Abstract vs Empty method - java

I need to add one optional method in existing abstract class that is extended by more than 50 classes:
public abstract class Animal{...}
This method is not used by all those classes, but in the future it probably will.
The structure of one of my classes is:
public class Dog extends Animal {...}
The cleanest way is using abstract method but it obliges me to change all existing classes.
The workaround is to create "empty" method in abstract class:
public String getString(Map<String, Object> params){
return "";
and then override it when I need in classes that extend abstract class.
Is there any better solution?

Having an "empty" method is fine. But in order to be sure, that it will be implemented where it is really needed, consider throwing an exception by default from this method:
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
A similar approach is used in java.util.AbstractList class:
public E set(int index, E element) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

I can't help feeling like you have some architectural/design issues here, but without knowing more, I can't say for sure. If 50 classes are going to inherit from Animal, but not all of them are going to use this method, then I'm wondering if they should really inherit from one common class. Perhaps you need further levels of sub-classing... think Kingdom->Phylum->Sub-Phylum. But my gut says that's still not the right answer for you.
Step back - what are you trying to accomplish? If you're going to implement this function on these classes in the future, then you must also be changing your code to know to use/expect this. The point of inheritance is to allow code to refer to an object's expected common behavior without knowing what type of object it's referencing. In your getString() example, you might have a function as such:
public string SendMessage(Animal someAnimal) {
string message = someAnimal.getString();
// Send the message
You can pass it a dog, a cat, a platypus - whatever. The function doesn't care, because it can query the message from its base class.
So when you say you'll have animals that don't implement this message... that implies you'll have logic that ensures only cats and dogs will call this function, and that a platypus is handled differently (or not at all). That kind of defeats the point of inheritance.
A more modern approach would be to use interfaces to establish a "has a" relationship instead of an "is a" relationship. A plane might have an IEngine member, but the specific type of engine can be set at run-time, either by the plane class itself, or by the app if the member is writeable.
public interface IEngine {
string getStatus();
string getMileage();
public class Cessna {
public IEngine _engine;
public Cessna() {
_engine = new PropellerEngine();
You could also inherit directly from that interface... Animals that don't implement IAnimalMessage wouldn't implement that function. Animals that do would be required to. The downside is that each animal will have to have its own implementation, but since your base class currently has an abstract function with no body, I'm assuming that's a non-issue. With this approach, you can determine if the object implements the interface as such:
IAnimalMessage animalMessage = myPlatypus as IAnimalMessage;
// If your playtpus doesn't implement IAnimalMessage,
// animalMessage will be null.
if (null != animalMessage) {
string message = animalMessage.getString();
public interface IAnimalMessage {
string getMessage();
public class Platypus : IAnimalMessage {
// Add this implementation when Platypus implements IAnimalMessage...
// Not needed before then
public string getMessage() {
return "I'm a cowboy, howdy, howdy, howdy!";
That's probably the closest to what you're asking for I can suggest... classes that don't need the message won't implement that interface until they do, but the code can easily check if the interface is implemented and act accordingly.
I can offer more helpful/specific thoughts, but I'd need to understand the problem you're trying to solve better.


How can I make an Interface Private but used between two classes?

I want to create a private Interface in Class A and have it implemented by Class B. My intention is to have a way for Class A to call a method set on class B that NO ONE else can call. They are in separate file in separate packages. Anyone have any ideas?
The best you can achieve is to give the interface package level visibility and move Class A and B into the same package.
This doesn't stop someone adding another class into the same package in the future, thus giving it access to the interface.
short answer is redesign your class structure.
But if you really need to, consider to use reflex feature in java. and you can inject the method although not recommended.
Disclaimer: not a Java programmer.
But if you want to leverage a type system to get compile-time errors... there are often tricks by introducing a new data type as a sort of "access token" or "dummy parameter". Make it hard to get ahold of a value of that type, but require a value of that type as a parameter in the interface.
Yet introducing a hoop like that winds up being about as contrived as renaming your methods alarming things like DoFooActionOnClassB_ButDontCallUnlessYouAreClassA. I think one usually finds that in a good design, this "dummy type" isn't a dummy type at all... but a capture of the context and state that you should have had in the first place.
I understand that you want to have methods on class B which can only be called from class A. One way would be deferring the real check until runtime but let the compiler make it hard to do the wrong thing. So you could try using a secret which only class A can have in order to protect the method in class B.
public class A {
private static final PrivateA PROOF = new PrivateA();
public static class PrivateA {
private PrivateA() { }
// only A can extend PrivateA
public static void main(String[] args) {
new B().methodForAOnly(PROOF, "A");
Here A's PrivateA is a type which only A can instantiate or extend, and B knows about that...
public class B {
public void methodForAOnly(PrivateA proof, String param) {
if (proof == null) throw new NullPointerException();
// do something

composition-and-forwarding approach for a class with two Lists

I have read Item 16 from Effective Java and
Prefer composition over inheritance? and now try to apply it to the code written 1 year ago, when I have started getting to know Java.
I am trying to model an animal, which can have traits, i.e. Swimming, Carnivorous, etc. and get different type of food.
public class Animal {
private final List<Trait> traits = new ArrayList<Trait>();
private final List<Food> eatenFood = new ArrayList<Food>();
In Item 16 composition-and-forwarding reuseable approach is suggested:
public class ForwardingSet<E> implements Set<E> {
private final Set<E> s;
public ForwardingSet(Set<E> s) {this.s = s;}
//implement all interface methods
public void clear() {s.clear();}
//and so on
public class InstrumentedSet<E> extends ForwardingSet<E> {
//counter for how many elements have been added since set was created
I can implement ForwardingList<E> but I am not sure on how I would apply it twice for Animal class. Now in Animal I have many methods like below for traits and also for eatenFood. This seems akward to me.
public boolean addTrait (Trait trait) {
return traits.add(trait);
public boolean removeTrait (Trait trait) {
return traits.remove(trait);
How would you redesign the Animal class?
Should I keep it as it is or try to apply ForwardingList?
There is no reason you'd want to specialize a List for this problem. You are already using Composition here, and it's pretty much what I would expect from the class.
Composition is basically creating a class which has one (or usually more) members. Forwarding is effectively having your methods simply make a call to one of the objects it holds, to handle it. This is exactly what you're already doing.
Anyhow, the methods you mention are exactly the sort of methods I would expect for a class that has-a Trait. I would expect similar addFood / removeFood sorts of methods for the food. If they're wrong, they're the exact sort of wrong that pretty much everyone does.
IIRC (my copy of Effective Java is at work): ForwardingSet's existence was simply because you cannot safely extend a class that wasn't explicitly designed to be extended. If self-usage patterns etc. aren't documented, you can't reasonably delegate calls to super methods because you don't know that addAll may or may not call add repeatedly for the default implemntation. You can, however, safely delegate calls because the object you are delegating to will never make a call the wrapper object. This absolutely doesn't apply here; you're already delegating calls to the list.

How do I organize these abstract page object methods?

This is really a general Java question but I figured it would be easier to explain with the specific Webdriver perspective from which it arose.
I have a complicated page object that I now want to make abstract, because I found another page that is very similar but different in key ways. Now many of my methods, which had returned instances of the page object, are broken. I want to keep the bulk of the code for these methods in the abstract class and still have them return instances of the new subclasses; these methods should return new instances of whatever subclass called them.
Here is an example with a navNextPage method which is common to both of the subclasses. This seems to work, but it feels wrong:
public abstract class PresContentPage {
protected PresContentPage navNextPage() {
// code to navigate to the next page goes here
return null;
public class MainContent extends PresContentPage {
public MainContent navNextPage() {
return new MainContent(...);
// And so on with another subclass...
So, this does what I want: the code for the navNextPage method is siloed in the abstract class, but the version that gets called will return the page object of the type that invoked the method.
I just feel wrong having my protected method, which is not and cannot be void, return null. But since it's protected, and it's an abstract class, no one will ever be able to call it anyway, right? Does that make it okay? Is there a way better way to do this that I just never learned?
Another option I thought of is to just make a void method with a different name like navNextPageVoid and have the subclasses call that instead of super.navNextPage, but... that seems sort of gross in a different way.
Thanks in advance!
Typically if you want to force a method to be implemented in a specialisation you make it abstract in the generalisation. Therefore
public abstract class PresContentPage {
abstract PresContentPage navNextPage(); }

Java interfaces and types

Let's say you have some Java code as follows:
public class Base{
public void m(int x){
// code
and then a subclass Derived, which extends Base as follows:
public class Derived extends Base{
public void m(int x){ //this is overriding
// code
public void m(double x){ //this is overloading
// code
and then you have some declarations as follows:
Base b = new Base();
Base d = new Derived();
Derived e = new Derived();
b.m(5); //works
d.m(6); //works
d.m(7.0); //does not compile
e.m(8.0); //works
For the one that does not compile, I understand that you are passing in a double into Base's version of the m method, but what I do not understand is... what is the point of ever having a declaration like "Base b = new Derived();" ?
It seems like a good way to run into all kinds of casting problems, and if you want to use a Derived object, why not just go for a declaration like for "e"?
Also, I'm a bit confused as to the meaning of the word "type" as it is used in Java. The way I learned it earlier this summer was, every object has one class, which corresponds to the name of the class following "new" when you instantiate an object, but an object can have as many types as it wants. For example, "e" has type Base, Derived, (and Object ;) ) but its class is Derived. Is this correct?
Also, if Derived implemented an interface called CanDoMath (while still extending Base), is it correct to say that it has type "CanDoMath" as well as Base, Derived, and Object?
I often write functions in the following form:
public Collection<MyObject> foo() {}
public void bar(Collection<MyObject> stuff){}
I could just as easily have made it ArrayList in both instances, however what happens if I later decide to make the representation a Set? The answer is I have a lot of refactoring to do since I changed my method contract. However, if I leave it as Collection I can seamlessly change from ArrayList to HashSet at will. Using the example of ArrayList it has the following types:
Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<E>, Collection<E>, List<E>, RandomAccess
There are a number of cases where confining yourself to a particular (sub)class is not desired, such as the case you have where e.m(8.0);. Suppose, for example, you have a method called move that moves an object in the coordinate graph of a program. However, at the time you write the method you may have both cartesian and radial graphs, handled by different classes.
If you rely on knowing what the sub-class is, you force yourself into a position wherein higher levels of code must know about lower levels of code, when really they just want to rely on the fact that a particular method with a particular signature exists. There are lots of good examples:
Wanting to apply a query to a database while being agnostic to how the connection is made.
Wanting to authenticate a user, without having to know ahead of time the strategy being used.
Wanting to encrypt information, without needing to rip out a bunch of code when a better encryption technique comes along.
In these situations, you simply want to ensure the object has a particular type, which guarantees that particular method signatures are available. In this way your example is contrived; you're asking why not just use a class that has a method wherein a double is the signature's parameter, instead of a class where that isn't available. (Simply put; you can't use a class that doesn't have the available method.)
There is another reason as well. Consider:
class Base {
public void Blah() {
class Extended extends Base {
private int SuperSensitiveVariable;
public setSuperSensistiveVariable(int value) {
this.SuperSensistiveVariable = value;
public void Blah() {
Base b = new Extended();
Extended e = new Extended();
Note that in the b case, I do not have access to the method set() and thus can't muck up the super sensitive variable accidentally. I can only do that in the e case. This helps make sure those things are only done in the right place.
Your definition of type is good, as is your understanding of what types a particular object would have.
What is the point of having Base b = new Derived();?
The point of this is using polymorphism to change your implementation. For example, someone might do:
List<String> strings = new LinkedList<String>();
If they do some profiling and find that the most common operation on this list is inefficient for the type of list, they can swap it out for an ArrayList. In this way you get flexibility.
if you want to use a Derived object
If you need the methods on the derived object, then you would use the derived object. Have a look at the BufferedInputStream class - you use this not because of its internal implementation but because it wraps an InputStream and provides convenience methods.
Also, I'm a bit confused as to the meaning of the word "type" as it is used in Java.
It sounds like your teacher is referring to Interfaces and Classes as "types". This is a reasonable abstraction, as a class that implement an interface and extends a class can be referred to in 3 ways, i.e.
public class Foo extends AbstractFoo implements Comparable<Foo>
// Usage
Comparable<Foo> comparable = new Foo();
AbstractFoo abstractFoo = new Foo();
Foo foo = new Foo();
An example of the types being used in different contexts:
new ArrayList<Comparable>().Add(new Foo()); // Foo can be in a collection of Comparable
new ArrayList<AbstractFoo>().Add(new Foo()); // Also in an AbstractFoo collection
This is one of the classic problems on object oriented designs. When something like this happens, it usually means the design can be improved; there is almost always a somewhat elegant solution to these problems....
For example, why dont you pull the m that takes a double up into the base class?
With respect to your second question, an object can have more than one type, because Interfaces are also types, and classes can implement more than one interface.

Java - Class Variable

I have a variable: Abstract a. It is a class that extends the Abstract class. However, I need to cast this Abstract variable into a more specific class variable that extends the Abstract class.
My situation: I have two classes, Class1 and Class2 that both extend the Abstract class with methods implemented in each one. I now have an Abstract class variable to work with. I do not know if it is Class1 or Class2, so I cannot simply do a (Class1) a or a (Class2) a (casting).
So how would I successfully cast this variable so that I can use the inner methods?
I was thinking along the lines of using a.getClass().getName() to determine how to cast it, but I am stuck from here on out.
Your new question appears to be asking how to dynamically cast a variable to an arbitrary type unknown at runtime. This is probably a duplicate of java: how can i do dynamic casting of a variable from one type to another? but to summarize, this is not (easily) possible, isn't recommended, and speaks to other issues in your code.
Think about it this way, what variable would you possibly be able to use to store your newly cast object? Imagine if we had a (child) cast operation in Java, that took a variable defined as a parent class, and cast it down to its child (e.g. List -> LinkedList):
public static void func(Abstract a){
???? var = (child)a;
// Do something with var?
Notice that 1) there's no way you could ever specify a type for var, since we don't know at runtime what type it will be; and 2) there's nothing we'd be able to do with var beyond the behavior defined in Abstract anyways, because the compiler can't predict which methods will be availible to var other than what's available to Abstract.
If you need to implement class-specific behavior, you should do so inside the class. Have an abstract method which each class has to implement, and which can do whatever you need them to do. Or, if you cannot ensure that, don't define a function that takes an Abstract as an argument; instead define however many functions that take Class1, Class2, etc. objects as parameters, like so:
Abstract method to require all child classes behave similarly
public abstract class Abstract{
/** Do the class-specific behavior you want to do currently in func */
public abstract void operation();
public static void func(Abstract a){
Functions only for classes that can actually handle what you want
public static void func(Class1 a){
// do something
public static void func(Class2 a){
// do something
Again, if neither of these options are viable for you (and of course, blocks of instanceof calls aren't acceptable) then I'd be willing to bet money there's something structural in the way you're using Java that's fundamentally incorrect. If you want to post a code sample of exactly what you're trying to accomplish by child-casting, perhaps we can shed some light as to what the issue is.
Leaving this here for posterity - OP's original question asked about creating new instances of an object cast as its abstract parent.
Pretty straightforward, get the object's class object, and create a new instance. For more complex constructors, see the Java documentation on creating new instances dynamically.
public class ClassVar
public static abstract class Abstract
public static class Class1 extends Abstract
public static class Class2 extends Abstract
* Given an instance of a child of Abstract, returns a new instance
* of the same class
public static Abstract newInstance(Abstract obj) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
return obj.getClass().newInstance();
public static void main(String[] args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
System.out.println(newInstance(new Class1()).getClass());
System.out.println(newInstance(new Class2()).getClass());
class ClassVar$Class1
class ClassVar$Class2
Basically you can use reflection by using
Class cl = ...
The more 'expanded' answer you can find here
Since you edited your question again 3h ago at the time of writing here's my second answer to a problem I thought was solved. It's obvious nobody got what you're really asking for in the first place. Try to improve how you're asking questions.
However, the answer is simple:
From the point of view of object orientation you simply shouldn't have to (Liskov Substitution principle). Even if you have exact knowledge about exactly two possible instances, you should look for a better approach for the problem you are trying to model.
If you have to, determine the class name and check for equality or carry an extra identifier and compare that one. Implementation couldn't be simpler.
