Updating a JTable after setModel - java

I have a JTable and I can't manage to make it update its content, I am in IntelliJ IDEA.
I'll share some code first
I have all the objects declared in the main class, which extends a JFrame
private Object[][] transactionsData;
private String[] transactionsColumnNames = new String[] {"uid","data","ora","product","ini","amount","final"};
private DefaultTableModel transactionsModel;
private JTable transactionsTable;
Then in the createUIComponents() method, that I managed to understand, is called at the very beginning, when the UI needs to be created, I initialize the table like this:
transactionsData = Main.db.getTransactions();
transactionsModel = new DefaultTableModel(transactionsData,transactionsColumnNames);
transactionsTable = new JTable(transactionsData,transactionsColumnNames){
public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer, int row, int column) {
Component component = super.prepareRenderer(renderer, row, column);
int rendererWidth = component.getPreferredSize().width;
TableColumn tableColumn = getColumnModel().getColumn(column);
tableColumn.setPreferredWidth(Math.max(rendererWidth + getIntercellSpacing().width, tableColumn.getPreferredWidth()));
return component;
transactionsTable.setDefaultEditor(Object.class, transactionsEditor);
transactionsTable.getTableHeader().setFont(new Font("Segoe",Font.PLAIN,16));
sorter = new TableRowSorter<>(transactionsTable.getModel());
transactionsTable.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(e -> {
if ( transactionsTable.getSelectedRows().length > 0 ) {
logUIDField.setText(transactionsTable.getValueAt(transactionsTable.getSelectedRow(), 0).toString());
Now, each time I click a button i switch the content of the frame and the table is displayed, I need it to update its content before being displayed, because its content is taken from an online database, and of course, its content may have changed, so I do this:
storicoButton.addActionListener(e -> {
if( Main.db.hasTag() )
transactionsData = Main.db.getTransactions();
transactionsModel = new DefaultTableModel(transactionsData, transactionsColumnNames);
CardLayout cardLayout = (CardLayout) rootPanel.getLayout();
cardLayout.show(rootPanel, "Card4");
But I can't manage to make it update its content, I tried everything I could find on the internet, and on this site, but everyone says to just use setModel, but it doesn't work, and I can't find what I'm doing wrong.
I tried to read the sizes of transactionsData, transactionsModel and transactionsTable before and after I click the button, transactionsData and transactionsModel actually update, since their size changes accordingly ( I checked looking at the database while I ran the program ) but transactionsTable doesn't change at all.
I tried repaint(), various methods that looks like "updateSomething", I tried with local variables, global variables, initializing new model, updating the model, initializing the table with the model or with data and columns, nothing. I'm desperate.
I hope someone here can help me.
At the moment here is late, and tomorrow I need to wake up early, after work I'll try starting clean, rewriting everything from scratch, maybe I'll find the solution myself, in the mean time I hope someone here could push me in the right direction at least.
Il post the code of that uidFilter() which I found online, it's the first thing I'm going to remove tomorrow, because I suspect it can change something, but I don't have the time to do that now
private void uidFilter() {
RowFilter<TableModel, Object> rf = null;
//If current expression doesn't parse, don't update.
try {
rf = RowFilter.regexFilter(logUIDField.getText(), 0);
} catch (java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException e) {


adding check box in the jTable [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to add checkboxes to JTABLE swing [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
i am using swings for creating the desktop application . i have created the functionality which provided the data from the database and insert that into the Jtable .now i want to use provide the additional facility that include the additional column with the check box and the a button to delete that perticuler column (which is checked ) when the button is clicked .i have used the netbeans and it provide the maximum drag and drop option. i am not able to figure it out that the how and where to insert the instance of the checkbox in the current code for inserting the checkbox for the each and every row .
For providing the checkbox with the each row do have to generate the multiple instance of the check box
private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
java.sql.Connection con = new DBConnection().getConnection();
PreparedStatement pst;
String Q;
Q = "select * from userregister ";
try {
pst = con.prepareStatement(Q);
ResultSet rs = null;
rs = pst.executeQuery();
String a, b, c, d;
int x = 0;
// DefaultTableModel dt = new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames);
JCheckBox c1 = new JCheckBox();
for (int i = 0; rs.next(); i++) {
a = rs.getString(1);
b = rs.getString(2);
c = rs.getString(3);
d = rs.getString(4);
jTable2.setValueAt(a, i, 0);
jTable2.setValueAt(b, i, 1);
jTable2.setValueAt(c, i, 2);
jTable2.setValueAt(d, i, 3);
jTable2.setValueAt(, i,4);
// TODO add your handling code here:
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(NewJFrame1.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
this is the methods that insert the data into the table . also i want to know that how do i be able to find out that which check box is checked and how to use the variable to respond the request of the multiple deletes . plz help
You have to take a look to Concepts: Editors and Renderers section of How to Use Tables tutorial.
This JCheckBox you're looking for is the default renderer/editor for Boolean class. Having said this JTable makes use of TableModel.getColumnClass() to decide the proper renderer/editor. If you use DefaultTableModel the implementation of the aforementioned method always return Object.class so you would have to override it to return Boolean.class. For instance let's say the first column will contain booleans:
DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel() {
Class<?> getColumnClass(int columnIndex) {
return columnIndex == 0 ? Boolean.class : super.getColumnClass(columnIndex);
It is all well explained in the linked tutorial.
Another approach is shown in this Q&A: Checkbox in only one JTable Cell. This is useful when a given column may contain different types of values (booleans, numbers, strings...) so overriding getColumnClass() is not feasible. Don't think it's your case but it might be helpful.
also i want to know that how do i be able to find out that which check
box is checked and how to use the variable to respond the request of
the multiple deletes
Just iterate over the rows asking for the column value (true/false). If it's "selected" (true) then delete it:
TableModel model = table.getModel();
for(int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); i++) {
if((Boolean)model.getValueAt(i, 0)) {
// delete the row
Database calls are time consuming tasks and may block the Event Dispatch Thread (a.k.a. EDT) causing the GUI become unresponsive. The EDT is a single and special thread where Swing components creation and update take place. To avoid block this thread consider use a SwingWorker to perform database calls in a background thread and update Swing components in the EDT. See more in Concurrency in Swing trail.

Dynamic GUI Creation from ResultSet - Java

I'm trying to create a Java GUI dynamically by taking values from a result set and using it to generate a checklist. I've created a small demo program to demonstrate what I've done:
SQL Commands
CREATE USER 'test'#'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'testpw';
USE combotest;
CREATE TABLE combotable (
id INT(5) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,
INSERT INTO combotable (id, type) VALUES
(default, 'Label'),
(default, 'Textfield'),
(default, 'Combo'),
(default, 'Label'),
(default, 'Textfield'),
(default, 'Combo'),
(default, 'Combo');
GRANT SELECT ON combotest.* TO 'test'#'localhost';
For your convenience if you'd like to test it yourself I've put all the SQL commands above.
Now, for my Java code:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class resToComboDemo implements ActionListener {
//JDBC Variables
static Connection connect = null;
static Statement statement = null;
static ResultSet res = null;
//Other Variables
JComboBox comboBox;
JButton submit;
JFrame frame;
JLabel label;
JTextField textField;
Container pane;
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
new resToComboDemo();
public resToComboDemo() throws SQLException {
try {
// Setup the connection with the DB
connect = DriverManager
+ "user=test&password=testpw");
statement = connect.createStatement();
//Note: in this specific case I do realize that "order by id" is not necessary. I want it there, though.
res = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM combotable ORDER BY id");
} catch (Exception e) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error 1: "+e, "Error!", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
} finally {
#SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public void createStuff (ResultSet res) throws SQLException {
frame = new JFrame("Testing dynamic gui");
Dimension sD = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
int width = sD.width;
int height = sD.height - 45;
pane = frame.getContentPane();
pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2));
while (res.next()) {
Object[] options = { "Pass", "Fail"};
String type = res.getString("type");
JLabel label = new JLabel("<html><small>"+type+"</small></html>");
JLabel blank = new JLabel(" ");
if (type.equals("Label")) {
} else if (type.equals("Combo")) {
comboBox = new JComboBox(options);
} else if (type.equals("Textfield")) {
textField = new JTextField(20);
JLabel blank2 = new JLabel(" ");
submit = new JButton("Submit");
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
Now, everything works great with creating the GUI here. However, I need to be able to treat the Combobox and Textfield components as their own separate entities. Meaning, I want to be able to get user input from each different component. Right now, if I were to request information from textfield, it just gives me the information from the last textfield. This makes perfect since, because that's how java reads it. I have no problem with that.
I just can't for the life of me figure out how to get each component's input separately. Perhaps by taking the result set and adding the results to some type of array? I've attempted this multiple times in different flavors and I can't get it to come out the way I need it to. Some of you are going to request that I show you what I've tried... but honestly, it's not worth it.
And, before anybody asks: No, I will not use FlowLayout. :)
Any help is greatly appreciated!
There are probably a few ways to achieve this based on what you want to do...
If you are only performing a batch update, you could use a Map keyed to the id of the row and mapping to the Component.
This way, when you want to save the values back to the database, you would simply iterate the Maps key values, extract the Component associated with each key and then extract the value of the Component...
I might consider making a wrapper interface which has a simple getText method and wrap the component within it, making the implementation of the wrapper responsible for extracting the text, but that's just me ;)
If you want to perform updates when a individual component is updated, you would need to swap the mapping, so that the Component would the key and the id would be mapped to it.
This would mean that when some kind of event occurred that would trigger and update (ie a ActionEvent), you could extract the source from the event and look up the id in the Map based on the Component that caused the event...
Now...frankly, I would simply use a JTable and create a custom TableModel which could model all this.
This would require you to create POJO of the table, maintaining the id, type and value within a single object. This would define a basic row in the table.
The only problem is you would need to create a (reasonably) complex TableCellEditor that could take the type and return an appropriate editor for the table. Not impossible, it's just an additional complexity beyond the normal usage of a table.
This would all the information you need is available in a single object of a single row in the table.
Take a look at How to use tables for more details
Equally, you could use a similarly idea with the Map ideas above...
You could also simply create a self contained "editor" (extending from something like JPanel), which maintain information about the id and type and from which you could extract the value and simply keep a list of these....for example...
what about interrogating the Container ( pane) which contains the components
getComponents() method and loop through the sub component and check for JComobox and JTextField do the required cast and retrieve the value
Just an idea in case you are against adding the sub-components into a kind of list
You only have a reference to the last text field or combo box that you create, since you are reusing the variables that hold them. I would put them in an ArrayList, store each new text field and combbox as you create them, then you can go back and get input from all of them after you're done.
---------- (after the OP's response to the above paragraph)
No, there is no "place to refer you" -- it's your set of requirements, it would be pretty remarkable to find code that already existed that did this exact thing. Java and Swing give you the tools, you need to put things together yourself.
You don't show your "actionPerformed" routine, but let's hypothesize about it for a minute. It is called by the framework when an action is done, and it is passed an "ActionEvent" object. Looking through its methods, we find that it has "getSource()", so it will give you a reference to the component which generated the event.
Let's further think about what we have -- a set of components in the UI, and ones which can generate events are interesting to us. We want to, in this case, retrieve something from the component that generated the event.
If we have the component (from actionEvent.getSource()) and we want to do something with it, then we can, at worst do something like the following in the actionPerformed() method:
Component sourceComponent = actionEvent.getSource();
if (sourceComponent instanceof JComboBox)
{ JComboBox sourceBox = (JComboBox) sourceComponent;
// get the value from the combo box here
else if (sourceComponent instanceof JTextField)
{ JTextField sourceTextField = (JTextField) sourceComponent;
// get the value from the text field here
// or else do nothing -- our action was not one of these.
Done this way, you don't even need to keep a list of the components -- the UI is keeping a reference to all of them, and you just use that reference when the actionEvent occurs.
Now, this is not the only or even the best or the simplest way of doing this. If you wanted to extend JComboBox and JTextField with your own classes, you could have those classes both implement an interface that defined something like getValue() or getText; then you would not need the ugly instance of operator, which can usually be done away with by better design and planning.

GWT DataGrid row selection

I have a GWT DataGrid with a multi-selection model and check-boxes to show selection/select/deselect rows. That's all well and good.
But, I also want to have a second, independent selection model. If a user double-clicks on a row, I want to handle that event, and for the event handler to know which row was double-clicked. The double-clicking should not affect the check-box selection.
I tried this:
final SelectionModel<MyRecord> selectionModel = new MultiSelectionModel...
//Yes I need a MultiSelectionModel
dataGrid.addDomHandler(new DoubleClickHandler() {
public void onDoubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
selectionModel.get??? //no suitable getter for double-clicked
}, DoubleClickEvent.getType());
But ran into a dead-end when I found now way to get the double-clicked row in the event handler. One way would be to register both a Multi- and Single- selection model, but doubt DataGrid will support that.
Neither can I work out how to get the clicked row from the DoubleClickEvent object.
I have implemented a button cell with a FieldUpdater. This works, but it's not ideal.
Any suggestions?
If I understand correctly you want to get the index of the row.
You could do it like this: (this way you'll get the "Real" index)
AbstractSelectionModel<T> selectionModel = (AbstractSelectionModel<T>)dataGrid.getSelectionModel();
ArrayList<Integer> intList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Row> list = (List<Row>)_dataProvider.getList();
int i = 0;
for(Row row : list)
if( selectionModel.isSelected(row) )
To get only the current row you could do that:
I'm 3 years too late to the party, but I think the more correct solution would be:
dataGrid.addCellPreviewHandler(new CellPreviewEvent.Handler<YOUR_MODEL_TYPE>() {
public void onCellPreview(final CellPreviewEvent<YOUR_MODEL_TYPE> event) {
if (BrowserEvents.DBLCLICK.equalsIgnoreCase(event.getNativeEvent().getType())) {
int row = event.getIndex();
doStuff(row); // do whatever you need the row index for

Java swing jTable not being updated

I built a jTable using NetBeans GUI, and I want to update it inside the constructor of the class. I'm planning to add a search option on the frame so the whole update idea is quite critical for me.
My code:
public availableTrumps(TrumpistClient TC){
String result=null;
String query="SELECT * FROM APP.TRUMPS";
result=this.availableTrumpsTrumpistClient.WritingReading("sql_select", query);
if (result.contains("empty")){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "There are now trumps to show.");
else if (result.contains("error")){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Error in the connection. Please try again.");
int i;
String []data = result.split("\r\n");
String [][] data2 = new String [data.length][];
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
data2[i] = data[i].split("&");
String[] columnNames = {"From", "To", "Departure Time", "Remaining Places", "Proposer", "ClosingTime", "Cost Per Seat" };
this.jTable1 = new JTable(data2,columnNames);
this.jTable1.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500,100));
JScrollPane jps = new JScrollPane(jTable1);
The input two-dimentional array data2 is fine and validated.
I added the last 5 rows of the code to see if they help with something. I don't know if they are mandatory and in any case I do not want to change the graphical properties of the jTable I built with the GUI (just the data in it).
When I run the program, I see that the jTable remains empty.
I suggest you use a table model, whenever the data changes you change the model. Build the JTable instance only once, not whenever you need to change the data.
As others have said, you don't want to create multiple JTable instances. Create one like this:
DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(new Object[0][0],
new String[]{"From", "To", "etc."});
JTable table = new JTable(model);
Then, when you need to add rows, use
model.addRow(dataForThisRow); // Object
If you want to change a cell:
model.setValueAt(newValue, row, col); // Object, int, int
Or, to remove row i:
model.removeRow(i); // int
For more information, see the DefaultTableModel documentation.
If, for some reason, it is imperative that you recreate the table each time, I believe the problem is that you are calling revalidate without calling repaint.

Excel-like JTable Cell Editor, with an empty cell at edition start

I'm trying to have a JTable edition working like in excel: if I start editing a cell, the cell becomes empty for receiving the new entry. The goal is to avoid the user having to delete the existing cell content first.
I can already detect cell start/stop edition by adding a PropertyChangeListener working as follow:
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
// A cell has started/stopped editing
if ("tableCellEditor".equals(e.getPropertyName()))
if (table.isEditing())
Trying to clear the table model at processEditingStarted() does not work with the code bellow:
private void processEditingStarted()
SwingUtilities.invokeLater( this );
public void run()
row = table.convertRowIndexToModel( table.getEditingRow() );
column = table.convertColumnIndexToModel( table.getEditingColumn() );
oldValue = table.getModel().getValueAt(row, column);
newValue = null;
table.getModel().setValueAt(null, row, column);
However the editor content keeps the former value.
Does someone has clues to hide the current value of the cell during edition?
Optionnaly it should be able to restore the former cell content if the user did not actually modify the value.
I"ve never seen a spreadsheet remove data when you start editing a cell.
Table Select All Editor shows a different approach.
I did it like this. First I am using the event keyReleased and then getting the row and column number on which I am working and then setting the value at that row. Code goes like this.
private void purchases_TBLKeyReleased(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt) {
int rowWorking = purchases_TBL.getSelectedRow();
int columnWorking = purchases_TBL.getSelectedColumn();
model.setValueAt(null, rowWorking, columnWorking);
This makes the third column of the table null as soon as I focus move on to that using keyboard.
Note: The same piece of code can be placed in MouseClicked event.
