Submit parameterized query as plain query with parameters in place - java

I have a java + spring framework application which works with Redshift. Right now code is mapping HttpServletRequest to MapSqlParameterSource and submit as a parameterized query. It works well only one issue that Redshift doesn't optimize some queries (where table is sorted by column) well with this approach. If I submit same query with parameters as part of sql statement performance is better.
I need an example how to replace parameters before submitting sql to the redshift.
select column1
from table1
where create_date between :from_date and :end_date
select column1
from table1
where create_date between '2017-01-01' and '2017-02-01'


no result after transforming postgres query to jpql in spring data jpa

I am trying to write a query to fetch list as this query is native sql query, all I need is to transform to spring jpql in which I am failing badly. if there is any link related to this please let me know
I am supposed to get list from this query. as this query is working fine with postgres console but when I even tried this with spring jpa as native query
it is showing results in console but not fetching in service layer [edit:] I mean not calculating any result set.
I am sure I am missing some important/small thing here.
below is the native postgres query
selcet,count(*), count(*) filter (where t.status = 'DONE') from table t where in ([list]) group by
what Im trying is
SELECT, count(t), count( where staus = 'DONE' from Table t where in ([list]) group by
edit: with constructor based query this is not even working
I am not even sure how to start this query
while being new to this I am not even able to start how to solve this.
Any hint, insight will be useful

Updating two sql tables using one query in java

I want to update two sql tables at once in java. I'm using SQLiteManager. Could someone please suggest a way of doing that?
Assuming you have the driver and connection to the database, you should be able to run most sql commands from java. There is not a single sql statement that will update two tables at once but you can update each table in turn which will have the same effect.
See for some examples.
For a table update, use
where sql is a string of the form
sql = "UPDATE myTable SET myColumn = newValue WHERE someOtherColumn=value";

jOOQ - error with alias and quotes

I have this query:
Field<String> yearMonth = DSL.field("FORMATDATETIME({0}, 'yyyy-MM')",
String.class, LICENZE.CREATION_DATE).as("anno_mese");
List<Record3<Integer, String, String>> records ="num_licenze"), LICENZE.EDIZIONE, yearMonth).
groupBy(LICENZE.EDIZIONE, yearMonth).
this query generates:
count(*) "num_licenze",
group by
order by "anno_mese" asc
executing it i get: Column "anno_mese" not found; SQL statement
Testing the generated query and removing the quotes from anno_mese in every parts of the query make the query works instead.
Is my query wrong or am I using jooq in the wrong way?
The alias in this query is not so important, I can run the query without using it too but just to understand how it works.
I am using h2 as database.
Thanks for the help
I suspect this is a bug in H2, which I've reported here, because the query looks fine to me. Here are some workarounds that you can do from the jOOQ side:
Don't reference the "anno_mese" column by name
While SQL is a bit repetitive otherwise, you won't notice the difference with jOOQ. I simply moved the as("anno_mese") method call into the SELECT clause. You don't really need it in the GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses.
Field<String> yearMonth = DSL.field("FORMATDATETIME({0}, 'yyyy-MM')",
List<Record3<Integer, String, String>> records ="num_licenze"),
groupBy(LICENZE.EDIZIONE, yearMonth).
Disable quoting in jOOQ generated queries
You can use jOOQ's Settings to prevent schema / table / column names from being quoted. Example:
DSLContext create = DSL.using(connection, SQLDialect.H2,
new Settings().withRenderNameStyle(RenderNameStyle.AS_IS);
Use upper case column names
This will probably work: DSL.field(...).as("ANNO_MESE")

How to get Column names Column Data types Form Table using Eclipse Link/JPA

I am working on JPA. My requirement is get the Column Name and Data types from Table.
I have Query's to do that but those are Native Query's. If I used those Native Query's, Is It will support on any Data Base like Oracle, MySql,......
Now am Using MySql with JPA working fine.
Below Query for Getting Table Column Names
AND TABLE_NAME = 'TableName';
I executed above Query using createNativeQuery() in JPA . Is it will support in all Data Bases. If not then how can I do this. Thank you very much.
In Oracle you can use ALL_TAB_COLUMNS table and in MS SQL server and MySQL you can use INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS table to get information about tables and columns.
WHERE OWNER = 'SchemaName' AND TABLE_NAME = 'TableName';

Hibernate session.createQuery error while replace method with single quote

I got very typical issue. My dynamically generated query like this...
UPDATE Templates t SET t.TEMPLATE_DATA = replace(t.TEMPLATE_DATA, 'Test\'s Test', 'Kent"s Test'), t.TEMPLATE_DATA = replace(t.TEMPLATE_DATA, 'Test&quot;s&#32;Test', 'Kent"s Test'), UPDATE_DATE = NOW() where PRACTICE_ID = 1 AND CATEGORY_ID IN (1)
This works perfect when I explictily fire this query in db. but by using hibernate's session.createQuery(-- my query --) if thwows an error QueryTranslatorException.
Database : Mysql 5.3
Have any one faced this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Try to run this in Hibernate as native SQL query:
session.createSQLQuery(-- query text --);
Because if you use
session.createQuery(-- query text --);
Hibernate will try to execute it as HQL query which differs from usual SQL query.
HQL is object oriented query language. It operates in terms of objects rather then in terms of tables. Here posted a brief description of difference between SQL and HQL. But if you have time better to read appropriate sections of hibernate's documentation about HQL and Native SQL usage.
If you want to execute SQL Query in hibernate, Use : session.createSQLQuery(String query);
