Bug in JSON mapper class - java

Im working on a MapReduce (Map only task) which reads the JSON file and extracts the elements from JSON input. Input data:
I've declared String variables for the JSON Arrays: Message & reqHdr and you can see them in the context.write() method
Map Class:
public class JsonMapper extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, Text> {
public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
String type;
String format;
String version;
String id;
String start;
String cp;
// variables for message and reqHdr
String[] line = value.toString().split("\\n");
if (line.length > 0) {
for(int i=0; i<line.length; i++) {
try {
JSONObject jsonobj = new JSONObject(line[i]);
type = (String) jsonobj.get("type");
format = (String) jsonobj.get("format");
version = (String) jsonobj.get("version");
id = (String) jsonobj.get("id");
start = (String) jsonobj.get("start");
cp = (String) jsonobj.get("cp");
// Message Variable array
JSONArray messageArray = (JSONArray) jsonobj.get("message");
for(int j=0; j<messageArray.length(); j++) {
JSONObject jsonmessageobject = messageArray.getJSONObject(j);
proto = jsonmessageobject.getString("proto");
protoVer = jsonmessageobject.getString("protoVer");
cliIP = jsonmessageobject.getString("cliIP");
reqPort = jsonmessageobject.getString("reqPort");
reqHost = jsonmessageobject.getString("reqHost");
reqMethod = jsonmessageobject.getString("reqMethod");
reqPath = jsonmessageobject.getString("reqPath");
reqQuery = jsonmessageobject.getString("reqQuery");
reqCT = jsonmessageobject.getString("reqCT");
reqLen = jsonmessageobject.getString("reqLen");
sslVer = jsonmessageobject.getString("sslVer");
status = jsonmessageobject.getString("status");
redirURL = jsonmessageobject.getString("redirURL");
respCT = jsonmessageobject.getString("respCT");
respLen = jsonmessageobject.getString("respLen");
bytes = jsonmessageobject.getString("bytes");
UA = jsonmessageobject.getString("UA");
fwdHost = jsonmessageobject.getString("fwdHost");
// reqHdr variable array
JSONArray reqHdrArray = (JSONArray) jsonobj.get("reqHdr");
for(int k=0; k<reqHdrArray.length(); k++) {
JSONObject jsonreqHdrobject = reqHdrArray.getJSONObject(i);
accEnc = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("accEnc");
accLang = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("accLang");
auth = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("auth");
reqHdr_cacheCtl = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("cacheCtl");
reqHdr_conn = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("conn");
reqHdr_contMD5 = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("contMD5");
cookie = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("cookie");
DNT = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("DNT");
expect = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("expect");
ifMatch = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("ifMatch");
ifMod = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("ifMod");
ifNone = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("ifNone");
ifRange = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("ifRange");
ifUnmod = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("ifUnmod");
range = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("range");
referer = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("referer");
te = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("te");
upgrade = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("upgrade");
reqHdr_via = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("via");
xFrwdFor = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("xFrwdFor");
xReqWith = jsonreqHdrobject.getString("xReqWith");
context.write(new Text("cloud_monitor"), new Text(type + format + version + id + start + cp + proto + protoVer + cliIP + reqPort +
reqHost + reqMethod + reqPath + reqQuery + reqCT + reqLen + sslVer + status + redirURL + respCT + respLen + bytes + UA + fwdHost + accEnc + accLang + auth +
reqHdr_cacheCtl + reqHdr_conn + reqHdr_contMD5 + cookie + DNT + expect + ifMatch + ifMod + ifNone + ifRange + ifUnmod + range + referer + te +
upgrade + reqHdr_via + xFrwdFor + xReqWith ));
} catch (JSONException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
I'm getting the following error message:
Error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.json.JSONException
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:366)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:355)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:354)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:425)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:270)
at org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.getClassByNameOrNull(Configuration.java:2138)
at org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.getClassByName(Configuration.java:2103)
at org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.getClass(Configuration.java:2197)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.JobContextImpl.getMapperClass(JobContextImpl.java:196)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runNewMapper(MapTask.java:745)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.run(MapTask.java:341)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.YarnChild$2.run(YarnChild.java:164)
at org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation.doAs(UserGroupInformation.java:1693)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.YarnChild.main(YarnChild.java:158)
Could anyone tell me if I am doing the JSON Parsing correctly, especially the JSON Arrays (message, reqHdr) part or how I can fix the bug ?

You have to download the org.json far file, and then add it to your project.
You can download the jar : here


Parsing JSON - null of type JSONObject cannot be converted to JSONArray

I'm trying to take the JSON from BITTREX and parse it and present it to the screen in Android Studio. This works for me with test JSON I made myself plus other requests i have made using the same API. However, when i go to use the actual request I need i get the following error :
JSONException: Value null of type org.json.JSONObject$1 cannot be converted to JSONArray
This is the request used: https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/public/getmarketsummaries
API Documentation
Here is the Code :
public class fetchData extends AsyncTask<Void,Void,Void> {
String data=""; //all json lines after loop
String dataParsed ="";
String singleParsed =""; //parsed attributes
protected Void doInBackground(Void... voids) {
//Background Thread i.e API request
try {
URL url = new URL("https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/public/getmarketsummaries\n");
HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
InputStream inputStream = httpURLConnection.getInputStream(); //read data in from the connection
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); //Buff reader to read the inputstream (otherwise we get ints)
String line ="";
//Loop that reads all lines and represents them to as a string
while(line != null) {
line = bufferedReader.readLine(); //read line of json and assign to "line" if not null
data = data + line;
JSONArray myJsonArray = new JSONArray(data); //store json in a json array
for (int i = 0; i < myJsonArray.length(); i++) {
//Itterate through the array and get each object i.e btc,ltc
JSONObject myJsonObject = (JSONObject) myJsonArray.get(i);
//Single JSON object parsed
singleParsed = "Coin" + myJsonObject.get("MarketName") + "\n" +
"high" + myJsonObject.get("High") + "\n" +
"low" + myJsonObject.get("Low") + "\n" +
"volume" + myJsonObject.get("Volume") + "\n" +
"last" + myJsonObject.get("Last") + "\n" +
"basevolume" + myJsonObject.get("BaseVolume") + "\n" +
"time" + myJsonObject.get("Timestamp") + "\n" +
"bid" + myJsonObject.get("Bid") + "\n" +
"ask" + myJsonObject.get("Ask") + "\n" +
"openbuyorders" + myJsonObject.get("OpenBuyOrders") + "\n" +
"opensellorders" + myJsonObject.get("OpenSellOrders") + "\n" +
"prevday" + myJsonObject.get("PrevDay") + "\n" +
"created" + myJsonObject.get("Created") + "\n";
dataParsed = dataParsed + singleParsed + "\n";
}catch(MalformedURLException e ){
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(Void aVoid) {
//UI thread
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
I added the following line before the loop and it solved the issue.
//target the "result" Array of objects(BTC,LTC,ETH) and map them to a JsonArray for parsing
JSONArray myJsonArray = myJsonObj.getJSONArray("result");
The exception is perfectly valid. Your trying to convert json object into json array. Try below code
remove "\n" character at the end.
URL url = new URL("https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/public/getmarketsummaries\n")
add below logs
while(line != null) {
line = bufferedReader.readLine(); //read line of json and assign to "line" if not null
data = data + line;
and try below code
if(data!= null){ // add this if condition too.
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(data);
JSONArray myJsonArray = jsonObj.getJSONArray("result"); ; //store json in a json array
for (int i = 0; i < myJsonArray.length(); i++) {
//Itterate through the array and get each object i.e btc,ltc
JSONObject myJsonObject = (JSONObject) myJsonArray.get(i);
The json data returned by the API is in the following format:
"success": true,
"message": "",
"result": [
So you need to get the whole data as JSONObject first, then from it you can extract the JSONArray with the "result" key.
The code is something like this:
// get the JSONObject from the data
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(data);
// then you get the array with result key
JSONArray myJsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("result");
for (int i = 0; i < myJsonArray.length(); i++) {
// now you can process the item here.
The above code is working. The remaining problem is there is a typo in your key. You're using "Timestamp" but the existing key is "TimeStamp". Here is the working code:
public class FetchData extends AsyncTask<Void,Void,Void> {
String data=""; //all json lines after loop
String dataParsed ="";
String singleParsed =""; //parsed attributes
protected Void doInBackground(Void... voids) {
//Background Thread i.e API request
try {
URL url = new URL("https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/public/getmarketsummaries");
HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
InputStream inputStream = httpURLConnection.getInputStream(); //read data in from the connection
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); //Buff reader to read the inputstream (otherwise we get ints)
String line ="";
//Loop that reads all lines and represents them to as a string
while(line != null) {
line = bufferedReader.readLine(); //read line of json and assign to "line" if not null
data = data + line;
Log.d("DATA", "line = " + line);
Log.d("DATA", "construct data = " + data);
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(data);
JSONArray myJsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("result");
for (int i = 0; i < myJsonArray.length(); i++) {
//Itterate through the array and get each object i.e btc,ltc
JSONObject myJsonObject = (JSONObject) myJsonArray.get(i);
//Single JSON object parsed
singleParsed = "Coin" + myJsonObject.get("MarketName") + "\n" +
"high" + myJsonObject.get("High") + "\n" +
"low" + myJsonObject.get("Low") + "\n" +
"volume" + myJsonObject.get("Volume") + "\n" +
"last" + myJsonObject.get("Last") + "\n" +
"basevolume" + myJsonObject.get("BaseVolume") + "\n" +
"time" + myJsonObject.get("TimeStamp") + "\n" +
"bid" + myJsonObject.get("Bid") + "\n" +
"ask" + myJsonObject.get("Ask") + "\n" +
"openbuyorders" + myJsonObject.get("OpenBuyOrders") + "\n" +
"opensellorders" + myJsonObject.get("OpenSellOrders") + "\n" +
"prevday" + myJsonObject.get("PrevDay") + "\n" +
"created" + myJsonObject.get("Created") + "\n";
dataParsed = dataParsed + singleParsed + "\n";
}catch(MalformedURLException e ){
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(Void aVoid) {
//UI thread
Log.d("DATA", "data = " + this.dataParsed);

How to get result of Testcase using RallyAPI?

I am new to Rally API. I have been assigned task to get result of TestCase in java using Rally API. Can someone please help me with a sample program. Also please tell me how to get Workspace name in rally.
Here is a code example based in Rally API Toolkit for Java. Also see WS API documentation for details of TestCase and TestCaseResult objects.
public class GetTestCaseResults {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String host = "https://rally1.rallydev.com";
String applicationName = "Example: get Results of TestCase";
String projectRef = "/project/12345"; //user your own project OID
String apiKey = "_abc123";
RallyRestApi restApi = null;
try {
restApi = new RallyRestApi(new URI(host),apiKey);
QueryRequest testCaseRequest = new QueryRequest("TestCase");
testCaseRequest.setFetch(new Fetch(new String[] {"FormattedID","Results","LastVerdict"}));
testCaseRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("FormattedID", "=", "TC3"));
QueryResponse testCaseResponse = restApi.query(testCaseRequest);
System.out.println("Successful: " + testCaseResponse.wasSuccessful());
System.out.println("Size: " + testCaseResponse.getTotalResultCount());
int totalResults = 0;
for (int i=0; i<testCaseResponse.getResults().size();i++){
JsonObject testCaseJsonObject = testCaseResponse.getResults().get(i).getAsJsonObject();
System.out.println("Name: " + testCaseJsonObject.get("Name") + " FormattedID: " + testCaseJsonObject.get("FormattedID") + " LastVerdict: " + testCaseJsonObject.get("LastVerdict"));
int numberOfResults = testCaseJsonObject.getAsJsonObject("Results").get("Count").getAsInt();
if(numberOfResults > 0) {
totalResults += numberOfResults;
QueryRequest resultsRequest = new QueryRequest(testCaseJsonObject.getAsJsonObject("Results"));
resultsRequest.setFetch(new Fetch("Verdict","Date"));
//load the collection
JsonArray results = restApi.query(resultsRequest).getResults();
for (int j=0;j<numberOfResults;j++){
System.out.println("Name: " + results.get(j).getAsJsonObject().get("Verdict") + results.get(j).getAsJsonObject().get("Date").getAsString());
System.out.println("Total number of results: " + totalResults);
} finally {
if (restApi != null) {

Splitting String based on this six characters 0102**

How can I split a flat string based on 0102**? string tokenizer is working for only **. Is there any way to split based on 0102**? Please suggest
Here is my complete method
private String handleCibil(InterfaceRequestVO ifmReqDto, String szExtIntType) throws MalformedURLException, org.apache.axis.AxisFault, RemoteException {
/* Declaration and initiliazation */
ConfVO confvo = ifmReqDto.getExtConfVo();
String szResponse = null;
String cibilResponse = null;
String errorResponse = null;
String endpointURL = null;
long timeOut = confvo.getBurMgr().getBurInfo(szExtIntType).getTimeOut();
endpointURL = formWebServiceURL(confvo, szExtIntType);
URL url = new URL(endpointURL);
log.debug("Input xml for cibil "+ifmReqDto.getIfmReqXML());
BasicHttpStub stub= new BasicHttpStub(url,new org.apache.axis.client.Service());
szResponse = stub.executeXMLString(ifmReqDto.getIfmReqXML());
//szResponse=szResponse.replaceAll("&", "&");
log.debug("szResponse "+szResponse);
/* Validate if the obtained response is as expected by IFM */
try {
extDao = new ExtInterfaceXMLTransDAO(ifmReqDto.getSemCallNo(), ifmReqDto.getIdService());
extDao.updateRqstRespXML10g(ifmReqDto.getInterfaceReqNum(), szResponse, GGIConstants.IFM_RESPONSE);
Document xmlDocument = DocumentHelper.parseText(szResponse);
String xPath = GGIConstants.RESPONSE_XPATH;
List<Node> nodes = xmlDocument.selectNodes(xPath);
for (Node node : nodes) {
String keyValue = node.valueOf(GGIConstants.RESPONSE_XPATH_KEY);
// log.debug("keyValue : " + keyValue);
if (keyValue.equalsIgnoreCase(GGIConstants.RESPONSE_XPATH_KEY_VALUE)) {
// log.debug("node value : " + node.getText());
cibilResponse = node.getText();
log.debug("cibilResponse " + cibilResponse);
String errorResponseXPATH = GGIConstants.CIBIL_ERROR_RESPONSE_XPATH;
List<Node> errorResponseNode = xmlDocument.selectNodes(errorResponseXPATH);
for (Node node : errorResponseNode) {
errorResponse = node.getText();
log.debug("errorResponse " + errorResponse);
if(cibilResponse!=null && cibilResponse.length()>0)
StringTokenizer cibilResponseResults = new StringTokenizer(cibilResponse,"**");
String tempResponse="";
ArrayList probableMatchList = new ArrayList();
while (cibilResponseResults.hasMoreElements()) {
tempResponse = (String) cibilResponseResults.nextElement();
String memberRefNo = tempResponse.substring(69, 80).replaceAll(" ", "");
log.debug("memberRefNo " + memberRefNo);
if (memberRefNo.length() > 0) {
if (Integer.parseInt(memberRefNo) > 0) {
cibilResponse = tempResponse;
cibilResponse = cibilResponse+"**";
cibilResponse = tempResponse+"**";
log.debug("After finding the Member reference number cibilResponse " + cibilResponse);
log.debug("After finding the Probable reference list " + probableMatchList);
// TKN 008
if (errorResponse!=null && errorResponse.length()>0) {
throw new GenericInterfaceException(errorResponse
+ " for the seq_request " + ifmReqDto.getSeqRequest() + " Seq_Interface_req is >> "
+ ifmReqDto.getInterfaceReqNum(),
GGIConstants.SEND_REQUEST_CONSTANT + Strings.padStart(String.valueOf(ifmReqDto.getIdService()), 2, GGIConstants.DEFAULT_NUMBER_STRING)
else if (cibilResponse==null || StringUtils.isEmpty(cibilResponse) ) {
throw new GenericInterfaceException("Cibil TUEF response is empty >> cibil Service "
+ "for the seq_request " + ifmReqDto.getSeqRequest() + "Seq_Interface_req is >> "
+ ifmReqDto.getInterfaceReqNum(),
GGIConstants.SEND_REQUEST_CONSTANT + Strings.padStart(String.valueOf(ifmReqDto.getIdService()), 2, GGIConstants.DEFAULT_NUMBER_STRING)
/* Setting Instinct response to ifmReqDto object */
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.error("SQLException while connecting to DataBase. Exception message is ", e);
throw new GenericInterfaceException("SQLException >> Instinct Service "
+ "for the seq_request " + ifmReqDto.getSeqRequest() + "Seq_Interface_req is >> "
+ ifmReqDto.getInterfaceReqNum(),
GGIConstants.SEND_REQUEST_CONSTANT + Strings.padStart(String.valueOf(ifmReqDto.getIdService()), 2, GGIConstants.DEFAULT_NUMBER_STRING)
} catch (GenericInterfaceException exp) {
log.error("Exception occured while valid:", exp);
throw exp;
} catch (Exception exp) {
log.error("Exception occured while valid:", exp);
throw new GenericInterfaceException("GeneralException >> Instinct Service "
+ "for the seq_request " + ifmReqDto.getSeqRequest() + "Seq_Interface_req is >> "
+ ifmReqDto.getInterfaceReqNum(),
GGIConstants.SEND_REQUEST_CONSTANT + Strings.padStart(String.valueOf(ifmReqDto.getIdService()), 2, GGIConstants.DEFAULT_NUMBER_STRING)
return szResponse;
I recommend checking out the Java documentation, it provides a really good reference to start with. The .split method uses a regex to split up a string based on a delimiter.
String[] tokens = myString.split("0102\\*\\*");
For now I suspect that you forgot to escape * in split regex.
Try maybe
String[] resutl = yourString.split("0102\\*\\*");
In case you want * to represent any character then use . instead of *
String[] resutl = yourString.split("0102..");
In case you want * to represent any digit use \\d instead
String[] resutl = yourString.split("0102\\d\\d");
String string = "blabla0102**dada";
String[] parts = string.split("0102\\*\\*");
String part1 = parts[0]; // blabla
String part2 = parts[1]; // dada
Here we have a String: "blabla0102**dada", we call it string. Every String object has a method split(), using this we can split a string on anything we desire.
Do you mean literally split by "0102**"? Couldn't you use regex for that?
String[] tokens = "My text 0102** hello!".split("0102\\*\\*");

create a zip file. and manage the output stream

I created a button that allows to create a zip file., the function that zips the file works correctly, but when I call her via the button (in the JS file) it crashes and it gives a blank page (I think I do not manage the output stream)
would please an idea
here is my code:
ID: "BooksApp_GetXmlImage_Button"
,icon: getUIIcon("icon_xml_16")
,prompt: getUIMsg("book_report_get_xml",4)
,click : function () {
// isc.say("test");
function to call the zipfile() method:
function BooksApp_Action_loadFile(p_UsedFormat) {
var tmpBookID = BooksApp_Application.FP_BookID;
var tmpIDs = BooksApp_Application.FP_fct_getSelectedPOVIDs();
var tmpUsr_ID = FPIUser.FP_fct_getID();
var tmpFormat = p_UsedFormat;
var showInWindow=false;
r_book_idnum : tmpBookID
,sBook_ID : tmpBookID
,sPOV_IDs : tmpIDs
,sUser_ID : tmpUsr_ID
,sFormat : tmpFormat
,{ operationId: "customExport"
,exportDisplay: (showInWindow ? "window" : "download") }
,function (dsResponse, data, dsRequest) {
//Never called
customExport() function
public static String customExport(RPCManager rpc,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
String sReturn = _Return_OK;
try {
// setting doCustomResponse() notifies the RPCManager that we'll
// bypass RPCManager.send
// and instead write directly to the servletResponse output stream
writeServerDebug("customExport : start");
DSRequest req = rpc.getDSRequest();
List<?> results = req.execute().getDataList();
String sReqData = (String) req.getParameter("exportDisplay");
String sReqData_sBook_ID = "" + req.getCriteriaValue("sBook_ID");
String sReqData_sPOV_IDs = "" + req.getCriteriaValue("sPOV_IDs");
String sReqData_sUser_ID = "" + req.getCriteriaValue("sUser_ID");
String sReqData_sFormat = "" + req.getCriteriaValue("sFormat");
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder("get (sReqData:"
+ sReqData + ",sBook_ID:" + sReqData_sBook_ID
+ ",sPOV_IDs:" + sReqData_sPOV_IDs + ",sUser_ID:"
+ sReqData_sUser_ID + ",sFormat:" + sReqData_sFormat + ")"
+ results.size() + " line(s):");
for (Iterator<?> i = results.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Map<?, ?> record = (Map<?, ?>) i.next();
content.append("\n" + Books.Column_IDNum + ":"
+ record.get(Books.Column_IDNum));
content.append("\n" + Books.Column_Name + ":"
+ record.get(Books.Column_Name));
writeServerDebug("The content is \n" + content.toString());
// Create the new Office Engine
OfficeEngine myOfficeEngine = new OfficeEngine();
boolean bIsConnected = myOfficeEngine._RepositoryBridge
if (bIsConnected) {
//Connected to the repository, so get the files
if (sReqData_sFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pdf") || sReqData_sFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pptx")) {
//The book end user format
String sReturnPptx = myOfficeEngine.performGeneratePptx(
req.getHttpServletRequest(), response,
sReqData_sBook_ID, sReqData_sPOV_IDs,
sReqData_sUser_ID, sReqData_sFormat);
writeServerDebug("customExport call performGeneratePptx, return is "
+ sReturnPptx);
else {
AppZip appZip = new AppZip();
appZip.ZipFile(" ", " ");
String r = "sReturn_OK";;
return r;
//Free the connection to repository
} else {
"attachment; filename=book.txt");
ServletOutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
} catch (Exception e) {
writeServerDebug("ERROR:" + e.getLocalizedMessage());
sReturn = Repository._Return_KO;
return sReturn;

How to retrieve Test Cases associated with the Test Set

I tried to run provided code for jar 2.0.2 and now for 2.0.4 Both times received an error at line: int numberOfTestCases = testSetJsonObject.get("TestCases").getAsJsonArray().size();
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: This is not a JSON Array. at com.google.gson.JsonElement.getAsJsonArray(JsonElement.java:106) at GetTCofTS.main(GetTCofTS.java:50)
I can overcome this error (since it is really not an array that is coming back) , but it won't resolve my problem, that I am trying to get not only the number of TestCases associated with the current TestSet, but list of TestCases - at least their formatted ID. Is it a bag in Rally?
public class GetTCofTS {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String host = "https://rally1.rallydev.com";
String username = "user#co.com";
String password = "secret";
String applicationName = "RESTExampleFindTestCasesOfTestSet";
String workspaceRef = "/workspace/1111";
String projectRef = "/project/2222";
String wsapiVersion = "1.43";
RallyRestApi restApi = null;
try {
restApi = new RallyRestApi(
new URI(host),
QueryRequest testSetRequest = new QueryRequest("TestSet");
testSetRequest.setFetch(new Fetch(new String[] {"Name", "TestCases", "FormattedID"}));
testSetRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("Name", "=", "someTS"));
QueryResponse testSetQueryResponse = restApi.query(testSetRequest);
System.out.println("Successful: " + testSetQueryResponse.wasSuccessful());
System.out.println("Size: " + testSetQueryResponse.getTotalResultCount());
for (int i=0; i<testSetQueryResponse.getResults().size();i++){
JsonObject testSetJsonObject = testSetQueryResponse.getResults().get(i).getAsJsonObject();
System.out.println("Name: " + testSetJsonObject.get("Name") + " ref: " + testSetJsonObject.get("_ref").getAsString() + " Test Cases: " + testSetJsonObject.get("TestCases"));
int numberOfTestCases = testSetJsonObject.get("TestCases").getAsJsonArray().size();
for (int j=0;j<numberOfTestCases;j++){
} finally {
if (restApi != null) {
v2.0 is the preferred version going forward. The following small tweaks should get you up and going.
Instead of this (which works in 1.43 because the collection is returned):
int numberOfTestCases = testSetJsonObject.get("TestCases").getAsJsonArray().size();
if(numberOfTestCases>0) {
for (int j=0;j<numberOfTestCases;j++) {
Do this:
//TestCases is an object with a Count and a ref to load the collection
int numberOfTestCases = testSetJsonObject.getAsJsonObject("TestCases").get("Count").getAsInt();
if(numberOfTestCases > 0) {
QueryRequest testCaseRequest = new QueryRequest(testSetJsonObject.getAsJsonObject("TestCases"));
testCaseRequest.setFetch(new Fetch("FormattedID"));
//load the collection
JsonArray testCases = restApi.query(testCaseRequest).getResults();
for (int j=0;j<numberOfTestCases;j++){
