Project is missing required library - but correct JAR exists? - java

One of my eclipse projects gives me the Project X is missing required library: 'somelib.jar' error, but when I go to Configure Build Path > Libraries the library is present, and no error is indicated there.
I tried the usual things:
Clean build (all projects in the workspace)
Exited eclipse multiple times
My coworkers, using the same git checkout with the same status as mine, and also using eclipse Neon2, have no build errors.
Just to be sure, I navigated into the corresponding directory and removed a different jar file, and when I look at my build path configuration that jar shows up with a red "x" indicating that the library is missing.
I checked that somelib.jar sits in the expected place and is a valid JAR file.
How do I fix this?

These steps did resolve the problem:
closing / re-opening the corresponding project
another "full" clean of all projects in the workspace
In other words: it seems that a simple F5 "refresh" and a even a "clean project" isn't sufficient sometimes. So closing the project is the key element here!

Some times eclipse becomes naughty following steps should be taken to nicely add the jar library in project
First remove the library from libs folder
Also remove the refrence from java build path in external library tab
Clean the project let it actually realize the library is missing :D
Again copy the jar file in libs folder
Add the refrence of library in java build path library tab
set the priority of this library to top (important) because its
possible the order of library export is not ok in your project
Clean the project and build
hope so it will solve your problem

If you have multiple projects opened in such way that one depends on another, and the problematic project depends on others, refreshing all dependent projects will fix the 'missing library' issue for the main project.


IntelliJ cannot resolve any symbols or methods

IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2
I know this has been asked, but I have tried every fix I could find, as shown below.
Every symbol in my java code has an error Cannot resolve method, or Cannot resolve symbol. However, the code still compiles and runs with 0 errors. The error messages in the IDE started the first time I opened the project, on 3 separate computers, but runs fine on a fourth....I can't find anything different on that fourth computer.
I have following the following instructions from this issue:
File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart
I deleted the [IDEA system]( directories, and re-imported the Maven project.
I have re-imported the Maven project
I re-imported the project with auto-import
I also followed the instructions from this issue:
File -> Synchronize
File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart
As well as the solutions here:
Check source roots
There were no errors or fixes in the Module source roots, or the module dependencies.
I also tried re-importing with "Search for projects recursively" checked as recommended here.
This isn't a screenshot from my actual code, but my errors look the same as the screenshots from this post.
I just found an error I hadn't seen before. When I go to Project Structure (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S), under Libraries, I see the following errors.
I checked on the location shown /home/user/.m2/repository/antlr/antlr/2.7.7/antlr-2.7.7-sources.jar and it doesn't exist. I have antlr-2.7.7.jar, but I'm not sure if I need to download the antlr-, or just point my Library to the .jar I have (as I'm unfamiliar what these settings do)
The answer was the look through the pom.xml file line by line, and see what the dependencies were that I didn't have. I thought it was a configuration issue, but it wasn't.
I didn't notice that I didn't have the lombok plugin, which was a dependency for my project.
The problem listed in EDIT2 wasn't actually an issue since all of the classes were available.
Since your project compiles and runs successfully with mvn clean install, you know your pom is valid.
Given that, I would recommend to:
delete the .idea directory and any *.iml, *.ipr files for each of your modules. Don't worry, IntelliJ will re-create them. Back them up by renaming them if you're really concerned.
Open IntelliJ and find the new project wizard.
Find the option to import from an existing maven project
Select the pom for your root project
Check if module settings are correct. Open Project structure (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S) and check the source directory settings under Source Tab are valid.
This is a weird one. I faced the same issue and went through all questions on stackoverflow and other forums and applied all suggestion to an extent to reinstalling intelliJ.
Though what problem in my case was that i had excluded some files namely .gradle and build folder, which definitely sounds important. I must have done this get excluded for git status notifs but somehow i had excluded it from my project as i am new to intellij. To check if any of your folders are exclude goto -> modules CTRL + Shift +Alt + s and check for any red items you should probably include the ones necessary here.
Hope this helps few of those out there.
you are using maven project, delete .m2 folder and update maven project and clean the project the rebuild it and run it... some time maven project occur that type of issue, which resolve by rebuilding the project. also check the version of your dependency.

How to resolve requirement: Import-Package:

The scope of this question applies after you have created an RCP app in eclipse following Vogella's tutorial linked below. This assumes your feature, product, and father project are created. In this state the feature is delegated the task of building, therefore all dependencies need to be resolved in the feature file.
This question addresses when the missing dependency needs to be installed, i.e. is downloaded manually because the missing dependency is not on the class path. The class path determines what plugins are available in the feature/included-plugins tab. The plugins listed in the feature/included tab can be added as plugins for dependencies to your plugin. This list gets appended to your feature.xml file which gets linked to your file! See Solution below.
Eclipse nomenclature interchanges the ideas of plugins=dependencies and treats them the same. We know this by the names of the tabs.
The intent of this question is aimed at using existing Eclipse capability to develop an RCP application that uses objects from a third party plugin to create a custom workflow.
This error is thrown because my RCP app third party plugin requires this dependency which was not included in Eclipse ICE nor the plugin itself.
The first thing I tried was to install the plugin directly from the Eclipse Marketplace.
The string org.apache.commons.beanutils returned nothing so I went to apache and downloaded the plugin manually.
I then researched how to install a plugin in Eclipse manually.
I've learned not to simply drop the plugin into the Eclipse/dropins folder, which does nothing.
I've learned that this advice is lacking probably due to age of post.
I've learned when Maven is configured correctly, all the dependencies can automatically be resolved.
This says plugin dependencies are resolved by looking at four files.
"The plug-in definition, the product file, the run configurations and the target definition."
The plug-in definition I'm not sure what that is other than the plugin.xml file. The product file has been configured to launch the third party plugin. I've learned the run-configuration has a list of plugins and the third party plugin is not listed there.
I've learned that the target definition should be created in the parent project of your product project.
Create a target definition by highlighting your father project->Right click-> new-> Other-> Target Definition. During creation select "Use workspace configuration." The path to your downloaded plugin was added to this Location.
After the Target is created, Navigate to the content tab and select Manage Using: Features
This reduces the number of possible dependencies to only the ones needed to run.
You should now see the dependency checked in the list.
Creating the target resolved the other twenty or so dependency errors but the one under the title still throws an error.
I've learned that the product file is the file that calls the third party plugin in runtime.
The RCP app launches, but I cannot import the third party plugin in the bound classes created using this tutorial, to be used to obtain objects programmatically.
I have a shell of a program running and just need to implement the classes for each window with the objects I can get from a third party plugin import.
Thanks Brian for resetting my thinking which led me to learn about Eclipse a little more to figure this out.
The main problem is an external .jar is identified as the missing Import-Package. Mine was org.apache.commons.beanutils. You must go to the parent website and download the library. In this case apache's website. There is probably a better way to do this by repo. I'm hoping I can export the product with all the required dependencies :p
I may be able to skip a step or two here, but these were my working steps.
Get .jar into Eclipse parent project. Right click the parent and select New->Folder->Name it Lib->Finish. Right click Lib->Import->File System->Navigate to .jar. Highlight the included .jars->Right Click->Build Path->Add to the Build Path.
Add the missing .jar to your Ant class path. Ant is used to build PDE apps using OSGi. See the Eclipse Help for an explanation. This will allow your missing jar to become visable in the feature project included-plugins tab.
Window->Preferences->Ant->Runtime->ClassPath Tab->Add jar->Navigate to missing jar
Create a target definition as described above in your parent project and add your missing .jar to the target and set your target active.
If target exists, In Locations widget window->Click Add->Directory->Navigate to missing .jar.->Next-> Verify plugins are recognized in window->Finish. Click Set as Target Platform in upper right corner.
Open feature.xml in your feature child project. ->Click Add->Navigate to your added plugin->Click Ok
Save All - Launch product
Now onto the next dependency!
Sounds like you're confusing an Eclipse plugin with a jar dependency for your project. it sounds like your project needs a jar (the beanutils jar from Apache) . Depending on if your project uses Maven or ant (or something else) the way to add it to your project varies. Try googling something like "adding a jar in eclipse for a X build" where X is the tool used for your build (ant, maven, etc). No matter what you use, the end goal will be for that jar to show up the java Build path->Libraries for your project in Eclipse.
it seems to me that u need a better understanding of how dependencies are managed in OSGI/eclipse, therefore i concur with BrianPipa.
beware: that subject is quite large and not easy to understand and is way too large to be explained here. but be not afraid, google is ur friend:
a few pointers on research topics:
the relation ship of bundle/plugin and jars
how is code contained in a plugin exported (aka make visible) to other plugins so they can use it AND what needs to be done so that the using plugin (ie. declare that usage-dependency)?
how are feature related to plugins?
how are products related to plugins and features?
what is a target platform ?
and how do i define it and what does it need to include ?
how do i set it ?

Project is missing required library [Eclipse]

I have imported a java project into a new eclipse workspace and it gave me a lot of errors:
It says "Project 'myProject' is missing required library: /User/linus/.m2/..." (The directory is longer but not of interest for you)
Now, I have looked inside my Finder to see what is in ".m2" but there is no such directory where it should be. Additionally I let it show all the hidden files but no success. Lastly I tried to get into the folder with the terminal (using cd and then the directory eclipse gave me) but that did not work either.
I saw this post but it did not help me.
I reinstalled Maven to make sure it can be used, this is the output if I type mvn --version and mvn in the terminal:
Does anyone have an idea?
Thanks in advance
I reinstalled Maven and now there is a /.m2 folder. It contains /.m2/repository/ but there is nothing in it...
May I suggest you read a Maven tutorial like
IMHO it's a wonderful build tool because it gets required jar files per the specification in the project object model ("pom") file which your Maven-ized project should have, and you don't have to keep track of jars on your own.
Look in your project for pom.xml, you might even post it here.
To check the sanity of the project and maven on your computer (ignoring Eclipse for a moment), be sure you have a good Internet connection, open a Terminal window, change directory ("cd") over to the project directory, and type "mvn install".
This should trigger the usual Maven build cycle. One of the first things it should do is download all the jars as identified in the pom.xml and store them deeply nested within your /Users/linus/.m2/ directory. Then it should compile all your java classes. Eventually it will probably build a jar file and copy it to somewhere.
If all this works, visit for directions to add the Maven plugin (m2e) to your Eclipse. Then your Eclipse should understand how to download jars and build the project per the pom.xml file.
Eventually this all should fix the original "Project is missing required library" problem.

Java runtime error "NoClassDefFoundError" when referencing external project in Eclipse Android Project

I am struggling with this issue for some time now and I think it is time that I appeal to the SO community.
When creating a new Android Project in Eclipse I am trying to reference an external project [for the time being, it is a simple class with a function that returns a string]. I have tried adding a reference to the project itself, I have tried exporting a .JAR file [adding it to the libs folder] but none of these solutions work, though at compile time the classes are seen, at run time I get the dreaded NoClassDefFoundError.
Because the JAR file is present both in the filesystem and the .classpath file, I believe there might be an issue with the way I exported the JAR.
I am not sure why it doesn't work or what the proper workflow is for adding such [non-Android] modules to a project. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have come across this issue in a lot of SO questions but I could not find any solutions that would work
I've actually had the same problem before. There are a couple things you can try.
Make sure that in the project properties for your external project that you have the the "Is Library" checked in the Android tab.
Then export the project as a jar file. (make sure you don't include and files other than the actual java class files. No AndroidManifest.xml etc...)
Include the jar file into your other project in the "libs" folder like you were doing before.
and you should be able to reference the class from the jar now.
If that still doesn't work, you might have an ordering issue, so right click the jar file, and select "Build Path" -> "add to build path", then go to the project properties of your non-library project and select Java Build Path -> Order and Export and move the jar file to the top of the list.
Hopefully this helps!

After building the project from pom.xml using Maven, how do I use its resources

It's been tedious. This is the API I am trying to use. Its resources were set up in a pom.xml which I built using Maven. On built up, it gave me the project socrata-publisher that has
src/main/java the source folder with packages com.socrata.api, com.socrata.util where each contains only .java
JRE System Library and Maven Dependency hierarchies where each contains a number of jar files
Problem is com.socrata.api and the 2 other contains classes which I want to deploy in a project outside socrata-publisher. I tried using import com.socrata.api but it didn't work. Moreover, since its a Java project and not android it doesn't have the is Library option in preferences which could rather give me the solution. Both socrata-publisher and tutorial (where i want to use the resources and which is the android application) lie in the same directory eclipseApps in My Documents.
Here's a little visual queue. Help will be greatly appreciated.
You will need to first of all get the output of the socrata project and all its dependencies.
In command line, going to the project folder of the socrata project, where the pom.xml file is, run MVN INSTALL. You shall see a jar file called socrata-api.jar in $HOME/.m2/repository. If you are using windows and installed MAVEN by default, $HOME should be your user profile folder. Once you see the jar file, add it to your tutorial build path.
I think what you actually want to do is just set up the "socrata-publisher" as a project dependency for your "tutorial" project. That will allow you to reference the built Socrata libraries from the code in your project.
Right click on the project and select "Properties". From within that dialog select "Java Build Path" on the left, then the "Projects" section, and click the "Add" button to add the "socrata-publisher" project.
I think that'll work better than creating a separate jar file that you then include, and then you can also keep the socrata-publisher code up to date using Git.
