How can I connect Cex.IO websocket API from my Java verticles?
The problem is that Vert.x doesn't provide me with a way to connect only with WsURI as Node.JS does. I have to specify port and host and get HTTP 400 Bad Request exception.
With Node.js you do:
var WebSocketClient = require('websocket').client;
var client = new WebSocketClient();
With Vert.x you have to do
int host = 443; // That's defaults
String host = ""; // Am I right by specifying this host?
HttpClient client = Vertx.vertx().createHttpClient();
client.websocket(port, host, "wss://", ws -> { ...});
This HttpClient#websocket method takes a relative URI as third parameter.
You should be able to connect like this:
client = vertx.createHttpClient(new HttpClientOptions()
client.websocket("/ws", ws -> {
// Work with the websocket
Spring docs says it is required to configure http client for WebClient manually to set timeouts:
But since WebClient returns reactive Mono, it's possible (api-wise) to apply .timeout method.
Does it have the same effect?
Moreover, when one uses .timeout method, Reactor's TimeoutException is expected. Will the same error appear in the stream if configuration is done manually i.e. will doOnError(TimeoutException.class, ...) work?
My findings
Setting a timeout in a http client specific way will lead to http client specific exception i.e. WebClient doesn't wrap exceptions:
void test() {
var host = "localhost";
var endpoint = "/test";
var port = 8089;
var timeout = Duration.ofSeconds(3);
WireMockServer wireMockServer = new WireMockServer(wireMockConfig().port(8089));
WireMock.configureFor(host, wireMockServer.port());
.willReturn(aResponse().withFixedDelay((int) timeout.toMillis())));
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.create()
.tcpConfiguration(client ->
client.doOnConnected(conn -> conn
.addHandlerLast(new ReadTimeoutHandler((int) (timeout.toSeconds() / 2)))
.addHandlerLast(new WriteTimeoutHandler((int) (timeout.toSeconds() / 2)))));
WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder()
.baseUrl(format("http://%s:%d", host, port))
.clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(httpClient)).build();
This will lead to io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException.
.timeout(timeout.dividedBy(2)).block() leads to regular TimeoutException (java.util.concurrent) but it's still an open question whether a web client takes care about connections afterwards (probably not).
My solution is to use http client specific configuration to ensure native and correct way to utilize connections while adding new handler that wraps http client related exception into more generic ones (or java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException) so that WebClient clients won't depend on provider exceptions.
I am using jolokia client to connect to my fuse server, which is using https for web. I am getting the below exception.
org.jolokia.client.exception.J4pException: IO-Error while contacting the server: hostname in certificate didn't match: <> !=
at org.jolokia.client.J4pClient.mapException(
at org.jolokia.client.J4pClient.execute(
at org.jolokia.client.J4pClient.execute(
at org.jolokia.client.J4pClient.execute(
I have already imported the certificate of to my local truststrore (cacerts) from where my client application is running jolokia client. I have also verified the hosts file have entry for the domain that is being used in the certificate on server. I am using the below code to connect.
J4pClient client = J4pClient.url(baseUrl).user(user.getName()).password(user.getPassword()).authenticator(new BasicAuthenticator().preemptive()).build();
J4pExecRequest request = new J4pExecRequest("org.apache.karaf:type=bundles,name=root","list");
J4pExecResponse response = client.execute(request);
JSONObject obj = response.asJSONObject();
This code is running fine with the server deployed with http. Please let me know, if I am missing something.
You need to let your client use a ConnectionSocketFactory that bypasses this check.
For instance take a look at the following code (Code is Kotlin but you can easily translate it to java, I guess)
val sslCtx: SSLContext = SSLContexts
.loadTrustMaterial(null, TrustSelfSignedStrategy())
val cf: ConnectionSocketFactory = SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslCtx, SSLConnectionSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER)
My mockserver is running on a apache https connector over port 8443. But when I try to load the expectation using the following it does nothing. However when I use http connector it works like a charm.
new MockServerClient(ip, Integer.parseInt(port), contextPath)
.when(request, times, timeToLive)
Based on my understanding it will use the http connector so I also tried
MockServerClient client = new MockServerClient(ip, Integer.parseInt(port), contextPath);
HttpForward httpForward = new HttpForward()
// when
ForwardChainExpectation forwardChainExpectation = client.when(request);
What am I missing?
Can the mock server work over a https connector?
I need to connect to the remotely located ElasticSearch index, using the url provided here:
However, I can't figure out how to do this in Java.
Docs on ES Java Client don't really have much info at all.
I also did not find any JavaDocs for it, do they exist?
Now, there are working examples written in Python, which confirm that the server is up and running, connection part looks like this:
es = Elasticsearch([{
What I tried to do:
client = new TransportClient()
.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress("", 9300));
also tried ports 9200 and 80
This results in:
and NoNodeAvailableException
The Shop Indexer API offers an HTTP entry point on port 80 to communicate with their ES cluster via the HTTP protocol. The ES TransportClient is not the correct client to use for that as it will only communicate via TCP.
Since Elasticsearch doesn't provide an HTTP client out of the box, you need to either use a specific library for that (like e.g. Jest) or you can roll up your own REST client.
An easy way to achieve the latter would be using Spring's RestTemplate:
// create the REST template
RestTemplate rest = new RestTemplate()
// add the authorization header
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add("Authorization", "DEVELOPMENT-Indexer");
// define URL and query
String url = "";
String allQuery = "{\"query\":{\"matchAll\":{}}}";
// make the request
HttpEntity<String> httpReq = new HttpEntity<String>(allQuery, headers);
ResponseEntity<String> resp =, HttpMethod.POST, httpReq, String.class)
// retrieve the JSON response
String body = resp.getBody();
I would like to use HTTP authentication with a Jersey 2 client using ApacheConnectorProvider, but I want to set it for each request (not as ClientConfig property). The reason is that I use the client for multiple connections, only some of which require HTTP authentication. I assume it is better to not recreate the Client object each time I want to send an HTTP request.
What I found so far:
1) from
CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCredentialsProvider();
new UsernamePasswordCredentials("name", "password")
ClientConfig cc = new ClientConfig();, credentialsProvider).property(ApacheClientProperties.PREEMPTIVE_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION, true);
cc.connectorProvider(new ApacheConnectorProvider());
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(cc);
WebTarget r =;
This would probably work, but as I reuse the same Client for multiple HTTP requests, not all using HTTP authentication, I'd need to recreate a Client object each time I send a request. I do not know if that is an expensive operation, so it could be a solution.
2) from
Response response ="http://localhost:8080/rest/homer/contact").request()
.property(HttpAuthenticationFeature.HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_BASIC_USERNAME, "homer")
.property(HttpAuthenticationFeature.HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_BASIC_PASSWORD, "p1swd745").get();
This does not seem to work with ApacheConnectorProvider.
What is the right solution to my problem?