is less then the number of elements in the ArrayList. Finally, for its iteration it does i++, which will make the integer contained in i one value larger every time the thread loops.
So our i will get one value larger every time the loop iterates. Inside the loop we have sum = sum + list.get(i);. This takes the double (decimal) variable sum and adds to its current value whatever value is contained in the i (remember i has a number value) element of the ArrayList.
Click this link to learn more about for loops:
So if the ArrayList contained the values {2, 4, 1, 5} and i contained the value 1, then calling sum = sum + list.get(i); would add the value 4 to the the value contained in sum. If i equaled 0 and we called sum = sum + list.get(i), than sum's value would be increased by 2, and it goes on like that.
These are called indexes. Indexes are numbers used to access objects in arrays or array lists. If I had an array that looked like this: int array[] = {4, 2, 5, 3}; then 4's index would be 0, 2's index would be 1, 5's index would be 2, and 3's index would be 3.
This image can give you a better understanding of indexes:


Print all possible combinations for a given array of elements

public class TestPossibleNumbers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int input[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
// int input[] = {10,11,12,13};
possibleNumbers(input, 0);
public static void possibleNumbers(int[] x, int index) {
if (index == x.length) {
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
System.out.print(x[i] + " ");
for (int i = index; i < x.length; i++) {
int temp = x[index];
x[index] = x[i];
x[i] = temp;
possibleNumbers(x, index + 1);
temp = x[index];
x[index] = x[i];
x[i] = temp;
Can anyone help me to understand the code inside for loop?
This program run perfectly. But, I am unable to figure out how it is working
You are recursively calling the method again at:
possibleNumbers(x, index + 1);
Thus the method runs the method again, with index + 1 passed. It checks if
if(index == x.length)
If the statement is correct it prints the numbers.
It then enters the 2nd for loop again(if the if statement was incorrect it will still enter it). And calls the recurring method again. It will keep entering 2nd for loop but when "index" will be equal to or greater than "i.length" no iterations of the for loop will run because you specified for loop to run only when:
When 2 for loop does not do any iterations the method will stop recurring. So in your case when index is equal to 3 no iterations of 2nd for loop will run.
Try running debug step by step to see what is happening more in depth.
The Program prints permutation of numbers not combination.
Permutation - Order matters
Combination - Order doesnt matter and more of choosing k elements out of n
for example
int a= {a,b};
permutation = {ab,ba}
whereas combination ={{},{a},{b},{a,b}}
To understand how the program works
go through the following link will
Don't get confused on recursion inside for loop.
if (index == x.length) is the terminating condition for recursion.
Inside the for loop before and after calling the recursive call possibleNumberselements are swapped.
Before swap helps to generate all possible outcomes and after swap elements will swap to previous position so that all other permutation will be generated from the for loop. It may sounds confusing please go through the link.
I'll provide an alternative explanation that I feel is more intuitive.
Consider the case of only 1 number in the list: [a]. This is pretty trivial: there's a single combination [a].
Now consider the case of 2 numbers in the list: [a, b]. In this case you can take each of the elements in turn and then look at all combinations of the remaining element using the previous method and then add the element back.
Now consider the case of 3 numbers in the list: [a, b, c]. In this case you can take each of the elements in turn and then look at all combinations of the other 2 elements using the previous method and then add the element back.
And so on for 3, 4, 5... elements.
So, in general, consider the case of n numbers in the list: [a1, a2, ... an]. In this case take each of the elements in turn and then look at all combinations of the other n-1 elements using the exact same method and then add the element back.
Converting to pseudo code:
for each value
for each combo in getCombos(values with value removed)
add value + combo to results
return results
The only thing to add is the base case which is necessary for all recursive implementations. One possibility is the case of a single item. However there's an even simpler one: if there are no values then the result is a single empty list.
So converting that to Java, using sets to make clear that the elements need to be unique (to avoid duplicate results), using streams and making it generic so it'll work for any type:
Stream<List<C>> combos(Set<C> values) {
if (values.isEmpty())
return Stream.of(new ArrayList<>());
return ->
.filter(v -> !v.equals(value))
.collect(toSet())).peek(r -> r.add(value)));
Your code is really just an alternate implementation of the same algorithm that swaps the element under consideration to the front of the array instead of creating a new collection.

Pseudo code: Random Permutation

I have a pseudo code that I have translated into java code but anytime I run the code, I get an empty arraylist as a result but it is supposed to give me a random list of integers.
Here is the pseudo code:
Algorithm 1. RandPerm(N)
Input: Number of cities N
1) Let P = list of length N, (|P|=N) where pi=i
2) Let T = an empty list
3) While |P| > 0
4) Let i = UI(1,|P|)
5) Add pi to the end of T
6) Delete the ith element (pi) from P
7) End While
Output: Random tour T
Here is the java code:
public static ArrayList<Integer> RandPerm(int n)
ArrayList<Integer> P = new ArrayList<>(n);
ArrayList<Integer> T = new ArrayList<>();
int i;
while(P.size() > 0)
i = CS2004.UI(1, P.size());// generate random numbers between 1 and the size of P
return T;
I don't know what I am doing wrong.
ArrayList<Integer> p = new ArrayList<>(n);
... creates an empty list with an initial capacity of n.
All this does is tell the ArrayList what size array to initialise as backing store - most of the time you achieve nothing useful by specifying this.
So your while(p.size() > 0) runs zero times, because p.size() is zero at the start.
In the pseudocode "where pi=i" suggests to me that you want to initialise the list like this:
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
(I have lowercased your variable name - in Java the convention is for variables to startWithALowerCaseLetter -- only class names StartWithUpperCase. It's also the Java convention to give variables descriptive names, so cityIdentifiers perhaps)
You may want to know that, even if you fix the problem that P is always empty, there are 2 more issues with your implementation.
One is that P.remove(P.get(i)) does not necessarily remove the ith item if the list has equal value items. It scans from the beginning and removes the first occurrence of the item. See ArrayList.remove(Object obj). You should use P.remove(i) instead for the correct results.
Then the performance is O(n^2). The reason is that ArrayList remove an item by shifting all the subsequent items one slot to the left, which is an O(n) operation. To get a much better performance, you can implement your own "remove" operation by swapping the item to the end. When you generate the next random index, generate it within the range [0, beginning index of the removed items at the end). Swapping is O(1) and the overall performance is O(n). This is called Knuth Shuffle by the way.

How can two or more lists be traversed in O(N)

I have a question that doesn't seem possible to me. I have 2+ arrays which I have to compare for common values. I am supposed to do this in O(N) comparisons but can't think of a way. Specifically (k-1)N comparisons where k is the number of arrays. I've narrowed down how I can take multiple arrays and just merge them into a single array. I've gotten that the smallest array is the limiting factor so if I sort that I can save the most comparisons. After spending half the day staring at my screen I've even come up with a way to do this linearly if I discount any duplicates, but I have to keep duplicates So, as far as I know in order to compare any arrays you need at least 2 for loops which would be O(N^2) wouldn't it? I'm also not allowed to hash anything.
For example if I had {1,3,4,3,4,5} as a master and {1,1,3,5,9,3,7} and {3,5,8,4,0,3,2} as arrays to be compared I'd need to have a final of {3,3,5} since I can't get rid of any dupiclates.
I don't want anyone to write the code, I just need to know what I should be doing in the first place.
Use an array of ints. Taking your first list, for each element, set the value at that index to 1. So if the first element is 3, put 1 in array[3]. Now, we know that 3 is present in first list. Putting 1 will help you distinguish from a 3 that is present in the earlier list versus a 3 which is repeated in current list.
Iterate through all the other k-1 lists
For every element, check the value in array for that index
If the value is 0, set it to this list number
If the value is a number less than this list number, this number is a duplicate and has already appeared in a previous list.
If this number is equal to this list index it means this number already occurred in this list but not in previous lists, so not yet a duplicate.
The numbers that you are getting as duplicates, add them to another list.
Finish all iterations
Finally print the duplicates.
Original Wrong Answer
Create a HashSet<int>
Take all values from master and add to it - O(master list count)
Now just iterate through first and second arrays and see if their elements are in that HashSet - O(each list count)
If the lists are sorted, then it's relatively straightforward if you do something like this:
List<Integer> intersection = new ArrayList<>();
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while (i < list1.size() && j < list2.size()) {
int a = list1.get(i);
int b = list2.get(j);
if (a < b) {
} else if (b < a) {
} else { // a == b
On each iteration of the loop, the quantity i + j increases by at least 1, and the loop is guaranteed to be done when i + j >= list1.size() + list2.size(), so the whole thing does at most O(list1.size() + list2.size()) comparisons.

Counting Int Occurrences in an Array

I am trying to count the occurrences of integers in an array. I was able to get it to work by piecing together some code I found online but I don't really understand why its working. What I have is:
int[] hand = {2, 4, 3, 2, 4};
int[] numOccurence = new int[hand.length];
for (int i = 0; i < hand.length; i++)
for (int i = 1; i < numOccurence.length; i++)
if (numOccurence[i] > 0)
System.out.println("The number " + i + " occurs " + numOccurence[i] + " times.");
The output is:
The number 2 occurs 2 times.
The number 3 occurs 1 times.
The number 4 occurs 2 times.
How is this code counting the number of occurrences properly? I don't see how its accomplishing this. Thank you in advance!
This is only working because you've a good luck. Try making the second element in the hand array as 5 and see what happens. Its because the number present at the current index of hand is taken as the index of array numOccurence. In case of a number greater than or equal to the length of the numOccurence, you'll get the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
Thereforce, you can better use a Map for this where the key would be the number and the value could be its count.
Something like this:-
Map<Integer, Integer> numOccurence = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < hand.length; i++) {
int cnt = 1;
if (numOccurence.containsKey(hand[i])) {
cnt = numOccurence.get(hand[i]);
numOccurence.put(hand[i], cnt);
This code does not really work. At least it does for the author's use case but probably not for yours.
Try with {2, 4, 99, 2, 4}; as hand and it will fail.
The author takes the number found in hand as the index of array numOccurence.
numOccurence has the following structure : {nb occ of 0; nb occs of 1;...; nb occs of 4}. Here 99 will be out of bounds.
When you create an array
int[] numOccurence = new int[hand.length];
it is populated by their default values. For primitive int this value is 0.
This will of course only work if hand contains numbers less than or equal to max index (length -1) of the array otherwise it's ArrayIndexOutOfBound for you mister!
Actually it's the same method for creating histogram for picture ;)
You create a table where you will gather the occurrence.
numOccurence[0] will stock the number of 0
numOccurence[1] will stock the number of 1
That's what is done by this
for (int i = 0; i < hand.length; i++)
it adds 1 to the value in the case corresponding to the number hand[i]
so if you look at this step by step
first he will take hand[0] = 2
so he will put
numOccurence[2] = numOccurence[2] + 1 ;
which is same (but faster to write) as
This kind of performing a count is called counting sort.
The advantage of counting sort is it's speed. The disadvantage is the memory requirements when sorting big numbers.
There is a bug in the code:
int[] numOccurence = new int[hand.length];
numOccurence needs to be as long as the highest number in the list (not the number of numbers in the list). Try changing one of the numbers to 15 and you will get an exception.
The code iterates through the given array hand. it takes each value encountered as an index into the array numOccurrence. for each number n in hand, this will happen exactly as often as n occurs in hand, and each time this happens, the nth element of numOccurrence will be incremented.
thus numOccurrence is effectively an array of counters (assuming that the array elements are initialized with 0).
drawbacks of this approach:
the number of counters allocated depends on the magnitude of numbers in your handarray.
if the numbers in your hand array are distributed sparsely, most of the allocated space is never used.
you could improve the code by sorting hands first. in the sorted array the indexes of all occurrences of a given number are contiguous, so you scan the sorted array once needing a single counter only to compile the frequencies.
First of all the code is wrong. You should set the size of numOccurence array to the max number value from hand array + 1. For example:
int[] hand = {2, 100};
int[] numOccurence[] = new int[101];
(you should obviously find max number programatically)
Now let's take a look at the algorithm.
It takes each number from hand array, treats it as a numOccurence index value and increments number at that index by 1 in hand array. Note that all elements of numOccurence array are 0 by default at the beginning.
int[] hand = {2, 4, 3, 2, 4};
int[] numOccurence = new int[5];
i = 0 (nothing happens, because there is no 0 in hand array)
i = 1 (same situation as for 0)
i = 2 (there are two 2 numbers in hand array, so we do operation numOccurence[2] += 1 twice, which in result gives 0 + 1 + 1 = 2. So we got numOccurence[2] = 2)
it continues for all numbers from 0 to max number from hand array (here: 100).

Confusing regarding .get and .set in an ArrayList

(I'm new at Java, coming over from Python ---)
I'm going through a tutorial and they've created a program which counts how many times a number appears in a file, then returns that number. One particular part of the program is somewhat mysterious to me and deals with the ArrayList's .get and .set (methods? functions?). The program goes like this:
// (Scan a file with the numbers, say, 2 2 3 4, and put it into data1 variable.)
// (Make An Empty ArrayList with a bunch of 0's)
Scanner data1 = null;
ArrayList<Integer> count = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Integer idx;
idx = data1.nextInt();
//Then prints out all the values; the ArrayList contains the number of times the number n occurs in the n-th index.
My question comes at the "while" part. For concrete, let's assume data1 has the numbers 2 2 3 4. It seems that it takes idx = 2, then puts a 1 in count[2], which is reasonable. It then takes idx = 2 again (the next integer in data1) and puts a 2 in count[2], which is also reasonable. At this point, the next number in data1 makes idx = 3, but it occurs at the index 2 in the ArrayList, so it should put a 3 in count[3], which is incorrect.
So, what is .get and .set doing here? Do they pop the elements off of the list when they're done with it? Am I overlooking something?
A .get() will not automagically get elements from a List which does not have that many elements. Note: list indices, like arrays, start at 0.
If you do:
final List<Integer> = new ArrayList<Integer>();
this is a runtime error (IndexOutOfBoundsException) because your list has no elements.
You have to fill it:
list.add(1); // append an element
list.get(0); // returns element at index 0
list.get(1); // IndexOutOfBoundsException!
The .set() method takes an index and a value at an argument. In a similar vein, you cannot set an element which does not already exist, except at the very end of the list:
// start from an empty list
list.set(1, 32); // IndexOutOfBoundsException!
list.set(0, 32); // OK
Final note: try not to use list[i], bracket indices are used for arrays ;) Note that arrays are not resizabe in Java. Lists (which are an implementation of a Collection), however, are. But you must append to them.
So, what this line does:
count.set(idx, count.get(idx) + 1);
is take the value at index idx, add 1 to it, and sets back this value at the same index.
In your specific case, what you are looking for is a sparse array. In Java we use a HashMap<Integer, Integer> for that purpose. You don't need any initialization with zeros, but you do need to check for null:
final Integer curr = count.get(idx);
count.put(idx, curr == null? 1 : curr+1);
You are currently using an ArrayList, which acts like an array, but makes it easier to expand it - for example, add elements to it.
What you want is the java equivalent of the python dict, a key/value storage, in java, this is called a HashMap<K,V> (docs).
Scanner data1 = null;
HashMap<Integer, Integer> count = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
Integer idx;
while(data1.hasNextInt()) {
idx = data1.nextInt();
Integer g = count.get(idx)+1;
if(g == null) {
g = 0;
count.put(idx, g);
