Changing text in class(class A) from another class(class B) - java

I declared String A in Class A and I want to send this String A to Class B(MainActivity that include inputView) for appending to inputview.
I found,
Changing text from another activity
This solution is very simple and easy.
However, android studio warned me that
"Do not place Android context classes in static fields; this is a memory leak (and also breaks Instant Run)".
Any better solution?

Intent is the proper way to achieve data communication over Activities
What's the best way to share data between activities?


Passing references to Activity Intent

For quite some time I've had troubles passing variables from one Activity to another, and I've usually had to resolve to some pretty ugly Static-class-hacks to make it work.
Generally something along the lines of a static method that I call with the type of the Activity, along with the variables the Activity requires. These gets stored in a static variable, and retrieved in the constructor of said activity.
Like I said, pretty ugly. And there's no such thing as "myActivity.StartActivity(new Activity);". All of the overloads for StartActivity takes either an Intent, or a typeof(MyOtherActivity).
So my question is, have I completely misunderstood the concept of Activities, or am I simply missing a completely obvious way to pass arguments to them?
#Edit: The reason I want to pass an actual reference to an object, instead of simply a copy of the object, is because I'm trying to pass a View Model from an overlying Activity, down to the new Activity. And of course any changes made to this view model, should be reflected on the parent activity, which will only be possible if the the two activy's viewmodels points to the same instance.
I'm writing the app using Xamarin.Android, but the code is nearly identical between C# and Java, so answers in either those languages is fine.
The problem is that Android can kill the process hosting your app at any time (if it is in the background). When the user then returns to your app, Android will create a new process to host your app and will recreate the Activity at the top of the stack. In order to do this, Android keeps a "serialized" version of the Intent so that it can recreate the Intent to pass it to the Activity. This is why all "extras" in an Intent need to be Parcelable or Serializable.
This is also why you cannot pass a reference to an object. When Android recreates the process, none of these objects will exist anymore.
Another point to consider is that different activities may run in different processes. Even activities from the same application may be in different processes (if the manifest specifies this). Since object references don't work across process boundaries, this is another reason why you cannot pass a reference to an object in an Intent.
You can also use The Application class to store objects globally and retrieve them:
using Android.Runtime;
namespace SomeName
public class App : Application
public string Name { get; set;}
public App (IntPtr javaReference, JniHandleOwnership transfer) : base(javaReference, transfer)
public override void OnCreate ()
base.OnCreate ();
Name = "";
And you can access the data with:
App application = (App)Application.Context;
application.Name = "something";
I choose to do this on the Application calss because this class is called on the App startup so you don't have to initiate it manually.
Keep in mind that variables which are scoped to the Application have their lifetime scoped to the application by extension.
This class will be Garbage Collected if the Android feels it is necessary so you have to modify the code to include this case also.
You can use SharedPreferences or a Database to save your variables in case they get deleted and retrieve them from the App class for faster results.
Don't be overly wasteful in how you use this approach though, as attaching too much information on this class it can lead to a degradation in performance. Only add information that you know will be needed by different parts of the application, and where the cost of retrieving that information exceeds the cost of storing it as an application variable.
Investigate which information you need to hold as application wide state, and what information can simply be retrieved straight from your database. There are cost implications for both and you need to ensure you get the balance right.
And don't forget to release resources as needed on OnStop and OnDestroy
I rarely use intents, i find this way better.

how to use a Class to let different activites read data from it?

everybody. I want know if I can use a Class to store data which input from Activity A, and read the same data from Activity B.
There are some variables in my android program I want to share between all activities in it.
Thank you!
I want know if I can use a Class to store data which input from Activity A, and read the same data from Activity B.
Yes but it depends on what you are doing if its a good idea or not.
There are some variables in my android program I want to share between all activities in it.
If these are simple variables and few then you will probably best using SharedPreferences.
If there are a lot of variables then you may want to use a SQLite DB to store and access these variables. Or possibly save them on the filesystem.
Of course you can also use putExtra() in your Intent to send data but it doesn't sound like this is what you want
To decide what fits you best, read Storage Options
Simplest way to do this is to store these variables in some static member of some class, or create a singleton class which can store all this data.
More complex ways would be to user the shared preferences or sqlite db as #codeMagic sugggested.
Another option is to pass the data between the activities when you start them view intent.putExtra
Yes you can.
See the mockup class below
public class myVariables
public String myVariable1;
public int myVariable2;
public boolean myVariable3;
//it is not advisable to use public methods, but for the sake of proofing that you can use variables
//this example uses this method. Ideally, you need to set get / set methods.
Now, anywhere inside you app classes you can call
myVariables.myVariable1 = "Hakuna Matata";
Log.i("tag", myVariables.myVariable1); //this will show "Hakuna Matata"

Is putExtra the only way of passing data to a new Activity?

I have created a SettingsActivity for my app. In this Activity I am using the SharedPreferences class to do handle the user editable preferences.
While setting up the SharedPreferences, I have to load them in the onCreate of my main activity and then again in the SettingsActivity. The probably was that both calls to the getXXXX() methods require defaults and I figured that it would not be good to hard-code the default values into both places because I would imagine it would be problematic in the future if I ever changed them.
Which is the best/most popular (or accepted standard) of doing this?
Create a global variables class in which I import into each activity and define my default constants in there?
Use putExtra and getExtra to pass the data from the main activity to the settings activity?
Any other suggestions?
I think Squonk has a good answer, but if you're looking for an alternative, consider creating a Settings class with all of your settings as members. It could have a static method like loadFromPreferences(Context) that would return a Settings object constructed from SharedPreferences, using whatever defaults you need. It could also have a saveSettings(Context) method to save your edits. Hope that helps.
Personally, in this situation, I'd put the default values in a resource file. In that way there's no need to use a global variables class or a helper class. Android resources already do that for you.
Providing resources
More resource types
Instead of using a class with static values why dont you extend the Application class which will always live when the application's process lives. you can keep shared methods and variables in it
I would highly recommend opening the SharedPreference in the onCreate of both activities. Every time I've tried to use global variables, the values disappear in a way that's difficult to detect and fix. Activities are destroyed when they are closed. Services can be removed from memory at any time. The application context will be destroyed if your services are sleeping and don't have activities in memory.
That being said, putting a variable in the application context is probably the best place. Create a class that extends Application and set AndroidManifest.xml to use this. Just don't expect the value to be there if you try to use it from services or broadcast receivers.
Also, unless you're having problems with the activities loading too slowly, you're better off spending time on features than optimization.
You can declare objects as public static and reference them from another class. ActivityA:
public static int testIntegerA = 42;
Intent intentInteger = new Intent(getActivityContext(), ActivityB.class);
intentInteger.putExtra("INTENT_EXTRA", testIntegerA);
public static int intentInt, staticInt;
staticInt = ActivityA.testIntegerA;
intentInt = getIntent().getExtras().getInt("INTENT_EXTRA");
Now both intentInt and staticInt equal 42;

Android - How to avoid duplicate code between activities

This is a bit of a general question, but I will give a specific example for you.
I have a bunch of activities in an App. In all of the activities, there is a Facebook button. When you click the button it takes you to a specific Facebook page. I wish for the button to behave exactly the same way on every page.
Right now, in every single Activity, I create an onClickListener() for the Facebook button and make the intent and start the activity. It's the same code in every single Activity.
What is the best way to write this code once and include it in multiple activities? Is there anyway to include other .java files?
One solution that I know would work, is to make a base CustomActivity class that extends Activity and then have all activities extend CustomActivity. Then put my onClickListener() code in CustomActivity. I'm new to Java though and I wasn't sure if that was the best approach or not. Some of my Activities already extend other custom activity classes as is, so extending things that extend more things might get kinda messy, I dunno.
Playing the devil's advocate here: Lets say I went with the inheritance route and I create some CustomActivity that I want my Activities to extend. CustomActivity would contain a bunch of general code that I need to use for all Activities, including but not limited to the Facebook button functionality. What happens when there is an Activity that I need to use generic code from the CustomActivity but there is no Facebook button in that specific Activity?
A common base class is perhaps the best approach. (It doesn't work quite so well if some of your activities extend Activity and some extend Activity subclasses (such as ListActivity).
An alternate approach is to create a separate class that implements the logic of your click listener. This doesn't eliminate all duplicate code — each activity still needs to instantiate and register a listener — but the logic for what to do will only need to be written once in the listener class.
In either alternative, you might consider assigning the android:onClick attribute to the button. That way you don't need to register a click listener; you just need to implement the target method in each activity. This is particularly useful with the base class approach.
Suppose you go the inheritance route and you want an activity with no Facebook button. If you are using the android:onClick technique, then you don't have to do anything different in your code — since no button will invoke your onClick method, the method will just sit there doing nothing. If you are installing an OnClickListener in code, then you just need to test that the button exists (i.e., that findViewById() did not return null) before registering the listener.
Generally a common base class is NOT the best approach (although it's certainly valid).
This took me (and every OO programmer who "gets" OO that I know of) a while to really grok, but you should use inheritance as sparingly as you possibly can. Every time you do it you should ask yourself if there is REALLY no other way to do this.
One way to find out is to be very strict with the "is-a" test--if you call your base activity a "Facebook Activity", could you really say that each child "is" a Facebook activity? Probably not. Also if you decided to add in Twitter to some of the pages (but not others), how do you do this?
Not that inheritance is completely out! A great solution might be to extend a control to launch your facebook activity and call it a facebook button--have it encapsulate all the stuff you need to do to connect to facebook. Now you can add this to any page you want by simply dragging it on (I'm pretty sure android tools let you add new components to the pallet). It's not "Free" like extending your activity class, but in the long run it will cost you a lot less stress.
You probably won't believe me now, we all need to learn from our own experience, just keep this in mind and use it to evaluate your code as you evolve it over time.
--edit, comment response--
You can encapsulate any facebook activity you think you will use a lot in it's own class--get it to a bare minimum so you can just add it to any class in a one-liner.
At some point, however, you may decide that it's STILL too much boilerplate, I totally understand. At that point you COULD use an abstract base activity like you suggest, but I wouldn't hard-code it to handle facebook explicitly, instead I'd have it support behaviors such as facebook (and maybe others), and turn-on these behaviors as desired. You could then tell it NOT to add the facebook behavior to a given screen if you like, or add in Twitter to some of them.
You can make this boilerplate minimum, for instance if you want "Standard" functionality, you shouldn't have to do anything special, if you wish to disable facebook you might start your constructor with:
and if you want one that also enables Twitter you could use:
with a constructor like AbstractAction(BehaviorEnum... behaviors).
This is more flexible and you actually can say that each if your activities IS-A "behavior supporting activity" with a clear conscience.
It is, of course, a perfectly good approach to be less flexible at first and refactor into a pattern like this later when you need to, just be on the look-out for your inheritance model causing problems so you don't let it mess you up for too long before you fix it.
Well, extending things is the principle of OOP, so I don't think this is a problem to have more than one level of subclasses. The solution you thought about is in my opinion the best.
Absolutely. Use inheritance to gain some reusability as you should with OOP. You'll find, as you progress, that there are gonna be more and more things you'd like to reuse in your activities -- things more complex than an onClickListener for a FB button -- so it's a great idea to start building a nice, reusable "super" activity that you can inherit from.

Alternatives to static variables in Android

I am using static Arrays and HashMaps to store some values in my AppWidgetProvider class. But they are becoming null when the process dies, so the widget does not work anymore. Are there any alternatives to using static members to store data for an AppWidgetProvider in Android?
The "correct" way to do what you're doing (I believe) would be SharedPreferences. The Android dev guide has a great page on the different methods of Data Storage in Android. Also, try not to use too many static values; perhaps what you're doing would be better accomplished with singleton classes, though, from the question, it's hard to tell what you're using them for.
Have you checked out Typed Array Resources?
Resource Types in the Android Dev Guide
You can write an object to a file .Define class and fill it with required values at run time use objectwriter to save it
