Using Java 8, I am trying to figure out an algorithm / proper solution to see how to store a List<String> with buyable items within a certain allocated budget.
Suppose, a Map<String, Double> which contains the following keys / values:
Map<String, Double> menu = new HashMap<>();
menu.put("Fruit", 2.15);
menu.put("Fries", 2.75);
menu.put("Salad", 3.35);
menu.put("Wings", 3.55);
menu.put("Mozzarella", 4.20);
menu.put("Plate", 5.80);
Considering a method with the following signature:
public static List<List<String>> getListOfBuyableItems(
Map<String, Double> menu, double budget)
The following rules need to be enforced:
Budget = 4.30, then the ArrayList returned is:
[["Fruit", "Fruit"]]
Budget = 5.50, then the ArrayList returned is:
[["Fries", "Fries"], ["Fruit", "Salad"]]
Budget = 2.15, then the ArrayList returned is:
This is what I've come up with, but I can't seem to figure out how to fix this using recursion and / or a different approach:
public static List<List<String>> getBuyableItems(
Map<String, Double> menu, double budget) {
if (menu.isEmpty() || budget < 1) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<List<String>> buyableItems = new ArrayList<>();
double amount = budget;
for (Map.Entry<String, Double> menuItem : menu.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(menuItem.getKey() + " $" + menuItem.getValue());
if (budget > menuItem.getValue()) {
keepBuying(menu, budget);
amount = budget - menuItem.getValue();
return buyableItems;
public static void keepBuying(Map<String, Double> menu, double budget) {
if (budget > 0.00) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Double> menuItem : menu.entrySet()) {
budget -= menuItem.getValue();
How can I solve this problem using recursion or a different solution?
I'm just curious on now to solve this using either:
Using for or while loops
Java 8 features: Streams & Lambda
Here is a solution that uses recursion.
To make things easier, I have defined an Item class that stores the name and the price of an item.
The price is expressed in cents to avoid rounding issues. The menu is a list of items.
import java.util.*;
public class Solver
private ArrayList<Item> menu;
private ArrayList<String[]> solutions;
public static class Item
public String name;
public int price;
public Item(String name, int price)
{ = name;
this.price = price;
public Solver(ArrayList<Item> menu)
{ = menu;
public ArrayList<String[]> solve(int budget)
solutions = new ArrayList<String[]>();
solve(new ArrayList<Item>(), 0, budget);
return solutions;
private void solve(ArrayList<Item> items, int first, int budget)
// We have found a solution, store it
solutions.add( ->[]::new));
// Search for an item that fits in the budget
for(int i=first;i<menu.size();i++)
Item item = menu.get(i);
solve(items, i, budget-item.price);
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList<Item> menu = new ArrayList<Item>();
menu.add(new Item("Fruit", 215));
menu.add(new Item("Fries", 275));
menu.add(new Item("Salad", 335));
menu.add(new Item("Wings", 355));
menu.add(new Item("Mozzarella", 420));
menu.add(new Item("Plate", 580));
Solver solver = new Solver(menu);
ArrayList<String[]> solutions = solver.solve(550);
for(int i=0;i<solutions.size();i++)
System.out.println("Solution "+(i+1)+": "+Arrays.toString(solutions.get(i)));
Solution 1: [Fruit, Salad]
Solution 2: [Fries, Fries]
This problem is a direct application of the Coin Change problem.
A dynamic programming solution can be constructed recursively as follows:
For each item, the solution is the combination of two cases:
The item is included in the solution
The item is excluded
For the first case, the solution is the results of getBuyableItems(Menu, budget - item.value)
While for the second case the solution is getBuyableItems(Menu after removing {item}, budget).
public class Menu {
List<Pair<String, Integer>> menu = new ArrayList<>();
public Menu() {
menu.add(Pair.of("Fruit", 215));
menu.add(Pair.of("Fries", 275));
menu.add(Pair.of("Salad", 335));
menu.add(Pair.of("Wings", 355));
menu.add(Pair.of("Mozzarella", 420));
menu.add(Pair.of("Plate", 580));
public List<List<String>> getListOfBuyableItemsRec(int m, int budget) {
if (budget == 0) {
List<List<String>> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(new ArrayList<>());
return list;
if (budget < 0)
return null;
if (m <= 0 && budget > 0)
return null;
List<List<String>> exclude_m = getListOfBuyableItemsRec(m - 1, budget);
List<List<String>> include_m = getListOfBuyableItemsRec(m, budget - menu.get(m - 1).getValue());
if (include_m != null) {
include_m = -> {
l.add(menu.get(m - 1).getKey());
return l;
} else
include_m = new ArrayList<>();
if (exclude_m != null)
return include_m;
public static void main(String[] str) {
Menu menu1 = new Menu();
var res = menu1.getListOfBuyableItemsRec(6, 550);
if (res != null && !res.isEmpty()) -> System.out.println(l));
System.out.println("no solution has been found");
[Fruit, Salad]
[Fries, Fries]
However, this solution is not efficient and it may cause a memory issue for large cases.
There is another solution that uses a technique called memoization.
For this problem, we can define a table of all possible sub-problems and construct that table gradually until we reach the solution at the final position.
Each cell in the table represents a case starting from 0 to the requested budget. Eventually, each cell will hold the solutions for the corresponding sub-problem.
For example, table[215] will have one list {"Fruit"}.
The advantage of this solution is that we don't need to compute the same sub-problem every time we need it.
A solution for table[j] can be constructed through item i (given j >= i) by grabbing all the solutions in table[j-i] and adding the item i key to those solutions.
public class Menu {
//initialization code
public List<List<String>> getListOfBuyableItemsIter(int m, int budget) {
// table[i] will be storing the solutions for
// value i. We need budget+1 rows as the table is constructed
// in bottom up manner using the base case (budget = 0)
List<List<String>>[] table = new List[budget + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= budget; i++)
table[i] = new ArrayList<>();
table[0].add(new ArrayList<>());
// Pick all items one by one and update the table[] values after
// the index greater than or equal to the value of the picked item
IntStream.range(0, m).forEach(i -> {
IntStream.rangeClosed(menu.get(i).getValue(), budget).forEach(j -> {
List<List<String>> lists = table[j - menu.get(i).getValue()];
List<List<String>> cloneLists = new ArrayList<>();
for (var l : lists) {
List<String> newList = new ArrayList<>(l);
return table[budget];
public static void main(String[] str) {
Menu menu1 = new Menu();
//var res1 = menu1.getListOfBuyableItemsRec(6, 550);
var res2 = menu1.getListOfBuyableItemsIter(6, 550);
if (res2 != null && !res2.isEmpty()) -> System.out.println(l));
System.out.println("no solution has been found");
[Fries, Fries]
[Fruit, Salad]
The multiset in this case consists of multiple combinations of menu items that fit into a certain budget. The menu items can be repeated and the permuted combinations are considered the same, e.g. [a,a,b,c] and [c,a,b,a] are the same. Such a multiset can be implemented and stored using the Map<String[],Integer> with the additional filtering methods for representing it as the List<String>.
Prepare a stream of maps.
Calculate how many times the minimum amount from the map fits in the budget, this is the number of IntStream iterations.
Prepare a stub of the map of combinations: key - String[] the array of menu items, value - Integer the order amount, ¢ cents.
Get a stream of maps Stream<Map<String[],Integer>>.
Reduce a stream of maps into one map.
Sequentially summarize pairs of maps into one map, adding cheaper menu items to more expensive ones, i.e. sequentially summarize pairs of entries of two maps.
Use the sorted arrays String[] and TreeMap with the comparator Arrays::compare to get rid of duplicates, i.e. permuted arrays.
Use Integer amounts in cents instead of fractions Double to avoid inaccuracies when adding the amounts, e.g. 7.949999999999999 or 7.550000000000001.
Get a map of combinations Map<String[],Integer>.
Custom filters and representation of the resulting map as a list of strings.
quantity(min,max) by the number of items in the order.
contains(items) by the presence of certain items.
minAmount(min) by the lower bound of the order amount.
get() the string representation of the combinations map.
Try it online!
class MenuCombinations {
// the combinations of menu items that fit within the budget
private Map<String[], Integer> combinations = Collections.emptyMap();
* #param menu the map of menu items
* #param aBudget the allocated budget, double
public MenuCombinations(Map<String, Double> menu, double aBudget) {
// incorrect incoming data
if (menu == null || menu.size() == 0 || aBudget <= 0) return;
// the allocated budget, ¢ cents
int budget = (int) (aBudget * 100);
// the cheapest menu item, ¢ cents
int min = menu.values().stream()
.mapToInt(val -> (int) (val * 100)).min().orElse(0);
// incorrect incoming data
if (min <= 0) return;
// the stub of the map of combinations
Map<String[], Integer> map = menu.entrySet().stream()
// key - the array of menu items
e -> new String[]{e.getKey()},
// value - the order amount, ¢ cents
e -> (int) (e.getValue() * 100)));
// the map of combinations
this.combinations = IntStream.rangeClosed(0, budget / min)
// Stream<Map<String[],Integer>>
.mapToObj(i -> map)
// appending cheaper menu items to more expensive ones
.reduce((map1, map2) -> map1.entrySet().stream()
.flatMap(entry1 -> {
// sum of the chosen menu items
int sum = entry1.getValue();
// if the allocated budget is exceeded
if (sum > budget) return Stream.empty();
// if the allocated budget is reached
if (sum + min > budget)
return Stream.of(Map.ofEntries(entry1));
// otherwise, continue appending menu items
return map2.entrySet().stream()
// skip those items that are greater
.filter(entry2 -> entry2.getValue() + sum <= budget)
// summing two map entries, appending the previous one
.map(entry2 -> Map.of(
// new key - the sorted array of menu items
Stream.of(entry1, entry2)
.sorted() // for comparison
// new value - the order amount, ¢ cents
entry1.getValue() + entry2.getValue(),
// add the previous combination to the new one
entry1.getKey(), entry1.getValue()));
}) // map without duplicates, i.e. permuted arrays
.collect(() -> new TreeMap<>(Arrays::compare),
TreeMap::putAll, TreeMap::putAll))
// otherwise, an empty map
* #param min the minimum number of items in the order, inclusive
* #param max the maximum number of items in the order, inclusive
* #return the representation of filtered combinations
public List<String> quantity(int min, int max) {
return combinations.entrySet().stream()
.filter(entry -> entry.getKey().length >= min
&& entry.getKey().length <= max)
* #param items the items that should be present
* #return the representation of filtered combinations
public List<String> contains(Set<String> items) {
return combinations.entrySet().stream()
.filter(entry -> Arrays.asList(entry.getKey())
* #param min the lower bound of the order amount, inclusive
* #return the representation of filtered combinations
public List<String> minAmount(double min) {
return combinations.entrySet().stream()
.filter(entry -> entry.getValue() >= (int) (min * 100))
* #return the string representation of the combinations map
public List<String> get() {
return combinations.entrySet().stream()
public String toString() {
return combinations.entrySet().stream()
.collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "[", "]"));
// supplementary method, returns formatted string
private static String entryToString(Map.Entry<String[], Integer> e) {
return String.format("%s=%d.%s", Arrays.toString(e.getKey()),
e.getValue() / 100, (e.getValue() % 100 + "00").substring(0, 2));
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, Double> menu = Map.of(
"Fruit", 2.15, "Fries", 2.75, "Salad", 3.35,
"Wings", 3.55, "Mozzarella", 4.20, "Plate", 5.80);
System.out.println(new MenuCombinations(menu, 4.30).quantity(2, 2));
System.out.println(new MenuCombinations(menu, 5.5).minAmount(5.5));
System.out.println(new MenuCombinations(menu, 2.15));
System.out.println(new MenuCombinations(menu, 8.60).quantity(4, 4));
System.out.println(new MenuCombinations(menu, 9.2).contains(Set.of("Plate")));
System.out.println("Map of combinations for a budget of: 8.50");
new MenuCombinations(menu, 8.5).get().forEach(System.out::println);
[[Fruit, Fruit]=4.30]
[[Fries, Fries]=5.50, [Fruit, Salad]=5.50]
[[Fruit, Fruit, Fruit, Fruit]=8.60]
[[Fries, Plate]=8.55, [Fruit, Plate]=7.95, [Plate]=5.80, [Plate, Salad]=9.15]
Map of combinations for a budget of: 8.50
[Fries, Fries]=5.50
[Fries, Fries, Fries]=8.25
[Fries, Fries, Fruit]=7.65
[Fries, Fruit]=4.90
[Fries, Fruit, Fruit]=7.50
[Fries, Fruit, Salad]=8.25
[Fries, Fruit, Wings]=8.45
[Fries, Mozzarella]=6.95
[Fries, Salad]=6.10
[Fries, Wings]=6.30
[Fruit, Fruit]=4.30
[Fruit, Fruit, Fruit]=6.45
[Fruit, Fruit, Mozzarella]=8.50
[Fruit, Fruit, Salad]=7.65
[Fruit, Fruit, Wings]=7.85
[Fruit, Mozzarella]=6.35
[Fruit, Plate]=7.95
[Fruit, Salad]=5.50
[Fruit, Wings]=5.70
[Mozzarella, Mozzarella]=8.40
[Mozzarella, Salad]=7.55
[Mozzarella, Wings]=7.75
[Salad, Salad]=6.70
[Salad, Wings]=6.90
[Wings, Wings]=7.10
See also: Integer partition iterative code optimization
In a very very very inefficient way - I think it is something like O(n2^(nm)) - you can do it as follows;
The actual problem reminds an extended version of one dimension Knapsack Algorithm, and I really doubt if it can be done in a better complexity without using heuristic algorithms... This may be a good question for
void budget() throws Exception {
Map<String, Double> menu = new HashMap<>();
menu.put("Fruit", 2.15);
menu.put("Fries", 2.75);
menu.put("Salad", 3.35);
menu.put("Wings", 3.55);
menu.put("Mozzarella", 4.20);
menu.put("Plate", 5.80);
System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(calcBudget(menu, 5)));
List<List<String>> calcBudget(Map<String, Double> menu, double budget) {
List<List<String>> ret = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> menuReplicated = new ArrayList<>();
for (String s : menu.keySet()) {
menuReplicated.addAll(Collections.nCopies((int) (budget / menu.get(s).doubleValue()), s));
String[] menuItems = menuReplicated.toArray(new String[]{});
for (int i = 1; i < Math.pow(2, menuItems.length); i++) {
List<String> items = new ArrayList<>();
double total = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < menuItems.length; j++) {
if (((int) Math.pow(2, (j)) | i) == i) {
total += menu.get(menuItems[j]).doubleValue();
if (total <= budget) {
if (items.size() > 0) {
if (!ret.contains(items))
return ret;
The output is
As pointed out in other solutions, it might be better to store the prices in cents to avoid rounding errors.
Also, since there's no need for getting a value through a key, you could create a new class to store the Item/Price pairs or use the Pair class using import javafx.util.Pair to achieve the same behavior. Your new menu data structure should look like this if you decide to use Pair:
List<Pair<String,Integer>> menu = new ArrayList<>();
menu.add(new Pair<>("Fruit", 215));
menu.add(new Pair<>("Fries", 275));
menu.add(new Pair<>("Salad", 335));
menu.add(new Pair<>("Wings", 355));
menu.add(new Pair<>("Mozzarella", 420));
menu.add(new Pair<>("Plate", 580));
This is a recursive solution that works by subtracting the price of every item recursively from the budget and putting them on a builder list until the budget reaches 0. If it reaches exactly 0, you add it to the list. If it reaches a negative number, you skip it.
To avoid redundancy, you provide an index to check all items starting from that index. This will prevent the algorithm from adding both [Fruit, Salad] and [Salad, Fruit] which are the same but in different order.
public static List<List<String>> getListOfBuyableItems(
List<Pair<String, Integer>> menu, double budget) {
List<List<String>> buyableItems = new ArrayList<>();
if (budget != 0 && menu.size() != 0)
keepBuying(menu, budget, new ArrayList<>(), buyableItems, 0);
return buyableItems;
public static void keepBuying(
List<Pair<String, Integer>> menu,
double budget,
ArrayList<String> itemBuilder,
List<List<String>> buyableItems,
int index) {
for (int i = index; i < menu.size(); i++) {
Pair<String, Integer> item = menu.get(i);
int price = item.getValue();
if (budget - price == 0)
buyableItems.add(new ArrayList<>(itemBuilder));
else if (budget - price > 0)
keepBuying(menu, budget - price, itemBuilder, buyableItems, i);
If your budget is ridiculously high or you're going to run this method a lot of times, you might want to consider a dynamic programming approach.
Solution of the above problem in Swift 5 :)
func getListOfBuyableItems(_ menu: [String: Double], _ budget: Double) -> [[String]] {
var allList = [[String]]()
var list = [String]()
let menu ={ (item: $0.key, cost: $0.value) }
getList(menu, 0, budget, &list, &allList)
return allList
func getList(_ menu: [(item: String, cost: Double)],_ start: Int, _ budget: Double, _ list: inout [String], _ allList: inout [[String]]) {
if budget == 0 {
} else {
for index in {
let item = menu[index]
if budget >= item.cost {
getList(menu, index, budget - item.cost, &list, &allList)
var menu = ["Fruit": 2.15,
"Fries": 2.75,
"Salad": 3.35,
"Wings": 3.55,
"Mozzarella": 4.20,
"Plate": 5.80]
getListOfBuyableItems(menu, 4.30) // [["Fruit", "Fruit"]]
getListOfBuyableItems(menu, 5.50) // [["Fruit", "Salad"], ["Fries", "Fries"]]
getListOfBuyableItems(menu, 2.15) // [["Fruit"]]
By calling a method ,at my case countInNumbers, is returning results as an array.
{1=17, 2=10, 3=16, 4=17, 5=13, 6=22, 7=10, 8=15, 9=16, 10=19, 11=11, 12=15, 13=16, 14=13, 15=19, 16=17, 17=13, 18=21, 19=19, 20=15,}
I try to separate the numbers on different table depending their total value.
Example... I want to display the numbers that their total is between 3 and 4 to separate table than the other numbers.
Facing this problem cause the results as you may notice are Map since i am new in Java and I am so confused at this point.
Anyone can suggest from something to start of?
countIntInNumbers method as follows
public static Map<Integer, Integer> countIntInNumbers(int[][] mat) {
Map<Integer, Integer> intOccurences = new HashMap<>();
for (int[] row : mat) {
for (int intInRow : row) {
Integer occurences = intOccurences.get(intInRow);
if (occurences == null) { // first occurrence
intOccurences.put(intInRow, 1);
} else { // increment
intOccurences.put(intInRow, occurences.intValue() + 1);
return intOccurences;
I try to separate the numbers on different table depending their total value. Example... I want to print all numbers that their total is between 3 and 4 to separate table than the other numbers.
We are not sure what you are asking here but if you mean that you want to display the numbers which have a total between 2 numbers then you could do something like:
private void printNumbers(Map<Integer, Integer> intOccurences, int minTotal, int maxTotal){
boolean first = false;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : intOccurences.entrySet()) {
int total = entry.getValue();
if (total >= minTotal && total <= maxTotal) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
System.out.print(", ");
System.out.print(entry.getKey() + "=" + total);
If you are taking about copying the values to a new map then maybe something like:
private Map<Integer, Integer> extractNumbers(Map<Integer, Integer> intOccurences,
int minTotal, int maxTotal) {
Map<Integer, Integer> result = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : intOccurences.entrySet()) {
int total = entry.getValue();
if (total >= minTotal && total <= maxTotal) {
result.put(entry.getKey(), total);
// not sure if you want to remove the ones from the original map
return result;
If you want to compare the value of a map just get it by key. Then since the values of the map are of wrapper Integer you can compare using ==, >=, <= since the Integer equals() method simply compares the int value it wraps with the other Integer's int value. In example:
// Adding some test values to the map
Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(1, 5);
map.put(2, 6);
map.put(3, 5);
// Get values by key map.get(key)
// Compare values map.get(key) == map.get(key) or use >=, <=
System.out.println(map.get(1) <= map.get(2)); // true
System.out.println(map.get(1) == map.get(3)); // true
System.out.println(map.get(1) >= map.get(2)); // false
In your countIntInNumbers it seems you are just returning and printing the map by using its toString() method. If I got you right you want to print the keys which values are between 3 and 4. In this case the values are Integer so there will not be any value between 3 and 4 other than the integers themselves.
Okay after seeing your edit, convert your raw matrix to a map and then search for the values you need, and put them into a new map. Something like this:
public static Map<Integer, Integer> countIntInNumbers(int[][] mat) {
Map<Integer, Integer> matConvertedToMap = new HashMap<>();
for(int i=0; i<mat.length; i++)
matConvertedToMap.put(mat[i][0], mat[i][1]);
Map<Integer, Integer> intOccurences = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : matConvertedToMap.entrySet())
if(entry.getValue() == 3 || entry.getValue() == 4)
intOccurences.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return intOccurences;
Not sure what the comparison really is and what you are expected to return but that should give you a general feeling of how to iterate through the map.
So I have this program that calculates the sum of all the petshops with the same key but different values. However, now, I would like to calculate the average of each petshop with the same key. I was thinking about using a counter in order to get how many times a petshop is contained in the arraylist. But it does not work. would I need to run another for each loop?
public class AverageCost {
public void calc(ArrayList<Pet> pets) {
Map<String, Double> hm = new HashMap<>();
for (Pet i : pets) {
String name = i.getShop();
// If the map already has the pet use the current value, otherwise 0.
double price = hm.containsKey(name) ? hm.get(name) : 0;
price += i.getPrice();
hm.put(name, price);
for (String key : hm.keySet()) {
System.out.printf("%s: %s%n", key, hm.get(key));
What you are asking for is an algorithm to calculate the cumulative moving average without storing the number of terms you have so far accumulated. I don't think this is possible (for example see where 'n', the number of terms so far, is required). My suggestion is to use two passes - the first to store the numbers and the second to calculate the averages.
public void calc(List<Pet> pets) {
// First pass
Map<String, List<Double>> firstPass = new HashMap<>();
for (Pet pet : pets) {
String name = pet.getShop();
if (firstPass.containsKey(name)) {
} else {
List<Double> prices = new ArrayList<>();
firstPass.put(name, prices);
// Second pass
Map<String, Double> results = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, List<Double>> entry : firstPass.entrySet()) {
Double average = calcAverage(entry.getValue());
results.put(entry.getKey(), average);
// Print results
System.out.printf("%s: %s%n", entry.getKey(), average);
private double calcAverage(List<Double> values) {
double result = 0;
for (Double value : values) {
result += value;
return result / values.size();
You can introduce second map for counting or use compound value object in your map to hold both accumulated price and number of pets:
Map<String, PetStatistics> hm = new HashMap<>();
for (Pet i : pets) {
String name = i.getShop();
// If the map already has the pet use the current value, otherwise 0.
PetStatistics stats = hm.get(name);
if (stats == null) {
stats = new PetStatistics(0, 0); // count and price
hm.put(name, stats);
You can use the Collections.frequency to get the number of occurrence and divide the whole sum
for (String key : hm.keySet()) {
int w = Collections.frequency(pets, new Pet(key));
System.out.printf("%s: %s%n", key, hm.get(key)/w);
I have the following code . Collections.Max returns the . How can I show the value of string and integer no By System.out.println() ?
public class SortMapOnKeyExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> list=new ArrayList<String>();
Set<String> uniques = new HashSet(list);
Map<String, Integer> counts = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
for (String elem : uniques)
counts.put(elem, Collections.frequency(list, elem));
Collections.max(counts.entrySet(), new Comparator<Entry<String, Integer>>() {
public int compare(Entry<String, Integer> o1, Entry<String, Integer> o2) {
return (o1.getValue() - o2.getValue());
I have tried a lot But could not find out how can I do this ?please help me . The purpose of this code is to find the string that is occurred maximum and also its index ?
Firstly, you code will run in O(n^2) time - each call to Collections.frequency must loop over the entire data, and this is done once for every element. You can easily make this O(n):
final Map<String, Integer> counts = new HashMap<>();
for (final String s : list) {
final Integer c = counts.get(s);
if (c == null) {
counts.put(s, 1);
} else {
counts.put(s, c + 1);
Now note that you can have more than one item with the same count. You need to sort the entries by value and then print the top ones:
final List<Entry<String, Integer>> entries = new ArrayList<>(counts.entrySet());
Collections.sort(entries, new Comparator<Entry<String, Integer>>() {
public int compare(final Entry<String, Integer> o1, final Entry<String, Integer> o2) {
return, o1.getValue());
final MessageFormat format = new MessageFormat("{0} has a count of {1,number,integer}");
final Iterator<Entry<String, Integer>> iter = entries.iterator();
final Entry<String, Integer> first =;
System.out.println(format.format(new Object[]{first.getKey(), first.getValue()}));
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final Entry<String, Integer> entry =;
if (entry.getValue() != first.getValue()) {
System.out.println(format.format(new Object[]{entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()}));
First we create a List from the entrySet() of the Map. Next we sort the List - notice the reversed order of the comparison - this means the sort is in descending rather than ascending order. Also note the use of, this is because using a - b to compare is very bad practice as it will overflow if a is large and b is large and negative; while not a problem here it is not a good habit to get into.
Now we take as Iterator of the List and keep printing out elements until we encounter one that is not equal to (must be less than) the count of the first element.
{sultan=5, Sorry=1, Tarek=1, Masum=2}
sultan has a count of 5
With different data, where we add Test five times also the output becomes:
{Test=5, sultan=5, Sorry=1, Tarek=1, Masum=2}
Test has a count of 5
sultan has a count of 5