Spring boot security avoid specific user session expire - java

Hello everyone I've got my spring boot application on Apache Tomcat server and it works fine. But now I need to avoid session expiration for an specific user. How could I do that? I've been searching ways and found that handler interceptor could be useful for session management but I'm not sure.
Thanks in advance!

I am afraid there is no simple way to do it. Expiration timeout is common for all users of your application and controlled by the application server. In order to have a different timeouts for different users you should:
implement some session wrapper over a native server session;
set expiration timeout for native server sessions to the longest time that you will give to one of your user sessions;
manage expiration timeout of your session wrappers by your own.
EDIT: In my opinion the best way to solve this issue is reconsidering of client's requirement (immortal user with admin rights is a bad idea for your application). Anyway customizing of security related parts of application is always risky and you should really know what you do.


Can I reset "Time Remaining" in openam session

I am configuring SingleSignOn(SSO) using OpenAm server and opendj ldap. OpenAm is providing a Max Session time as 120 minutes. that means a user cannot access application for more than 2 hours. This is contradict to our application usage. we don't want to restrict user to access our application for only 2 hours. Thus we came a requirement to extend OpenAm max session time through Java API/Code.
I have followed the OpenAm java rest API but i couldn't find the way to do it.
If any one could join their helping hands by providing the way to extend OpenAm session through Java , that would be really great.
Thanks in advance.
The service which controls the session related timeouts is the 'iPlanetAMSessionService', which has global, realm- and user-level settings (user-level settings require user-level attributes in the data store).
The service attributes can be changed using the service management API http://docs.forgerock.org/en/openam/12.0.0/apidocs/com/sun/identity/sm/package-frame.html
ssoadm cli tool or OpenAM console uses this API.

Manage session across two app servers

I have a legacy application that runs on Spring 1.0 with Acegi security on JBoss 4. Our plan is to migrate one subset of the application to Tomacat 7 and Spring 4. The user will login to the legacy application but if they want to navigate to the subset that is being migrated they would be redirected to the new app.
My question is how would I maintain session information between the two so that the user can seamlessly navigate between the two apps and maintain SSO. There would be no other information exchanged between the two servers. One constraint we have is that we have to make minimal changes to the existing legacy app.
Any help would be much appreciated.
You can't seemlessly maintain session information as far as I can tell.
You might be able to get insanely lucky by configuring JBoss and Tomcat to be clustered using Tomcat's clustering (and assuming that the Tomcat version shipped with JBoss is compatible with the standalone Tomcat you are running), and then enabling SSO on both JBoss and Tomcat, but then you have to be very careful not to place anything in your JBoss session that is not going to be loadable by the standalone Tomcat instance.
You are probably better-off implementing some other solution like using SAML that will likely be less fragile.
You said you didn't want to make too many changes, but if you are willing to get your hands dirty, you could use a shared URL-space between the web applications, use different session id cookies, and then cross-check incoming requests for unauthenticated users by calling-over to the "other" server to fetch their authentication information (which you'll have to make available in the session in some way). I'd advise against storing passwords in the user's session.. instead allow one application to obtain the username of the user in the other application using the session cookie from the first. Trust that the username is accurate and that the user has been correctly authenticated already in the first application, then perform an auto-login into the second.
Whatever you do, it's going to get messy, since your requirements are fairly messy.

session migration/replication in tomcat

I have N number off application servers all behind a hardware load balancer.Now i want to make these app server session aware?
If i create a session on one appserver other app server will not be aware of it.After googling i found 2 approaches
1)Generate a random String .Put this randomString in cookies and store these in Db table with creation time.Very time when request comes in check this db table.But this opration is heavy
2)Use tomcat session migration?Now am sure if this works correctly .Does this work correctly?
Am using TOMCAT as my web server (Cant use other)
How can i configure tomcat for session migration/replication?Any tutorial?
I am not aware about the session affinity when working behind a hardware load balancer ,However for the scenario that you have mentioned as per your googling results for the 1st part you can use Memcache instead of cookie+database to reduce the operation response time . A simpler approach when using Memcache can be using "memcached-session-manager" .The setup and configuration is easy as mentioned at at http://code.google.com/p/memcached-session-manager/wiki/SetupAndConfiguration .
Session replication is a pretty broad topic. Have you tried the Tomcat built-in replication yet?
If that's not good enough for you, you can look for commercial tools like Terracotta Web Sessions. Or you could develop your own session cache around for example memcached.

Best way for long-time login with Java Servlets

In my web appication i need to recognize signed in users even if they restart the browser ("Remember me" function of web sites). What is the best practice to achieve this using Java Servlet API?
I've considered the following options:
Using long-term HttpSession sessions and storing user identifier as an attribute of the session. This approach doesn't permit user to restart browser, because JSESSIONID cookie is not persistent and there is no standard way to change its properties. The only option i consider is to use SessionCookieConfig interface of Tomcat 7.0 to tune default JSESSIONID parameters. But there are doubts about the scalability of such solution, because Tomcat will store all sessions for a long period of time.
Using short-term HttpSessions together with some persistent cookie which stores the user identifier with some security hash. When user restarts the browser, it sends persistent cookie and application server binds new session with user identifier.
What is the common way to achieve this?
I have always needed more control over my sessions, because I need them to work across multiple web applications, so I implemented my own solution from scratch. It is pretty easy, just hash a random number and store it in a database. If you don't have or want a RDBMS just some sort of key/value store.
Are you using normal filter-based authentication? How secure does your site need to be?
One way:
Drop a cookie with a code in it on their browser. In Tomcat, have a typical filter configured. The filter grabs the code and checks it against the database for validity. If the code is valid the normal Tomcat authentication is avoided. If there needs to be any persisted session variables, you can load them from the database now.
Drop a new cookie code with every response. It should include a hash of a salt, the user's ID, and the user's IP address. That way the cookie will do no good if the request comes from the wrong computer. Though IPs are spoofable.
Bear in mind, you're short-circuiting security when you do this. You're saying, "Oh look, you've just come out of nowhere. I think I know you! Here, have the keys to my castle!" This sounds like the sort of request we'd get from the marketing folks who didn't understand a thing about security and didn't care since it wasn't there problem if we got hacked.

How to generate custom JSESSIONID, based on some hash of user's data in order to replicate session

Is it possible to override Tomcat's embedded generator of JSESSIONID, to be able to create custom values of this cookie, based on user's login?
Why do I need this: I have a load balancer with "sticky sessions", configured to route requests with the same JSESSIONID to the same server, and I want to prevent situation, when same user can start two different sessions on different servers.
P.S: all this is about Amazon EC2
There is a better way to do this: See the tomcat manual on session replication in cluster
You can do so by defining your own customized session manager,
However, it probably doesn't work for your use-case. You don't know username before user logs in but the session needs to be created for the login.
I think pushing session to the backend is the best approach. You can use the JDBCStore session manager distributed with Tomcat. You can also find implementation for memecached.
If the purpose of multiple servers is for redundancy, you can also use clustering but that doesn't help you if your goal is to scale for load.
