IntelliJ IDEA not showing member field - java

Problem as picture bellow, is there any option to enable showing member abc?
I am using IntelliJ IDEA CE 2017.2.1 with JDK 9+179.
Here is the sample code above:
public class Test {
interface IF {
String abc = "abc";
void apply();
public static void main(String[] args) {
IF theIF = ()->{};
System.out.println(; // I can print `abc` value here, but...
theIF. // DOT here(press ctrl + space) not show member `abc`

This is accessing static member with instance qualifier, and is better done as Therefore code completion doesn't offer it right away, but if you press Ctrl+Space second time, it should be suggested.


Why is my Java static block is not executing? (Extremely simple example. Other answers don't seem to apply.)

I've included my code below. Following some other examples, I even tried to dynamically load the class in order to force it to run the static block, but that doesn't solve my problem. The class is loaded and class.getName() is printed successfully, but still, when it gets to the last line in the main method it throws an error saying the array is null.
All the other answers address things which don't seem to apply here, like how using the "final" keyword can allow the compiler to skip static blocks. Any help is appreciated!
package helper;
public class StaticTest {
public static boolean [] ALL_TRUE;
private static void setArray(){
ALL_TRUE = new boolean[8];
for(int i=0;i<ALL_TRUE.length;i++){
ALL_TRUE[i] = true;
static {
public static void main(String [] args){
ClassLoader cLoader = StaticTest.class.getClassLoader();
Class aClass = cLoader.loadClass("helper.StaticTest");
System.out.println("aClass.getName() = " + aClass.getName());
} catch(ClassNotFoundException e){
In case anyone else lands here, the problem was that I had checked the Netbeans option "Compile on Save" (under Build->Compiling). Somehow, compiling files immediately upon saving was preventing the static block from being run.
Again, thanks to everyone who chimed in to verify that the code itself worked as expected.

Static Variable becomes null after class completed

I Have three classes - Which holds a static variable. -Responsible only for initializing the variable through a static method. - Retrieves the static variables value through getter method.
I thought initializing a static variable once in JVM will not go until we stop the JVM. So I called ran StaticInitializer once which will do the initialization. And tired to access its value from another class which is not working and returning null. Can anyone explain why. Thanks In Advance.
public class StaticHolder {
private static String hello;
public static void ini() {
hello = "Hello World";
public static String getHello() {
return hello;
public static void setHello(String hello) {
StaticHolder.hello = hello;
class StaticInitializer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
while (true) {
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
static does not mean that this value is there forever!
It is only theree for the current java session.
Invocing the java command at the command line starts a new java session where the value needs to be initialized again.
Actually I have a daemon thread which does the initialization and stays alive.And I have another stand alone java program which tries to get the value.
Without knowing that other code involved my gueass is that you did not establish inter process communication.
The easiest way it that you "deamon" opens a server socket and your "stand alone java program" connects to it an queries the desired data through it.
So there is only one main method that can be executed as entry point for the entire application for each JVM run.
When the JVM is executed you can specify which class has to be loaded at start. The Classloader take care to load that class and then the JVM can execute the only one public static void main(String[] args) method.
In Java you need to have at least one class with a public static method named main. I suggest to read this post to understand why it is public static.
The Java Classloader is a part of the Java Runtime Environment that
dynamically loads Java classes into the Java Virtual Machine.
Usually classes are only loaded on demand.
So returning to your question, given that when Application.main is running there is no way to execute StaticHolder.init(), I suggest to change your main in this way:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
or change StaticHolder in this way and remove the init:
public class StaticHolder {
private static String hello;
static {
hello = "Hello World";
public static String getHello() {
return hello;
public static void setHello(String hello) {
StaticHolder.hello = hello;
On the other hand, just to be clear if you run the StaticInitializer.main this has no effect on Application.main execution.
In your program , when main method of StaticInitializer is first executed, a String named hello is initalized. and as ini() method is called, the value 'Hello world' is assigned to hello. Then jvm exists main method, and then stops working. Again when we compile application class,instead of the previous hello variable , a new hello string variable is created with no value assigned(null valued) . That's why you're getting null as output. Thankyou.

Java string declaration IntelliJ IDEA

Trying to declare a string in Java inside the main method of a Console application.
String s = "this is some text";
I get a red underline saying, 'class' or 'interface' expected.
If I change the code to read
String s = new String("this is some text");
everything works, or at least the code compiles. Using JDK 1.8 and have recently upgraded the IDE to version 2016.2.4.
This only occurs when declaring a new String, all other type declarations and initializations work without declaring a new instance, i.e.
int i = 0;
Anyone know why the first declaration won't work?
Similar behaviour is exhibited when trying to write to the console,
System.out.println("this is some text");
The word 'text' is red underlined saying 'class' or 'interface' expected.
EDIT: entire class as requested
package Sandbox;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("this fails");
package Sandbox;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(new String("this works"));
See screenshot below of actual code in the IDE. Comments welcome.
Looks like an issue with Language Injections in IntelliJ.
Disable the Language Injections. That should fix your Problem.
An similiar issue with the println method and string is described here and has been solved by unregistering println from string injections:

Collisions of while loops when in a row (Java)

I build a game that includes moving between worlds. The main class of the program suppose to start by presenting the first world (world1 which is an instance of the firstWorldClass). It should stay in this world until a variable within the class world1 is changing (checked by world1.getMoveWorldIndicator()). Then, it should move to the next world- remove world1, build world2 and add it to the graphic view. Same from world 2 to 3.
It works fine when I do it between 2 worlds (delete all the code after add(world2)) or if I leave only the transition between the second and the third worlds. When I put both in a row it stops working (when adding the second while loop).
My code:
public class GameManager extends Program implements GameContstants{
public void init() {
world1=new firstWorldClass();
world2=new secondWorldClass();
while(! world2.getMoveWorldIndicator()){
if(world2.getMoveWorldIndicator()) break;
world3=new thirdWorldClass();
private firstWorldClass world1;
private secondWorldClass world2;
private thirdWorldClass world3;
I suspect that there's some kind of interaction between the while loops or a memory problem but am open to hear any idea/different way to do it.
I think there are lots of factors coming into play here:
Clean up your code. Keeping a few coding rules is important for bug fixing!
Don't use repetitive code over and over again. Extract to method or Class
Keep to class naming conventions => Upper camel case for classes
Don't set variables to null. Usually compilers will do that for you while optimizing. If you still feel like manually freeing up space or variable names, you should use scope brackets {} around the code instead!
Breaking down your code, we see lots of redundancies, like "getMoveWorldIndicator()" checks twice per loop, without any different effect from using it only once
I have provided a cleaner - but different - version here, to show you.
But for actually helping you with your code, we really DO NEED more of your code to gain some insight to the problem.
public class GameManager /* extends ... */{
static class WorldBase {
public boolean getMoveWorldIndicator() {
return false;
static class FirstWorld extends WorldBase {}
static class SecondWorld extends WorldBase {}
static class ThirdWorld extends WorldBase {}
public void init() {
playWorld(new FirstWorld());
playWorld(new SecondWorld());
playWorld(new ThirdWorld());
private void playWorld(final WorldBase pWorld) {
while (!pWorld.getMoveWorldIndicator()) {
private void remove(final WorldBase pWorld1) {}
private void pause(final int pI) {}
private void add(final WorldBase pWorld1) {}

Method Generator in java

I am using Kmax to create a DAQ software. The philosophy of the GUI and the code is that every object on the GUI(radio buttons, check boxes, progress bars etc) has to have the same name with the relevant method. For instance an object named BUTTON is linked with the method public void BUTTON(KmaxWidget widget){code}.
My code is
import kmax.ext.*;
public class Runtime implements KmaxRuntime {
KmaxToolsheet tlsh; // Store a reference to the toolsheet environment
KmaxHist hist1D;
KmaxWidget checkBoxWidget;
public void init(KmaxToolsheet toolsheet) {
tlsh = toolsheet; // Save this reference for use in the toolsheet
hist1D = tlsh.getKmaxHist("HIST1D");
checkBoxWidget = tlsh.getKmaxWidget("CHECK_BOX_CALIB_METH");
tlsh.getKmaxWidget("CHECK_BOX_CALIB_METH").setProperty("VALUE", "1");
public static boolean stringToBool(String s) {
if (s.equals("1"))
return true;
if (s.equals("0"))
return false;
return true;
public void CalibInit(KmaxWidget widget, KmaxHist histo){
public void chooseCalib(){
checkBoxWidget = tlsh.getKmaxWidget("CHECK_BOX_CALIB_METH");
public void GO(KmaxToolsheet toolsheet){}
public void SRQ(KmaxDevice device) {}
public void HALT(KmaxToolsheet toolsheet) {}
} // End of the Runtime object
In the above code I have the check box CHECK_BOX_CALIB_METH. The problem arises when someone wants to create many objects;one has to create many methods. In the above code you can see what I am trying to do. I want to create a "main" method that will do every function that is needed and then another method will apply those functions to each object.
This code compiles without any errors, but the check box isn't working. So I was thinking if there is a way around this. For instance a method that will include "submethods" that will do the job! Or perhaps a method that will construct methods in a for loop for each radio button, check box, progress bar etc. Something like
for(int i=0; i<number_of_buttons ; i++){public void BUTTON_i(){code}}
The above code may look ridiculous but I don't know what else to think and I really want to avoid having one method for each button.
Is something like that possible or is there another way around this?
For instance I have 6 methods that do exactly the same;they just have different names.
public void SET_CALIB_1(KmaxWidget widget) {
double C0 = (getValueFrom("Ch2_1")*getValueFrom("En1_1")-getValueFrom("Ch1_1")*getValueFrom("En2_1"))/(getValueFrom("Ch2_1")-getValueFrom("Ch1_1"));
double C1 = (getValueFrom("En2_1")-getValueFrom("En1_1"))/(getValueFrom("Ch2_1")-getValueFrom("Ch1_1"));
double C2 = 0;
double[] coef = {C0, C1, C2};
} // SET_CALIB_1
Is there a way to have a generator method to generate methods like the above?
what are the design goals for this software?
reflection may be a much better way to get access to the members; and/or put all the components into an array for access.
I find that I tend to over-engineer things a lot; since I enjoy building things; but then they get way too complicated and don't work.
so I advise to take a walk (or trudge through the snow) and think about it some more.
