Google drive V3 java api syntax for searching files - java

My Question is - How to pass the search parameters to the method. There is no any documentation or sample I found for search.Any sample example will work for me.
Source Code
String npTok = null;
String queryParam ="modifiedTime > '2012-06-04T12:00:00' and (mimeType
contains 'image/' )"; qry = drive.files().list().setFields("files(id, name)").setQ(queryParam); gLst = qry.execute();
for ( gFl : gLst.getItems())
String id = gFl.getId();
"code" : 400,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"location" : "fields",
"locationType" : "parameter",
"message" : "Invalid field selection name",
"reason" : "invalidParameter"
} ],
"message" : "Invalid field selection name"
Thanks all

The error message is objecting to the fields parameter, not the q. Your syntax is correct for v3, so I suspect your client library is still using v2. Try replacing files(id,name) with items(id,title). If that works, you're using an old version of the library.

refer bellow link, you can get sample code and more information about Google drive V3 java api searching.


Getting the error message "message" : "Invalid Value" when I use google drive api to search a specific file

I am trying to find children of a folder using java Google Drive API
for ( file : result.getFiles()) {
System.out.printf("Found file: %s (%s)\n", file.getName(), file.getId());
String fileId =file.getId();
FileList childern = service.files().list().setQ(" 'fileId' in parents").execute();
here instead of hardcoding the value of file ID I am getting dynamically.
Error msg:
"code" : 404,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"location" : "fileId",
"locationType" : "parameter",
"message" : "File not found: .",
"reason" : "notFound"
} ],
"message" : "File not found: ."
"File not found: ."
Means exactly that the file id you are looking for does not exist. My java is not the best but i would suggest trying something like this to be sure its placing the id correctly.
request.setQ(String.format("'fileId' in parents", fileId));

Groovy/Java Google storage auth and request

Is there any simple code example for Groovy/Java to authenticate and make request to Google Storage. I want to use this API to copy objects from one bucket to another:
Here is what I tried:
String sourceStorageID = "XXX"
String destinationStorageID = "YYY"
String sourceFileName = "fileXXX"
String destinationFileName = "fileYYY"
String urlToCopyFile = "" + sourceStorageID + "/o/" + sourceFileName + "/copyTo/b/" + destinationStorageID + "/o/" + destinationFileName
RestBuilder rest = new RestBuilder()
def exportFinishedJSON = rest.get(objectsListURL) {}?.json
I am getting this response:
{"error":{"message":"Anonymous users does not have storage.objects.list access to bucket XXX.","errors":[{"message":"Anonymous users does not have storage.objects.list access to bucket XXX","location":"Authorization","reason":"required","locationType":"header","domain":"global"}],"code":401}}
I know I need to make authentication first, but how ? I read tons and tons of documentation but there isn't any simple example for Java to implement. It's really messy and bloated with so many informations and I am tired of reading and searching it.
I also searched solution with ApiKey and in documentation it says just to append it as param to URL, I tried it like this:
String urlToCopyFile = "" + sourceStorageID + "/o/" + sourceFileName + "/copyTo/b/" + destinationStorageID + "/o/" + destinationFileName + "&key=" + myApiKey
but no success.
Is there any good simple example of solution for my problem ?
Thanks in advance
EDIT: Also tried with different approach like this:
if (storageObject == null) {instance.authenticate();}
StorageObject newObject = new StorageObject()
Storage.Objects.Copy request = storageObject.objects().copy(sourceStorageID, sourceObjectName, destinationStorageID, destinationObjectName, newObject);
now getting this error:
GoogleJsonResponseException occurred when processing request: [GET] /concierge/test/index
400 Bad Request
"code" : 400,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "Required",
"reason" : "required"
} ],
"message" : "Required"
}. Stacktrace follows: 400 Bad Request
"code" : 400,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "Required",
"reason" : "required"
} ],
"message" : "Required"

What is wrong with this Cypher query?

I am trying to send the following to Neo4j using the REST interface, specifically the method given in the 2.2.9 manual tutorial on using REST from Java, sendTransactional Cypher query. However, as you can see below, I keep on getting an error that doesn't seem to have much to do with the query itself.
Any tips on how I can debug this?
CREATE (p:player { props }), "parameters" {
"props" : {
"screen_name" : "testone",
"email" : "",
"rank" : "-12",
"password" : "testonepass",
"details" : "test one details",
"latitude" : "0.0",
"longitude" : "0.0",
"available" : "true",
"publish" : "true" }}
{"results":[],"errors":[{"code":"Neo.ClientError.Request.InvalidFormat","message":"Unable to deserialize request: Unexpected character ('p' (code 112)): was expecting comma to separate OBJECT entries\n at [Source: HttpInputOverHTTP#10401de; line: 1, column: 66]"}]}
Form the snippet you posted, it looks like the payload to the transactional endpoint is incomplete. You could try this statement in the browser. I just copied your statement and formatted it so it could be posted to the browser. Then you can at least see it work. Clearly the data is being posted and it seems it is just comes down to formatting.
:POST /db/data/transaction/commit {
"statements": [
"statement": "CREATE (p:player { props })",
"props" : {
"screen_name" : "testone",
"email" : "",
"rank" : "-12",
"password" : "testonepass",
"details" : "test one details",
"latitude" : "0.0",
"longitude" : "0.0",
"available" : "true",
"publish" : "true" }

Insert object (as a folder) in Google Cloud Storage using JSON API with Java

I already know that there is no folders inside a Google Cloud Storage (they are treated as objects), so please have a look of my question and you can understand what i mean. Thanks :-)
This is my method to upload an object, and in my specific case, i would like to upload a "folder", so a file that end with a '/' (for example: 'newfolder/'), but i receive a GoogleJson error in the execute() at the end of my code.
Uncaught exception from servlet 400 OK
"code" : 400,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "Required",
"reason" : "required"
}, {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "Required",
"reason" : "required"
}, {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "Required",
"reason" : "required"
} ],
"message" : "Required"
[my code inside the method]:
StorageObject objectMetadata = null;
//default bucket
String bucketRootName = “defaultbucketname”;
//First Folder
String folderAppName = “myfolder”;
//folder that i want to create (upload)
String folderPath = folderAppName + "/" + folderName;
if (useCustomMetadata) {
List<ObjectAccessControl> acl = Lists.newArrayList();
acl.add( new ObjectAccessControl().setEntity("allAuthenticatedUsers").setRole("OWNER"));
objectMetadata = new StorageObject()
Storage.Objects.Insert insertObject = storage.objects().insert(bucketRootName, objectMetadata);
StorageObject metadata = insertObject.execute();
return metadata;
In order to have a bucket with a path like this:
Does anyone know how to solve it?
Thank you so much
Uploaded objects must have a Content-Type, even if they're zero bytes large.
Also, I'm pretty sure that you must upload an actual file, even if it is zero bytes in size.
I dont think you can create a folder that way. But you can create it while uploading the file by setting the name.
e.g. if you want create a file under foldA/foldB/test.txt, you can do it following way.
InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(path); //path if java.nio.file.Path
String mimeType = Files.probeContentType(path);
InputStreamContent isContent = new InputStreamContent(mimeType, is);
StorageObject objectMetadata = new StorageObject();
Storage.Objects.Insert insertObject = storage.objects().insert(bucketRootName, objectMetadata,isContent);
insertObject.setName("foldA/foldB/"+path.getFileName().toString()); // path.getFileName().toString() will give u test.txt

modifiedDate and lastViewedByMeDate query not woring in Drive API Java

I have a query that modifiedDate = '2013-09-01T12:00:00' and lastViewedByMeDate = '2013-09-01T12:00:00' those type of queries are not working and throws error as:
500 Internal Server Error
"code" : 500,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "Internal Error",
"reason" : "internalError"
} ],
"message" : "Internal Error"
My Code is
String searchQuery="lastViewedByMeDate = '2013-09-01T12:00:00'";
// String searchQuery="modifiedDate = '2013-09-01T12:00:00'";
Files.List request = this.driveService.files().list();
FileList files = request.execute();
for (File file : files.getItems()) {
// ...........
There is no error in code since this type of queries are not running.
Looks like a bug.
Using, your query throws a 500, but changing the comparison operator from '=' to '>=' works OK.
It is a bit unusual to query for a precise date and time anyway (remember that timestamps are often updated asynchronously in Google Drive). So it maybe that you can use a date range to meet your needs.
It may well be that the bug is simply in the documentation, and that '=' is not actually supported.
