Retrofit and GRPC - java

Been tackling this for two days. I'm trying to use the ProtoConverterFactory with gRPC but not having any luck with it.
public class RetrofitService {
public void makeRequest() {
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
RetrofitServiceImp serviceImp = retrofit.create(RetrofitServiceImp.class);
serviceImp.getToken(Empty.getDefaultInstance()).enqueue(new Callback<Token.TokenResponse>() {
public void onResponse(Call<Token.TokenResponse> call, Response<Token.TokenResponse> response) {
Log.d("SUCCESS", "onResponse: ");
public void onFailure(Call<Token.TokenResponse> call, Throwable t) {
Log.d("ERROR", "onFailure: " + t.getLocalizedMessage() + t.getMessage());
interface RetrofitServiceImp {
Call<Token.TokenResponse> getToken(#Body Empty empty);
There are no examples of how to do this correctly so I tried following the Unit Tests in the converter factory.
How do I link the compiled gRPC code to the converter or the retrofit lib?

The problem is that retrofit doesn't support gRPC out of the box.
Haven't tried it myself, but you might want to check Armenia framework. It supports gRPC and provides network engine compatible with retrofit's one.

For future readers!
If you want to use gRPC with your android app instead of REST, use Square's Wire library.


Making a minimal post request with retrofit

I am trying to learn about Retrofit since it seems to take care of a lot of the issues I am currently having with JSON requests and handling.
first and foremost, I understand that the methods we use are defined inside of interfaces, while making simple requests to obtain data it is quite simple to specify what is to be retrieved from the url as well as all the necessary endpoints based on the famous github example.
So if we are retrieving information form the github api, we would first create all the necessary pojo models and such and then define the interface as:
public interface GithubService {
Observable<Github>getGithHubUser(#Path("username")String userName);
From that on the main activity we would have something like:
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
GithubService githubService = retrofit.create(GithubService.class);
Observable<Github> githubUser = githubService.getGithHubUser("usersName");
.map(user -> "Github Username: " + user.getName() + "\nUrl:" +user.getUrl() + "\nfollowing: "+ user.getHireable())
.subscribe(userInfo -> Log.d("Output", userInfo));
My question here would be how to send JSON information if the url requires something like this:
"data={\"process\":\"procesNumber\", \"phone\":\"123456\"}"
Basically, in order to get any response form the server I have been doing this using simple okhttp:
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(CREATE_MEDIA_TYPE, "data={\"process\":\"procesNumber\", \"phone\":\"123456\"}");
String ALLWAYS_API = "http://something something bla bla";
Request request = new Request.Builder()
Call call = client.newCall(request);
call.enqueue(new Callback() {
public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
... etc etc etc
To my understanding, even I need to create a pojo class that represents the data that needs to be sent to retrofit, something along the lines of:
public class DataRequest {
final String proces;
final String phone;
DataRequest(String process, String phone) {
this.process = process; = phone;
Which would comply to the information being sent to the request, but how would I actually parse that to the interface implementation?
interface DataService {
#Post(not a clue what to place here)
DataRequest postJson(#Body how?)
And how would I actually add that to the retrofit builder? The examples that I am using come from different forums on the web as well as other questions asked by other users, this one in particular helped a lot in understanding a couple of things: How to POST raw whole JSON in the body of a Retrofit request? but I still don't understand where everything goes and some of the other questions and examples are far too complex for what I need to do.
Ok, so in order to leave an answer here for anyone trying to do this. By default, retrofit comes with many utilities which handle the passing of data as JSON, but in this case what I am passing is a string that looks like json inside of a tag called data......I know..
But in order to answer this for the people facing similar issues, in order to pass in the string we need to import a scalar convertor much in the same way that we need to import a gson converter to work with our retrofit services:
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-scalars:2.0.2'
After that, our service can be handled as:
public interface CreateService {
#Headers({ "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"})
Call<String> getStringScalar(#Body String body);
I write my service generators in a separate file, in this case, the whole thing can be used in this way:
public class ServiceGeneratorWithScalarConvertor {
private static final String API_BASE_URL = "your/base/url/goes/here";
private static OkHttpClient.Builder httpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
// basically, this code is the same as the one from before with the added instance of creating and making use of the scalar converter factory.....scratch that i took it off
private static Retrofit.Builder builder =
new Retrofit.Builder()
public static <S> S createService(Class<S> serviceClass) {
Retrofit retrofit =;
return retrofit.create(serviceClass);
From there, we can access the results with this particular method(i am using this method inside my main activity:
public void retroFitCreateAPIExample() {
CreateService service = ServiceGeneratorWithScalarConvertor.createService(CreateService.class);
String body = "data={\"process\":\"process1\",\"phone\":\"12345\"}";
Call<String> call = service.getStringScalar(body);
call.enqueue(new Callback<String>() {
public void onResponse(Call<String> call, Response<String> response) {
Log.d("Response Body>>>>>", response.body());
createR = new Gson().fromJson(response.body().toString(), CreateModels.class);
Log.d("CREATED RESPONSE",createR.getCreate().getStops().get(0).getCity());
public void onFailure(Call<String> call, Throwable t) {
The instance is this passed to the service generator that uses scalar convertors, the body of the post request is saved as a simple string(as it was specified in the interface) and we can do with the response whatever we want.

Unable to create converter for class com.squareup.okhttp.ResponseBody

Retrofit Documentation says:
"By default, Retrofit can only deserialize HTTP bodies into OkHttp's ResponseBody...Converters can be added to support other types"
This implies I should be able to make a api call WIHTOUT using the GSON converter, and get my response in the form of a "ResponseBody" object.
but I still get error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to create converter for class com.squareup.okhttp.ResponseBody
here is my code
Call<ResponseBody> getArtists(#Query("q") String name, #Query("type") String searchType);
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
api = retrofit.create(SpotifyApi.class);
api.getArtists(searchBox.getText().toString(), "artist")
.enqueue(new Callback<ResponseBody>() {
public void onResponse(Call<ResponseBody> call, Response<ResponseBody> response) {
public void onFailure(Call<ResponseBody> call, Throwable t) {
Basically for I want to be able to use Retrofit in its purest/simplest form and just get a basic/raw response back. this is not for a real app, it's for experimentation.
You need to use okhttp3.ResponseBody from OkHttp 3.x (which Retrofit depends on). That error message indicates you are using the type from OkHttp 2.x.

MockWebserver and Retrofit 2.0

Trying to unit test a Retrofit 2.0 response using MockWebServer. I have the webserver setup, but the problem occurs when i am trying to pass a mock json file as a response. To illustrate, my folder structure is:
My unit test:
public void setUp() throws Exception{
server = new MockWebServer();
serviceHelper = new ServiceHelper();
public void testEventBusIdPostedOnSuccessfulServiceCall() throws Exception {
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setResponseCode(200).setBody(getStringFromFile(RuntimeEnvironment.application, "list_success.json")));
MainActivity.URL = server.url("/").toString();
public void tearDown() throws Exception{
Everything works fine. The retrofit call which is async is triggered with the mock JSON. However, the callback never gets triggered. I tried putting in a countdown latch within the actual service implementation, but nothing happens either.
public void getIndividualData(String item, String number) {
Call<DataList> dataList = RestClient.get().getList(item, number);
dataList.enqueue(new Callback<DataList>() {
public void onResponse(Response<DataList> response, Retrofit retrofit) {
/*data persistence should take place before sending out the eventbus message.
Passing the response object directly for sample purpose. */
EventBus.getDefault().post(new IndividualItemEvent(response.body().Values));
// latch.countDown(); ---->might be needed for retrofit async unit testing
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
Log.d("%%%%%", "retrofit failure");
// latch.countDown(); ---->might be needed for retrofit async unit testing
// try {
// latch.await();
// } catch (InterruptedException e) { ---->might be needed for retrofit async unit testing
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
Am i missing something here?

Spring Cloud Feign Interceptor

I have created a ClientHttpRequestInterceptor that I use to intercept all outgoing RestTemplate requests and responses. I would like to add the interceptor to all outgoing Feign requests/responses. Is there a way to do this?
I know that there is a feign.RequestInterceptor but with this I can only intercept the request and not the response.
There is a class FeignConfiguration that I found in Github that has the ability to add interceptors but I don't know in which maven dependency version it is.
A practical example of how to intercept the response in a Spring Cloud OpenFeign.
Create a custom Client by extending Client.Default as shown below:
public class CustomFeignClient extends Client.Default {
public CustomFeignClient(SSLSocketFactory sslContextFactory, HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier) {
super(sslContextFactory, hostnameVerifier);
public Response execute(Request request, Request.Options options) throws IOException {
Response response = super.execute(request, options);
InputStream bodyStream = response.body().asInputStream();
String responseBody = StreamUtils.copyToString(bodyStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
//TODO do whatever you want with the responseBody - parse and modify it
return response.toBuilder().body(responseBody, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).build();
Then use the custom Client in a configuration class:
public class FeignClientConfig {
public FeignClientConfig() { }
public Client client() {
return new CustomFeignClient(null, null);
Finally, use the configuration class in a FeignClient:
#FeignClient(name = "api-client", url = "${api.base-url}", configuration = FeignClientConfig.class)
public interface ApiClient {
Good luck
If you want to use feign from spring cloud, use as your dependency coordinates. Currently the only way to modify the response is to implement your own feign.Client.

Replying multiple times over web-socket without spring authentication

Note: see update at the bottom of the question for what I eventually concluded.
I need to send multiple responses to a request over the web socket that sent the request message, the first one quickly, and the others after the data is verified (somewhere between 10 and 60 seconds later, from multiple parallel threads).
I am having trouble getting the later responses to stop broadcasting over all open web sockets. How do I get them to only send to the initial web socket? Or should I use something besides Spring STOMP (because, to be honest, all I want is the message routing to various functions, I don't need or want the ability to broadcast to other web sockets, so I suspect I could write the message distributor myself, even though it is reinventing the wheel).
I am not using Spring Authentication (this is being retrofitted into legacy code).
On the initial return message, I can use #SendToUser, and even though we don't have a user, Spring only sends the return value to the websocket that sent the message. (see this question).
With the slower responses, though, I think I need to use SimpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(user, destination, message), but I can't, because I have to pass in the user, and I can't figure out what user the #SendToUser used. I tried to follow the steps in this question, but didn't get it to work when not authenticated (principal.getName() returns null in this case).
I've simplified this considerably for the prototype, so don't worry about synchronizing threads or anything. I just want the web sockets to work correctly.
Here is my controller:
public class TestSocketController
private SimpMessagingTemplate template;
public TestSocketController(SimpMessagingTemplate template)
this.template = template;
// This doesn't work because I need to pass something for the first parameter.
// If I just use convertAndSend, it broacasts the response to all browsers
void setResults(String ret)
template.convertAndSendToUser("", "/user/topic/testwsresponse", ret);
// this only sends "Testing Return" to the browser tab hooked to this websocket
public String handleTestWS(String msg) throws InterruptedException
(new Thread(new Later(this))).start();
return "Testing Return";
public class Later implements Runnable
TestSocketController Controller;
public Later(TestSocketController controller)
Controller = controller;
public void run()
Controller.setResults("Testing Later Return");
catch (Exception e)
For the record, here is the browser side:
var client = null;
function sendMessage()
client.send('/app/testws', {}, 'Test');
// hooked to a button
function test()
if (client != null)
var socket = new SockJS('/application-name/sendws/');
client = Stomp.over(socket);
client.connect({}, function(frame)
client.subscribe('/user/topic/testwsresponse', function(message)
And here is the config:
public class TestSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config)
config.enableSimpleBroker("/queue", "/topic");
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry)
UPDATE: Due to the security issues involved with the possibility of information being sent over other websockets than the originating socket, I ended up recommending to my group that we do not use the Spring 4.0 implementation of STOMP over Web Sockets. I understand why the Spring team did it the way they did it, and it is more power then we needed, but the security restrictions on our project were severe enough, and the actual requirements were simple enough, that we decided to go a different way. That doesn't invalidate the answers below, so make your own decision based on your projects needs. At least we have hopefully all learned the limitations of the technology, for good or bad.
Why don't you use a separate topic for each client?
Client generates a session id.
var sessionId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
Client subscribes to /topic/testwsresponse/{sessionId}, then sends a message to '/app/testws/{sessionId}'.
In your controller you use #MessageMapping(value="/testws/{sessionId}") and remove #SendToUser. You can use #DestinationVariable to access sessionId in your method.
The controller sends further responses to /topic/testwsresponse/{sessionId}.
Essentially Spring does a similar thing internally when you use user destinations. Since you don't use Spring Authentication you cannot rely on this mechanism but you can easily implement your own as I described above.
var client = null;
var sessionId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
function sendMessage()
client.send('/app/testws/' + sessionId, {}, 'Test');
// hooked to a button
function test()
if (client != null)
var socket = new SockJS('/application-name/sendws/');
client = Stomp.over(socket);
client.connect({}, function(frame)
client.subscribe('/topic/testwsresponse/' + sessionId, function(message)
// Need to wait until subscription is complete
setTimeout(sendMessage, 1000);
public class TestSocketController
private SimpMessagingTemplate template;
public TestSocketController(SimpMessagingTemplate template)
this.template = template;
void setResults(String ret, String sessionId)
template.convertAndSend("/topic/testwsresponse/" + sessionId, ret);
public void handleTestWS(#DestinationVariable String sessionId, #Payload String msg) throws InterruptedException
(new Thread(new Later(this, sessionId))).start();
setResults("Testing Return", sessionId);
public class Later implements Runnable
TestSocketController Controller;
String sessionId;
public Later(TestSocketController controller, String sessionId)
Controller = controller;
this.sessionId = sessionId;
public void run()
Controller.setResults("Testing Later Return", sessionId);
catch (Exception e)
Just tested it, works as expected.
This is not full answer. Just general consideration and suggestion.
You cannot do different stuff or type of connection via the same socket. Why not have different sockets for different work? Some with authentication and some without. Some for quick task and some for long execution.
