My current project is java selenium (with selenide framework) auto-tests with gradle and junit.
Now, I want to wrap my whole project to docker container, to make it possible to run it on other machines using only docker.
As I see it:
User run my docker image
Image have installed java + chrome + selenium + gradle
Project tests launched within container.
(optional) image shares test results outside image (or I can connect to container and take a look at them).
What am I suppose to do?
A saw a lot of tutorials about browsers in containers, selenoid, etc.(which is cool).
But I can't find a solution for my question.
Suggest to run tests as docker-compose multi-container application.
It will have 2 services in docker-compose as i see it:
browser - based on selenium Chrome browser image
tests - based on custom image extending java base image. Custom image Dockerfile should have gradle installed and tests jar file built in it.
Tests should drive Chrome browser using RemoteWebDriver initialized as below (note browser hostname where remote Chrome is listening).
public void createChromeDriverForRemote(){
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver("http://browser:4444/wd/hub",;
See quick start here
What you need to do is:
Create a docker image that has Java, Chrome, selenium, gradle, junit, etc
Once you have the image, run it on your local on any port example: 4444
Switch to RemoteWebdriver
public static String remote_url_chrome = "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub";
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
driver.set(new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(remote_url_chrome), options));
Run the test now
I have been trying to get started with appium by integrating it into a bdd framework so i can test a hybrid web app.
However I run into problems when switching the context to "WEBVIEW_chrome" because the correct chromedriver is not installed. states that i should run my local appium instance with the argument "chromedriver_autodownload" so it will always get the correct driver. However when i try to run the AppiumDriverLocalService as
AppiumDriverLocalService service = AppiumDriverLocalService.buildService(new AppiumServiceBuilder().usingAnyFreePort().withArgument(() -> "chromedriver_autodownload"));
the argument is refused.
All help to get this working is very much appreciated,
Other solutions or pointers to appium services that can help me download the correct chromedrivers automatically are also much appreciated.
I'm running appium 7.3.0 pulled from Maven Central
A friend pointed out i was missing part of the argument.
correct usage:
AppiumDriverLocalService service = AppiumDriverLocalService.buildService(new AppiumServiceBuilder().usingAnyFreePort().withArgument(() -> "--allow-insecure","chromedriver_autodownload"));
I had to use the specified default port to get this to work.
AppiumDriverLocalService service = AppiumDriverLocalService.buildService(new AppiumServiceBuilder().usingPort(4723).withArgument(() -> "--allow-insecure", "chromedriver_autodownload"));
For context switching in Selenium, I have to start as shown below.
appium --chromedriver-executable /Users/$User/Documents/chromeDrivers/103/chromedriver
Is it possible to run the above command by using 'AppiumDriverLocalService' class and 'AppiumServiceBuilder'
? Or Runtime class is the only option?
I'm trying to use the Serenity BDD testing framework with JUnit, instead of using Selenium directly, but I can't figure out how give the Serenity-managed WebDriver instance the URL of my Selenium Hub in a way that works for running tests from Eclipse (with "Run As > JUnit Test").
Using #Managed with driver="remote" correctly tries to create a org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver instance...
public class SerenityIT {
#Managed(driver="remote") WebDriver browser;
... but this fails with
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null at ~[na:1.8.0_151]
which isn't surprising because there is no URL specified. So how should I pass the Selenium Hub URL?
You can also configure it in serenity.conf file
So something like that;
# Remote
webdriver {
driver = remote
remote {
It turns our Serenity also loads when running tests from Eclipse, even though this is neither documented nor implied. I wrote one and Serenity found it, which is confirmed by logs in the console:
DEBUG [net.thucydides.core.util.PropertiesFileLocalPreferences:115] -
Selenium Hub's URL can then be provided as documented with webdriver.remote.url. Below are the properties I'm currently using, with an example of passing Firefox preferences.
I'm attempting to use Bamboo's build and deployment capabilities to run Selenium Automated tests with my project.
We're currently using a Maven task to build and run regular JUNIT tests, and the plan is to use another Maven task to run the Selenium tests after the code has been successfully deployed to the server. At the moment, everything seems to run just fine locally, but when bamboo attempts to run the Selenium tests it seems to hang indefinitely. Unfortunately I don't have remote access to the server to watch it first hand, but I do know that it's a Microsoft server running with OS version: Windows 2012 R2 64-bit. I also know that the server is using java version "1.8.0_101", which is the same as my local setup. I've included a sample of the code I'm running below.
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
public class SeleniumTestExample {
WebDriver driver;
public void setup(){
System.setProperty("", "src/test/resources/IEDriverServer32bit.exe");
DesiredCapabilities ieCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer();
ieCapabilities.setCapability(InternetExplorerDriver.INTRODUCE_FLAKINESS_BY_IGNORING_SECURITY_DOMAINS, true);
driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(null, ieCapabilities);
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void printPageTitle(){
System.out.println("Title of Page is: " + driver.getTitle());
When run through Bamboo, the only output in the logs are the lines...
Started InternetExplorerDriver server (32-bit)
Listening on port 8080
Only local connections are allowed
CI or Bamboo server should be used for controlling your tests. You should not try to run your tests on a CI server. The issue you are having is probably because of that. Your are trying to use CI server as you local machine, which it will not respond the same way as your local. Instead you should use selenium grid in your setup to remotely connect to a machine by making use of hub and node. You may also have to use remote webdriver. Also have a look at this post
I've seen this using TeamCity, in this case the IE tells you that its executable will only accept connections from the local machine. According to Selenium org
The HTTP server started by the IEDriverServer.exe sets an access control list to only accept connections from the local machine, and disallows incoming connections from remote machines. At present, this cannot be changed without modifying the source code to the IEDriverServer.exe. To run the Internet Explorer driver on a remote machine, use the Java standalone remote server in connection with your language binding's equivalent of RemoteWebDriver.
So first run a chromedriver via passing through a param like so :
chromedriver --whitelisted-ips=""
This will basically whitelist all IP's, not always an ideal solution of course. But will show you that your tests can run on this CI configuration. Next thing to look for is your users privileges. Ask your admin to grant you more permissions in order to do your job. Keep in mind that IE's Protected mode may require some additional changes from your user. If none of this helps, consider Selenium grid with IE nodes.
Try to get rid of the line in the code:
System.setProperty("", "src/test/resources/IEDriverServer32bit.exe");
First of all, it tells where selenium should look for the webdriver for IE. Since the Bamboo server is a windows machine, you have to set it up with the absolute path of the file, like "C:\test\webdriver\IEDriverServer32bit.exe".
Secondly, the property could be set using environment variables of the Bamboo task.
Thirdly, if you want to define it on the fly, you can define the property in pom.xml as:
and use it in a system property with help of maven-surefire-plugin.
then you can run test with the command
mvn test\test\webdriver\IEDriverServer32bit.exe
with whatever path you want.
I am getting error while using Firefox with WebDriver.
org.openqa.selenium.firefox.NotConnectedException: Unable to connect
to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms.
Firefox version:47.0
Windows 10 64 bit
Is anyone getting a similar issue or any idea what is the solution for this? It's working fine with Chrome but with Firefox none of the URLs are getting loaded.
Unfortunately Selenium WebDriver 2.53.0 is not compatible with Firefox 47.0. The WebDriver component which handles Firefox browsers (FirefoxDriver) will be discontinued. As of version 3.0, Selenium WebDriver will need the geckodriver binary to manage Firefox browsers. More info here and here.
Therefore, in order to use Firefox 47.0 as browser with Selenium WebDriver 2.53.0, you need to download the Firefox driver (which is a binary file called geckodriver as of version 0.8.0, and formerly wires) and export its absolute path to the variable webdriver.gecko.driver as a system property in your Java code:
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "/path/to/geckodriver");
Luckily, the library WebDriverManager can do this work for you, i.e. download the proper Marionette binary for your machine (Linux, Mac, or Windows) and export the value of the proper system property. To use this library, you need to include this dependency into your project:
... and then execute this line in your program before using WebDriver:
A complete running example of a JUnit 4 test case using WebDriver could be as follows:
public class FirefoxTest {
protected WebDriver driver;
public static void setupClass() {
public void setupTest() {
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
public void teardown() {
if (driver != null) {
public void test() {
// Your test code here
Take into account that Marionette will be the only option for future (for WebDriver 3+ and Firefox 48+), but currently (version 0.9.0 at writing time) is not very stable. Take a look to the Marionette roadmap for further details.
Selenium WebDriver 2.53.1 has been released on 30th June 2016. FirefoxDriver is working again with Firefox 47.0.1 as browser.
Try using firefox 46.0.1. It best matches with Selenium 2.53
I had the same issue and found out that you need to switch drivers because support was dropped. Instead of using the Firefox Driver, you need to use the Marionette Driver in order to run your tests. I am currently working through the setup myself and can post some suggested steps if you'd like when I have a working example.
Here are the steps I followed to get this working on my Java environment on Mac (worked for me in my Linux installations (Fedora, CentOS and Ubuntu) as well):
Download the nightly executable from the releases page
Unpack the archive
Create a directory for Marionette (i.e., mkdir -p /opt/marionette)
Move the unpacked executable file to the directory you made
Update your $PATH to include the executable (also, edit your .bash_profile if you want)
:bangbang: Make sure you chmod +x /opt/marionette/wires-x.x.x so that it is executable
In your launch, make sure you use the following code below (it is what I used on Mac)
Quick Note
Still not working as expected, but at least gets the browser launched now. Need to figure out why - right now it looks like I need to rewrite my tests to get it to work.
Java Snippet
WebDriver browser = new MarionetteDriver();
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "/opt/marionette/wires-0.7.1-OSX");
If you're on OSX using Homebrew, you can install old Firefox versions via brew cask:
brew tap goldcaddy77/firefox
brew cask install firefox-46 # or whatever version you want
After installing, you'll just need to rename your FF executable in the Applications directory to "Firefox".
More info can be found at the git repo homebrew-firefox. Props to smclernon for creating the original cask.
If you're on a Mac do brew install geckodriver and off you go!
In case anyone is wondering how to use Marionette in C#.
FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile(); // Your custom profile
var service = FirefoxDriverService.CreateDefaultService("DirectoryContainingTheDriver", "geckodriver.exe");
// Set the binary path if you want to launch the release version of Firefox.
service.FirefoxBinaryPath = #"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe";
var option = new FirefoxProfileOptions(profile) { IsMarionette = true };
var driver = new FirefoxDriver(
Overriding FirefoxOptions to provide the function to add additional capability and set Firefox profile because selenium v53 doesn't provide that function yet.
public class FirefoxProfileOptions : FirefoxOptions
private DesiredCapabilities _capabilities;
public FirefoxProfileOptions()
: base()
_capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.Firefox();
_capabilities.SetCapability("marionette", this.IsMarionette);
public FirefoxProfileOptions(FirefoxProfile profile)
: this()
_capabilities.SetCapability(FirefoxDriver.ProfileCapabilityName, profile.ToBase64String());
public override void AddAdditionalCapability(string capabilityName, object capabilityValue)
_capabilities.SetCapability(capabilityName, capabilityValue);
public override ICapabilities ToCapabilities()
return _capabilities;
Note: Launching with profile doesn't work with FF 47, it works with FF 50 Nightly.
However, we tried to convert our test to use Marionette, and it's just not viable at the moment because the implementation of the driver is either not completed or buggy. I'd suggest people downgrade their Firefox at this moment.
New Selenium libraries are now out, according to:
The download page seems not to be updated just yet, but by adding 1 to the minor version in the link, I could download the C# version:
It works for me with Firefox 47.0.1.
As a side note, I was able build just the webdriver.xpi Firefox extension from the master branch in GitHub, by running ./go //javascript/firefox-driver:webdriver:run – which gave an error message but did build the build/javascript/firefox-driver/webdriver.xpi file, which I could rename (to avoid a name clash) and successfully load with the FirefoxProfile.AddExtension method. That was a reasonable workaround without having to rebuild the entire Selenium library.
Its a FF47 issue
Please downgrade to FF 46 or below (or try out FF48 developer
Instructions on how to downgrade:
Or if you are on Mac, as suggested by someone else in this thread use brew.
Firefox 47.0 stopped working with Webdriver.
Easiest solution is to switch to Firefox 47.0.1 and Webdriver 2.53.1. This combination again works. In fact, restoring Webdriver compatibility was the main reason behind the 47.0.1 release, according to
You can try using this code,
private WebDriver driver;
System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.marionette","Your path to driver/geckodriver.exe");
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
I upgraded to selenium 3.0.0 and Firefox version is 49.0.1
You can download geckodriver.exe from
Make sure you download zip file only, file or win32 one as per your system and extract it in a folder.
Put the path for that folder in the "Your path to driver" quotes.Don't forget to put geckodriver.exe in the path.
I eventually installed an additional old version of Firefox (used for testing only) to resolve this, besides my regular (secure, up to date) latest Firefox installation.
This requires webdriver to know where it can find the Firefox binary, which can be set through the webdriver.firefox.bin property.
What worked for me (mac, maven, /tmp/ff46 as installation folder) is:
mvn -Dwebdriver.firefox.bin=/tmp/ff46/ verify
To install an old version of Firefox in a dedicated folder, create the folder, open Finder in that folder, download the Firefox dmg, and drag it to that Finder.
Here's what the problem looked like in Wireshark
Just load up 2.53.1 and every thing will work.
As of September 2016
Firefox 48.0 and selenium==2.53.6 work fine without any errors
To upgrade firefox on Ubuntu 14.04 only
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade firefox
It seems to me that the best solution is to update to Selenium 3.0.0, download geckodriver.exe and use Firefox 47 or higher.
I changed Firefox initialization to:
string geckoPathTest = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "TestFiles\\geckodriver.exe");
string geckoPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "geckodriver.exe");
File.Copy(geckoPathTest, geckoPath);
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("webdriver.gecko.driver", geckoPath);
_firefoxDriver = new FirefoxDriver();
I can confirm that selenium 2.53.6 works with firefox 44 for me on ubuntu 15.