ComboBoxItem not showing selected item smartgwt - java

i've a simple combobox item contained in a Dynamicform made with smartgwt. I've populated the dropdown list with the resultset of some query to the database and it is correctly populated. Then I've set some handler to manage the fact that the combobox is populated based on an other combobox of the for, and it is specifically an onFocus Handler which gives the message to populate at first the first required combo and only then the file combo (the combo in question). The problem is that now i have the populated list and the onfocus event without errors but i cannot select anything in the combo cause whatever i select the row of the selection always remains empty.
This is weird, i don't even get any error in development mode to see if something is wrong.
I'm pasting the code of the combo:
fileComboBox.addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler(){
public void onFocus(FocusEvent event){
String society = (String) getCompany();
if(society==null || society.equals(EMPTY_STRING)){
fileComboBox = new ComboBoxItem() {
protected Criteria getPickListFilterCriteria() {
return getFileCriteria();
public AdvancedCriteria getFileCriteria(){
String society = (String) getCompany();
String societyValue = ( society != null) ? society : "";
Criterion cSociety = new Criterion("codSocGest", OperatorId.EQUALS, societyValue);
return new AdvancedCriteria(OperatorId.AND, new Criterion[]{cSociety});

I solved it turning the combobox into a selectItem


Cannot link text field to RowItem from SQLContainer with Vaadin

I'm building a simple CRUD application with a MySql database as back end. So far I managed to link a grid to the contents of a SQLContainer with the FreeformQuery (so the read is fine).
String query = "select, name, type from asset a join " +
" assettype b on a.assettype_id =";
For the container the SQLContainer. I created a form and I did the binding between its contents and a selected row
grid.addSelectionListener(event -> {
if (event.getSelected().isEmpty()) {
} else {
Item item = container.getItem(event.getSelected().iterator().next());
So, as you see, the form is linked to an Item. setAsset is simply a form method that links the row contents to the text fields of the form.
public void setAsset(Item item) {
this.item = item;
FieldGroup binder = new FieldGroup(this.item);
binder.bind(textField1, "name");
binder.bind(textField2, "type");
Well, I don't know anymore how to add a row, or how to edit an existing one. For editing a row I tried with a save method for the form (that I call with a button) as follows
private void save() throws UnsupportedOperationException, SQLException {
SQLContainer container = db.getContainer();
Well, problem one is that, if I select a grid item, I see the contents of name and type in the text fields but, if I modify their values in the text field before entering the save method, this.item still has the original values (when I thought it would take the new value in the text field because the textfields are bound to the RowItem). Does anybody know what's going on?
In addition, if I want to create a new row, I would like to have something like this
Button createAsset = new Button("Add asset");
createAsset.addClickListener(e ->
form.setAsset(new Item());
and fill the contents of the blank Item() in the form, before pushing it to the table. Of course I can't because Item and RowItem are interfaces. So how can I instantiate an empty row of a container before filling its contents?
Thanks very much in advance.
In the end, I would say that either I din't use the FieldGroup.bind method properly, or that there is a bug in it. This is my original entry
public void setAsset(Item item) {
this.item = item;
FieldGroup binder = new FieldGroup(this.item);
binder.bind(textField1, "name");
binder.bind(textField2, "type");
which did not work, and this is what works (which to me, is the same)
public void setAsset(Item item) {
this.item = item;

SWT TreeViewer with combobox and checkbox

I'm looking for a way to display a tree in the first column of a table/grid with three other columns, one with a combobox and the others with checkboxes. I've been trying to make this work with a TreeViewer but it doesn't quite fit what I'm looking for. The tree goes together fine. The Combobox column where I used the EditorSupport for the column and return a ComboboxCellEditor in the getCellEditor method but you can only see that there is a combobox in the column when you select a cell in that column. Then when you click out of the cell the selected value goes back to the default blank. The same goes for the checkbox columns where it is is only visible when the cell is selected. I'm looking for something that will display my tree with the combobox column and checkbox columns always visible. I've looked at TableViewer but couldn't find a way to force in a tree in the first column. I've looked at Nebula Grid but that doesn't look like it supports comboboxes. Any tips on how to get one of these to work like what I am looking for or if there is some other tree/table/grid I should be looking at. Thanks.
Edit: Here's the code for the EditingSupport class.
private class ComboBoxEditingSupport extends EditingSupport
private ComboBoxCellEditor cellEditor;
public ComboBoxEditingSupport(ColumnViewer viewer)
cellEditor =
new ComboBoxCellEditor(((TreeViewer) viewer).getTree(),
new String[] {
"Some String",
"Some other String" }, SWT.READ_ONLY);
protected CellEditor getCellEditor(Object element)
if (element instanceof MyObject
return cellEditor;
return null;
protected boolean canEdit(Object element)
if (element instanceof MyObject
return true;
return false;
protected Object getValue(Object element)
return 0;
protected void setValue(Object element, Object value)
TreeItem[] ti = treeViewer.getTree().getSelection();
CCombo combo = ((CCombo) cellEditor.getControl());
String str = combo.getItem(combo.getSelectionIndex());
ti[0].setText(1, str);
Your setValue method must update the value in your model data (the data returned by your content provider). The element parameter to setValue is the particular model data object (MyObject) that you should update.
After updating the value call:
getViewer().update(element, null);
to get the tree to update the display from the model.
Trying to update the TreeItem directly will not work.

How to make only some columns editable in a Vaadin Grid?

Vaadin Grid allows to be defined as editable with
This makes all visible columns editable. However I don't want the user to edit an specific column, but seems like the editable is an all or nothing.
The next best solution I have found is to define an editor field with a disabled editor, which almost does the trick but the user is still able to select the text and move the cursor (but the field is not editable anymore).
Grid.Column nameColumn = grid.getColumn("fullName");
nameColumn.setHeaderCaption("Full Name");
private Field<?> getNoEditableTextField() {
TextField noEditableTextFiled = new TextField();
return noEditableTextFiled;
I believe Label cannot be used because it's not a Field.
Is there a better option to achieve this?
edit: as aakath said, there is a way of achieving this not enabling the column to be edited, but in doing so the cell value disappears when you edit the row, which is not desirable.
Did you try calling setEditable(false) method on the column? I believe it should make the field non-editable when the item editor is active.
my solution is below. i have just finished. it was not tested too much. but it may give you some ideas.
private Field<?> getNoEditableField(final String columnName) {
CustomField<Label> result = new CustomField() {
protected Component getContent() {
Label result = (Label) super.getContent();
Object editedItemId = getEditedItemId();
String value = DEFAULT_VALUE;
if (editedItemId != null) {
value = CustomizableGrid.this.toString(getContainerDataSource().getItem(editedItemId).getItemProperty(columnName).getValue());
return result;
protected Component initContent() {
Label result = new Label(DEFAULT_VALUE, ContentMode.HTML);
return result;
public Class getType() {
return Label.class;
result.setConverter(new Converter<Label, Object>() {
//converter for your data
return result;
I had the same problem and didn't want that clicking on id column opens editor. I solved it with adding an ItemClickListener as below. It works fine for me.
grid.addItemClickListener((ItemClickListener<GridBean>) event -> grid.getEditor().setEnabled(!event.getColumn().getCaption().equals("Id")));
Also byc clicking on specific columns Grid is not editable any more.
There is one tricky way to do it! I've just found out it.
So, first of all you need to use grid with container, instead of direct rows adding:
BeanItemContainer<MyBean> container = new BeanItemContainer<>(MyBean.class);
Then remove fields setters from MyBean, except setters for fields what you have to edit.
I think the same can be achieved by making the grid an editable one by grid.setEditorEnabled(true); and disabling editing option for other columns like grid.getColumn(columnName).setEditable(false);. But I am not sure of any demerits of this method. Any suggestion is always appreciated.
Its simple just go to Vaadin Documentation what did from it is below:
you can see here I gave a specified column Name
grid = new Grid<>();
lst = new ArrayList<>();
provider = new ListDataProvider<>(lst);
lst.add(new Company(1, "Java"));
TextField tf = new TextField();
HorizontalLayout hlyt = new HorizontalLayout();
grid.addColumn(Company::getName).setEditorComponent(tf, Company::setName).setCaption("Name").setExpandRatio(2);
I use the following approach to get a read-only field, the trick is override the setEnabled method to get a disabled textfield. If you trace the source code in Vaadin Grid, no matter what field you pass to a Grid, it will always call the field.setEnabled(true).
myGrid.getColumn(propertyId).setEditorField(new ReadOnlyField());
public class ReadOnlyField extends TextField
public ReadOnlyField()
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
// always set to disabled state

SWT , TreeViewer , CellEditor with ComboBox

While using EditingSupport for a treeColumn in a TreeViewer, Is there any way i can just reflect the Changes in the View instead of changing the model and then using getViewer().update(element,null);
I want to achieve the following functionality:
Show a tree View with |Object| (ComboBox)property|
Upon selection and clicking on the button i want to show user the summary of changes and then upon clicking confirm i want to apply those changes to the model (Object)
I am using a TreeViewer, Within that i have a column with EditingSupport Enabled.
Whenever I select a value from the ComboBox and click somewhere else (lostFocus kind of ) the Value sets to default.
I have figured out that after SetValue() is called the TreeLabelProvider is again called(using debug points)
Is there any way i can just reflect the Changes in the View instead of changing the model and using getViewer().update(element,null);
Some FYIs :
Package Object contains multiple versions
ContentProvider does the job to fetch the object
LabelProvider gets all the Versions from the package(String[]) and shows the first one.
//Code to Create the UI
// blah
TreeViewerColumn column2 = new TreeViewerColumn(treeViewer, SWT.LEFT);
treeViewer.setLabelProvider(new PackageUpdateTreeLabelProvider());
EditingSupport exampleEditingSupport = new OperationEditingSupport(
OperationEditingSupport Class
private class OperationEditingSupport extends EditingSupport {
private ComboBoxCellEditor cellEditor = null;
private OperationEditingSupport(ColumnViewer viewer) {
cellEditor = new ComboBoxCellEditor(
((TreeViewer) viewer).getTree(), new String[] {},
protected CellEditor getCellEditor(Object element) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (element instanceof IPackageInfo) {
IPackageInfo pkg = (IPackageInfo) element;
(IdmPackage) pkg, false, true));
return cellEditor;
return null;
protected boolean canEdit(Object element) {
return true;
protected Object getValue(Object element) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
protected void setValue(Object element, Object value) {
/* only set new value if it differs from old one */
When i click on the cell of column2 i get the combo box but when i select something and move the focus somewhere else.It again shows the default Value
on debuging i found that :
it agains calls the label Provider which fetches all the Version of the package and then shows the first one hence I can not see any change.
what i want is that it should keep the selection intact without changing the underlying object.
thanks for the help.
Figured it out.
following code added to the SetValue() method solves it.
m_tree = (Tree)getViewer.getControl();
TreeItem[] ti = m_tree.getSelection();
CCombo c = ((CCombo)cellEditor.getControl());
String str = c.getItem(c.getSelectionIndex());
ti[0].setText(1, str );

Prevent some values of SmartGWT IPickTreeItem to be selected

I'm trying to clear the user selected value on a IPickTreeItem.
This is the only solution I've found to restrict the user from selecting some of the Tree root values (not all).
To be more clear, it seems that calling event.cancel() do not stop the event from bubbling.
Am I doing something wrong ?
TreeNode treenode = new TreeNode("root", new TreeNode("Operation A"),
new TreeNode("Operation B"));
final DynamicForm dynamicForm = new DynamicForm();
Tree tree = new Tree();
final IPickTreeItem pickTreeItem = new IPickTreeItem();
pickTreeItem.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler()
public void onChange(ChangeEvent event)
pickTreeItem.clearValue() // Not clearing the value
pickTreeItem.setValue((String)null) // Not working neither
event.cancel() // Not seeming to work...
This is not working either :
pickTreeItem.setInputTransformer(new FormItemInputTransformer()
public Object transformInput(DynamicForm form, FormItem item,
Object value, Object oldValue)
return "Desired New Value (not working)...";
This is weird because it works using an external Button to clear the value (outside the picktreeitem handler)
Button bt = new Button("click");
bt.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler()
public void onClick(ClickEvent event)
pickTreeItem.setValue((Object) null);
Expected behavior
My Tree :
If the user selects "aaaa" the PickTreeItem value should be reverted to the defaultValue ("Choose a value"), optionally inform the user that he cannot pick "aaaa".
The PickTreeItem should accept "dddd" as a valid choosen value.
As with all FormItems, event.cancel() is the correct way to disallow the change. There was a framework level bug that was preventing this from behaving correctly that has now been corrected.
See this thread on the Isomorphic forums
I understand it is not exactly the same with what you are trying to achieve, but you could consider to define a CustomValidator, that reads the selected values and returns false and an appropriate message, when one of the parent values that shouldn't be, is selected. For this to work, you must set pickTreeItem.setCanSelectParentItems(Boolean.TRUE), to allow for parent items to be selected, and pickTreeItem.setValidateOnChange(Boolean.TRUE), to validate the selected values upon selection.
