How to select random text value from specific row using java - java

I have three input fields.
First Name
Last item
Date Of Birth
I would like to get random data for each input from a property file.
This is how the property file looks. Field name and = should be ignored.
- First Name= Robert, Brian, Shawn, Bay, John, Paul
- Last Name= Jerry, Adam ,Lu , Eric
- Date of Birth= 01/12/12,12/10/12,1/2/17
Example: For First Name: File should randomly select one name from the following names
Robert, Brian, Shawn, Bay, John, Paul
Also I need to ignore anything before =
FileInputStream objfile = new FileInputStream(System.getProperty("user.dir "+path);
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(objfile ));
String line = in.readLine();
while (line != null && !line.trim().isEmpty()) {
String eachRecord[]=line.trim().split(",");
Random rand = new Random();
//I need to pick first name randomly from the file from row 1.

If you know that you're always going to have just those 3 lines in your property file I would get put each into a map with an index as the key then randomly generate a key in the range of the map.
// your code here to read the file in
HashMap<String, String> firstNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
HashMap<String, String> lastNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
HashMap<String, String> dobMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
String line;
while (line = in.readLine() != null) {
String[] parts = line.split("=");
if(parts[0].equals("First Name")) {
String[] values = lineParts[1].split(",");
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
firstNameMap.put(i, values[i]);
else if(parts[0].equals("Last Name")) {
// do the same as FN but for lastnamemap
else if(parts[0].equals("Date of Birth") {
// do the same as FN but for dobmap
// Now you can use the length of the map and a random number to get a value
// first name for instance:
int randomNum = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, firstNameMap.size(0 + 1);
System.out.println("First Name: " + firstNameMap.get(randomNum));
// and you would do the same for the other fields
The code can easily be refactored with some helper methods to make it cleaner, we'll leave that as a HW assignment :)
This way you have a cache of all your values that you can call at anytime and get a random value. I realize this isn't the most optimum solution having nested loops and 3 different maps but if your input file only contains 3 lines and you're not expecting to have millions of inputs it should be just fine.

Haven't programmed stuff like this in a long time.
Feel free to test it, and let me know if it works.
The result of this code should be a HashMap object called values
You can then get the specific fields you want from it, using get(field_name)
For example - values.get("First Name"). Make sure to use to correct case, because "first name" won't work.
If you want it all to be lower case, you can just add .toLowerCase() at the end of the line that puts the field and value into the HashMap
import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class Test
// arguments are passed using the text field below this editor
public static void main(String[] args)
// set the value of "in" here, so you actually read from it
HashMap<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
String line;
while (((line = in.readLine()) != null) && !line.trim().isEmpty()) {
if(!line.contains("=")) {
String[] lineParts = line.split("=");
String[] eachRecord = lineParts[1].split(",");
System.out.println("adding value of field type = " + lineParts[0].trim());
// now add the mapping to the values HashMap - values[field_name] = random_field_value
values.put(lineParts[0].trim(), eachRecord[(int) (Math.random() * eachRecord.length)].trim());
System.out.println("First Name = " + values.get("First Name"));
System.out.println("Last Name = " + values.get("Last Name"));
System.out.println("Date of Birth = " + values.get("Date of Birth"));


Adding new key-value pair gets other keys' values replaced in HashMap

So, I have a HashMap<String,ArrayList> that stores an arraylist per String. But when I add another pair with new value of ArrayList, the other key values are being replaced. Hence, all the values for the different keys are getting the same.
public class Reports{
private ArrayList<Resource> resourceList;
private HashMap<String,ArrayList<Resource>> consolidatedAttendance = new HashMap<String,ArrayList<Resource>>();
public void readReport(String reportFile){
//initialized with resources from config file
ArrayList<Resource> repResourceList = new ArrayList<Resource>(getResourceList());
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(reportFile))) {
String line;
line = br.readLine(); // disregards first line (columns)
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
//store each resource status in resourceList
String[] values = line.split(",");
String resourceName = values[1], resourceStatus = values[2];
int resourceIndex = indexOfResource(resourceList, resourceName);
// to add validation
}catch(IOException e){
//get Date
String reportFilename = reportFile.substring(0, reportFile.indexOf("."));
String strDate = reportFilename.substring(reportFilename.length()-9);
consolidateRecords(strDate, new ArrayList<Resource>(repResourceList));
public void consolidateRecords(String strDate, ArrayList<Resource> repResourceList){
//consolidate records in hashmap
consolidatedAttendance.put(strDate, repResourceList);
// test print
for (String key: consolidatedAttendance.keySet()){
ArrayList<Resource> resources = consolidatedAttendance.get(key);
for(Resource resource: resources){
System.out.println(key+": "+resource.getNickname()+" "+resource.getEid()+" "+resource.getStatus());
So the output for the map when it is printed is:
First key added:
"21-Dec-20": John Working
"21-Dec-20": Alice Working
"21-Dec-20": Jess Working
For second key, there's difference in the list. But,
When second key is added (after put() method), the first key's values have been replaced.
"21-Dec-20": John SL
"21-Dec-20": Alice Working
"21-Dec-20": Jess SL
"28-Dec-20": John SL
"28-Dec-20": Alice Working
"28-Dec-20": Jess SL
The values of your Map are Lists whose elements are the same as the elements of the List returned by getResourceList(). The fact that you are creating a copy of that List (twice), doesn't change that.
If each call to getResourceList() returns a List containing the same instances, all the keys in your Map will be associated with different Lists that contain the same instances.

I need help making Lowest price grocery program in Java

My code below
import java.util.*;
public class main {
public int finalcost;
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int totalAdd = 0;
boolean done = false;
// to store specific properties ex item size and price
HashMap<String, String> specificPropsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
// stores an array list of all the sizes and price
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> propsList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
// the item list stores the name of the item as the KEY and item size and price
// as data
HashMap<String, ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>> itemsMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>>();
// this stores the service name than the cost.this is the one we will be adding
// too after getting the data;
HashMap<String, Integer> cartMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("PA2.txt"));
String line = br.readLine();
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
// stores the data base on commas
String[] fields = line.split(",");
String serviceName = fields[0];
String fileName = fields[1];
String cost = fields[2];
if (specificPropsMap.containsKey(serviceName)) {
// do nothing
} else {
specificPropsMap.put(serviceName, null);
// gets the file name from the first reader
BufferedReader brCVS = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
String lineCVS = brCVS.readLine();
while ((lineCVS = brCVS.readLine()) != null) {
String[] cvsFields = lineCVS.split(",");
String brandName = cvsFields[0];
String nameItem = cvsFields[1];
String itemSize = cvsFields[2];
String itemPrice = cvsFields[3];
// check if itemname is in specificPropsMap
if (specificPropsMap.containsKey(cvsFields[1])) {
// do nothing
} else {
specificPropsMap.put(itemSize, nameItem);
if (itemsMap.containsKey(nameItem)) {
// do nothing
} else {
itemsMap.put(nameItem, null);
} // end inner while loop
int stringCosttoInt = Integer.parseInt(cost.trim());
if (cartMap.containsKey(serviceName)) {
// do nothing
} else {
cartMap.put(serviceName, stringCosttoInt);
} // end outer while loop
System.out.println("Welcome to Assisgnment two app");
while (done == false) {
System.out.println("Enter the item you are looking for or enter done check out: ");
String key = input.nextLine(); // use key to find if item is in the itemsMap;
if (key == "done") {
done = true;
} else {
if (itemsMap.containsKey(key)) {
System.out.println("Enter the Size you want :");
// now check for the item name, than size, if not return item not there;
int sizeKey = input.nextInt(); // use key to find item in the area
if (itemsMap.containsValue(specificPropsMap.containsKey(sizeKey))) {
System.out.println("How many of " + key + " do you want:");
int numOfProduct = input.nextInt();
// add it to the cart;
} else {
System.out.println("No: " + sizeKey + " in the system");
} else {
System.out.println("No item by the name of: " + key + " in the system");
Question: How do I set the user input to search the item class to return the lowest total cost. The user enters item name, size and the amount. I know in storing the name in item, but I don't know how to match it with user input or how to get that data if that makes sense.2nd in also little confused when I read the file and i'm storing it as a String, I don't know how to make it into an int so I can do math with it..
Just to give you some help with the approach, I won't be going into detail about parsing, I think you got that covered.
Look at it from another perspective, from the input. What is the flow of the program?
User enters required item and size
Look if item is present
User enters quantity
Add to cart
When 'done', check which Service offers lowest total price
Note: Assuming an item present in one Brand is present in all
So let's devise a Data Structure that can support this:
We need to maintain a Cart for each Service. In the end, we can cycle through each cart and return the lowest.
Maintain a Map<String, Integer> where String is the Service, and Integer is the total price
Whenever an Item is added by the user, add the price of that Item to each respective Service
Eg. If Lays is added, add price of Lays in Prime to total price of Prime, price of Lays in InstaCart to total price of InstaCart, etc
First thing you need to look up is if the Item is present; we can store it in a Map, say itemsMap.
What specific properties does each item have? There's service, brand, size, price. We can store it in another Map, say specificPropsMap.
Each Item can have multiple specific properties. i.e., There can be different combination of size, service, etc. for the same Item. So each Item needs to store multiple specific properties, which can be a List, say propsList.
To understand the above:
//Starting from the bottom-up
//To store specific properties
//Contains key-value pairs like: service = Amazon, brand = Nestle, size = 10g, price = 2
HashMap<String, String> specificPropsMap; //Has one set of specific props
//Consider an Item; it can have multiple specific properties, which we'll store as a List
//Eg: For Item = 'dark chocolate'
//specificProps1: service = Amazon, brand = Nestle, size = 10, price = 2
//specificProps1: service = InstaCart, brand = Cadbury, size = 10, price = 3
//Required: List<specificPropsMap>
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> propsList; //Has a list of specificPropsMaps for one item
//Now we need to store all Items; it can be a Map
//Required: Map<ItemName, propsList for that Item>
HashMap<String, ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>> itemsMap;
//Initialize cart Map while parsing services
HashMap<String, Integer> cartMap; //Has initial values "Amazon" = 0, InstaCart = 0
//To find if an Item is present:
itemsMap.contains("Dark chocolate");
//Find prices from each service for that Item and size, and quantity
int reqSize = 10; //Assume req. size = 10
int reqQuantity = 5;
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> propsList = itemsMap.get("Dark chocolate")
for (HashMap<String, String> specificPropsMap : propsList) { //For each set of props
int size = Integer.parseInt(specificPropsMap.get("size"));
if (size == reqSize) {
String service = specificPropsMap.get("service"); //Say Amazon
int price = Integer.parseInt(specificPropsMap.get("price")); //Say 2
int initialPriceInCart = cartMap.get(service); //Initially 0
int finalPriceInCart = initialPriceInCart + price * reqQuantity;
cartMap.put(service, finalPriceInCart); //Cart price updated
//Find lowest priced service
String lowestPrice = Integer.MAX_VALUE; //Initially set as high as possible
String lowestService = "";
for (String key : cartMap.keySet()) {
if (cartMap.get(key) < lowestPrice) {
lowestPrice = cartMap.get(key);
lowestService = key;
General pointers that I can think of:
Population: Populate all these values initially while reading from the files.
Conversion : Convert values such as size, price to a standard (kg, cents/dollars, etc)
Naming : It's better to keep it descriptive (brand or brandName instead of bName)
Error handling : Add checks/try-catch blocks wherever necessary
Edit: Added steps. Might look a bit complex since we have some entries in the txt and some in the csv, but it's actually easy:
Read txt file; you now have a service and a csv file. Thus, for each service(outer loop)
Add the service as a key to cartMap if it's not already present
Create a new specificPropsMap, add service to this
Read the csv corresponding to that service. For each item(inner loop)
Store all props in the same specificPropsMap
You now have the prop item from the csv
Check if item is present in itemsMap
If present, skip to next step. If not, add item to the itemsMap as a key, with an empty List as value
Do itemsMap.get(item), you'll have the propsList
Add specificPropsMap to the propsList
Repeat for all items and all services.

Create CSV file with columns and values from HashMap

Be gentle,
This is my first time using Apache Commons CSV 1.7.
I am creating a service to process some CSV inputs,
add some additional information from exterior sources,
then write out this CSV for ingestion into another system.
I store the information that I have gathered into a list of
HashMap<String, String> for each row of the final output csv.
The Hashmap contains the <ColumnName, Value for column>.
I have issues using the CSVPrinter to correctly assign the values of the HashMaps into the rows.
I can concatenate the values into a string with commas between the variables;
this just inserts the whole string into the first column.
I cannot define or hardcode the headers since they are obtained from a config file and may change depending on which project uses the service.
Here is some of my code:
try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(
Paths.get(OUTPUT + "/" + project + "/" + project + ".csv"));)
CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(writer,
for (HashMap<String, String> row : rowCollection)
//Need to map __record__ to column -> row.key, value -> row.value for whole map.
Thanks for your assistance.
You actually have multiple concerns with your technique;
How do you maintain column order?
How do you print the column names?
How do you print the column values?
Here are my suggestions.
Maintain column order.
Do not use HashMap,
because it is unordered.
use LinkedHashMap which has a "predictable iteration order"
(i.e. maintains order).
Print column names.
Every row in your list contains the column names in the form of key values,
but you only print the column names as the first row of output.
The solution is to print the column names before you loop through the rows.
Get them from the first element of the list.
Print column values.
The "billal GHILAS" answer demonstrates a way to print the values of each row.
Here is some code:
try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(
Paths.get(OUTPUT + "/" + project + "/" + project + ".csv"));)
CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(writer,
// This assumes that the rowCollection will never be empty.
// An anonymous scope block just to limit the scope of the variable names.
HashMap<String, String> firstRow = rowCollection.get(0);
int valueIndex = 0;
String[] valueArray = new String[firstRow.size()];
for (String currentValue : firstRow.keySet())
valueArray[valueIndex++] = currentValue;
for (HashMap<String, String> row : rowCollection)
int valueIndex = 0;
String[] valueArray = new String[row.size()];
for (String currentValue : row.values())
valueArray[valueIndex++] = currentValue;
for (HashMap<String,String> row : rowCollection) {
Object[] record = new Object[row.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < columnList.size(); i++) {
record[i] = row.get(columnList.get(i));

How to get values from the second column of a 2d array based on the fiest column value?

I have a Set of data. For example:
car accord
car civic
suv landcruzer
suv landrover
muv innova
I want store it in a scanner or hash map and retrieve the values based on the input.
If "car" is the input I want to pass URL+/accord and URL+/civic as its output
If "muv" is the input, I want to pass URL+/innova as its output
String URL = "";
String Vehicletype = "";
#DataProvider(name = "irLanguage")
public Object[][] lang() {
Scanner s = new Scanner(
"Car /accord/\n" +
"Car /civic/\n" +
"suv /landcruzer/\n" +
"suv /rangerover/\n" +
"muv /innova/\n");
Map<String, List<String>> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();
while (s.hasNext()) {
String key =;
if (!map.containsKey(key))
map.put(key, new LinkedList<String>());
urlArray = map.get(vehicletype);
String[][] shades = new String[urlArray.size()][2];
for (int i = 0; i < urlArray.size(); i++) {
shades[i][0] = urlArray.get(i).toString();
shades[i][1] = URL + urlArray.get(i).toString();
lang = shades[i][0];
return shades;
Here, the code is working fine. That is , if the input vehicle type is car then the output url is and
and if the vehicle type is muv, it only returns . This setup works fine for me. But, I wonder if there is any simpler method to do this.
Can anybody with good knowledge in java can help?
You have the right idea, I would build a HashMap that contains one Key (e.g. "car") and all the desired Values for that Key (e.g. "accord", "civic")
HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> vehicles = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
ArrayList<String> makes = new ArrayList<String>();
vehicles.put("car", makes);
vehicles.put("suv", makes);
vehicles.put("muv", makes);
Now that you've got the vehicles HashMap built, you can fetch a Key and get all Values and build your URLs.
makes = vehicles.get("car");
for (String make : makes)
System.out.println("" + make);

How to sort a string into a map and print the results

I have a string in the format nm=Alan&hei=72&hair=brown
I would like to split this information up, add a conversion to the first value and print the results in the format
nm Name Alan
hei Height 72
hair Hair Color brown
I've looked at various methods using the split function and hashmaps but have had no luck piecing it all together.
Any advice would be very useful to me.
Map<String, String> aliases = new HashMap<String, String>();
aliases.put("nm", "Name");
aliases.put("hei", "Height");
aliases.put("hair", "Hair Color");
String[] params = str.split("&"); // gives you string array: nm=Alan, hei=72, hair=brown
for (String p : params) {
String[] nv = p.split("=");
String name = nv[0];
String value = nv[1];
System.out.println(nv[0] + " " + aliases.get(nv[0]) + " " + nv[1]);
I really do not understand what you problem was...
Try something like this:
static final String DELIMETER = "&"
Map<String,String> map = ...
map.put("hair","Hair color");
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
String input = "nm=Alan&hei=72&hair=brown"
String[] splitted = input.split(DELIMETER);
for(Stirng str : splitted){
int index = str.indexOf("=");
String key = str.substring(0,index);
A HashMap consists of many key, value pairs. So when you use split, devise an appropriate regex (&). Once you have your string array, you can use one of the elements as the key (think about which element will make the best key). However, you may now be wondering- "how do I place the rest of elements as the values?". Perhaps you can create a new class which stores the rest of the elements and use objects of this class as values for the hashmap.
Then printing becomes easy- merely search for the value of the corresponding key. This value will be an object; use the appropriate method on this object to retrieve the elements and you should be able to print everything.
Also, remember to handle exceptions in your code. e.g. check for nulls, etc.
Another thing: your qn mentions the word "sort". I don't fully get what that means in this context...
Map<String, String> propsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
Map<String, String> propAlias = new HashMap<String, String>();
propAlias.put("nm", "Name");
propAlias.put("hei", "Height");
propAlias.put("hair", "Hair Color");
String[] props = input.split("&");
if (props != null && props.length > 0) {
for (String prop : props) {
String[] propVal = prop.split("=");
if (propVal != null && propVal.length == 2) {
propsMap.put(propVal[0], propVal[1]);
for (Map.Entry tuple : propsMap.getEntrySet()) {
if (propAlias.containsKey(tuple.getKey())) {
System.out.println(tuple.getKey() + " " + propAlias.get(tuple.getKey()) + " " + tuple.getValue());
