Java 8 lambda style wrapper for JDBC statement execution - java

I have some wrapper class for JDBC statement execution with many methods like following:
public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) {
try (Statement statement = this.connection.createStatement()) {
return statement.executeQuery(sql);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("My custom statement execution failure", e);
public int executeUpdate(String sql) {
try (Statement statement = this.connection.createStatement()) {
return statement.executeUpdate(sql);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("My custom statement execution failure", e);
So there are a lot of methods that are different only with 1) return type and 2) actual delegated method.
I would like to pass executable call in Ruby's lambda fashion, to reduce boilerplate code to something like this:
public Boolean executeQuery(String sql) {
return wrapException(s -> {s.executeQuery(sql)});
private <T> wrapException(Function<Statement, <T>> query)throws Exception {
try (Statement statement = this.connection.createStatement()) {
return query.apply(statement);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Two things I currently fail to wrap my head around are:
how to preserve generic return type of the wrappedQuery function
s.executeQuerty(sql) still complains about unhandled SQLException,
so effectively I'm not able to wrap all exception handling away
Any ideas?

Function<Statement, <T>> is not valid syntax. It should be just Function<Statement, T>. Apparently, you are confusing the declaration of a type parameter, like at the method’s beginning (<T>) with the use of the type parameter, which should be a plain name, like T. Note that, likely for the same reason, your method lacks a return type. There should be a <T> to declare the type parameter, followed by a T to declare the return type before the method’s name.
Your method wrapException still declares throws Exception which is even worse than the JDBC methods which only declare to throw SQLException. This contradicts the whole intention.
A value returning lambda expression should either, follow the expression syntax,
like s -> s.executeQuery(sql), or contain a return statement, e.g. s -> { return s.executeQuery(sql); }. Your expression s -> {s.executeQuery(sql)} is an incomplete (missing semicolon) statement syntax without a return. Also, you are declaring a Boolean return type despite that executeQuery returns a ResultSet.
The functional interface java.util.function.Function declares the function method apply which does not declare any checked exceptions, therefore you can’t implement it via a lambda expression which could throw checked exceptions like SQLException. So for your use case, you need a different functional interface.
You may make the exception type generic to allow your custom functional interface to be reused at other places where you need a Function that may throw a particular exception. E.g.
public interface ThrowingFunction<T,R,E extends Exception> {
R apply(T input) throws E;
with this, you may declare
public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) {
return wrapException(s -> s.executeQuery(sql));
public int executeUpdate(String sql) {
return wrapException(s -> s.executeUpdate(sql));
private <T> T wrapException(ThrowingFunction<Statement, T, SQLException> operation) {
try(Statement statement = this.connection.createStatement()) {
return operation.apply(statement);
} catch(SQLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
But note that there is a general problem independent from the Generics/lambda usage that applies to your original code as well:
Note: When a Statement object is closed, its current ResultSet object, if one exists, is also closed.
The whole purpose of the try(…) statement is to ensure that the resource will be closed immediately when leaving the block, so returning a ResultSet from there is pointless. (This does not apply to the executeUpdate though). One way to fix this, would be to pass a function to process the ResultSet right within the block.
public <R> R executeQuery(String sql, ThrowingFunction<ResultSet,R,SQLException> op) {
return wrapException(s -> op.apply(s.executeQuery(sql)));
This allows the function to return an arbitrary value not depending on the ResultSet anymore, e.g.
String value = executeQuery("SELECT STRING_COL FROM SOME_TABLE WHERE ID=42",
rs -> rs.getString(1): null);
int max = executeQuery("SELECT MAX(INTVAL_COL) FROM SOME_TABLE",
rs -> rs.getInt(1): -1);


Throwing exception passed by parameter to a function - java

im currently working in a complete generic scenario in which i map a json as string to a dto class. That works fine with my function mapJsonToDto but im trying to make it more generic so that the developer who uses this function can also specify what exception to be thrown. So they can catch as they like. With this i avoid catching an IOException. Letting the function handle everything.
public class MapperUtils {
public <T extends Throwable> Object mapJsonToDto(Class<?> dtoClass, String jsonDto, T exceptionToThrow) throws IOException {
Object dto = null;
try {
dto = new ObjectMapper().readValue(jsonDto, dtoClass);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new exceptionToThrow();
return dto;
I cannot understand how to pass an exception class instance to a function and throwing that specific as well.
Instead of passing the exception to throw (which would then have a completely wrong stack trace), I think you'd want a function that converts an exception from one type to another:
public <T extends Throwable, D> D mapJsonToDto(Class<D> dtoClass, String json, Function<IOException, T> exceptionMapper) throws T {
try {
return new ObjectMapper().readValue(json, dtoClass);
// if readValue doesn't do the casting right, try:
return dtoClass.cast(new ObjectMapper().readValue(json, dtoClass);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw exceptionMapper.apply(e);
And an example:
Person p = mapJsonToDto(Person.class, "{name: \"Joe\"}",
e -> new IllegalArgumentException("malformed JSON", e));
As a general rule, though, this seems like boneheaded design. If you find the IOException overly general, then you can't handwave the problem away by allowing the caller to provide a no doubt similarly overly general mapper. The only way out for a caller is to do a deep dive on the exception and write, I dunno, an if/elseif block with a ton of levels to it to try to ascertain the real problem e.g. via analysing the message, which is all sorts of ugly.
Either you don't care about that level of detail and you should therefore just stick with IOException (what point is there adding code and pointless layers of indirection?), or you do care and this isn't good enough; you'd want to design a better error system. Except, that's not your job, that'd be ObjectMapper.readValue's job. Which is why the IOException it throws should probably just be sent on unmolested.
Your example is nearly done.
I changed only the throws Type to T and throw the given exception.
public <T extends Throwable> Object mapJsonToDto(Class<?> dtoClass, String jsonDto, T exceptionToThrow) throws T {
Object dto = null;
try {
dto = new ObjectMapper().readValue(jsonDto, dtoClass);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw exceptionToThrow;
return dto;
Call: mapJsonToDto(String.class, "helo", new IllegalStateException());

Cast java.lang.reflect.Method to a functional interface

It is difficult to find any clues for the topic. All I could find is questions about converting one functional interface to another and some articles on type casting in Java. Not what I was looking for.
This question is about converting lambda → Method and I want the opposite, to convert Method to any functional interface, for example, to Consumer.
The way I found is to create a lambda adapter around the Method#invoke method:
public void registerCallbacks(final Object annotated) {
Class clazz = annotated.getClass();
for (Method method : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Callback.class)) {
Callback registration = method.getAnnotation(Callback.class);
List<String> warnings = new ArrayList<>(3);
if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers()))
warnings.add(String.format("Method %s must be public", method));
if (method.getParameterCount() != 1)
warnings.add(String.format("Method %s must consume only one argument", method));
if (method.getParameterCount() == 1 && !method.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(Integer.class))
warnings.add(String.format("Method %s must consume %s", method, Integer.class));
if (!warnings.isEmpty()) {
CALLBACKS_MAPPER.registerCallback((param) -> {
try {
method.invoke(annotated, param);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
// Should not happen due to checks before.
log.warn(String.format("Could not invoke %s on %s with %s", method, annotated, param), e);
});"Registered {} as a callback", method);
However I want to avoid writing
CALLBACKS_MAPPER.registerCallback((param) -> {
try {
method.invoke(annotated, param);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
// Should not happen due to checks before.
log.warn(String.format("Could not invoke %s on %s with %s", method, annotated, param), e);
in favor of something simpler, like
CALLBACKS_MAPPER.registerCallback(SomeApacheLib.methodToFunction(annotated, method));
➥ So, is there a way to map old Java 1.1 reflection library to newer Java 8 functional interfaces, or it is me being stupid and the abovementioned solution with lambda is fine as it is?
If you're content with using reflection under the hood, just don't like the try/catch around the invoke, you can just make a simple utility function like:
public static <T> Consumer<T> toConsumer(Object annotated, Method m) {
return param -> {
try {
m.invoke(annotated, param);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
And that gives you exactly the syntax you wanted:
CALLBACKS_MAPPER.registerCallback(toConsumer(annotated, method));
But if you want to actually avoid reflection altogether, you can use LambdaMetafactory to create a Consumer:
static Consumer<String> toConsumer(MethodHandles.Lookup lookup, Object annotated, Method method) throws Throwable {
MethodType consumeString = MethodType.methodType(void.class, String.class);
MethodHandle handle = lookup.unreflect(method);
final CallSite site = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(lookup, "accept",
MethodType.methodType(Consumer.class, annotated.getClass()),
consumeString.changeParameterType(0, Object.class),
return (Consumer<String>) site.getTarget().invoke(annotated);
Change String to whatever your callbacks are expected to accept. And then:
CALLBACKS_MAPPER.registerCallback(toConsumer(MethodHandles.lookup(), annotated, method));
Of course, the only proper solution here is that you refactor your code to use a known callback interface on which you can normally call a defined method, instead of passing Methods around.

How do I declare a function parameter to accept functions that throw?

I have defined a function in Kotlin:
fun convertExceptionToEmpty(requestFunc: () -> List<Widget>): Stream<Widget> {
try {
return requestFunc().stream()
} catch (th: Throwable) {
// Log the exception...
return Stream.empty()
I have defined a Java method with this signature:
List<Widget> getStaticWidgets() throws IOException;
I attempt to compose them like so:
Stream<Widget> widgets = convertExceptionToEmpty(() -> getStaticWidgets())
When I compile I get this error:
Error:(ln, col) java: unreported exception; must be caught or declared to be thrown
How do I define my function parameters to accept a function that throws?
The problem is that Java has checked exceptions but Kotlin does not. The requestFunc parameter type () -> List<Widget> will be mapped to the functional interface Function0<List<Widget>> but the operator invoke doesn't throw a checked exception in Kotlin code.
So you can't call the getStaticWidgets() in lambda expression since it throws a IOException which is a checked exception in Java.
Since you control both the Kotlin and Java code, the simplest solution is to change the parameter type () -> List<Widget> to Callable<List<Widget>>, for example:
// change the parameter type to `Callable` ---v
fun convertExceptionToEmpty(requestFunc: Callable<List<Widget>>): Stream<Widget> {
try {
// v--- get the `List<Widget>` from `Callable`
} catch (th: Throwable) {
return Stream.empty()
Then you can use Method Reference Expression in Java8 as further, for example:
Stream<Widget> widgets = convertExceptionToEmpty(this::getStaticWidgets);
//OR if `getStaticWidgets` is static `T` is the class belong to
// v
Stream<Widget> widgets = convertExceptionToEmpty(T::getStaticWidgets);
I'm afraid there's nothing you can do but catch that exception :
Stream<Integer> widgets = convertExceptionToEmpty(() -> {
try {
return getStaticWidgets();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;

Convert java.sql.ResultSet to stream in java 8 [duplicate]

I have few tables with big amount of data (about 100 million records). So I can't store this data in memory but I would like to stream this result set using class and pass this stream to another class. I read about Stream.of and Stream.Builder operators but they are buffered streams in memory. So is there any way to resolve this question?
Okay I googled and found jooq library. I'm not sure but looks like it could be applicable to my test case. To summarize I have few tables with big amount of data. I would like to stream my resultset and transfer this stream to another method. Something like this:
// why return Stream<String>? Because my result set has String type
private Stream<Record> writeTableToStream(DataSource dataSource, String table) {
Stream<Record> record = null;
try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) {
String sql = "select * from " + table;
try (PreparedStatement pSt = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
ResultSet resultSet = pSt.executeQuery();
record = DSL.using(connection)
} catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
return record;
Could please someone advise, am I on correct way? Thanks.
I made some experiment on jooq and could say now that above decision is not suitable for me. This code record = DSL.using(connection).fetch(resultSet).stream(); takes too much time
The first thing you have to understand is that code like
try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) {
try (PreparedStatement pSt = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
return stream;
does not work as by the time you leave the try blocks, the resources are closed while the processing of the Stream hasn’t even started.
The resource management construct “try with resources” works for resources used within a block scope inside a method but you are creating a factory method returning a resource. Therefore you have to ensure that the closing of the returned stream will close the resources and the caller is responsible for closing the Stream.
Further, you need a function which produces an item out of a single line from the ResultSet. Supposing, you have a method like
Record createRecord(ResultSet rs) {
you may create a Stream<Record> basically like
Stream<Record> stream = Spliterators.AbstractSpliterator<Record>(
Long.MAX_VALUE,Spliterator.ORDERED) {
public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super Record> action) {
if(! return false;
return true;
}, false);
But to do it correctly you have to incorporate the exception handling and closing of resources. You can use Stream.onClose to register an action that will be performed when the Stream gets closed, but it has to be a Runnable which can not throw checked exceptions. Similarly the tryAdvance method is not allowed to throw checked exceptions. And since we can’t simply nest try(…) blocks here, the program logic of suppression exceptions thrown in close, when there is already a pending exception, doesn’t come for free.
To help us here, we introduce a new type which can wrap closing operations which may throw checked exceptions and deliver them wrapped in an unchecked exception. By implementing AutoCloseable itself, it can utilize the try(…) construct to chain close operations safely:
interface UncheckedCloseable extends Runnable, AutoCloseable {
default void run() {
try { close(); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); }
static UncheckedCloseable wrap(AutoCloseable c) {
return c::close;
default UncheckedCloseable nest(AutoCloseable c) {
return ()->{ try(UncheckedCloseable c1=this) { c.close(); } };
With this, the entire operation becomes:
private Stream<Record> tableAsStream(DataSource dataSource, String table)
throws SQLException {
UncheckedCloseable close=null;
try {
Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
String sql = "select * from " + table;
PreparedStatement pSt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
ResultSet resultSet = pSt.executeQuery();
return Spliterators.AbstractSpliterator<Record>(
Long.MAX_VALUE,Spliterator.ORDERED) {
public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super Record> action) {
try {
if(! return false;
return true;
} catch(SQLException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
}, false).onClose(close);
} catch(SQLException sqlEx) {
try { close.close(); } catch(Exception ex) { sqlEx.addSuppressed(ex); }
throw sqlEx;
This method wraps the necessary close operation for all resources, Connection, Statement and ResultSet within one instance of the utility class described above. If an exception happens during the initialization, the close operation is performed immediately and the exception is delivered to the caller. If the stream construction succeeds, the close operation is registered via onClose.
Therefore the caller has to ensure proper closing like
try(Stream<Record> s=tableAsStream(dataSource, table)) {
// stream operation
Note that also the delivery of an SQLException via RuntimeException has been added to the tryAdvance method. Therefore you may now add throws SQLException to the createRecord method without problems.
I'm going to answer the jOOQ part of your question. As of jOOQ 3.8, there have now been quite a few additional features related to combining jOOQ with Stream. Other usages are also documented on this jOOQ page.
Your suggested usage:
You tried this:
Stream<Record> stream = DSL.using(connection).fetch(resultSet).stream();
Indeed, this doesn't work well for large result sets because fetch(ResultSet) fetches the entire result set into memory and then calls on it.
Better (lazy) usage:
Instead, you could write this:
try (Stream<Record> stream = DSL.using(connection).fetchStream(resultSet)) {
... which is essentially convenience for this:
try (Cursor<Record> cursor = DSL.using(connection).fetchLazy(resultSet)) {
Stream<Record> stream =;
See also DSLContext.fetchStream(ResultSet)
Of course, you could also let jOOQ execute your SQL string, rather than wrestling with JDBC:
try (Stream<Record> stream =
.resultQuery("select * from {0}", // Prevent SQL injection
.fetchStream()) {
The dreaded SELECT *
As was criticised in the comments, their jOOQ usage seemed slow because of how jOOQ eagerly fetches LOB data into memory despite using fetchLazy(). The word "lazy" corresponds to fetching records lazily (one by one), not fetching column data lazily. A record is completely fetched in one go, assuming you actually want to project the entire row.
If you don't need some heavy rows, don't project them! SELECT * is almost always a bad idea in SQL. Drawbacks:
It causes a lot more I/O and memory overhead in the database server, the network, and the client.
It prevents covering index usage
It prevents join elimination transformations
More info in this blog post here.
On try-with-resources usage
Do note that a Stream produced by jOOQ is "resourceful", i.e. it contains a reference to an open ResultSet (and PreparedStatement). So, if you really want to return that stream outside of your method, make sure it is closed properly!
I'm not aware of any well-known library that will do it for you.
That said, this article shows how to wrap the resultset with an Iterator (ResultSetIterator) and pass it as the first parameter to Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize() in order to create a Spliterator.
The Spliterator can then be used by StreamSupport in order to create a Stream on top of it.
Their suggested implementation of ResultSetIterator class:
public class ResultSetIterator implements Iterator {
private ResultSet rs;
private PreparedStatement ps;
private Connection connection;
private String sql;
public ResultSetIterator(Connection connection, String sql) {
assert connection != null;
assert sql != null;
this.connection = connection;
this.sql = sql;
public void init() {
try {
ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
rs = ps.executeQuery();
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataAccessException(e);
public boolean hasNext() {
if (ps == null) {
try {
boolean hasMore =;
if (!hasMore) {
return hasMore;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataAccessException(e);
private void close() {
try {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
//nothing we can do here
} catch (SQLException e) {
//nothing we can do here
public Tuple next() {
try {
return SQL.rowAsTuple(sql, rs);
} catch (DataAccessException e) {
throw e;
and then:
public static Stream stream(final Connection connection,
final String sql,
final Object... parms) {
return StreamSupport
new ResultSetIterator(connection, sql), 0), false);
Here is the simplest sample by abacus-jdbc.
final DataSource ds = JdbcUtil.createDataSource(url, user, password);
final SQLExecutor sqlExecutor = new SQLExecutor(ds);, parameters).filter(...).map(...).collect(...) // lazy execution&loading and auto-close Statement/Connection
JdbcUtil.prepareQuery(ds, sql)
.stream(ResultRecord.class) // or RowMapper.MAP/...
.filter(...).map(...).collect(...) // lazy execution&loading and auto-close Statement/Connection
This is totally lazy loading and auto-closure. The records will loaded from db by fetch size (default if not specified) and the Statement and Connection will automatically closed after the result/records are collected.
Disclosure: I'm the developer of AbacusUtil.
Using my library it would be done like this:
attach maven dependency:
use library in code:
Function<Stream<I>, O> processor = stream -> //process input stream
try (DB db = new DB("jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database?user=user&password=pass")) {
processor.apply("SELECT * FROM my_table t1 JOIN my_table t2 ON =")
.execute(rs -> /*ResultSet mapper*/)
See more here
Some common module called Tools of a Ujorm framework offers a simple solution using the RowIterator class.
Example of use:
PreparedStatement ps = dbConnection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM myTable");
new RowIterator(ps).toStream().forEach((RsConsumer)(resultSet) -> {
int value = resultSet.getInt(1);
Maven dependency on the Tools library (50KB):
See jUnit test for more information.
I just did the summary to provide the real example about how to stream ResultSet and do the simple SQL query without using 3rd
click here for detail
Blockquote: Java 8 provided the Stream family and easy operation of it. The way of pipeline usage made the code clear and smart.
However, ResultSet is still go with very legacy way to process. Per actual ResultSet usage, it is really helpful if converted as Stream.
StreamUtils.uncheckedConsumer is required to convert the the SQLException to runtimeException to make the Lamda clear.

Check chains of "get" calls for null

Let's say I'd like to perform the following command:
To avoid a NullPointerException, I'd have to do the following if:
if (house != null && house.getFloor(0) && house.getFloor(0).getWall(WEST) != null
&& house.getFloor(0).getWall(WEST).getDoor() != null) ...
Is there a way or an already existing Utils class that does this more elegantly, let's say something like the following?
In case you can't avoid breaking Law of Demeter (LoD) as stated in the chosen answer, and with Java 8 introducing Optional, it would be probably the best practice to handle nulls in chains of gets such as yours.
The Optional type will enable you to pipe multiple map operations (which contain get calls) in a row. Null checks are automatically handled under the hood.
For example, when the objects aren't initialized, no print() will be made and no Exceptions will be thrown. It all we be handled gently under the hood. When objects are initialized, a print will be made.
System.out.println("----- Not Initialized! -----");
Optional.ofNullable(new Outer())
.map(out -> out.getNested())
.map(nest -> nest.getInner())
.map(in -> in.getFoo())
.ifPresent(foo -> System.out.println("foo: " + foo)); //no print
System.out.println("----- Let's Initialize! -----");
Optional.ofNullable(new OuterInit())
.map(out -> out.getNestedInit())
.map(nest -> nest.getInnerInit())
.map(in -> in.getFoo())
.ifPresent(foo -> System.out.println("foo: " + foo)); //will print!
class Outer {
Nested nested;
Nested getNested() {
return nested;
class Nested {
Inner inner;
Inner getInner() {
return inner;
class Inner {
String foo = "yeah!";
String getFoo() {
return foo;
class OuterInit {
NestedInit nested = new NestedInit();
NestedInit getNestedInit() {
return nested;
class NestedInit {
InnerInit inner = new InnerInit();
InnerInit getInnerInit() {
return inner;
class InnerInit {
String foo = "yeah!";
String getFoo() {
return foo;
So, with your getters chain it will look like this:
.map(house -> house.getFloor(0))
.map(floorZero -> floorZero.getWall(WEST))
.map(wallWest -> wallWest.getDoor())
.map(door -> wallWest.getDoor())
The return of it will be something like Optional<Door> which will allow you much safer work without worrying of null exceptions.
In order to check a chain of gets for null you may need to call your code from a closure. The closure call code will look like this:
public static <T> T opt(Supplier<T> statement) {
try {
return statement.get();
} catch (NullPointerException exc) {
return null;
And you call it using the following syntax:
Doorknob knob = opt(() -> house.getFloor(0).getWall(WEST).getDoor().getDoorknob());
This code is also type safe and in general works as intended:
Returns an actual value of the specified type if all the objects in the chain are not null.
Returns null if any of the objects in the chain are null.
You may place opt method into shared util class and use it everywhere in your application.
The best way would be to avoid the chain. If you aren't familiar with the Law of Demeter (LoD), in my opinion you should. You've given a perfect example of a message chain that is overly intimate with classes that it has no business knowing anything about.
Law of Demeter:
You could of course simply wrap the whole expression up in a try-catch block, but that's a bad idea. Something cleaner is the Null object pattern. With that, if your house doesn't have floor 0, it just returns a Floor that acts like a regular Floor, but has no real content; Floors, when asked for Walls they don't have, return similar "Null" Walls, etc, down the line.
Make sure things that can't logically be null are not. For example - a house always has a West wall. In order to avoid such exceptions in state, you can have methods to check whether the state you expect is present:
if (wall.hasDoor()) {
This is essentially a null-check, but might not always be.
The point is that you should do something in case you have a null. For example - return or throw an IllegalStateException
And what you shouldn't do - don't catch NullPointerException. Runtime exceptions are not for catching - it is not expected that you can recover from them, nor it is a good practice to rely on exceptions for the logic flow. Imagine that you actually don't expect something to be null, and you catch (and log) a NullPointerException. This will not be very useful information, since many things can be null at that point.
Better solution for me is to use to chain these checks :
There is no checkForNull method that you can write that will facilitate this (that's simply not how method invokation and argument evaluation works in Java).
You can break down the chained statements into multiple statements, checking at every step. However, perhaps a better solution is to not have these methods return null in the first place. There is something called the Null Object Pattern that you may want to use instead.
Related questions
How to avoid != null statements in Java?
You could potentially have a generic method like below:
public static <T> void ifPresentThen(final Supplier<T> supplier, final Consumer<T> consumer) {
T value;
try {
value = supplier.get();
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// Don't consume "then"
So now you would be able to do
() -> house.getFloor(0).getWall(WEST).getDoor().getDoorknob(),
doorKnob -> doSomething());
implementing nullPointer try/catch with a Supplier you can send it all chain of get
public static <T> T getValue(Supplier<T> getFunction, T defaultValue) {
try {
return getFunction.get();
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
return defaultValue;
and then call it in this way.
ObjectHelper.getValue(() -> object1.getObject2().getObject3().getObject4()));
Very old question, but still adding my suggestion:
I would suggest instead of getting the DoorKnob from deep within the House in one method call chain, you should try to let the DoorKnob be provided to this class from the calling code, or by creating a central lookup facility specifically for this purpose (e.g. a DoorKnob service)
Simplified example of design with loose coupling:
class Architect {
FloorContractor floorContractor;
void build(House house) {
for(Floor floor: house.getFloors()) {;
class FloorContractor {
DoorMaker doorMaker;
void build(Floor floor) {
for(Wall wall: floor.getWalls()) {
if (wall.hasDoor()) {;
class DoorMaker {
Tool tool;
void build(Door door) {;;;
// Example
LazyObject.from(curr).apply(A.class, A::getB).apply(B.class, B::getC).apply(C.class, C::getD).to(String.class);
public class LazyObject {
private Object value;
private LazyObject(Object object) {
this.value = object;
public <F, T> LazyObject apply(Class<F> type, Function<F, T> func) {
Object v = value;
if (type.isInstance(v)) {
value = func.apply(type.cast(v));
} else {
value = null; // dead here
return this;
public <T> void accept(Class<T> type, Consumer<T> consumer) {
Object v = value;
if (type.isInstance(v)) {
public <T> T to(Class<T> type) {
Object v = value;
if (type.isInstance(v)) {
return type.cast(v);
return null;
public static LazyObject from(Object object) {
return new LazyObject(object);
