This is the structure of my projects:
AppEjb -> DAO, Remote Beans
AppEjbClient -> DTO, Interfaces
AppEjbEAR -> The EAR with additional libs
AppWS -> The Web Service, using AppEjb with #Inject and #EJB
Right now, my entities are all inside AppEjb and I use the DTO to transfer one entity to the WebService call.
I would like to declare my entities inside my AppEjbClient. But when I do this, all my queries stop working with the following error message:
Exception Description: Problem compiling [SELECT u FROM User].
The abstract schema type 'User' is unknown.
What am I doing wrong here?
Where's the right place for persistence.xml?
If possible, I wouldn't like to have to type every entity in my persistence.xml.
My system:
Eclipse Oxygen/JPA 2/JSF 2.2/Hibernate 4/JBoss AS 7
My condition:
I have an application with two persistence units (PU) declared in persistence.xml.
My JBoss error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: JBAS011470: Persistence unitName was not specified and there are 2 persistence unit definitions in application deployment "test.war". Either change the application to have only one persistence unit definition or specify the unitName for each reference to a persistence unit.
at [jboss-as-server-7.1.0.Final.jar:7.1.0.Final]
... 5 more
My problem:
I use a framework that hides all the details on the EntityManager lifecycle. This framework gives me an ancestor class and I build all my code in a subclass, not caring about managing the EntityManager.
This ancestor class does not inject ou annotate the EntityManager, it is created by code when needed for the first time, but the exception above is thrown by JBoss during the application start when I have more than one PU.
I wrote a code in the ancestor to accept the #PersistenceUnit annotation in my subclass and to use the name set in the annotation when creating the EntityManagerFactory. When no annotation is used, the code finds out the first PU name and used it. So, the first PU existing in persistence.xml is understood as a default PU name.
However, even not injecting any EntityManagers, I still have the above exception.
What is missing in my solution?
If you have more than one persistence unit and use #PersistenceContext/#PersistenceUnit annotations, you must specify your unit name for the annotation to be unambiguous.
So instead of:
private EntityManager manager;
you must use:
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "<unit name in persistence.xml>")
private EntityManager manager;
And instead of:
private EntityManagerFactory managerFactory;
you must use:
#PersistenceUnit(unitName = "<unit name in persistence.xml>")
private EntityManagerFactory managerFactory;
What the error message tells you is that the deployer has found at least one occurrence of #PersistenceContext/#PersistenceUnit without specifying a persistence unit name. That is ambiguous.
We have an application which uses multiple databases to store the same data for different countries.
For example a Subscription object might be associated with Germany or Spain. If it's a German subscription, it needs to be stored in a different database to the Spanish subscriptions. The databases are identical in structure, but they have different contents.
We are running on jboss 5, and have a different datasource config (*ds.xml) file for each one, generated dynamically at startup. They are stored in JNDI - so we have DataSourceDE, DataSourceES, etc.
Here's how it should work: if a request comes in saying 'fetch subscription 17 for Germany' then I calculate that the datasource should be DataSourceDE and use JPA / hibernate to go fetch that object from the correct database. There will be a subscription 17 in the Spanish database too, which I don't want in this example.
I can generate the persistence.xml automatically to create the extra persistence units for the datasources, but the Subscription class is annotated with the following:
This is not going to work - how can I set the persistence context on the java object dynamically?
What you are trying to achieve is known as Multi-Tenancy. Here is a perfectly suitable tutorial for your question to make it work.
The main idea is to use a Stateless session bean which has a reference to both persistence units. Depending on what has to be done, this bean does a lookup to call the corresponding EntityManager. Furthermore here:
Multi-Tenancy With EJB 3.1 and JPA 2.0
You can change the persistence context for the EntityManager at runtime like this:
EntityManagerFactory emf =
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
We are planning to upgrade our product to Web-logic 12.C and WebSphere 8 stack ( Earlier it was WLC 10.3.5 and WAS 7). But issue in one of the web service component causing entire application failed to deploy in web logic. It works perfectly fine with WebSphere 8.
When deploying the EAR, Application sever throws 'Exception [EclipseLink-59] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.2.v20111125-r10461): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException' . After more analysis, I found below code in one of the WebServce dependant class causing the problem,
public Map getOperations(){
Map map = new HashMap();
//some operation
return map;
#ExcludeAttribute describes Runtime retention policies, which is defined as shown below
public #interface ExcludeAttribute {
getOperations method returns java.util.Map which does not work with RunTime retention annotations, but works with any other data types such as (Integer, Customer etc) . I have changed to java.uitl.HashMap and did not work.
I was able to fix this (rather I would call work around) by using following annotation,
I have no other clue why does it not working with java.uitl.Map. Any thoughts would really give thumbs up!! I have posted to Oracle support, even they have not came back yet. Is there any know issues with java.util.Map/Collection class with combination of WEblogic12c/Annotations.
[EDIT - 1]
To answer Doughan question, methods which return non collection data type does not throw any exception, for eg:
public Integer getOperations(){
return 1;
Where #ExcludeAttribute is custom annotation defines '#Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)', and I do not need to define #XmlTransient to ignore.
I am bit confused to with usage of retention run time annotation , and not sure if I need to keep it or should use XMLTransient annotation.
[Edit 2 ,Based on #Doughan's answer]
I understand that we need to explicitly annotate getter methods ( as #XMLTransient) if they are not to be mapped from Weblogic 12C, and this is no way related to RuntTime Retention annotations. So any stack upgrade to 12C should update code base with this annotation if there unmapped public getter methods. I think is pretty much answers my concerns.
Correct me if I am wrong.
The existing code base already has annotated with Runtime annotation, and I thought its the one causing issue.
Detailed stack trace follows
weblogic.application.ModuleException: [HTTP:101216]Servlet:
failed to preload on startup in Web application: "/ra". Descriptor Exceptions:
Exception [EclipseLink-59] (Eclipse Persistence Services -
2.3.2.v20111125-r10461): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException Exception
Description: The instance variable [responseButtons] is not defined in
the domain class [], or it is not
accessible. Internal Exception: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException:
responseButtons Mapping:
Descriptor: XMLDescriptor( --> [])
Runtime Exceptions:
And I have a method getResponseButtons() defined in Assessment class
public Map getResponseButtons() {
Map map = new HashMap();
Note: I'm the EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy) lead and a member of the JAXB (JSR-222) expert group.
In WebLogic 12.1.1 you will need to annotate that property with #XmlTransient:
public Map getOperations(){
Map map = new HashMap();
//some operation
return map;
#ExcludeAttribute is custom annotation created by us, which uses
#Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME), ( I have provided snippet of this
Custom annotations do not affect how MOXy produces its mapping metadata. There is no way that it could, just because the annotation is called #ExcludeAttribute MOXy couldn't assume it should be treated like #XmlTransient.
But issue in one of the web service component causing entire
application failed to deploy in web logic. It works perfectly fine
with WebSphere 8.
EclipseLink MOXy is the default JAXB provider in WebLogic as of version 12.1.1. You may be hitting an issue where previously MOXy treated all properties with only a getmethod as write only properties. New versions of MOXy will ignore these properties unless they are explicitly annotated. This may have caused it to appear to you that the #ExcludeAttribute annotation was having an effect.
I am bit confused to with usage of retention run time annotation
This setting is related to whether or not you can access this annotation via reflection at runtime. Are you creating your own annotation for your own purposes?
When deploying the EAR, Application sever throws 'Exception
[EclipseLink-59] (Eclipse Persistence Services -
2.3.2.v20111125-r10461): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException'
If the contents of that property are meant to be mapped could you share the complete stack trace?
I'm working on an update version of grail-oauth-plugin that support last spring-oauth
My plugin version works good and I have implemented a workin oauth2 server.
But now I want to add a custom-grant defined like this
def doWithSpring = {
xmlns oauth:""
oauth.'authorization-server'( /* ... many definitions here ... */){
/* ... many definitions here ... */
oauth.'custom-grant'('token-granter-ref': "myTokenGranter")
But I get an exception telling me:
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'myTokenGranter'
But the bean myTokenGranter is defined as you can see. And If I remove the custom-grant definition the project starts and I can access the myTokenGranter bean.
Looking to a fullstack trace I see that the exception occur in the spring oatuh2 server bean definition parse in the line where it try to find my bean
where customGranterRef = "myTokenGranter"
so I suspect there is a bug in Spring Ouath or in Grails BeanBuilder that does not let my "myTokenGranter" to be visible in the server parser. Or making some error in grails bean definition DSL.
Thank you for your interest.
Debugging the app more deeply I have found that the problem probably is in how grails BeanBuilder work in translating namespaced spring DSL.
If I debug the point where my bean is checked (in
at row
if I check che result of
it show me only this beans
And not all other decleared beans...
The problem exist even if I move the ouath server declaration inside resources.xml, keeping my custom token granter bean declaration inside resources.groovy.
But the problem solves if I move the custom token bean declaration inside resources.xml.
I don't really know how the BeanBuilder DSL works, but it seems like the problem is there if there is a problem (your example works just fine in XML). Can you do it in two steps, so the bean definition for myTokenGranter is definitely available when the OAuth2 namepsace is handled?
Solved hacking Spring Security Oauth
see this commit
Here the context :
we have a java library, which is a factory code.
this library is deployed directly on Tomcat
Application "A", "B" & "C" use this library (jar) to compile, and it is the deployed version on Tomcat which is used when an application call it.
In the library, we have these packages :
- old.service
- old.service.impl
- new.service
- new.service.impl
The old services are some classic classes with setters. It is a spring bean declared in XML configuration of application "A".
In the new services, we have an annotated class (#Service) with some #Autowired attributes in order to be managed by application "B" & "C" which have an autoscan in XML configuration.
We would like to change the implementation of a old services, in order to use the new one without changing anything in application "A".
For that, we can call the new class from the older. But the pb is Spring......
How can we instanciate the new class, and the #autowired attributes ?
Can we instanciate manually the new class in older class, and instanciate attributes by reflection ?
Thank you.
ps: there is no XML configuration in the java library.
Two ways:
In app A where you instantiate old.service.impl Spring bean inject reference to new.service.impl into it
< bean class="old.service.impl">
< property name="newService" ref="newServiceBean"/>
< /bean>
< bean class="new.service.impl" id="newServiceBean" />
Obviously this means you will have to modify your old.service.impl to add setter for "newService", then use it in old service impl code
Get "new.service.impl" reference directly from web application context:
You will need to obtain ServletContext in this case. One way to do it is to get it from HttpRequest
Option 1 is preferred - you are not relying on running inside a servlet then, and requires very few changes in your code.