How can I encode JSON object content into a JSON string? - java

Trying to find a way to stringify a JSON string, with escape characters like JavaScript.
For example --
I am able to get the object as JSON String using Gson, but not stringify (with escape characters).
Is this possible with Java?

Your input is a JSON object as text, presumably stored in a String. You're essentially trying to convert that text to a JSON string. So do just that.
String input = "{\"name\":\"Error\",\"message\":\"hello\"}";
System.out.println("Original JSON content: " + input);
Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonified = gson.toJson(input);
System.out.println("JSONified: " + jsonified);
Since quotes (and other characters) must be escaped in JSON strings, the toJson will properly perform that transformation.
The code above will produce the
Original JSON content: {"name":"Error","message":"hello"}
JSONified: "{\"name\":\"Error\",\"message\":\"hello\"}"
In other words, jsonified now contains the content of a JSON string.
With Jackson, the process is the same, just serialize the String instance that contains your JSON object text
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
mapper.writeValue(writer, input);
jsonified = writer.toString();
System.out.println("JSONified: " + jsonified);
JSONified: "{\"name\":\"Error\",\"message\":\"hello\"}"

Another solution, I noted in comments:
Jackson's JsonStringEncoder.quoteAsString() Example:

You can try this on your output json string :
String strWithEscChar = output.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"");


How Spring-boot application will know that input is in the form of XML or JSON payload?

When we get input from any other Service/API in our own microservice, how our spring-boot application will know that the input type is either XML type or JSON type payload internally. And. After it is getting the actual kind of payload as input if I want to convert from XML to JSON or vice-versa, how it will work, will it have the same native method as below;
public static String xml= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><root><test attribute=\"text1\">XML DATA</test><test attribute=\"text2\">DATA DATA</test></root>";
JSONObject json = XML.toJSONObject(xml);
String jsonString = json.toString(4);
//Convert from XML to JSON
and while converting from XML to JSON,
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonString);
String xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-15\"?>\n<"+root+">" + XML.toString(jsonObject) + "</"+root+">";
Or is there any other way to convert?
Simply my query is like, how to know what is the input type and how our application will recognize this?
You can read the content type request header as an argument in your controller's class mapping method:
public class APIController {
public String getMethod(#RequestBody String body, #RequestHeader("Content-type") String contentType) {

java string to json conversion using json lib

Issue here that while converting to json object decimal value get truncated. I'm using Json-lib for below code.
String str = "{'key':'key','type':'string','value':9276658.1}";
JSONObject fromObject = JSONObject.fromObject(str);
// sysout -> output {"key":"key","type":"string","value":9276658}
How to fix this?

way to parse my json in java

I want to parse my json string at run time. But, the problem is my json string is not a valid one due to some issues. Is there any way to parse the json with validation. My json string looks like this:
{"page_1":"{\"city\":\"Delhi\",\"locality\":\"Alaknanda\",\"Name_of_Person\":\"Varun Patil\",\"User_email_address\":\"\",\"user_phone_number\":\"\",\"sub_locality\":\"\",\"street_name\":\"Pune\",\"home_plot_no\":\"xyz\",\"pin_code\":\"411060\",\"project_society_build_name\":\"\",\"landmark_reference_1\":\"\",\"landmark_reference_2\":\"\",\"No_of_Schools\":20,\"No_of_Hospitals\":20,\"No_of_Metro\":0,\"No_of_Mall\":20,\"No_of_Park\":20,\"Distance_of_schools\":1.51,\"Distance_of_Hospitals\":2.5,\"Distance_of_Metro\":0,\"Distance_of_Mall\":1.9,\"Distance_of_Park\":1.1,\"lat\":28.5304408,\"lng\":77.2505733,\"ipinfo\":{\"ip\":\"\",\"hostname\":\"No Hostname\",\"city\":\"Pune\",\"region\":\"Maharashtra\",\"country\":\"IN\",\"loc\":\"18.5333,73.8667\",\"org\":\"AS9829 National Internet Backbone\",\"postal\":\"411001\"}}","page_2":"{\"home_type\":\"Flat\",\"area\":\"1000\",\"beds\":\"2 BHK\",\"bath_rooms\":2,\"building_age\":\"3\",\"floors\":\"\",\"balcony\":1,\"amenities\":\"regular\",\"amenities_options\":{\"gated_security\":\"\",\"physical_security\":\"\",\"cctv_camera\":\"\",\"controll_access\":\"\",\"elevator\":\"\",\"power_back_up\":\"\",\"parking\":\"\",\"partial_parking\":\"\",\"onsite_maintenance_store\":\"\",\"open_garden\":\"\",\"party_lawn\":\"\",\"amenities_balcony\":\"\",\"club_house\":\"\",\"fitness_center\":\"\",\"swimming_pool\":\"\",\"party_hall\":\"\",\"tennis_court\":\"\",\"basket_ball_court\":\"\",\"squash_coutry\":\"\",\"amphi_theatre\":\"\",\"business_center\":\"\",\"jogging_track\":\"\",\"convinience_store\":\"\",\"guest_rooms\":\"\"},\"interior\":\"regular\",\"interior_options\":{\"tiles\":\"\",\"marble\":\"\",\"wooden\":\"\",\"modular_kitchen\":\"\",\"partial_modular_kitchen\":\"\",\"gas_pipe\":\"\",\"intercom_system\":\"\",\"air_conditioning\":\"\",\"partial_air_conditioning\":\"\",\"wardrobe\":\"\",\"sanitation_fixtures\":\"\",\"false_ceiling\":\"\",\"partial_false_ceiling\":\"\",\"recessed_lighting\":\"\"},\"location\":\"regular\",\"location_options\":{\"good_view\":\"\",\"transporation_hub\":\"\",\"shopping_center\":\"\",\"hospital\":\"\",\"school\":\"\",\"ample_parking\":\"\",\"park\":\"\",\"temple\":\"\",\"bank\":\"\",\"less_congestion\":\"\",\"less_pollution\":\"\"},\"maintenance\":\"\",\"maintenance_value\":\"\",\"near_by\":{\"school\":\"\",\"hospital\":\"\",\"mall\":\"\",\"park\":\"\",\"metro\":\"\"},\"city\":\"Delhi\",\"locality\":\"Alaknanda\",\"token\":\"9a2a8bf359494054f98c80009b5bd0e7\"}"}
I tried the following methods:
String result =, "UTF-8");
String withCharacters = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(jsonstring);
JSONObject json = (JSONObject)new JSONParser().parse(jsonstring);
System.out.println("city=" + json.get("city"));
System.out.println("locality=" + json.get("locality"));
Nothing works for me and any help will be appreciated.
You have some escaped json inside your main json structure. That means it's valid json, but after parsing the main structure you have to parse the value of page_1 (and probably all remaining pages as well). Try this:
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
JSONObject json = (JSONObject)parser.parse(jsonstring);
JSONObject nestedJson = (JSONObject)parser.parse(json.get("page_1"));
System.out.println("city=" + nestedJson.get("city"));

How to change some values in a .JSON file and then write it back while keeping the JSON formatting ? (Java)

The JSON example file consists of:
"1st_key": "value1",
"2nd_key": "value2",
"object_keys": {
"obj_1st": "value1",
"obj_2nd": "value2",
"obj_3rd": "value3",
I read the JSON file into a String with this StringBuilder method, in order to add the newlines into the string itself. So the String looks exactly like the JSON file above.
public String getJsonContent(String fileName) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("");
File file = new File(fileName);
try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file)) {
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
String line = scanner.nextLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
return result.toString();
Then I translate the JSON file into an Object using MongoDB API (with DBObject, BasicDBObject and util.JSON) and I call out the Object section I need to change, which is 'object_keys':
File jsonFile = new File(C:\\example.json);
String jsonString = getJsonContent(jsonFile.getAbsolutePath());
DBObject jsonObject = (DBObject)JSON.parse(jsonString);
BasicDBObject objectKeys = (BasicDBObject) jsonObject.get("object_keys");
Now I can write new values into the Object using the PUT method like this:
! This following part not needed, check out my answer below.
After I have changed the object, I need to write it back into the json file, so I need to translate the Object into a String. There are two methods to do this, either one works.
String newJSON = jsonObject.toString();
String newJSON = JSON.serialize(jsonObject);
Then I write the content back into the file using PrintWriter
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(C:\\example.json)
The problem I am facing now is that the String that is written is in a single line with no formatting whatosever. Somewhere along the way it lost all the newlines. So it basically looks like this:
{"1st_key": "value1","2nd_key": "value2","object_keys": { "obj_1st": "NEW_VALUE1","obj_2nd": "NEW_VALUE2","obj_3rd": "NEW_VALUE3", }}
I need to write the JSON file back in the same format as shown in the beginning, keeping all the tabulation, spaces etc.
Is this possible somehow ?
When you want something formatted the way you said it is addressed as writing to a file in a pretty/beautiful way. For example: Output beautiful json. A quick search on google found what i believe to solve your problem.
You're going to have to use a json parser of some sort. I personally prefer org.json and would recommend it if you are manipulating the json data, but you may also like json-io which is really good for json serialization with no external dependencies.
With json-io, it's as simple as
String formattedJson = JsonWriter.formatJson(jsonObject.toString())
With org.json, you simply pass an int to the toString method.
Thanks Saraiva, I found a surprisingly simple solution by Googling around with the words 'pretty printing JSON' and used the Google GSON library. I downloaded the .jar and added it to my project in Eclipse.
These are the new imports I needed:
Since I already had the JSON Object (jsonObject) readily available from my previous code, I only needed to add two new lines:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
String newJSON = gson.toJson(jsonObject);
Now when I use writer.print(newJSON); it will write the JSON in the right format, beautifully formatted and indented.

convert arrayList multimap to json string?

I have the following code:
public static void postHttpStream(ArrayListMultimap<String, String> fcmbuildProperties){
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonString = gson.toJson(fcmbuildProperties);
where fcmbuildProperties is an ArrayListMultimap. I try to convert that to JSON here: String jsonString = gson.toJson(fcmbuildProperties); But this returns an empty array. What do I need to do instead?
This is the input that fcmbuildProperties contain : {[test_project], build.timestamp=[1425600727488], build.number=[121]}
I need to convert this to Json. with key/values.
Use ArrayListMultimap#asMap()
String jsonString = gson.toJson(fcmbuildProperties.asMap());
Gson considers ArrayListMultimap as a Map and ignores its internal state which actually manages the multimap. asMap returns a corresponding Map instance which you can serialize as expected.
