Failed to run java in remote command line with external jar file - java

I want to run my Java code in remote server with external jar file. I referred to this tutorial and run IntelliJ IDE to generate a jar file of my whole project. Now I can run the following code in local terminal successfully.
javac -cp /Users/natsuapo/out/artifacts/main_jar/main.jar:
java -cp /Users/natsuapo/out/artifacts/main_jar/main.jar: new_server_try
The code will run successfully. However, when I try the same thing in server. The compile process can be finished without any errors or warnings.
javac -cp /Users/natsuapo/out/artifacts/main_jar/main.jar:
I have checked that the class file new_server_try.class is generated in the directory.
However the second step will return error as Could not find or load main class new_server_try and I am not sure why this happens.

on the second command try giving the full package name .. like shown below
java -cp "/Users/natsuapo/out/artifacts/main_jar/main.jar:lib/*" my.package.MainClass
also with operating system the command differs, check below
java -cp "Test.jar;lib/*" my.package.MainClass
java -cp "Test.jar:lib/*" my.package.MainClass


No class def found error even though the jar is added to classpath

I am running Java program from command line. I am referring to only 1 external jar file. i have added entire path to that jar in classpath. even then i get no class def found error while running program in command line. Program compiles without any error.
I think you complied and run the Java program like this
javac -cp fullyqualifiedPathToExternalJar yourfilepath/
java -cp fullyqualifiedPathToExternalJar yourfilepath/filename
This is totally wrong. When you compiled and run in this manner program compile successfully but not run. This because you have to follow the syntax of java command Properly.
for compiling its Ok.
javac -cp fullyqualifiedPathToExternalJar yourfilepath/
To run the program you have to add your file path to the classpath:
java -cp fullyqualifiedPathToExternalJar;yourfilepath //in windows
java -cp fullyqualifiedPathToExternalJar:yourfilepath //in linux
The syntax is
java example
with folderpath
javac /home/admin/
java -cp /home/admin example//only class name
Might be the chances of jar's compatibility issue. check yous inter dependent jar versions.

How do I run a .class file created in a Mac on a windows?

I made a program in Java on my Macbook. It compiled and executed properly.
I took the .class file and tried to run it in an another machine with windows on it.
I wanted to examine the platform independent feature of Java.
It first gave me Java launcher error and then kept saying, main class not found.
I did run the program on my Mac using the terminal with the following commands javac
and executed it with java classname
Took the class file and tried to run in a windows machine using the command line with the command java classname.
Things did not run then
Has nothing to do with the OS, if java is installed on the windows machine, the class files should run. First make sure you have the JVM installed, if that's not it, it is because your are not running your main class.
Run main from cmd with this command.
java -cp "ClassPath" FileName

How to compile and run example from Sphinx4 without and IDE in Linux?

I have been testing the examples ( from Sphinx4 with Eclipse, but I would like to compile and run them from the command line.
The application needs 5 .jars to be able to run, I have read that in order to compile a java class with multiple .jars I need to execute the following command (as an example I will show short names):
javac -cp one.jar:two.jar:three.jar:four.jar:five.jar
The console does not throw any error messages:
parias001#parias001-pc:~/Projects/citadel_voices/sphinx_test > javac -cp jsapi.jar:sphinx4.jar:TIDIGITS_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz.jar:WSJ_8gau_13dCep_8kHz_31mel_200Hz_3500Hz.jar:WSJ_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz.jar
parias001#parias001-pc:~/Projects/citadel_voices/sphinx_test >
I think that the compilation succeeded. Now I would like to run the application, I read that in order to do this, I have to execute the command as follows (Using short name example as before):
java -cp one.jar:two.jar:three.jar:four.jar:five.jar HelloWorld
This is the message that the console throws:
parias001#parias001-pc:~/Projects/citadel_voices/sphinx_test > java -cp jsapi.jar:sphinx4.jar:TIDIGITS_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz.jar:WSJ_8gau_13dCep_8kHz_31mel_200Hz_3500Hz.jar:WSJ_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz.jar HelloWorld
Error: Could not find or load main class HelloWorld
I don't know what is going on here, I should also say that I do not have a lot of experience using external .jars.
The names of the .jars are:
I appreciate any help you can give me.
You have to include current directory in classpath:
java -cp .:one.jar:two.jar:three.jar:four.jar:five.jar HelloWorld
Note the leading .:
From this reference:
The default class path is the current directory. Setting the CLASSPATH variable or using the -classpath command-line option overrides that default, so if you want to include the current directory in the search path, you must include "." in the new settings.

Running a java program through command line

I am running a Java program with the following command:
java -cp .:./*
All the jar files are in the same directory. It works FINE! But what if I want to run it from a different folder?
The full location of the java program is: FIX/fixprog/src/com/fix/botclient
But if I try to run:
java -cp FIX/fixprog/src/* FIX/fixprog/src/
I get:
Error: Could not find or load main class
What am I doing wrong? How can I run the same Java program but not in the same directory?
If you have only jar files try:
java -cp FIX/fixprog/src/*
If you have also classes you should try:
java -cp FIX/fixprog/src/*:FIX/fixprog/src/
If both did not work perhaps you shoud use absolut path with disk unit if you are using windows.
Try if below works. You don't need to specify path when giving the fully qualified name of your java class that you are trying to execute. The "cp" part takes care of it.
java -cp FIX/fixprog/src

Connecting to MySQL database using Java in command prompt

Since I don't have netbeans right now, I am trying to connect to MySQL database from my Java code through command prompt. But it it is not taking the mysql-coonectivity.jar file.
Does anyone know any way to run my program??? Please help.
Try executing the program as it is windows OS
java -cp .;path\of\your\mysql-connector-java-5.1.6.jar className
In case you don't have the mysql-connector-java-[version].jar get it from here
You need to add your MySQL connector jar file while compiling and running your program, you can do it the following way,
To compile :
javac -g -cp mysql-coonectivity.jar;
To Run
java -cp mysql-coonectivity.jar; YourMainClass
NOTE: The above written syntax assumes that your jar file is present at same location as of your program.
To execute program in Linux (Ubuntu) OS follow the below command format:
java -cp .:/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java-8.0.25.jar MainProgram
Assuming you are in the directory where MainProgram.class is exist
After .(dot -- this is for current directory) there is :(colon) as a separator in Linux
