Java show me long error but missing in my log file - java

Hi all I know its a stupid question but I'm trying everything.
My game server show me a very long error which is too long for console and can see the top of it, but it is missing from my log and I can't see the details of this error.
Can somebody help me on how can I capture that error:
private void fix(L2PcInstance pl, int playerPoints)
IAchievement arc = Achievements.getInstance().GetAchivment(_id, pl.getAchivmentLevelbyId(_id) + 1);
if ((arc != null) && (playerPoints > arc.getNeedPoints()))
Achievements.getInstance().reward(pl, arc);
fix(pl, playerPoints);
catch (Exception e)
_log.error(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Error in fix: " + e);
the error
the line 96 is
fix(pl, playerPoints);
but the error is missing from my log im try to capture the console to txt file from command
java myserver.jar > capturemyconsole.txt but again it's showing error in console that the txt is missing. How is this possible ? Thanks for your time and help :)
and sorry for my bad english :(

You method fix calls itself, with the same arguments, causing stack overflow...
Should add some modification to the arguments, or some more condition to the recursion...

You can catch "Error" instead of "Exception" and then log
[...] catch (Error e)
_log.error(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Error in fix: " + e, e);
In Your current code StackOverflowException (which is not a child of Exception) is propagated without going into catch block. Remember to put additional "e" parameter to log full stacktrace.
It's not a good practice to catch Error, but it'll answer Your question.
More info: try/catch on stack overflows in java?


How do I display database trigger errors on a web application through Payara5

This is a standard error I receive for all Errors parsed from Database Triggers. I use Payara5 as the Application Server and Netbeans 8.2 IDE. In the instance on the picture, it was supposed to display "ID Number mandatory for applicants order that 18 years of age".
How do I make sure that the exact error as in the trigger, appears on the Web Application?
Given your stacktrace it looks like you need to remove the ExceptionUtils.findRootException(ex).getMessage() and just use ex.getMessage() since the thrown topmost Exception already contains the message that you need.
I would try with the following code when an Exception is thrown:
catch (Exception ex) {
However, ExceptionUtils.findRootException(ex).getMessage() might be there for a reason. There are cases where the topmost Exception is pretty general (e.g. an EJBException) and you really need to get to the root exception to get a meaningful message.
You could also try with this code which returns an SQLException if applicable and in other cases the root Exception.
catch (Exception ex) {
Throwable rootCause = ex;
while (rootCause.getCause() != null && rootCause.getCause() != rootCause) {
if ( rootCause instanceof java.sql.SQLException ) {
rootCause = rootCause.getCause();

AssertTrue in try/catch

Please what exactly am i doing wrong.
I have checked and checked but all to no avail.
I have also checked previous code but I am not getting an error so my code works fine but just slight error somewhere.
The code is running fine and assertTrue is behaving as expected but when I put it in the try/catch, I only get the log in the catch block, even when text was found.
I believe that if the assertTrue found the text, it should go to the next line of code in the try block and pass the test rather than the catch block. Don't get me wrong, I am not getting any error just that it's printing out the wrong message.
Code below including print out message in console.
public boolean verifyTextPresent(String value) throws Exception {
boolean txtFound = driver.getPageSource().contains(value);
log.log(value + " : text Found, .......continue");
return txtFound;
}catch(Exception e)
log.log(value + " :NOT Found, check element again ot Contact developer.");
return false;
public static void verifySignOutBtn() throws Exception
log.header("LOCATE SIGN_OUT BTN, AND CLICK ......");
Assert.assertTrue(callMethod.verifyTextPresent("SIGN IN"), "SIGN IN");
log.log("User Successfully Signed Out.......");
log.log("Test Passed!...");
catch(Throwable e)
log.log("User NOT Successfully Signed Out.... Contact developer.");
log.log("Test Failed!...");
Msg in console:
SIGN IN : text Found, .......continue
User NOT Successfully Signed Out.... Contact developer.
Test Failed!...
The confusing part is that why is it printing out the catch block instead of the next line in the try block?
Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Assert.assertTrue("Message if it is false", callMethod.verifyTextPresent("SIGN IN"));
The only possible explanation is that verifyTextPresent(String value) returns false (you never actually check the value of boolean txtFound) and assertTrue fails (throwing an AssertionError which is not handled well in your catch block). To find out, replace this
log.log(value + " : text Found, .......continue");
for example with this line
log.log(value + " : text Found, ......." + txtFound);
or just print the stacktrace in catch block.

log the exception in spring using aspectJ?

Please don't hesitate to edit the question or to ask more details about the questin.
I know I can log the ArithmeticException of the below method using the aspectJ as,
public void afterThrowingAspect(){
System.out.println("This is afterThrowingAspect() !");
int i=2/0;
System.out.println("i value : "+i);
The AspectJ class has,
#AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(* com.pointel.aop.test1.AopTest.afterThrowingAspect(..))",throwing= "error")
public void logAfterError(JoinPoint joinPoint,Throwable error) {
System.out.println("Hi jacked Method name : " + joinPoint.getSignature().getName());"Method name : " + joinPoint.getSignature().getName());"Error report is : " + error);
Normally I can handle exception using the TRY and CATCH block and log the errors in the every CATCH block as ,
public void someMehtod(){
int i=2/0;
System.out.println("i value : "+i);
}catch{ArithmeticException err){"The exception you got is : " + err);
But I don't like to do the logging like with every single catch block individually in all the java classes of my project like ,"The exception you got is : " + err);
I would like to do the logging inside CATCH block in my application using the aspectJ class.
Hope you are all understand my question.Thanks.
Its possible to simply remove the try/catch from your code and simply log the exception in your aspect.
public void someMehtod(){
int i=2/0;
System.out.println("i value : "+i);
Because you don't re-throw the exception in the aspect then it won't bubble up. Although this is possible I strongly advise you to think more about what you are trying to do here. Why do you need to log the fact that an exception has been thrown? Exceptions aren't necessarily only for errors but can occur in normal code journeys. Simply logging only the exception name is unlikely to help you debug the problem. Therefore, you will probably want a bespoke log message for each catch block. If you do find repetition you could create a method to log out the result.
Hope this helps,

Java Error Catching Issue

I have a try/catch thing set up where it will catch all exceptions and then display the error.
Here is my code:
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
System.err.println("Unexpected error: " + e.getStackTrace()[0]);
The above code gives me the LAST class that had the error. How do I detect the LAST class of MY PROGRAM that had the error?
Example Output: "Unexpected error: package.ClassName.method("
I want it to output the line of my program that had the error, not the line of a built-in java class that error-ed because of my program.
might make you happier. Or print the top of the array of stack trace entries available from the appropriate method.
returns them. The first one is what you are asking for.
You can use getStackTrace to get an array of StackTraceElement instances, and filter that based on your package and/or class names (using getClassName for each element, which gives you the fully-qualified class name for that stack trace frame). That would let you winnow it down to your code rather than the JDK class the exception originated in.
try {
//error producing code
} catch (Exception e) {
for (StackTraceElement s : e.getStackTrace()) {
if (!s.getClassName().startsWith("java.")) {
System.out.println("file name: " + s.getFileName());
System.out.println("class name: " + s.getClassName());
System.out.println("method name: " + s.getMethodName());
System.out.println("line number: " + s.getLineNumber());
//break; // will be the highest non java package...
You of course could switch it to be package specific so if (s.getClassName().startsWith("")) { so it wont return for a third party library or something in the sun package or other non java package.

Print Alfresco exception

I've some problem printing the exception stack trace for Alfresco Exception.
On debug mode, step by step under Eclipse IDE I'm able to see the message when the exception is raised inspecting the Exception object but, when I send the error message to console output it's always null.
The exception is raised by this instruction:
try {
UpdateResult[] results = WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService().update(cml);
catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println(" " + ex.getStackTrace());
System.out.println("ERROR - createContent : " + ex.getMessage());
(in that case I tryed to write on a folder that not exists on repository) and inspecting the ex object on eclipse I can see the message:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to resolve to a single NodeRef with parameters (store=workspace:SpacesStore uuid=null path=/app:company_home/cm:UploadFromJava), found 0 nodes.
but ex.getMessage() returns null
Anyone could help me?
Implementing a method in this way:
NamedValue setNameProperty(String name) throws AlfrescoRuntimeException
try {
return Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.PROP_NAME, name);
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
The message is correclty printed with e.printStackTrace();
Try to replace your package in the from debug to error
