How to send "Security : low" to DVWA as cookie parameter using Jsoup? - java

I am trying to send a request using jsoup with manually inserted cookies for the purpose of detecting SQL injection vulnerability.
The problem seams to be that only one of the cookies works and i don't understand why.
I first authenticate myself manually and get the cookies. Example:
PHPSESSID : b74302c3c6af62d23047a450a40cbf5a
security : high
After i got the cookies i send my request (which whould look like this from the browser http://localhost:8090/dvwa/vulnerabilities/sqli/?id='&Submit=Submit#) using the same PHPSESSID but with Security : low. The purpose is to force a "You have an error in your SQL syntax" response that signals SQL Injection vulnerability. The problem is that the PHPSESSID is received good (since I retrieve the dvwa/vulnerabilities/sqli page and not Login page thus it recognizes the PHPSESSID as valid after authentication) but the "security : low" seems not to work. I can't find the problem.
The jsoup code for an initial connection so that i can parse the forms on the page looks like this. I supply the cookies manually.
Connection connection = Jsoup.connect(urlDTO.getUrl())
Document htmlDocument = connection.get();
For sending the form i use this code:
Connection connection = Jsoup.connect(formDTO.getUrl())
.data(listToMap(formDTO.getInputList()))// id = ' , Submit = Submit
Connection.Response res = connection.execute();
Document doc = res.parse();
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

After much debugging I fund out the origin of the problem and the odd behavior. There was no problem with the cookies/headers/url, the problem was at the .method(). The default value of .method() is Method.GET. But since i was sending dynamic requests i had to construct this dynamically also. For this purpose i was parsing the forms to get the method and then adding the type needed in the connection construction.
if (method.equals("post")) {
return Method.POST;
if (method.equals("get")) {
return Method.GET;
return Method.POST;
This worked until now and surprisingly when sending the wrong method it still sent a response almost valid, so i overlooked it.
Here is the fix.
if (method.toLowerCase().equals("post")) {
return Method.POST;
if (method.toLowerCase().equals("get")) {
return Method.GET;
return Method.GET;
It was my mistake and not relay a Jsoup problem but since I overlooked it others might too so here is a reminder.


Options for passing data across HTTP redirects

I am working on a Web application and need to pass data across HTTP redirects. For example:
POSTs to
If there is an issue with the data, the Response is redirected back to
and the query param "error"'s value is displayed on the page.
Is there any other reliable way to pass data across redirects (ie HTTP headers, etc.).
Passing the data as query params works but isn't ideal because:
its cleartext (and in the query string, so SSL cant be relied on to encyrpt) so I wouldn't want to pass sensitive data
URIs are limited in length by the browser (albiet the length is generally fairly long).
IMPORTANT: This platform is state-less and distributed across many app servers, so I can't track the data in a server-side session object.
From the client-server interaction point of view, this is a server internal dispatch issue.
Browsers are not meant to re-post the entity of the initial request automatically according to the HTTP specification: "The action required MAY be carried out by the user agent without interaction with the user if and only if the method used in the second request is GET or HEAD."
If it's not already the case, make form.html dynamic so that it's an HTML static file. Send the POST request to itself and pre-fill the value in case of error. Alternatively, you could make submit.html use the same template as form.html if there is a problem.
its cleartext (and in the query string, so SSL cant be relied on to
encyrpt) so I wouldn't want to pass sensitive data
I'm not sure what the issue is here. You're submitting everything over plain HTTP anyway. Cookie, query parameters and request entity will all be visible. Using HTTPS would actually protect all this, although query parameters can still be an issue with browser history and server logs (that's not part of the connection, which is what TLS protects).
I think using cookies would be a reasonable solution depending on the amount of data. As you can't track it on the server side (by using a sessions for example, which would be much simpler)
You can store error message in database on server and reference to it by id:
If error texts are fixed you even don't need to use a database.
Also, you can use Web Storage. Instead of redirection with "Location" header you can display output page with this JavaScript:
var error_message = "Something is wrong";
if( typeof(Storage) !== "undefined" ) {
localStorage.error_message = error_message;
else {
// fallback for IE < 8
location.href = "new url";
And after redirection you can read localStorage.error_message using JavaScript and display the message.

Java URLConnection Cookie Anomaly

I'm developing an application to login to a page and then access some of the page data.
I login via Firefox and use LiveHeaders to view the session cookies.
I then updated my code:
connection.addRequestProperty("Cookie", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
replacing the "XXXXXX" with the cookies.
The program can then access the required pages.
I am trying to automate the proccess and have used Apache HttpClient.
I can login and get the session cookies via HttpClient, but for somee reason, the following problem happens:
In the main method, I have added
String cookieString = doLogin();
and then changed my other method to use
connection.addRequestProperty("Cookie", cookieString);
For some reason, rhe URLConnection cannot login.
If I copy the cookieString string that I print out, and change my code to
connection.addRequestProperty("Cookie", "[the printout of the cookie string]");
then it works.
I have no idea where the problem could arise.
I have printed out the cookieString variable in the method before it gets added to the header and it is exactly the same as what it should be.
The cookie only seems to work when it is a static string ("xxxxxx") and not if it is a String variable.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Here is an example I posted that might help you out. It handles parsing a Set-Cookie response header and sending it back as a Cookie request header to maintain a session.

Why do I get an error 500 when I send POST data to an ASP.NET MVC site through Android?

I'm trying to create an android app to check my tests scores of my engineering school. In order to download the Word containing the scores, I need to login to the portal.
I thought it would be simple to do it by sending a POST request.
After bypassing the problem of the self-signed certificate (or whatever) thanks to the code on this page : Self-signed SSL acceptance on Android
I still get an 500 error while trying to send any POST request to the login page, which is here :
I tried various codes from the web to send the POST data (especially How to do a HTTP Post in Android? this one). And even on a pure java app, I get a 500.
When I point the URL to another testing page, I manage to get it working, but not on
Could anyone explain to me why it doesn't work or help me get rid of this error ?
This is what is being sent through my browser (According to chrome developper tools)
Button1:Connecter :
This is the string that i send :
+ URLEncoder
"UTF-8") + "&Username="
+ URLEncoder.encode(mUsername, "UTF-8") + "&Password="
+ URLEncoder.encode(mPassword, "UTF-8")
+ "&Langues=fr&Button1="
+ URLEncoder.encode("Connecter :", "UTF-8");
HTTP error 500 just means that the server side code failed. It has a bug, for example a NullPointerException was been thrown over there. If the response body doesn't contain anything sensible (e.g. a stacktrace) so that you could learn how it is caused and so change the request accordingly, then your best bet is to contact the server admin and report about this bug in the server code and ask how to correctly perform a programmatic login.
If that is not an option for some reason, then you should doublecheck if you don't forget to send a specific cookie, header and/or parameter. Probably the server side code was expecting it, but it was null and the code was buggy and hence it totally broke with a 500. I'd suggest to use Firebug to track the entire HTTP traffic and compare it with the headers/parameters you've set. Probably you need to send a specific cookie back? Or you need to send the name=value pair of the submit button? Etcetera.
Update: you're sending the wrong __VIEWSTATE value along. The website runs on ASP.NET MVC which is a component based MVC framework (like as JSF in Java EE). It stores the component tree as "view state". You should not send a random/non-existing/invalidated view state back as paramter, but a valid one. You need to rewrite the HTTP client so that it first fires a GET request on the page with the form and then use a HTML parser (Jsoup?) to extract the value of the hidden __VIEWSTATE input field and finally fire a POST request with exactly that value (and exactly the same cookie in the request header!).
Like as in JSF, the view state is part of CSRF attack prevention. You cannot submit the form without first requesting the form from the website itself in the same session.

Sending an OWA logon form from Java

I am interested in a way to programmatically log into OWA (Microsoft Outlook Web Access - a web-based email client) from Java code and retrieve nothing more than the inbox unread count -- I can read this number from the inbox web page's HTML source - but the problem is getting there - logging in.
Essentially, from looking at the HTML source of the OWA logon page, I can see that there is an HTML form element:
<form action="owaauth.dll" method="POST" name="logonForm" autocomplete="off">
that gets submitted by a button element within it:
<input type="submit" class="btn" value="Log On" onclick="clkLgn()">
From investigating the clkLgn() script, I find that it sends a cookie to the document so it may not be crucial:
function clkLgn()
var oD=new Date();
var sA="acc="+(gbid("chkBsc").checked?1:0);
var sL="lgn="+gbid("username").value;
Basically, how can I send this form?
The following code is my attempt at the problem, I can make the HTTP connection - but I can't seem to be able to POST the correct HTTP request.
URL urlObject = new URL(url);
HttpURLConnection hConnection = (HttpURLConnection)urlObject.openConnection();
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(hConnection.getOutputStream());
if( HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK == hConnection.getResponseCode() )
InputStream is = hConnection.getInputStream();
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("output.html");
int data;
while(( != -1)
It just keeps returning the same logon HTML page.
That JavaScript does certainly an important thing: it adds a cookie to the document. A decent HTTP client is required to send all valid cookies along the headers on every HTTP request. You should do the same programmatically. You can add headers using URLConnection#setRequestProperty().
Further, there are several things to take into account as well when submitting forms programmatically: you should not skip any hidden input fields (input type="hidden"), those might be of relevance. You should also send the name=value pair of the submit button you'd like to press programmatically along as request parameter. Finally, you should not be using & to concatenate parameter pairs, but &.
Note that I don't guarantee that it will finally work, that OWA thing might have some other prevention against bots, but it should solve the as far spotted problems.
See also:
How to use URLConnection?
By the way, have you considered just connecting it using a SMTP/IMAP API like JavaMail?
Why go through a form? MS recently open sourced a Java client for their Exchange server API.

jQuery Address - redirect after form submit

I use jQuery and AJAX to load content from links and forms into a content div. In addition I use the Address plugin to enable the back button and refresh. On the server side I use Java and Spring MVC.
Since I'm using jQuery Address and AJAX the only page that is directly loaded is "index.html". Everything else is loaded into a content div, and what page to load is specified in the hash, ie. "index.html#/users/add.html" will load "users/add.html".
Now, "users/add.html" contains a form for creating a new user. When the form is submitted and everything went OK, the controller redirects to "users/index.html". The problem is that jQuery Address doesn't know about the redirect, so the url will remain "index.html#/users/add.html". And this is a problem when you refresh the page and then get sent back to the form, instead of the index page.
Is there a way to fix this problem?
Take a look at the new Form Sample. It's very basic but will be probably usable.
In your case you won't be able to use $('form').address() function because you will want to change the address after the server response comes back.
You can use a data.redirect property to detect potential response redirects:
How to manage a redirect request after a jQuery Ajax call
I realize my description of the problem wasn't the best, apologies for that.
I reformulated the problem in another question, got no answers but I found a solution myself. :)
AJAX - Get response URL after redirect
First I init my form like that :
$('FORM').submit(function () {
shareData = $(this).serializeArray();
after I have in my change method something like that :
$.address.change(function(event) {
if (event.path != '/' && event.parameters.layout_to_use != undefined) {
// if no json, load don't do a post request
shareData = _arrayToJson(shareData);;
.html('<span style="background-color:red;">loading...</span>')
.load('myscript.php', shareData, function() {});
return false;
And i manage my link in the same way. I hope it can help you. shareData is not a very good way, but i don't find something else for the moment. this code is not tested, I just extract some part of my own code.
