The problem is - fake links in e-mails, which are sent by scammers. They look like:
<a href="" target=
Is there any simple already known solution to discover such fake links using Java? I'm thinking about using regex expressions, filter both links, check if they valid and then to comapare them. Later, if it is fake message, SMTP server will refuse to accept it.
I would like to forward emails from my Lotus Notes inbox to my gmail account.
Lotus Notes rules and agents are disabled on our server, so I developed external application for that.
I am using document.send method and mail successfully arrives to my gmail box.
The only problem is that often the email also duplicated in my Lotus Notes inbox.
I just found that the reason of that is "CC" and "BCC" fields, which I don't clean up,
however, I am looking for the way to forward email as it is - which means keep original CC and BCC and TO fields - exactly on the same way as it is done by forwarding agent.
I am using "IBM Notes 9" on Windows 7 64 bit.
I've prepared a code sample that demonstrates what I am doing.
package com.example;
import lotus.domino.*;
public class TestMailForwarder {
public static void main(String[] args) throws NotesException {
try {
Session notesSession = NotesFactory.createSession(
(String) null, (String) null, Consts.NOTES_PASSWORD);
DbDirectory dir = notesSession.getDbDirectory(Consts.NOTES_SERVER);
Database mailDb = dir.openDatabaseByReplicaID(Consts.MAILDB_REPLICA_ID);
} finally {
private static void forwardAllEmails(Database mailDb) throws NotesException {
View inbox = mailDb.getView("$Inbox");
//noinspection LoopStatementThatDoesntLoop
for (Document document = inbox.getFirstDocument();
null != document;
document = inbox.getNextDocument(document)) {
Instead of trying to send the messages to your GMail, why not upload them using Gmail's IMAP interface. You would require to get the message as MIME content - which probably they are already for external incoming eMails and then push them to GMail.
I don't have a ready code sample, just one for the opposite pulling GMail into Notes, but you should be able to use that as a starting point.
A code sample for the MIME conversion is in an IBM Technote.
Hope that helps
You can't do a transparent forward with code running at the client level. Pure SMTP systems do it by preserving the RFC-822 header content while altering the RFC-821 RCPT TO data. Domino does not give client-level code independent control over these. It just uses the SendTo, CopyTo, and BlindCopyTo items. (There are some tricks that mail management and archiving vendors play in order to do things like this, but they require special changes to the Domino server's router configuration, and software on the other end as well.
Another way of accomplishing this (in response to the question you asked in your comment) would be to have your Java code make a direct connection to the gmail SMTP servers. I'm not sure how easy it is. A comment on this question states that the Java Mail API allows you to control the RCPT TO separately from the RFC822 headers, but I've not looked into the specifics other than taking note that there's an SMTPTransport class -- which is where I'd look for anything related to RFC-821 protocol. The bigger issue is that you will have to take control of converting messages into MIME format. With Notes mail, you may have a mix of Notes rich text and MIME. Theres a convertToMIME method in Notes 8.5.1 and above, but this will only convert the message body. You'll have to deal with any header content separately. (I'm not really up to speed on Notes 9, but AFAIK even though there is functionality in the client to create a .EML file when you drag a message to the desktop, there's no API there to do that for you.)
Finally, I've found a ready solution: AWESYNC.MAIL.
It is a commercial software but it does exactly what I need.
I am working on a piece of Java code where I am reading mails from an array (which works fine). I was wondering if someone can help me with the callback in order to show a fancy message like Your email was sent.
How do I implement this?
Is there any way to get any Boolean type return value from javax.mail to check if the message was sent or not?
Maybe I should create a pool? If yes, how do I do that? Is there any signal to kill the pool?
// addressTo is the array.
Transport t = sesion.getTransport(this.beanMail.getProtocolo());
t.connect(this.beanMail.getUsuario(), this.beanMail.getPassword());
t.sendMessage(mensaje, addressTo);
Quoting from the JavaMail API FAQ (in the context of tracking bounced messages):
While there is an Internet standard for reporting such errors (the multipart/report MIME type, see RFC1892), it is not widely implemented yet. RFC1211 discusses this problem in depth, including numerous examples.In Internet email, the existence of a particular mailbox or user name can only be determined by the ultimate server that would deliver the message. The message may pass through several relay servers (that are not able to detect the error) before reaching the end server. Typically, when the end server detects such an error, it will return a message indicating the reason for the failure to the sender of the original message. There are many Internet standards covering such Delivery Status Notifications but a large number of servers don't support these new standards, instead using ad hoc techniques for returning such failure messages. This makes it very difficult to correlate a "bounced" message with the original message that caused the problem. (Note that this problem is completely independent of JavaMail.)
I have this registration page which works fine ,but for the email field I need to make sure that the email is correct and valid
1 : Correct
2 : Valid
for the correct email add i am using java script validation for maintaining
well that is working fine
but my question is , Is there any web service or java API to make sure whether the mail ID actually is existing and registered
Like my mail id is :
this is actually a existing ID
but i may try,,,
these will pass the java script validation but are not existing in reality
do we have any way to make sure that the mail id exists ??
The only way to check if an email address actually exists is to send an email to it and let the user respond on that.
For example:
a confirmation code that needs to be filled in your website
a link, going to your website, that needs to be visited
And still it is uncertain whether the email is existing afterwards, as it is easy to simply create a temporary email to pass the validation and delete it afterwards.
Instead of validating email addresses you can use the Google API to let your users sign in using their account. It is also possible to use OpenID on a similar way.
This probably isn't possible using existing services and/or API's, since it could be quite a security risk. Use an email with a validation link if you want to be sure the address exists. Or OpenID, as mentioned by BalusC.
I have to send am mail(like an notification) to all the persons who fulfill some criteria.
The mail id will be taken from the database and sent the mail
Where should I look for the implementation in JAVA so that I can sent the a mail to many person.
Have a look at the javax.mail Package
And as Message.RecipientType you should use Message.RecipientType.BCC to not showing the every address to every recipient
Google Keywords: Java Mail BCC
This is how to send email using Java:
To send email to many addresses, just send the same email with different 'to' address
There are several ways to go about this. Assuming you know how to query the database to get the mail and recipients and how to actually send (a single) mail - it's really up to preferences.
Personally I prefer to simply put all recipients in "the BCC-field" and then actually send the mail to a dummy address or my own. That way none of the recipients will be disclosed to the others. If that is not an issue - just put 'em all in the "To-field".
(if in fact querying database and sending mail is the real issue - I'm sure there are quite a few references on this site)
The Apache Commons Email library in an excellent Java API for sending Email. You can use the approach taken by #mbanzon to send the list by adding Bcc fields.
I was trying to see if there was a way to search an email inbox from javax.mail. Say I wanted to send a query and have the it return emails to us. Can we parse returned HTML and extract data. Also, if the above is possible how would I "translate" those messages returned by that server to POP3 messages? E.g. we have extracted:
Subject: Foo
Body: Bar
but to open same message using POP3 I need to know it's POP3 uid, or number. I don't think we'll be able to get UID but perhaps we can figure out the number.
I guess the question is:
Can I send a query to email server (such as Hotmail or Yahoo) and get returned emails?
Unfortunately, the POP3 protocol doesn't support that. It is not like SQL or so. You need to mirror the complete mailbox yourself in some kind of a datastore (SQL database?) and execute the search on that. You can eventually keep/cache the data so that you don't need to retrieve the whole inbox everytime, but only the unread items.