Fast java routine to determine if request URI is within another URL - java

In a class (Java8), I have a String representing an HTTP URL, e.g. String str1="", and another string containing a request URI e.g. str2="/bar/wonky/wonky.html".
What is the fastest way in terms of code execution to determine if str2 is within the context of str1 (e.g. the context is /bar) and then construct the complete url String result = ""?

Well I don't know if there is a faster way to just use String.indexOf(). Here is an approach that I think covers the example you gave (demo):
public static boolean overlap(String a, String b_context) {
//Assume the a URL starts with http:// or https://, the next / is the start of the a_context
int root_index = a.indexOf("/", 8);
String a_context = a.substring(root_index);
String a_host = a.substring(0, root_index);
return b_context.startsWith(a_context);
Here is a function that uses the same logic but to combine the two urls if they overlap or throw an exception if they don't
public static String combine(String a, String b_context) {
//Assume the a URL starts with http:// or https://, the next / is the start of the a_context
int root_index = a.indexOf("/", 8);
String a_context = a.substring(root_index);
String a_host = a.substring(0, root_index);
if(b_context.startsWith(a_context)) {
return a_host + b_context;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("urls do not overlap");
And here is an example of using them
public static void main(String ... args) {
System.out.println(combine("", "/search?query=Java+String+Combine"));
System.out.println(combine("", "/mail?inbox=Larry+Page"));


Obtain specific part of a string with JSON Format java

I have a question on how would be the best way to get the information from a string but that has JSON format.
"moreInformation":"Failed authentication for user."
In this case, I want to get the value of "internal_id" and I already did, with subtring, lastIndexOf and indexOf
public static String returnInternalCode(String json){
String internalCode = json.substring(json.lastIndexOf("\"internal_id\":\"") + "\"internal_id\":\"".length(), json.length() - 1);
if (json.lastIndexOf("\"internal_id\":\"") == -1) return null;
return internalCode.substring(0, internalCode.indexOf("\""));
I also tried several JSONs with order changes that don't have the data and it also worked. I leave the full class of tests I did:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Original JSON
String json = "{\"internal_id\":\"999999\",\"moreInformation\":\"Failed authentication for user, 1 authentication attempt remaining.\"}";
// Other JSON order
String json2 = "{\"moreInformation\":\"Failed authentication for user. Invalid response.\", \"moreInformation2\":\"Failed authentication for user. \", \"internal_id\":\"45678\"}";
// JSON without the internal_id
String json3 = "{\"moreInformation\":\"Failed authentication for user. Invalid response.\"}";
// JSON without moreInformation
String json4 = "{\"internal_id\":\"999999\"}";
System.out.println("JSON: ".concat(json4));
System.out.println("internalId: " + returnInternalId(json4));
System.out.println("moreInformation: " + returnMoreInformation(json4));
public static String returnInternalId(String json){
String internalCode = json.substring(json.lastIndexOf("\"internal_id\":\"") + "\"internal_id\":\"".length(), json.length());
if (json.lastIndexOf("\"internal_id\":\"") == -1) return null;
return internalCode.substring(0, internalCode.indexOf("\""));
public static String returnMoreInformation(String json){
String moreInformation = (json.substring(json.lastIndexOf("\"moreInformation\":\"") + "\"moreInformation\":\"".length(), json.length()));
if (json.lastIndexOf("\"moreInformation\":\"") == -1) return null;
return moreInformation.substring(0, moreInformation.indexOf("\""));
I would like to know if there are better ways to do what I did, such as with StringBuilder or StringBuffer and also to find out which way uses less memory or is faster to run, how do I know that? How long does it take to execute a method?
Thank you very much!
You can extract the values this way; Using Simple-json library
JSONObject jobj = (JSONObject) parser.parse(yourJsonString); // Pass the Json formatted String
String internal_id = (String) jobj.get("internal_id"); // Extract the value from your key
System.out.println(internal_id); // 1234

Passing a very long URL to a HTTPServletRequest

I want to pass a long series of request parameters (over 2000 characters in total) from one .jsp to another (via a URL), and make it seem to the receiving HTTPServletRequest as if it received the request parameters normally.
I cannot simply pass the URL normally as IE11 is truncating the URL at about 2000 characters (see What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers?) so I need to have some kind of workaround.
It is trivial to save the url in the ClientSession with a key in one .jsp
public String addValue(String aString) {
String key=""+UUID.randomUUID();
mapValues.put(key, aString);
return key;
and then retrieve it in the other .jsp
public String getValue(String key) {
return mapValues.get(key);
However the other .jsp needs a HTTPServletRequest and not a string
I.e. I need to be able to do
public MyPosition(HttpServletRequest request) { (String)request.getParameter("ID");
Is there anyway of doing this by converting the retrieved url to a HTTPServletRequest?
I know that I could rewrite MyPosition to take a string and extract the data from there directly, but I would much rather not touch the very lengthy, legacy code.
If I could do setParameter on the request, then this would be a solution. But such an option is not available (see HttpServletRequest - SetParameter)
The only way to modify an HttpServletRequest is to wrap it.
It sounds like you want to make a standard POST request instead of what sounds like a GET request.
I tried both #dimplex's and #Deadron's solutions, which I think should both work, but didn't manage to implement either in the short time frame I had available.
I ended up replacing the HTTPServletRequest request parameter in the MyPosition function with String urlKey and adding the following line inside the function
RequestStr request=new RequestStr(cSession,urlKey);
now my existing code did not need to be changed at all, and request.getParameter("paramName") would call my function below.
public class RequestStr {
String url = "";
public RequestStr(ClientSession cSession, String urlKey) {
this.url = cSession.getValue(urlKey);
public String getParameter(String aParam) {
int i = url.indexOf("?" + aParam + "=");
if (i == -1) {
i = url.indexOf("&" + aParam + "=");
if (i == -1) {
return null;
} else {
int j = url.indexOf("&", i + 1);
if (j == -1) {
return url.substring(i + aParam.length() + 2);
} else {
return url.substring(i + aParam.length() + 2, j);
So all I needed to do was to save the very long URL in the session in a map with key urlKey and then in the request just passed this urlKey, and then I could retrieve the long URL via the urlKey and then decode it via my RequestStr class

Java - Replace host in url?

In java, I'd like to replace the Host part of an url with a new Host, where both the host and url are supplied as a string.
This should take into account the fact that the host could have a port in it, as defined in the RFC
So for example, given the following inputs
url: http://localhost/me/out?it=5
host: myserver:20000
I should get the following output from a function that did this correctly
Does anyone know of any libraries or routines that do Host replacement in an url correctly?
EDIT: For my use case, I want my host replacement to match what a java servlet would respond with. I tried this out by running a local java web server, and then tested it using curl -H '' 'http://localhost:8000/testurl' and having that endpoint simply return the url from request.getRequestURL().toString(), where request is a HttpServletRequest. It returned, so it removed the default port for http, so that's what I'm striving for as well.
The Spring Framework provides the UriComponentsBuilder. You can use it like this:
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder;
String initialUri = "http://localhost/me/out?it=5";
UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(initialUri);
String modifiedUri ="myserver").port("20000").toUriString();
// ==> http://myserver:20000/me/out?it=5
Here you need to provide hostname and port in separate calls to get right encoding.
You were right to use The host and port (and user/password, if they exist) are collectively known as the authority component of the URI:
public static String replaceHostInUrl(String originalURL,
String newAuthority)
throws URISyntaxException {
URI uri = new URI(originalURL);
uri = new URI(uri.getScheme().toLowerCase(Locale.US), newAuthority,
uri.getPath(), uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment());
return uri.toString();
(A URI’s scheme is required to be lowercase, so while the above code can be said not to perfectly preserve all of the original URL’s non-authority parts, an uppercase scheme was never actually legal in the first place. And, of course, it won’t affect the functionality of the URL connections.)
Note that some of your tests are in error. For instance:
assertEquals("https://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:443"));
assertEquals("http://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:80"));
Although https://super/me/out?it=5 is functionally identical to https://super:443/me/out?it=5 (since the default port for https is 443), if you specify an explicit port in a URI, then the URI has a port specified in its authority and that’s how it should stay.
If you want an explicit but unnecessary port number to be stripped, you can use URL.getDefaultPort() to check for it:
public static String replaceHostInUrl(String originalURL,
String newAuthority)
throws URISyntaxException,
MalformedURLException {
URI uri = new URI(originalURL);
uri = new URI(uri.getScheme().toLowerCase(Locale.US), newAuthority,
uri.getPath(), uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment());
int port = uri.getPort();
if (port > 0 && port == uri.toURL().getDefaultPort()) {
uri = new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getUserInfo(),
uri.getHost(), -1, uri.getPath(),
uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment());
return uri.toString();
I quickly tried using,, and org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder, and none of them seemed to get the idea of a host header possibly including a port, so they all needed some extra logic from what I could see to make it happen correctly, without the port being "doubled up" at times, and not replaced correctly at other times.
Since doesnt require any extra libs, I used it. I do know that if I was using URL.equals somewhere, that could be a problem as it does DNS lookups possibly, but I'm not so I think it's good, as this covers my use cases, as displayed by the pseudo unit test.
I put together this way of doing it, which you can test it out online here at !
class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
public static void testReplaceHostInUrl()
assertEquals("http://myserver:20000/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("http://localhost/me/out?it=5","myserver:20000"));
assertEquals("http://myserver:20000/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("http://localhost:19000/me/out?it=5","myserver:20000"));
assertEquals("http://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("http://localhost:19000/me/out?it=5","super"));
assertEquals("http://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super"));
assertEquals("https://myserver:20000/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("https://localhost/me/out?it=5","myserver:20000"));
assertEquals("https://myserver:20000/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("https://localhost:19000/me/out?it=5","myserver:20000"));
assertEquals("https://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super"));
assertEquals("https://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super"));
assertEquals("https://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:443"));
assertEquals("http://super/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:80"));
assertEquals("http://super:8080/me/out?it=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:8080"));
assertEquals("http://super/me/out?it=5&test=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:80"));
assertEquals("https://super:80/me/out?it=5&test=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:80"));
assertEquals("https://super/me/out?it=5&test=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:443"));
assertEquals("http://super:443/me/out?it=5&test=5", replaceHostInUrl("","super:443"));
assertEquals("http://super:443/me/out?it=5&test=5", replaceHostInUrl("HTTP://","super:443"));
assertEquals("http://SUPERDUPER:443/ME/OUT?IT=5&TEST=5", replaceHostInUrl("HTTP://WWW.TEST.COM:443/ME/OUT?IT=5&TEST=5","SUPERDUPER:443"));
assertEquals("https://SUPERDUPER:23/ME/OUT?IT=5&TEST=5", replaceHostInUrl("HTTPS://WWW.TEST.COM:22/ME/OUT?IT=5&TEST=5","SUPERDUPER:23"));
assertEquals(null, replaceHostInUrl(null, null));
public static String replaceHostInUrl(String url, String newHost)
if (url == null || newHost == null)
return url;
URL originalURL = new URL(url);
boolean hostHasPort = newHost.indexOf(":") != -1;
int newPort = originalURL.getPort();
if (hostHasPort)
URL hostURL = new URL("http://" + newHost);
newHost = hostURL.getHost();
newPort = hostURL.getPort();
newPort = -1;
// Use implicit port if it's a default port
boolean isHttps = originalURL.getProtocol().equals("https");
boolean useDefaultPort = (newPort == 443 && isHttps) || (newPort == 80 && !isHttps);
newPort = useDefaultPort ? -1 : newPort;
URL newURL = new URL(originalURL.getProtocol(), newHost, newPort, originalURL.getFile());
String result = newURL.toString();
return result;
catch (MalformedURLException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Couldnt replace host in url, originalUrl=" + url + ", newHost=" + newHost);
public static void assertEquals(String expected, String actual)
if (expected == null && actual == null)
System.out.println("TEST PASSED, expected:" + expected + ", actual:" + actual);
if (! expected.equals(actual))
throw new RuntimeException("Not equal! expected:" + expected + ", actual:" + actual);
System.out.println("TEST PASSED, expected:" + expected + ", actual:" + actual);
I realize this is a pretty old question; but posting a simpler solution in case someone else needs it.
String newUrl = new URIBuilder(URI.create(originalURL)).setHost(newHost).build().toString();
I've added a method to do this in the RawHTTP library, so you can simply do this:
URI uri = RawHttp.replaceHost(oldUri, "new-host");
Added in this commit:
Feeback welcome, will release it soon.
Or using some regex magic:
public static String replaceHostInUrl(String url, String newHost) {
if (url == null || newHost == null) {
return null;
String s = url.replaceFirst("(?i)(?<=(https?)://)(www.)?\\w*(.com)?(:\\d*)?", newHost);
if (s.contains("http://")) {
s = s.replaceFirst(":80(?=/)", "");
} else if (s.contains("https://")) {
s = s.replaceFirst(":443(?=/)", "");
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("HTTPS?").matcher(s);
if (m.find()) {
s = s.replaceFirst(,;
return s;

Generate random emails with Selenium

How can I generate random emails using Selenium with Java?
I was looking here in StackOverflow but I haven't found the answer to this.
I have tried with this, but it didn't help.
public class registerClass{
public static void main(String[] args) {
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
String baseUrl = " ";
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
You need random string generator. This answer I stole from here.
protected String getSaltString() {
StringBuilder salt = new StringBuilder();
Random rnd = new Random();
while (salt.length() < 10) { // length of the random string.
int index = (int) (rnd.nextFloat() * SALTCHARS.length());
String saltStr = salt.toString();
return saltStr;
Call it as getSaltString()+"" in you code
You can create a method for generating the unique id
public static String getUniqueId() {
return String.format("%s_%s", UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 5), System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
And then use this method with the hostname which you need
public static String generateRandomEmail() {
return String.format("%s#%s", getUniqueId(), "");
Another solution:
Add dependency for javafaker.Faker
import com.github.javafaker.Faker;
public static String randomEmail() {
Faker faker = new Faker();
return faker.internet().emailAddress();
Try this method
* #author mbn
* #Date 05/10/2018
* #Purpose This method will generate a random integer
* #param length --> the length of the random emails we want to generate
* #return method will return a random email String
public static String generateRandomEmail(int length) {"Generating a Random email String");
String allowedChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "1234567890" + "_-.";
String email = "";
String temp = RandomStringUtils.random(length, allowedChars);
email = temp.substring(0, temp.length() - 9) + "";
return email;
You can also use MockNeat. A simple example the library would be:
String email = mock.emails().val();
// Possible Output:
Or if you want to generate emails from specific domains:
String corpEmail = mock.emails().domain("").val();
// Possible Output:
This is my solution for the random email generator.
//randomestring() will return string of 8 chars
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
public String randomestring()
String generatedstring=RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(8);
String email=randomestring()+"";
//For Random Number generation
////randomeNum() will return string of 4 digits
public static String randomeNum() {
String generatedString2 = RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(4);
return (generatedString2);
If you don't mind adding a library, Generex is great for test data.
Add this to your pom.xml if you are using maven, otherwise check the link above for other options.
// we have to escape # for some reason, otherwise we get StackOverflowError
String regex = "\\w{10}\\#gmail\\.com"
.sendText(new Generex(regex).random());
It uses a regular expression to specify the format for the random generation. The regex above is generate 10 random word characters, append If you want a longer username, change the number 10.
If you want to generate a random mobile number for say, Zimbabwe (where I live):
String regex = "2637(1|3|7|8)\\d{7}";
This library has saved me so many hours.
Here's a way to do it in Kotlin:
object EmailGenerator {
private const val ALLOWED_CHARS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "1234567890" + "_-."
fun generateRandomEmail(#IntRange(from = 1) localEmailLength: Int, host: String = ""): String {
val firstLetter = RandomStringUtils.random(1, 'a'.toInt(), 'z'.toInt(), false, false)
val temp = if (localEmailLength == 1) "" else RandomStringUtils.random(localEmailLength - 1, ALLOWED_CHARS)
return "$firstLetter$temp#$host"
Gradle file :
implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.7'

implementing Public Suffix extraction using java

i need to extract the top domain of an url and i got his
and the java implementation is in and i could not find
any example to extract domain name
say example..
can any one tell me how can i implement using this library with an example....
It looks to me like InternetDomainName.topPrivateDomain() does exactly what you want. Guava maintains a list of public suffixes (based on Mozilla's list at that it uses to determine what the public suffix part of the host is... the top private domain is the public suffix plus its first child.
Here's a quick example:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException {
ImmutableList<String> urls = ImmutableList.of(
"", "",
"", "");
for (String url : urls) {
System.out.println(url + " -> " + getTopPrivateDomain(url));
private static String getTopPrivateDomain(String url) throws URISyntaxException {
String host = new URI(url).getHost();
InternetDomainName domainName = InternetDomainName.from(host);
return domainName.topPrivateDomain().name();
Running this code prints: -> -> -> ->
I recently implemented a Public Suffix List API:
PublicSuffixList suffixList = new PublicSuffixListFactory().build();
"", suffixList.getRegistrableDomain(""));
"", suffixList.getRegistrableDomain(""));
"", suffixList.getRegistrableDomain(""));
EDIT: Sorry I've been a little too fast. I didn't think of, and so on. You will need to get a list of possible TLDs from somewhere. You could also take a look at to validate a TLD.
I think something like this should work: But maybe there exists some Java-Standard Function.
String url = "";
if (url.contains("://")) {
url = url.split("://")[1];
if (url.contains("/")) {
url = url.split("/")[0];
// You need to get your TLDs from somewhere...
List<String> magicListofTLD = getTLDsFromSomewhere();
int positionOfTLD = -1;
String usedTLD = null;
for (String tld : magicListofTLD) {
positionOfTLD = url.indexOf(tld);
if (positionOfTLD > 0) {
usedTLD = tld;
if (positionOfTLD > 0) {
url = url.substring(0, positionOfTLD);
} else {
String[] strings = url.split("\\.");
String foo = strings[strings.length - 1] + "." + usedTLD;
