Getting error while trying to implement Recursion with arrays - java

Im working on a school project where I have to implement recursion with arrays and I have done everything but im getting a null error when I am running it. The error points to the Recursion class on Line:
result += packetList[n].idNumber + " " + packetList[n].weight + " " + packetList[n].Destination;
I tried tracing the recursion method to see if it would actually make sense and its looks solid but i'm still getting a null error.
Recursion Class:
public class Recursion
public String toString(Packet[] packetList, int n)
String result = "";
if (n < 0)
return result;
result += packetList[n].idNumber + " " + packetList[n].weight + " " + packetList[n].Destination; // Uncomment if you want the values from last-to-first (last index to 0 index)
result += toString(packetList, n-1);
//result += packetList[n].idNumber + " " + packetList[n].weight + " " + packetList[n].Destination; // Uncomment if you want the values from first-to-last (0 index to last index)
return result;
Packet Class
public class Packet
public int idNumber;
public double weight;
public String Destination;
public Packet(int id, double w, String D)
idNumber = id;
weight = w;
Destination = D;
public boolean isHeavy()
if (weight > 10)
return true;
return false;
public String toString()
return idNumber + " " + weight + " " + Destination;
public double getWeight()
return weight;
public String getDestination()
return Destination;
Test Class
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TestPackages
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
Packet[] packetList = new Packet[100];
int idNumber;
double weight;
String Destination;
Scanner fileInput;
fileInput = new Scanner (new File("packetData.txt"));
int counter = 0;
while (fileInput.hasNextLine())
idNumber = fileInput.nextInt();
weight = fileInput.nextDouble();
Destination = fileInput.nextLine();
Packet myPacket = new Packet (idNumber, weight, Destination);
packetList[counter++] = myPacket;
Recursion recursion = new Recursion();
System.out.println(recursion.toString(packetList, packetList.length - 1));
recursion.displayHeavyPackages(packetList, packetList.length - 1);
recursion.displayPacketsToDest(packetList, packetList.length - 1, "CT");
recursion.countPacketsToDest(packetList, packetList.length - 1, "CT");

It looks like you are sending the length of the array to your toString() function, but it might not have the 100 elements initialized, try sending your ´counter´ instead :
System.out.println(recursion.toString(packetList, counter-1))

Please verify that packetData.txt has exactly 100 lines otherwise the program will throw a null pointer Exception.
The displayHeavyPackage method should validate if n==0 to avoid Array Index Out Bound exception
public void displayHeavyPackages(Packet[] packetList, int n) {
if (packetList[n].isHeavy() == true && n>0) {
System.out.println(packetList[n]); displayHeavyPackages(packetList, n-1);
} else if (packetList[n].isHeavy() == true && n==0){
My final suggestion is try to debug your code, it will help a lot to clarify the root cause of the exceptions.


why am I getting unreachable statement error in java code. need help to solve this error

Below is the commented line, where I'm getting an unreachable error:
public class HotelRoom{
private int rNo;
private int dRented;
private String rType;
private String occName;
**type of accomodation is checked below**
if(rType=="king"){ this.rType=rType; }
else if(rType=="queen"){ this.rType=rType;}
else if(rType=="suite"){ this.rType=rType;}
else{this.rType = "queen"; } }
public int getRoomNumber(){ return rNo; }
public int getDaysRented(){ return dRented; }
public String getRoomType(){ return rType; }
public String getOccupantName(){return occName; }
**setting the value of occupant based on the conditions**
public boolean setOccupant(String guestName, int days){
if(this.occName!=null){ return false; }
this.occName=guestName; this.dRented = days; return true; }
advance method
public void advanceDay(){
this.dRented = this.dRented - 1;
if(this.dRented <= 0){ this.occName = null; this.dRented = 0;}}
toString method:
public String toString(){String out = "";
if(occName!=null){out = "Rented"; return out;}
else{ out ="Free"; return out;}
Error line -"unreachable error":
return "HotelRoom" + rNo +":" + rType + "-" + out;
public static void main (String[] args){
HotelRoom r1 = new HotelRoom(007,"king");
The method toString (that I report here reformatted for readable reasons):
public String toString() {
String out = "";
if (occName != null) {
out = "Rented";
return out; // Exit here
} else {
out ="Free";
return out; // or exit here
// Never reachable
return "HotelRoom" + rNo +":" + rType + "-" + out;
the last row is never reachable because you return from the previous if block and also in the else block, so there is no chance to reach the last line.
I suppose that you like the following behaviour:
public String toString() {
String out = "";
if (occName != null) {
// Just set out variable
out = "Rented";
} else {
// Just set out variable
out ="Free";
// Return a complete string using the previous out variable
return "HotelRoom" + rNo +":" + rType + "-" + out;
A tip: format always your code so that it is more human readable. A code that is easy to read is also a code that is easy to study to find errors.

Java array of queues printing out only last element within for loop in print method

I spent several hours working on this and even had my professor look at this and it seems to be printing out just the last element in the for loop. It seems to allows me to add the data structure information and initialize the array queue but it only print out the last element. Here is the sufficient code to assist with the question.
static int MAX;
static final int amount = 6;
static boolean [] openflag;
static queue [] Clinic;
static String [] Doctor;
final static String HEADING = "The clinic moniter of Dylan Rychlik";
public static void Listpaitents( ) {
Paitent[] array;
int queuechoice;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Which doctor would you like to
String InputString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,Doctor, HEADING,
queuechoice = Integer.parseInt(InputString);
if (openflag[queuechoice -1 ] == false){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Sorry, that doctor is not aviable");
else {
//Paitent[] array = null;
int limit;
limit = Clinic[queuechoice -1 ].getSize();
array = Clinic[queuechoice -1 ].toArray();
//int size = Clinic[queuechoice -1].getSize();
int x; String out = " Members of the list are: \n";
// boolean exit = false;
for(x = 0; x < limit; x++) {
out += array[x].Print() + "\n";
// System.out.println(Clinic[queuechoice].toString() + "\n");
Here this is the array() method in the queue clas
public Paitent[] toArray() {
int x;
Paitent[] Array = new Paitent[Length];
queuenode Current = rear;
for (x = 1; ((Current != null) && (x <= Length));x++) {
Array[x-1] = new Paitent();
Current =;
// System.out.println( Array[x-1].Print());
//System.out.println( Array[x-1].Print());
return Array;
Any finally here this is the print method
public String Print() {
String outputString;
outputString = "Paitent: " + "-" + name + "\n" + " Telephone number
telephone + " ID " + ID;
return outputString;
Any help you can give is really appreciated. I really have spent hours analyzing the code to come up a solution. Its a bulky program.

How do I change a Variable, in a Java Class

I have to be able to convert some variables in my class. I have a boolean variable, WaGa (Stands for Workstation/Gaming computer), and if it's true, I want to convert String WorGam
I have to do this through service and support methods, and I keep trying, but I constenly fail. It just prints out what's in the driver. HELP.
public class Graphics
//instance data
private int Ram;
private String Brand;
private int Res;
private int BiWi;
private int BaCl;
private boolean K4;
private boolean WaGa;
private String WorGam;
//boolean WaGa, boolean K4, int BaCl, int BiWi, int Res, String Brand, int Ram
public Graphics (int R, String B, int Re, int Bi, int Ba, boolean K4, boolean Wa, String Wor ) // constructor
Ram = R;
Brand = B;
Res = Re;
BiWi = Bi;
BaCl = Ba;
K4 = K4;
WaGa = Wa;
Wor = WorGam;
public int get_Ram() //Accessor Method - there are 3 of them
return Ram;
public String get_Brand() //Accessor Method - there are 3 of them
return Brand;
public int get_Res() //Accessor Method - there are 3 of them
return Res;
public int get_BiWi() //Accessor Method - there are 3 of them
return BiWi;
public int get_BaCl()
return BaCl;
public boolean get_K4()
return K4;
public String WorGam(boolean WaGa)
String WorGam;
if ( WaGa == true) {
return WorGam = "Workstation";
} else {
return WorGam = "True";
public String toString()
return ("Ram" + " " + Ram + ". " + "Brand:" + " " + Brand + ". " + "Resolution" + " " + Res + ". " + "Processer" + " " + BiWi + "." + " " + "Base Clock" + " " + BaCl+ " " + "K4?" + " " + K4+ " " +WorGam);
public class Graphicse_Driver
public static void main(String [] args)
Graphics unique=new Graphics(4, "Nvinda", 6, 7, 9, false, false, "sdf" );
You may need to reread you code to make sure there aren't any other mistakes in your code, but this is the root of your problem.
In order to access the WarGam getter, you need to call:
When you do System.out.println(unique), you are trying to print out the entire Graphics object instead of just the WarGam string.
You then should change your WarGam() method to look like the following:
public String WorGam()
if (WaGa) {
return "Workstation";
return "Gaming";
Here is a more in depth explanation of the changes:
WaGa is a private variable of your Graphics class. Since the WarGam() method is in the same Graphics class, it already had access to the WaGa variable, so you do not need to pass it in.
if(WaGa == true) is just a wordier way of writing if(WaGa).
Instead of creating a String WorGam variable, you can just return the string you want directly.
The else surrounding the second return is unnessary since that code will only be hit if the first return is skipped.
After these changes, the private String WarGam variable is really not necessary either.
public String worGam(boolean waGa) {
if (waGa)
return "Workstation";
return "Gaming";
You need to correct your worGam() function:
public String worGam(boolean waGa) {
if (waGa == true)
return "Workstation";
return "True";
And the main() function:
public static void main(String [] args) {
Graphics unique = new Graphics(4, "Nnn", 6, 7, 9, false, false, "xxx");

Printing out most expensive boat and it's information from an array

I am working on a boat program that has a super class (Boat) and two subclasses (SailBoat, Powerboat) and I must print out all of the boats information and price as well as the most expensive boat and it's information alone. This is the part I am having trouble with since I am not entirely sure how to go about it. Here is what I have so far...
Boat Class:
public class Boat {
String color;
int length;
public Boat() {
color = "white";
length = 20;
public Boat(String col, int leng) {
color = col;
length = leng;
public boolean setColor(String col) {
if ("white".equals(col) || "red".equals(col) || "blue".equals(col) || "yellow".equals(col)) {
col = color;
return true;
} else {
System.out.println("Error: can only be white, red, blue or yellow");
return false;
public String getColor() {
return color;
public boolean setLength(int leng) {
if (leng < 20 || leng > 50) {
leng = length;
System.out.println("Sail Boats can only be between 20 and 50 feet, inclusively.");
return false;
} else {
return true;
public int getLength() {
return length;
public String toString() {
String string;
string = String.format("Color = " + color + " Length = " + length);
return string;
public int calcPrice() {
int price;
price = 5000 + length;
return price;
PowerBoat Subclass
import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class PowerBoat extends Boat {
int engineSize;
public PowerBoat() {
engineSize = 5;
public PowerBoat(String col, int len, int esize) {
this.color = col;
this.length = len;
engineSize = esize;
public boolean setEngineSize(int esize) {
if (esize < 5 || esize > 350) {
"Error: That engine is too powerful. The engine size must be between 1 and 350, inclusively");
esize = engineSize;
return false;
} else {
return true;
public int calcPrice() {
int price;
price = 5000 + length * 300 + engineSize * 20;
return price;
public String toString() {
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
return super.toString() + " Engine Size = " + engineSize + " Price = " + nf.format(calcPrice());
SailBoat subclass
import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class SailBoat extends Boat {
int numSails;
public SailBoat() {
numSails = 0;
public SailBoat(String col, int leng, int numsail) {
color = col;
length = leng;
numSails = numsail;
public boolean setNumSails(int nsails) {
if (nsails < 1 || nsails > 4) {
nsails = numSails;
return false;
} else {
return true;
} // end setNumSails
public int getNumSails() {
return numSails;
public int calcPrice() {
int price;
price = length * 1000 + numSails * 2000;
return price;
public String toString() {
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
return super.toString() + "Color: " + color + " Length: " + length + " Number Sails = " + numSails + " Cost = "
+ nf.format(calcPrice());
public int getTotalCost() {
int totalCost = 0;
totalCost += calcPrice();
return totalCost;
Inventory class (tester)
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Inventory {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// boat objects
Boat pb1 = new PowerBoat("blue", 22, 60);
Boat sb1 = new SailBoat("white", 20, 1);
Boat sb2 = new SailBoat("red", 42, 3);
Boat pb2 = new PowerBoat("yellow", 35, 80);
Boat pb3 = new PowerBoat("red", 50, 120);
Boat sb3 = new SailBoat("blue", 33, 2);
Boat pb4 = new PowerBoat("white", 20, 10);
ArrayList<Boat> AL = new ArrayList<Boat>();
// add boat objects to arraylist
// print all boat objects
System.out.println("Print all boats");
for (Boat anyBoat : AL) {
int max = 0;
int totalcost = 0;
Boat mostExpensiveBoat = null;
for (Boat anyBoat : AL) {
if (anyBoat instanceof SailBoat) {
totalcost += anyBoat.calcPrice();
if (anyBoat.calcPrice() > max) {
max = anyBoat.calcPrice();
mostExpensiveBoat = anyBoat;
I am really confused on how to finish up this program, the results I am supposed to get after all the boat information is printed is this..
Total price of all boats is $ 170,500.00
Most Expensive Boat: Color = red Length = 42 Number Sails = 3 Cost = $ 48,000.00
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
There are a few design flaws you should correct:
Your Boat class should be an interface or abstract. You can't have a boat that isn't a power boat or sail boat so you should not be able to instantiate one.
Your instance variables should be private.
Make methods abstract that need to be defined by subclasses of Boat (e.g. calcPrice).
If you are able to use Java 8 then there's a nice way of getting the most expensive boat. The following code will print the most expensive boat (using Boat.toString) if one is present.
That avoids having to write the code that manually iterates through your list comparing prices. It also copes with the situation of an empty list (which means there is no maximum). Otherwise you need to initialise to null and compare to null before printing.
Your for loop should look like this:
for (Boat anyBoat : AL) {
totalcost += anyBoat.calcPrice();
if (anyBoat.calcPrice() > max) {
max = anyBoat.calcPrice();
mostExpensiveBoat = anyBoat;
It doesn't matter if it's a sailBoat or not, you just wanna print the information of the most expensive one, so you can remove the instanceof condition. After that:
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
System.out.println("Total price of all boats is " + nf.format(totalcost));
System.out.println("Most expensive boat: " + mostExpensiveBoat.toString());
Should work, since you have already overriden the toString() methods.
one more thing: In your SailBoat toString() method, you are doing:
return super.toString() + "Color: " + color + " Length: " + length + " Number Sails = " + numSails + " Cost = "
+ nf.format(calcPrice());
When you call the super.toString() you are printing the color and the length twice; just call
return super.toString() + " Number Sails = " + numSails + " Cost = " + nf.format(calcPrice());

Infinite while loop in java, not reading in sentinel

I've had this problem throughout multiple programs, but I can't remember how I fixed it last time. In the second while loop in my body, the second sentinel value is never read in for some reason. I've been trying to fix it for a while now, thought I might see if anyone had any clue.
import java.text.DecimalFormat; // imports the decimal format
public class Car {
// Makes three instance variables.
private String make;
private int year;
private double price;
// Makes the an object that formats doubles.
public static DecimalFormat twoDecPl = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
// Constructor that assigns the instance variables
// to the values that the user made.
public Car(String carMake,int carYear, double carPrice)
make = carMake;
year = carYear;
price = carPrice;
// Retrieves variable make.
public String getMake()
return make;
// Retrieves variable year.
public int getYear()
return year;
// Retrieves variable price.
public double getPrice()
return price;
// Checks if two objects are equal.
public boolean equals(Car c1, Car c2)
boolean b = false;
if(c1.getMake().equals(c2.getMake()) && c1.getPrice() == c2.getPrice() &&
c1.getYear() == c2.getYear())
b = true;
return b;
return b;
// Turns the object into a readable string.
public String toString()
return "Description of car:" +
"\n Make : " + make +
"\n Year : " + year +
"\n Price: " + twoDecPl.format(price);
import java.util.Scanner; // imports a scanner
public class CarSearch {
public static void main(String[] args)
// initializes all variables
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
final int SIZE_ARR = 30;
Car[] carArr = new Car[SIZE_ARR];
final String SENT = "EndDatabase";
String carMake = "";
int carYear = 0;
double carPrice = 0;
int count = 0;
int pos = 0;
final String SECSENT = "EndSearchKeys";
final boolean DEBUG_SW = true;
// Loop that goes through the first list of values.
// It then stores the values in an array, then uses the
// values to make an object.
carMake =;
System.out.println("ERROR - not a String");
carYear = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("ERROR - not an int" + count);
carPrice = scan.nextDouble();
System.out.println("ERROR - not a double");
Car car1 = new Car(carMake, carYear, carPrice);
carArr[count] = car1;
// Calls the method debugSwitch to show the debug information.
debugSwitch(carArr, DEBUG_SW, count);
// Calls the method printData to print the database.
printData(carArr, count);
// Loops through the second group of values and stores them in key.
// Then, it searches for a match in the database.
carMake =;
System.out.println("ERROR - not a String");
carYear = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("ERROR - not an int" + count);
carPrice = scan.nextDouble();
System.out.println("ERROR - not a double");
Car key = new Car(carMake, carYear, carPrice);
// Stores the output of seqSearch in pos.
// If the debug switch is on, then it prints these statements.
if(DEBUG_SW == true)
System.out.println("Search, make = " + key.getMake());
System.out.println("Search, year = " + key.getYear());
System.out.println("Search, price = " + key.getPrice());
System.out.println("key =");
pos = seqSearch(carArr, count, key);
if(pos != -1)
System.out.println("This vehicle was found at index = " + pos);
System.out.println("This vehicle was not found in the database.");
// This method prints the database of cars.
private static void printData(Car[] carArr, int count)
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
System.out.println("Description of car:");
// Searches for a match in the database.
private static int seqSearch(Car[] carArr, int count, Car key)
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
boolean b = key.equals(key, carArr[i]);
if(b == true)
return i;
return -1;
// Prints debug statements if DEBUG_SW is set to true.
public static void debugSwitch(Car[] carArr, boolean DEBUG_SW, int count)
if(DEBUG_SW == true)
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
System.out.println("DB make = " + carArr[i].getMake());
System.out.println("DB year = " + carArr[i].getYear());
System.out.println("DB price = " + carArr[i].getPrice());
I think this is your problem, but I might be wrong:
Inside your while loop, you have these calls:
The problem is that the last call (nextDouble), will not eat the newline. So to fix this issue, you should add an extra nextLine() call at the end of the two loops.
What happens is that the next time you call next(), it will return the newline, instead of the CarMake-thing.
