Is it possible to generate a histogram dataframe with Spark 2.1 in Java from a Dataset<Row> table?
Convert the Dataset into JavaRDD where Datatype can be Integer, Double etc. using toJavaRDD().map() function.
Again Convert the JavaRDD to JavaDoubleRDD using mapToDouble function.
Then you can apply histogram(int bucketcount) to get the histogram of the data.
Example :
I got a table in spark with table name as 'nation' having column as 'n_nationkey' which is Integer then this is how I did it:
String query = "select n_nationkey from nation" ;
Dataset<Row> df = spark.sql(query);
JavaRDD<Integer> jdf = df.toJavaRDD().map(row -> row.getInt(0));
JavaDoubleRDD example = jdf.mapToDouble(y -> y);
Tuple2<double[], long[]> resultsnew = example.histogram(5);
In case the column have a double type, you simply replace some things as :
JavaRDD<Double> jdf = df.toJavaRDD().map(row -> row.getDouble(0));
JavaDoubleRDD example = jdf.mapToDouble(y -> y);
Tuple2<double[], long[]> resultsnew = example.histogram(5);
I am reading a txt file as a JavaRDD with the following command:
JavaRDD<String> vertexRDD = ctx.textFile(pathVertex);
Now, I would like to convert this to a JavaRDD because in that txt file I have two columns of Integers and want to add some schema to the rows after splitting the columns.
I tried also this:
JavaRDD<Row> rows = -> line.split("\t"))
But is says I cannot assign the map function to an "Object" RDD
How can I create a JavaRDD out of a JavaRDD
How can I use map to the JavaRDD?
Creating a JavaRDD out of another is implicit when you apply a transformation such as map. Here, the RDD you create is a RDD of arrays of strings (result of split).
To get a RDD of rows, just create a Row from the array:
JavaRDD<String> vertexRDD = ctx.textFile("");
JavaRDD<String[]> rddOfArrays = -> line.split("\t"));
JavaRDD<Row> rddOfRows -> RowFactory.create(fields));
Note that if your goal is then to transform the JavaRDD<Row> to a dataframe (Dataset<Row>), there is a simpler way. You can change the delimiter option when using to avoid having to use RDDs:
Dataset<Row> dataframe =
.option("delimiter", "\t")
You can define this two columns as a class's field, and then you can use
JavaRDD<Row> rows = Function<ClassName, Row>() {
public Row call(ClassName target) throws Exception {
return RowFactory.create(
And then create StructField,
finally using
StructType struct = DataTypes.createStructType(fields);
Dataset<Row> dataFrame = sparkSession.createDataFrame(rows, struct);
Consider a code
//read some csv table to dynamic frame like that:
val frame = glueContext
.getCatalogSource(database = "my_database", tableName = "my_table")
//apply some mapping:
val mapped = frame.applyMapping(Seq("biging_col", "string", "biging_col", "bigint"))
//write to orc format:
connectionType = "s3",
options = JsonOptions(Map("path" -> "some_out_path", "partitionKeys" -> List("my_date"))),
format = "orc").writeDynamicFrame(mapped)
Everythings "works" (e.g. no failing errors), but:
Spark does not have any BigInteger types, just DecimalType but "writing" integrals with .0 precision is not good. (Btw is it safe to use thistype with care that is wiil not be coverted to double type somewhere?)
orc also does not have any BigInteger types, even there is no Decimal type.
So what is the magic is going on when I have to write some bigint column from csv to orc with spark and aws glue mapping apply? What is the expected behavior?
I need to pass my Spark 1.6.2 code to Spark 2.2.0 in Java.
DataFrame eventsRaw = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM my_data");
Row[] rddRows = eventsRaw.collect();
for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < rddRows.length; ++rowIdx)
Map<String, String> myProperties = new HashMap<>();
myProperties.put("startdate", rddRows[rowIdx].get(1).toString());
JEDIS.hmset("PK:" + rddRows[rowIdx].get(0).toString(), myProperties); // JEDIS is a Redis client for Java
As far as I understand, there is no DataFrame in Spark 2.2.0 for Java. Only Dataset. However, if I substitute DataFrame with Dataset, then I get Object[] instead of Row[] as output of eventsRaw.collect(). Then get(1) is marked in red and I cannot compile the code.
How can I correctly do it?
DataFrame (Scala) is Dataset<Row>:
SparkSession spark;
Dataset<Row> eventsRaw = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM my_data");
but instead of collect you should rather use foreach (use lazy singleton connection) :
(ForeachFunction<Row>) row -> ... // replace ... with appropriate logic
or foreachPartition (initialize connection for each partition):
eventsRaw.foreachPartition((ForeachPartitionFunction<Row)) rows -> {
... // replace ... with appropriate logic
I have an RDD, i need to convert it into a Dataset, i tried:
Dataset<Person> personDS = sqlContext.createDataset(personRDD, Encoders.bean(Person.class));
the above line throws the error,
cannot resolve method createDataset(
Main.Person, org.apache.spark.sql.Encoder T)
however, i can convert to Dataset after converting to Dataframe. the below code works:
Dataset<Row> personDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(personRDD, Person.class);
Dataset<Person> personDS =;
.createDataset() accepts RDD<T> not JavaRDD<T>. JavaRDD is a wrapper around RDD inorder to make calls from java code easier. It contains RDD internally and can be accessed using .rdd(). The following can create a Dataset:
Dataset<Person> personDS = sqlContext.createDataset(personRDD.rdd(), Encoders.bean(Person.class));
on your rdd use .toDS() you will get a dataset.
Let me know if it helps. Cheers.
In addition to accepted answer, if you want to create a Dataset<Row> instead of Dataset<Person> in Java, please try like this:
StructType yourStruct = ...; //Create your own structtype based on individual field types
Dataset<Row> personDS = sqlContext.createDataset(personRDD.rdd(), RowEncoder.apply(yourStruct));
StructType schema = new StructType()
.add("Id", DataTypes.StringType)
.add("Name", DataTypes.StringType)
.add("Country", DataTypes.StringType);
Dataset<Row> dataSet = sqlContext.createDataFrame(yourJavaRDD, schema);
Be carefull with schema variable, not always easy to predict what datatype you need to use, sometimes it's better to use just StringType for all columns
I am reading data from S3 in the parquet format, and then I process this data as a DataFrame.
The question is how to efficiently iterate over rows in DataFrame? I know that the method collect loads data into memory, so, though my DataFrame is not big, I would prefer to avoid loading the complete data set into memory. How could I optimize the given code?
Also, I am using indices to access columns in DataFrame. Can I access them by column names (I know them)?
DataFrame parquetFile ="s3n://"+this.aws_bucket+"/"+this.aws_key_members);
DataFrame eventsRaw = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM mydata");
Row[] rddRows = eventsRaw.collect();
for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < rddRows.length; ++rowIdx)
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>();
props.put("field1", rddRows[rowIdx].get(0).toString());
props.put("field2", rddRows[rowIdx].get(1).toString());
// further processing
You can use Map function in spark.
You can iterate the whole data frame without collecting the dataset/dataframe:
Dataset<Row> namesDF = spark.sql("SELECT name FROM parquetFile WHERE age
BETWEEN 13 AND 19");
Dataset<String> namesDS =<Row, String>) row -> "Name:" + row.getString(0),Encoders.STRING());;
You can create a map function if the operations you are doing are complex:
// Map function
Row doSomething(Row row){
// get column
String field = row.getAs(COLUMN)
// construct a new row and add all the existing/modified columns in the row .
return row.
Now this map function can be called into dataframe's map function:
StructType structType = dataset.schema();<Row, Row>)dosomething,