I have a JAX-RS rest client with following definition.
void call(#PathParam("paymentId") String paymentId, Object request);
I would like to intercept this outgoing request and read the paymentId value in a ClientRequestFilter.
public class TracingInterceptor implements ClientRequestFilter {
public static final String PAYMENT_ID = "paymentId";
UriInfo info;
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) {
// read paymentId
I tried with UriInfo which works for ContainerRequestFilter but the context is not available in a ClientRequestFilter.
How can I read a specific path parameter in a ClientRequestFilter?
Use ClientRequestContext#getUri: https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/ws/rs/client/ClientRequestContext.html#getUri.
I'm trying to call an endpoint/Resource from another resource
I guess I should use #Context and ResourceContext but not sure exactly how
here's a sample code
public class ClassA {
ResourceContext resourceContext;
public void functionA(){
// call classB.functionB:
// Response response = resourceContext.getResource(ClassB.class).functionB();
public class ClassB {
ResourceContext resourceContext;
public void functionB(){
// do something
looking at this post looks like I should call the second endpoint (from classA) with
Response response = resourceContext.getResource(ClassB.class).functionB();
But since resourceContext is null it throws an error.
so how should I initialize it or is there anything else I'm missing here?
Thanks in advance
I would like to have a variable that follows along the full lifecycle of a request in java EE.
For example it could be for a logging function, so that I can filter all log entries by request.
The key part that I want to get at is that it must be relatively easy to implement in an already existing application so if possible some sort of dependency injection that gets the variable related to the specific request.
I've tried injectiong a #RequestScoped variable, but it doesn't work since it is only scoped to the container. I would need to be able to inject the same object to different containers. Is this at all possible?
EDIT: I want something along the lines of this:
public class RequestVariables {
public String id;
public class Logger {
private RequestVariables requestVariables;
public void log(String message) {
System.out.println(requestVariables.id + ":" + message);
public class Service {
private Logger logger;
private RequestVariables requestVariables;
public void save(String data) {
session.save(data + requestVariables.id); //Maybe add request parameter to save aswell
public class API {
private Service service;
private Logger logger;
private RequestVariables requestVariables;
public Response get(#QueryParam("data") String data) {
requestVariables.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
return Response.status(204).build();
Currently this is what I have experimented with:
public class RequestScope {
private int test = 0;
public RequestScope(int test) {
this.test = test;
public RequestScope(){}
public int getTest() {
return test;
public void setTest(int test) {
this.test = test;
public class RequestScopeFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
private javax.inject.Provider<RequestScope> requestScopeProvider;
private HttpServletRequest request;
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
request.setAttribute("test", "superTest");
public class Service {
private HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest;
private Provider<RequestScope> requestScopeProvider;
public void test() {
RequestScope scope = requestScopeProvider.get();
String test = (String)httpServletRequest.getAttribute("test");
So when I get the scope from my service then it is a new object with test set to 0, and then it throws an NPE since httpServletRequest is null
option #1
Implement an Interceptor and set the request id as HttpServletRequest attribute:
public Object setRequestId(InvocationContext ic) throws Exception {
HttpServletRequest request = [..] // getHttpServletRequest(ic);
request.setAttribute("request-id", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
return ic.proceed();
Then use HttpServletRequest everywhere you need it
private HttpServletRequest httpRequest;
option #2
If want just to filter your logs by an unique id, you can configure your Logger to print the thread name: [%t]
Example: Log4j PatternLayout
option #3
Use a custom java bean to encapsulate the request data (query param, request id etc.) and pass this bean across your application services.
public class API {
private Service service;
public Response get(MyCustomRequestBean data) {
return Response.status(204).build();
Set the request id and query param in ParamConverter:
Jax-RS ParamConverter - ParamConverterProvider method return type mismatch
You can inject a provider in your service:
Provider<RequestVariables> vars
And then call get () to get the instance. If you try to get () in a thread outside a request scope context you'll get an exception. I would however try to structure in a way that would not allow this to happen
A solution that I found is to use ThreadLocal variables. It seems rather dirty, but it works since each request is executed on it's own thread(as far as I am aware). So this is what I got:
public class RequestScope {
private static final ThreadLocal<String> id = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> UUID.randomUUID().toString());
public static String get() {
return id.get();
With that I can also easily exchange the ThreadLocal to return something more specific if so desired.
And I can get the variables from pretty much anywhere, assuming that the request is not starting a different thread
In embedded Jersey I can register a Binder to put in some resources that I can eventually access using #Context
However, those things I put in are more global and not on a per request level. I do know I can do it with some property mapping, but I would rather do it through #Context with class like Response foo(#Context HttpServletRequest)
I tried the setRequestScopedInitializer() but it does not put them in as expected and following their example with the Ref gives me a null pointer exception
Is there any way of doing this?
Here's how I eventually did it, but I don't like that I used a named property
RoutingContext was the type I wanted to inject
public class RoutingContextFactory implements
Supplier<RoutingContext> {
private ContainerRequest request;
public RoutingContext get() {
return (RoutingContext) request.getProperty(RoutingContext.class.getName());
My binder
public class MyBinder extends AbstractBinder {
protected void configure() {
Initialized by
final ResourceConfig resourceConfig = ResourceConfig.forApplicationClass(applicationClass);
resourceConfig.register(new MyBinder());
Loaded by
final ContainerRequest request = new ContainerRequest(...
request.setProperty(RoutingContext.class.getName(), routingContext);
Used by
public String hello(
#Context final RoutingContext routingContext) {
return "Hello"
+ routingContext;
I still wish there was a way for me to just go request.register(routingContext). I opened up https://github.com/jersey/jersey/issues/3682 for this.
Endpoints with Jersey.
I want to secure an endpoint with a ContainerRequestFilter
public class AuthorizationRequestFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
final SecurityContext securityContext =
//TODO: on logger here...
System.out.printf("Filtering %s request... AuthorizationRequestFilter\n", requestContext.getMethod());
requestContext.getHeaders().add("X-Secured-By", "Jersey >_<");
System.out.printf("SecurityContext: %s (%s).\n", securityContext, securityContext.getAuthenticationScheme());
if (securityContext == null || !securityContext.isUserInRole("privileged")) {
requestContext.abortWith(new UnauthorizedResponse().getResponse());
The annotation #Secured:
public #interface Secured {}
So I can do this:
public class FooResource {
SecurityContext securityContext;
#Path(value = "foo")
public Response getFoo(#Context SecurityContext sc, #Context UriInfo ui, #Context HttpHeaders hh) {
// ...
And I'm doing it right (I think), because with my test I don't even pass through the getFoo endpoint but is the ContainerRequestFilter that kicks me out. In fact I receive this (the "X-Secured-By" header is hand-made):
Headers: {X-Secured-By=[Jersey >_< kicked you out!], Content-Length=[97], Date=[Wed, 03 Dec 2014 17:46:50 GMT], Content-Type=[application/json], X-Powered-By=[Jersey ^_^]}
Response: InboundJaxrsResponse{ClientResponse{method=GET, uri=http://localhost:9998/urler/test, status=401, reason=Unauthorized}}
Now it would be nice to mock the SecurityContext.
This is what I'm doing... and if I'm here, it's obviously silly and/or wrong.
public class UrlerResourceTest extends JerseyTest {
public TestContainerFactory getTestContainerFactory() {
GrizzlyTestContainerFactory grizzlyTestContainerFactory = new GrizzlyTestContainerFactory();
System.out.printf("The GrizzlyTestContainerFactory: %s ", grizzlyTestContainerFactory);
// just for debugging...
return grizzlyTestContainerFactory;
public void testSecuredEndpoint() throws JSONException {
SecurityContext securityContext = Mockito.mock(SecurityContext.class);
Mockito.when(securityContext.getAuthenticationScheme()).thenReturn("Just Mocking...");
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(resource, "securityContext", securityContext, SecurityContext.class);
final Response response = target("foobar")
JSONObject entity = new JSONObject(response.readEntity(String.class));
assertEquals(Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus());
How can I mock the SecurityContext in my tests?
Thank you so much in advance.
Disclaimer: I'm not really a Mockito user, but from what I understand, mocking is used for situations where you have injected class dependencies (fields), and you mock those dependencies. In which case you still need to set the field with the mocked object. For example
public class TestClass {
TestService testService;
public void doTest() {
public void setTestService(TestService testService) {
this.testService = testService;
public class TestService {
public String getString() {
return "Hello world";
public void toTest() {
TestService testService = Mockito.mock(TestService.class);
Mockito.when(testService.getString()).thenReturn("Hello Squirrel");
TestClass testClass = new TestClass();
You can see we are setting the the TestService in the TestClass with the mocked object. It's not greatest example, as we could simple instantiate TestService, but it shows, from my understanding, how the mocking should work.
That being said, I don't see how it is possible to do this with the AuthorizationRequestFilter, as it's handled by the test container, and we are not instantiating it for a unit test. Even if we were, it would seem intrusive (and redundant) to add a SecurityContext field.
So without a full integration test, where we are starting the server, and using the server's authentication capabilities, it will be difficult to handle the SecurityContext per this use case, as the SecurityContext is created by the container, taking information from the underlying servlet containers authentication mechanism.
One way you can achieve this though (which IMO doesn't seem very elegant - but works), without a full integration test, is to create a a filter which performs before your AuthorizationRequestFilter, and set the SecurityContext from there. Testing aside, this is actually pretty common in cases where we need to implement outr own custom authentication mechanism.
An example of how you might do this for your unit test, might be something like:
public class UrlerResourceTest extends JerseyTest {
public Application configure() {
return new ResourceConfig(FooResource.class)
public static class AuthenticationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
requestContext.setSecurityContext(new SecurityContext() {
public Principal getUserPrincipal() {
return new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return "Stackoverflow";
public boolean isUserInRole(String string) {
return "privileged".equals(string);
public boolean isSecure() { return true; }
public String getAuthenticationScheme() { return "BASIC"; }
This filter will perform before the AuthorizationRequestFilter because of the #Priority annotation. We've set it to Priorities.AUTHENTICATION which will before before any other filter without such annotation. (See Priorities API and Priorities with Jersey. Also the SecurityContext will be passed along between filters and also be injected into your resource class.
As I said, I don't think this is very elegant to have to create another filter, but it works for this purpose. Also I am not too familiar with the Jersey Test Framework, as I'm still beginning with it, but there are many configuration options for deployment within a servlet context. I don't know if we can configure the needed authentication mechanism for this case, but it might be something worth looking into.
Edit: In the beginning I explained about setting the field for the test object, but we can also pass the mocked object to a method. For example we could mock the ContainterRequestContext in the filter method, and call filter ourselves, passing the mocked ContainerRequestContext. But this is only useful when we are actually unit testing the filter class and instantiating it ourselves, which is not the case here.