I have table with 3 columns. The table is using a CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY.
All three columns can be resized by the user.
When the table's width increases or decreases, I would like for the middle column to stay the same width as it was (in pixels) and for the excess space be distributed (or taken) from the other columns in the same basic way that it's happening now.
Basically, I would the SplitPane.setResizableWithParent( <child>, false ) functionality for a table column.
Any idea how to accomplish this?
How about to reset min and max width only when the column is dragged. This is a example as a inner class.
class CustomResizePolicy implements Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures, Boolean> {
static final double DEFAULT_MIN_WIDTH = 10.0F, DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH = 5000.0F;
public Boolean call(TableView.ResizeFeatures feature) {
final TableColumn<?,?> c = feature.getColumn();
if (c == column2) {
boolean result = TableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY.call(feature);
if (c == column2) {
return result;
tableView.setColumnResizePolicy(new CustomResizePolicy());
column2.setMaxWidth(200); // Need to fix column2's width in this case
column1.setMaxWidth(5000); // Divide left margin with a ratio of 1:2
I need to show multi-line content in a JTable. The actual content is a collection of objects maintained in a custom model, which extends DefaultTableModel and generates cell content on the fly by overriding getValueAt().
In order to have multi-line content, I have implemented a custom TableCellRenderer:
private class MultiLineCellRenderer extends JTextArea implements TableCellRenderer {
public MultiLineCellRenderer() {
setBorder(new EmptyBorder(-1, 2, -1, 2));
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,
boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
String text = value == null ? "" : value.toString();
if (!getText().equals(text)) {
int newHeight = table.getRowHeight() * getLineCount();
if (table.getRowHeight(row) != newHeight)
table.setRowHeight(row, newHeight);
if (isSelected) {
} else {
return this;
Now if I populate the table with a few hundred rows (column count is 2), I see the AWT worker thread starting to max out one CPU core. At the same time, memory consuption goes up from ~100 MB to ten times that amount and further. That happens even if the application is not actually doing anything (no data loaded in the background, no user interaction) and stops only when I clear the collection from which the table gets its content.
By commenting out select sections of code, I have identified these lines as the culprit:
int newHeight = table.getRowHeight() * getLineCount();
if (table.getRowHeight(row) != newHeight)
table.setRowHeight(row, newHeight);
If I comment out this section, all table rows have the same height (1 row of text), but memory consumption stays around ~100 MB.
If I replace these lines with a single call to table.setRowHeight(row, 32), i.e. with a fixed value, memory consumption starts going up again indefinitely.
The following modification works, at the expense of all rows having the same height:
int newHeight = getRowHeight() * getLineCount();
if (table.getRowHeight() < newHeight)
Bottom line: it seems setting individual row heights in a JTable creates a massive memory leak. Am I doing something wrong, or have I encountered an actual bug? In the latter case, are there any known fixes/workarounds?
Setting the row height triggers a redraw, which in turn triggers another call to the renderer. Therefore, it is important to set the row height only if it is different from the current one, in order to avoid an endles loop. This is what happens when you call setRowHeight() unconditionally, even with a fixed value.
A second issue is that each row comprises two cells, which may have different heights. The code above will set the row height to match the cell being rendered right now. When the other cell of that row gets rendered and has a different height, the row height gets changed again. That will trigger a redraw, also of the first column in the row. Since that will result in another height change, there’s the infine loop again.
Proof: the following code fixes this:
int newHeight = table.getRowHeight() * getLineCount();
if (table.getRowHeight(row) < newHeight)
table.setRowHeight(row, newHeight);
Now the row height will only increase, but never decrease, thus breaking the infinite loop. Side effect: if the cell contents change and now occupy fewer rows than before, the row height will not change to reflect this.
Bottom line: rendering a JTable with multiline cells is non-trivial, and SO has quite a few buggy examples. The only working example I found (thanks to another SO post) is at https://www.javaspecialists.eu/archive/Issue106.html.
Their solution is to store cell heights internally in the renderer (though this could also be done in the table model, whichever works best for your implementation). When calculating the height of a cell, store it, then get the maximum height of any cell in the row and use that. Also be sure to set the row height only if it differs from the current one.
That has fixed the memory leak/processor consumption issue, in addition to finally giving me a working example of how to calculate cell height properly.
I figured out how to drag to highlight multiple cells in a GridLayout-designed grid (which wasn't too hard) and how to drag a cell from one such grid to another (which involved brute force and math, but it turned out not to be all that hard, either).
But the code looks and feels hacked.
How should I have done it?
Here are code fragments that typify what I did to drag content (one char):
For each cell in txtUser[] grid add mouse listener to identify the cell about to be dragged and also access its content:
txtUser[i].addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseListener()
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
currentUserCell.index = interp(e.getXOnScreen(), ulcUser.x, txtUser[0].getWidth());
if(txtUser[currentUserCell.index].getText().length() > 0)
currentUserCell.content = txtUser[currentUserCell.index].getText().charAt(0);
Here's interp(), which converts from absolute screen pixel (x) to (returned) grid element number, given the upper-left corner of the text field array and the width of one element:
static int interp(int x, int ulc, int w){
return (x - ulc)/w;
If the user moves the frame, interp() above doesn't work, requiring need to reorient():
void reorient(){
ulcGrid = new Point(cells[ 0][ 0].getLocationOnScreen().x, cells[ 0][ 0].getLocationOnScreen().y);
ulcUser = new Point(txtUser[ 0] .getLocationOnScreen().x, txtUser[ 0] .getLocationOnScreen().y);
(I tried to use relative pixel locations, but couldn't make it work. I may revisit this.)
In order to drop the dragged content, the destination had better be inbounds():
boolean inbounds(int r, int c){
return ! (r >= N || c >= N || r < 0 || c < 0);
If inbounds, the letter is dropped, as long as destination is empty:
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
int x, y;
if(! dragging)
dragging = false;
x = e.getLocationOnScreen().x;
y = e.getLocationOnScreen().y;
int c = Utilities.interp(x, ulcGrid.x);
int r = Utilities.interp(y, ulcGrid.y);
if(! inbounds(r, c))
if(cells[r][c].getText().length() > 0)
cells[r][c].setText("" + currentUserCell.content);
The previous method required a MouseMotionAdapter for each cell of the source array.
And it just seems so hacked. One reason I say this is that I rely on several global variables, such as ulcGrid and ulcUser and currentUserCell and dragging:
private void txtUserMouseDragged(MouseEvent evt)
dragging = true;
I had a nice learning experience, but I'd rather have more-professional-looking code, most notably with fewer global variables. (I realize that a good start would be to not rely on absolute pixel addresses.)
So I'm asking where to find a better way, specifically how to identify the drag source and destination cells of a one- or two-dimensional array of text fields.
My program works. My question is about whether there is a library that would make it easier and more reliable than what I've written to drag from the one-dimenional array at the bottom of the screen below onto the large grid.
But now that I've read the comments, maybe this is just another bad question that should be deleted.
I am looking for a method to split wide tables so that they span across multiple pages. The goal is to make tables with large number of columns readable. I found one discussion thread where this topic is covered; however, the example referenced in there is not available. Manning's "iText in Action" (2006) doesn't cover this topic.
Can this be done in version 1.4.8, if not, to which version of iText should I upgrade to?
Please take a look at the examples of chapter 4 of my book, more specifically at the Zhang example. In this example, I have a table with four columns: (1) year, (2) movie title in English, (3) movie title in Chinese, and (4) run length. If you look at the resulting PDF, you will see that this table is split vertically.
Achieving this requires more work then simply adding a table and allowing iText to decide how to split it in between rows. When you want to split in between columns, you need to organize the layout in your code. This is done using the writeSelectedRows()) method.
In my simple book example, I use these lines:
// draw the first two columns on one page
table.writeSelectedRows(0, 2, 0, -1, 236, 806, canvas);
// draw the remaining two columns on the next page
table.writeSelectedRows(2, -1, 0, -1, 36, 806, canvas);
First I draw the columns from index 0 to index 2. The column with index 0 is the first column, the column with index 2 is the first column that isn't included, namely the third column. I draw the rows from index 0 (first row) until -1. Minus one means: draw all the remaining rows.
You also see minus one on the next page, where I draw the column with index 2 (the third column) until the column with index -1 (meaning: the rest of the columns).
The values (236, 806) and (36, 806) are coordinates: that's where you want the table to start. You can't define "end coordinates". If the table doesn't fit on the page, iText will just continue drawing the table, even if that means that some content exceeds the visible area of the page. This means that you'll have to be very careful when using this method: you'll need to calculate widths and heights of rows and columns before adding the table, otherwise you may end up with parts of the table that aren't visible.
This is the source code of a class that splits your table over multiple pages when your columns don't fit in a single page
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import com.lowagie.text.Document;
import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
* Class that writes a <code>PdfPTable</code>, and spans it across multiple
* pages if the columns won't fit on one page
public class PdfPTableWriter {
// Instance variables
private PdfPTable table;
private PdfWriter writer;
private Document document;
// List of how many columns per horizontal page
private List numberOfColumnsPerPage;
// List of how many rows per vertical page
private List numberOfRowsPerPage;
// Offsets if given
private float widthOffset = 20;
private float heightOffset = 70;
* Class Constructor
public PdfPTableWriter(Document document, PdfWriter writer, PdfPTable table) {
this.document = document;
this.writer = writer;
this.table = table;
* Writes the table to the document
public void writeTable() throws DocumentException {
// Begin at row 1 (row after the header)
int rowBegin = 1;
int rowEnd = 0;
// Note the size of numberOfRowsPerPage is how many vertical
// pages there are.
Iterator rowsIter = numberOfRowsPerPage.iterator();
while (rowsIter.hasNext()) {
rowEnd = ((Integer) rowsIter.next()).intValue();
writeSelectedRows(rowBegin, rowEnd);
rowBegin = rowEnd;
* Prints the Report's columns (splitting horizontally if necessary) and
* subsequent rows
* #param rowBegin
* #param rowEnd
* #throws DocumentException
private void writeSelectedRows(int rowBegin, int rowEnd) throws DocumentException {
int colBegin = 0;
int colEnd = 0;
float pageHeight = document.getPageSize().getHeight() - heightOffset;
PdfContentByte contentByte = writer.getDirectContent();
Iterator columnsIter = numberOfColumnsPerPage.iterator();
while (columnsIter.hasNext()) {
colEnd = colBegin + ((Integer) columnsIter.next()).intValue();
// Writer table header
writeSelectedRows(colBegin, colEnd, 0, 1, widthOffset, pageHeight);
// Writes selected rows to the document
writeSelectedRows(colBegin, colEnd, rowBegin, rowEnd, widthOffset, pageHeight - table.getRowHeight(0) /*table.getHeaderHeight()*/);
// Add a new page
colBegin = colEnd;
public int getTotalPages() {
return numberOfColumnsPerPage.size() * numberOfRowsPerPage.size();
public void setHeightOffset(float heightOffset) {
this.heightOffset = heightOffset;
public void setWidthOffset(float widthOffset) {
this.widthOffset = widthOffset;
private void writeSelectedRows(int colBegin, int colEnd, int rowBegin, int rowEnd, float x, float y) {
PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();
table.writeSelectedRows(colBegin, colEnd, rowBegin, rowEnd, x, y, cb);
private void calculateColumns() {
numberOfColumnsPerPage = new ArrayList();
float pageWidth = document.getPageSize().getWidth() - widthOffset;
float[] widths = table.getAbsoluteWidths();
if (table.getTotalWidth() > pageWidth) {
// tmp variable for amount of total width thus far
float tmp = 0f;
// How many columns for this page
int columnCount = 0;
// Current page we're on
int currentPage = 0;
// Iterate through the column widths
for (int i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) {
// Add to the temporary total
tmp += widths[i];
// If this column will not fit on the page
if (tmp > pageWidth) {
// Add the current column count to this page
numberOfColumnsPerPage.add(new Integer(columnCount));
// Since this column won't fit, the tmp variable should
// start off the next iteration
// as this column's width
tmp = widths[i];
// Set column count to 1, since we have moved this column to
// the next page
columnCount = 1;
// If this is will fit on the page
else {
// Increase the column count
// Save the remaining columns
numberOfColumnsPerPage.add(new Integer(columnCount));
// All the columns will fit on one horizontal page
// Note: -1 means all the columns
else {
numberOfColumnsPerPage.add(new Integer(-1));
private void calculateRows() {
numberOfRowsPerPage = new ArrayList();
float pageHeight = document.getPageSize().getHeight() - heightOffset - table.getRowHeight(0) /*table.getHeaderHeight()*/;
// If the table won't fit on the first page
if (table.getTotalHeight() > pageHeight /*table.getHeaderHeight()*/) {
// Temp variables
float tmp = 0f;
// Determine the start and end rows for each page
for (int i = 1; i < table.size(); i++) {
// Add this row's height to the tmp total
tmp += table.getRowHeight(i);
if (tmp > pageHeight - (heightOffset/2)) {
// This row won't fit so end at previous row
numberOfRowsPerPage.add(new Integer(i - 1));
// Since this row won't fit, the tmp variable should start
// off the next iteration
// as this row's height
tmp = table.getRowHeight(i);
// Last page always ends on totalRows
numberOfRowsPerPage.add(new Integer(table.size()));
// All the rows will fit on one vertical page
// Note: -1 means all the rows
else {
numberOfRowsPerPage.add(new Integer(-1));
Well, I'll try to give you some kind of response. First at all, as #mkl says, 1.4.8 is ancient version. Look at http://sourceforge.net/projects/itext/files/iText/ to get something better, the last version is 5.4.5. And as I know, there is no way to split wide table in two pages. If the document is "a bit" wider than the page - rotate the page, but if you have many columns that don't fit - you have to do it your way and this could be painful. There is no automatic function that can check if your columns have too much text and don't fit the page.
Hope this helps you.
So I'm wondering how to go about filling a ListView with empty rows. The ListView is populated via SQLite db so say for instance there is only 3 items in the list I want to fill the rest of the screen with empty rows. Here is a screenshot of what I mean. Yes I know it's from iPhone but it demonstrates what I mean:
The cheap way is to add extra "rows" in your layout xml. Any extra rows will be cut off by the screen. This can get messy: a higher-res screen might require you add many extra TextViews. Since they get cut off, I suppose you could add as many as you'd like. It would look something like this:
Another option is to add extra rows to your ListView, as mentioned previously. If you are bound to an array, add extra blank rows to the array and handle it appropriately. Coincidentally, if you are using a Cursor you can use a MaxtrixCursor & MergeCursor as described in this answer
I ended up using a combination of these methods. I try my best to calculate the number of rows I want to add to my ListView, but I error on the side of caution and have a couple TextViews underneath my ListView that make it all come together.
When you create the Array the is going to be bound to the ListView you just need to add a few rows at the end of the Array with empty strings.
Using a textview below the listview seems to give the illusion of what I was going for.
#kabir's solution works. Now if you are like me (wanted to have two alternate colors in background, this is his dispached method rewritten (or let's say edited)
protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
int caseLastChildBottom = -1;
int caselastChildHeight = -1;
int caseNrOfLines = -1;
//makes the colors follow the order (alternateColor1 - alternateColor2 - alternateColor1 - etc.)
int plusIndex = 1;
if (this.getChildCount() % 2 == 0)
plusIndex = 0;
// ListView's height
final int currentHeight = getMeasuredHeight();
// this will let you know the status for the ListView, fitting/not fitting content
final int scrolledHeight = computeVerticalScrollRange();
//empty listview (no item)
if (scrolledHeight == 0) {
//no childs exist so we take the top
caseLastChildBottom = 0;
//last child doesn't exist, so we set a default height (took the value in dp in the item row's height)
caselastChildHeight = convertDpToPx(DEFAULT_CHILD_ROW_S_HEIGHT);
// determine the number of lines required to fill the ListView
caseNrOfLines = currentHeight / caselastChildHeight;
//there is a remaining gap to fill
else {
final View lastChild = getChildAt(getChildCount() - 1);
if (lastChild == null) return;
// values used to know where to start drawing lines
caseLastChildBottom = lastChild.getBottom();
// last child's height(use this to determine an appropriate value for the row height)
caselastChildHeight = lastChild.getMeasuredHeight();
// determine the number of lines required to fill the ListView
caseNrOfLines = (currentHeight - caseLastChildBottom) / caselastChildHeight;
// values used to know where to start drawing lines
final int lastChildBottom = caseLastChildBottom;
// last child's height(use this to determine an appropriate value for the row height)
final int lastChildHeight = caselastChildHeight;
// determine the number of lines required to fill the ListView
final int nrOfLines = caseNrOfLines;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nrOfLines; i++) {
Rect r = new Rect(0, lastChildBottom + i * lastChildHeight, getMeasuredWidth(), lastChildBottom + (i + 1) * lastChildHeight);
canvas.drawRect(r, (i + plusIndex) % 2 == 0 ? alternateColorView1 : alternateColorView2);
//is there a gap at the bottom of the list
if(currentHeight - (nrOfLines *lastChildHeight) > 0){
Rect r = new Rect(0, lastChildBottom + i * lastChildHeight,getMeasuredWidth(), currentHeight);
canvas.drawRect(r, (i + plusIndex) % 2 == 0 ? alternateColorView1 : alternateColorView2);
I forgot these two Paint colors (just as #kabir declared the colors):
I have a JTable in which I set the column size as follows:
This works fine, but when the table is maximized, I get empty space to the right of the last column. Is it possible to make the last column resize to the end of the window when resized?
I found AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN property in docs but it does not work.
Edit: JTable is in a JScrollPane its prefered size is set.
What happens if you call setMinWidth(400) on the last column instead of setPreferredWidth(400)?
In the JavaDoc for JTable, read the docs for doLayout() very carefully. Here are some choice bits:
When the method is called as a result of the resizing of an enclosing window, the
resizingColumn is null. This means that resizing has taken place "outside" the JTable
and the change - or "delta" - should be distributed to all of the columns regardless of
this JTable's automatic resize mode.
This might be why AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN didn't help you.
Note: When a JTable makes adjustments to the widths of the columns it respects their
minimum and maximum values absolutely.
This says that you might want to set Min == Max for all but the last columns, then set Min = Preferred on the last column and either not set Max or set a very large value for Max.
With JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF, the table will not change the size of any of the columns for you, so it will take your preferred setting. If it is your goal to have the columns default to your preferred size, except to have the last column fill the rest of the pane, You have the option of using the JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN autoResizeMode, but it might be most effective when used with TableColumn.setMaxWidth() instead of TableColumn.setPreferredWidth() for all but the last column.
Once you are satisfied that AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN does in fact work, you can experiment with a combination of TableColumn.setMaxWidth() and TableColumn.setMinWidth()
JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN is defined as "During all resize operations, apply adjustments to the last column only" which means you have to set the autoresizemode at the end of your code, otherwise setPreferredWidth() won't affect anything!
So in your case this would be the correct way:
Use this method
public static void setColumnWidths(JTable table, int... widths) {
TableColumnModel columnModel = table.getColumnModel();
for (int i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) {
if (i < columnModel.getColumnCount()) {
else break;
Or extend the JTable class:
public class Table extends JTable {
public void setColumnWidths(int... widths) {
for (int i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) {
if (i < columnModel.getColumnCount()) {
else break;
And then
table.setColumnWidths(30, 150, 100, 100);
Reading the remark of Kleopatra (her 2nd time she suggested to have a look at javax.swing.JXTable, and now I Am sorry I didn't have a look the first time :) )
I suggest you follow the link
I had this solution for the same problem: (but I suggest you follow the link above)
On resize the table, scale the table column widths to the current table total width.
to do this I use a global array of ints for the (relative) column widths):
private int[] columnWidths=null;
I use this function to set the table column widths:
public void setColumnWidths(int[] widths){
int nrCols=table.getModel().getColumnCount();
//current width of the table:
int totalWidth=table.getWidth();
int totalWidthRequested=0;
int nrRequestedWidths=columnWidths.length;
int defaultWidth=(int)Math.floor((double)totalWidth/(double)nrCols);
for(int col=0;col<nrCols;col++){
int width = 0;
//Note: for the not defined columns: use the defaultWidth
log.fine("Setting column widths: nr of columns do not match column widths requested");
//calculate the scale for the column width
double factor=(double)totalWidth/(double)totalWidthRequested;
for(int col=0;col<nrCols;col++){
int width = defaultWidth;
//scale the requested width to the current table width
When setting the data I call:
and on changing I call the ComponentListener set to the parent of the table (in my case the JScrollPane that is the container of my table):
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent componentEvent) {
note that the JTable table is also global:
private JTable table;
And here I set the listener:
scrollPane=new JScrollPane(table);
This code is worked for me without setAutoResizeModes.
TableColumnModel columnModel = jTable1.getColumnModel();
will default the resize behavior ! If this method is called somewhere in your code AFTER you did set the column resize properties all your settings will be reset. This side effect can happen indirectly. F.e. as a consequence of the linked data model being changed in a way this method is called, after properties are set.
No need for the option, just make the preferred width of the last column the maximum and it will take all the extra space.
Use this code. It worked for me. I considered for 3 columns. Change the loop value for your code.
TableColumn column = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
column = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(i);
if (i == 0)
if (i == 2)