Postgresql/Eclipse ERROR No suitable Driver found for jbdc [duplicate] - java

Ok I am on Win Vista and correctly set my MAVEN_HOME, JAVA_HOME stuff. but I do not have a class path yet. I have also installed MySQL. now I have opened a Hibernate book and at the very first pages it says "make sure the jdbc driver is in your classpath" . I have also downloaded some Zip file that is ConnectorJ or some name like that which is basically the mySql driver for java... but my problem for now is this sentence that I have no clue how to do it: "make sure the jdbc driver is in your classpath"
would you please help me about this classpath thing?

Here is a good tutorial regarding, setting the class path. Further you might like to read Managing the Java classpath (Windows).
Having said that, you should not set the classpath for your driver in Windows environment variable. Instead, you should include that driver jar inside your IDE under project properties. But I noticed that you are actually using Maven. In this case you should look for the driver under Maven in order to fulfil that dependency. Maven will download the driver jar, if doesn't exist, and make it local.
In case, you are not using any IDE, then you can create a lib directory and tell the compiler that all required jars are in there, at the time of compilation/execution. You can find HOW, in the former link given above.

Since you are using Maven, you just need to put the JDBC driver as a dependency in your pom.xml file. Maven will add it to the classpath whenever it compiles/runs your application.
What you do when deploying your application is dependent on the technologies in use.
If it's a command line application create a %CLASSPATH% variable or add the path to the jdbc.jar file using the java -cp {path\to\jdbc.jar} option.
If it's a web application, you'll need to package the driver jar in your .war/.ear/.sar (the maven assembly plugin can do this) or include it in the ./lib folder of the application container and declare it as scope=provided in maven.

Steps to setup JDBC for Eclipse projects
Download JDBC zip archive from
Extract the file and copy the executable jar file to program files->Java->jdk->bin
Right click on the project and select Buildpath->Add external archives->(Jar file)
Compile the program

you can directly connect database by following steps:
1) download mysql-connector-java 5.0.8 and extract the files.
2) then place the folder in program files.
3) then simply add this library on your project by right clicking on it.
4) and here you go. Run your app with db connectivity.


java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver [duplicate]

I am trying to connect to mysql database using java on windows7. In spite of adding the complete url of jdbcdriver jar file in CLASSPATH, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
is thrown. Could anyone tell me what i am missing here? It works if I add the jar file in project library but I want to do it by CLASSPATH itself.
My classpath looks like this-
I want to make it clear that this is not the actual project i am working on. I am actually using Django with Jython, which requires the JDBC driver to access the database. That is the reason why I have to do it using CLASSPATH only.
The CLASSPATH environment variable is only used by the java.exe command and even then only when used without any of the -cp, -classpath, -jar arguments. It is ignored by IDEs like Eclipse, Netbeans and IDEA.
That environment variable is in real world also considered a poor practice since it breaks portability. I.e. program X will run successfully while program Y won't run without altering the CLASSPATH. It's only "useful" for Sun Oracle to prevent that starters get tired of typing the same classpath again and again in the -cp or -classpath arguments when following Java tutorials. In real world, batch/shell files are preferred where just the entire command with -cp/-classpath argument is specified.
In your case you're using an IDE. The classpath is there called the "Build Path". In plain Java projects, it represents both the compiletime and runtime classpath. You can configure it in the project's properties. You can add a complete folder, you can add individual/external JAR files, you can link projects, etcetera. Make use of it. Forget about using the CLASSPATH environment variable. It was a mistake by Sun Oracle. They thought to convince starters, but it ended up to be only more confusing to starters as they incorrectly interpret that environment variable as the classpath.
See also:
How to add JAR libraries to WAR project without facing java.lang.ClassNotFoundException? Classpath vs Build Path vs /WEB-INF/lib
What finally helped me out was to copy the mysql-connector-java-5.1.15-bin.jar to \jre\lib and to \jre\lib\ext both(!) even though I did all the classpathing circus Java offers :) Environment was pure notepad/commandline though.
What worked with me using Netbeans was:
Run > Set Project Configuration > Customize.
Under Libraries > Add Library. Added MySQL JDBC Driver (I assume it appeared in list because I copied the jar file to the jre\lib\ext folder.
And it worked seamlessly.
I tried setting classpath but that did not work. I am using Netbeans 7.0
simply do a right click on your project in "Netbeans" select properties then click on "libraries " then click on "add library..." button then select "MySQL JDBC Driver" and click on "add library" button then on "OK" button
I also had this problem before, but after I put/added mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin.jar (Download it from here) into the apache-tomcat-8.0.15\lib folder, and then ran my project, it really did work.
Note : Even after adding the jar file the error persists, then restart the Tomcat server and rerun you project again.
Open Netbeans IDE
Right-click your Project.
Select Properties.
On the left-hand side click Libraries.
Under "Compile" tab - click Add Jar/Folder button.
Select Downloaded "mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin.jar" file (Download Connector/J from
Click OK
Run Again... Its work.
If you are using maven, add the dependency to pom.xml should solve the problem.
In Netbeans IDE just Check the properties of Project on which you working on,in properties window go to 'library' tag, in diolog box just add your mysql-connector-java-**.jar file.
I had this same problem in Netbeans. Because I was using a tomcat connection pool as defined in context.xml I needed to add the jdbc jar to both the project (Properties->Libraries) and to the lib/ folder within my Tomcat server so it could be seen on startup.

`java.lang.ClassNotFoundException` when run it in cmd [duplicate]

I am trying to connect to mysql database using java on windows7. In spite of adding the complete url of jdbcdriver jar file in CLASSPATH, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
is thrown. Could anyone tell me what i am missing here? It works if I add the jar file in project library but I want to do it by CLASSPATH itself.
My classpath looks like this-
I want to make it clear that this is not the actual project i am working on. I am actually using Django with Jython, which requires the JDBC driver to access the database. That is the reason why I have to do it using CLASSPATH only.
The CLASSPATH environment variable is only used by the java.exe command and even then only when used without any of the -cp, -classpath, -jar arguments. It is ignored by IDEs like Eclipse, Netbeans and IDEA.
That environment variable is in real world also considered a poor practice since it breaks portability. I.e. program X will run successfully while program Y won't run without altering the CLASSPATH. It's only "useful" for Sun Oracle to prevent that starters get tired of typing the same classpath again and again in the -cp or -classpath arguments when following Java tutorials. In real world, batch/shell files are preferred where just the entire command with -cp/-classpath argument is specified.
In your case you're using an IDE. The classpath is there called the "Build Path". In plain Java projects, it represents both the compiletime and runtime classpath. You can configure it in the project's properties. You can add a complete folder, you can add individual/external JAR files, you can link projects, etcetera. Make use of it. Forget about using the CLASSPATH environment variable. It was a mistake by Sun Oracle. They thought to convince starters, but it ended up to be only more confusing to starters as they incorrectly interpret that environment variable as the classpath.
See also:
How to add JAR libraries to WAR project without facing java.lang.ClassNotFoundException? Classpath vs Build Path vs /WEB-INF/lib
What finally helped me out was to copy the mysql-connector-java-5.1.15-bin.jar to \jre\lib and to \jre\lib\ext both(!) even though I did all the classpathing circus Java offers :) Environment was pure notepad/commandline though.
What worked with me using Netbeans was:
Run > Set Project Configuration > Customize.
Under Libraries > Add Library. Added MySQL JDBC Driver (I assume it appeared in list because I copied the jar file to the jre\lib\ext folder.
And it worked seamlessly.
I tried setting classpath but that did not work. I am using Netbeans 7.0
simply do a right click on your project in "Netbeans" select properties then click on "libraries " then click on "add library..." button then select "MySQL JDBC Driver" and click on "add library" button then on "OK" button
I also had this problem before, but after I put/added mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin.jar (Download it from here) into the apache-tomcat-8.0.15\lib folder, and then ran my project, it really did work.
Note : Even after adding the jar file the error persists, then restart the Tomcat server and rerun you project again.
Open Netbeans IDE
Right-click your Project.
Select Properties.
On the left-hand side click Libraries.
Under "Compile" tab - click Add Jar/Folder button.
Select Downloaded "mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin.jar" file (Download Connector/J from
Click OK
Run Again... Its work.
If you are using maven, add the dependency to pom.xml should solve the problem.
In Netbeans IDE just Check the properties of Project on which you working on,in properties window go to 'library' tag, in diolog box just add your mysql-connector-java-**.jar file.
I had this same problem in Netbeans. Because I was using a tomcat connection pool as defined in context.xml I needed to add the jdbc jar to both the project (Properties->Libraries) and to the lib/ folder within my Tomcat server so it could be seen on startup.

Deployment to Tomcat using War file resulting in ClassNotFoundException

I am developing a web application and have hit a wall and could use some advice. So the application was written by a coworker who is no longer at our company. They wrote a web application for Apache Tomcat with Java and Javascript in the back end. The application makes use of the JDBC api to interface with a SQL Server database. This person did all the development in Eclipse and running it this way.
I am trying to take this web application and move it to a server. I attempted this by using Eclipse to export a WAR file and then placing this within the Tomcat webapps folder. Then when I started Tomcat the program was extracted. So far so good. The website comes up and works well. However, when I try to access the pages which rely upon database info everything is coming up NULL. I went through the Tomcat logs and found that in the standard out the following message was given:
I had assumed that the WAR file would include all dependencies but I am guessing that probably this is not the case. If anyone is experienced, is this what has happened? If anyone out there is aware, is there a way to tell Eclipse to do this? Otherwise, what is my option? I am not a Java dev and so I would not know how to install JDBC if needed.
Any help is appreciated.
You can do the following
Go to Microsoft JDBC Driver download page and download the JDBC driver and install it to a location.
Open the .war file using a zip utility like 7-zip or winzip.
Copy the sqljdbc.jar from the sqljdb_4.0/enu directory where you installed the downloaded JDBC driver and paste it in WEB-INF/lib of the extracted war file.
Zip it back as .war file and deploy it again.
This will get the application running.
If you want to fix this permanently, then you should add the stop to include sqljdbc.jar to your WEB-INF/lib while building war file, in your build system, i.e. in build.xml if you are using ANT or in your Maven's pom.xml under dependencies section for this particular dependency.
You don't need to do the "Export WAR > copy to tomcat > start tomcat" manually, you could configure eclipse to do the deploy directly in your tomcat installation, firts double click tomcat server, and then select "Use tomcat installation" in the "Server Locations" section.
Make sure that your application contains the SQLServer JDBC driver (sqljdbc4.jar) in your project WebContent/WEB-INF/lib directory (assuming your coworker used the Eclipse "Dynamic Web Project" for the project layout), if not, download from here, unzip and copy it to the mentioned folder, the next time you start tomcat, it will automatically add it for you.
If the project uses the maven project layout (there is a file named pom.xml in the project root folder), use the following instructions to install the dependency in your local repository (there are some disagreements between Maven and Microsoft about licensing and redistribution of the driver, so there is no repo)

installing selenium-java-2.5.0 in eclipse

I have downloaded "selenium-java-2.5.0" and added it to the build path of my project in eclipse, but when I try to utilize one of the new API's I get a syntax error.
Is there a tutorial for installing the selenium-java-2.5.0 in eclipse?
The issue was that old jars were still conflicting with eclipse, removed old jars re-added fresh ones
You will need all the .jar files in selenium ZIP. Copy selenium-java-2.xx.jar and all the jars from libs folder (in selenium ZIP) to your project.
If you really need a tutorial about this, look here: Selenium Java Tutorial
I would suggest create a pom.xml file and add the maven dependencies to the file and refresh the project. Then the required dependencies and jar are automatically installed. you can also add jar according to your requirement by going to the link.
because adding jar separately might lead to any flows.
If you want setup Selenium Environment,
1) Download and Install Java Software (JDK) - create and execute programs / Test scripts
2) Set Environment Variable path (Path Variable) - To use Java from any directory
3) Download Eclipse IDE and Extract - To write and execute Java Programs
4) Download Selenium WebDriver Java Language binding (from and Add
Webdriver jar files to Java Project in Eclipse IdE
5) Download Browser driver/s and (* set browser driver path in Test cases...)

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException in spite of using CLASSPATH environment variable

I am trying to connect to mysql database using java on windows7. In spite of adding the complete url of jdbcdriver jar file in CLASSPATH, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
is thrown. Could anyone tell me what i am missing here? It works if I add the jar file in project library but I want to do it by CLASSPATH itself.
My classpath looks like this-
I want to make it clear that this is not the actual project i am working on. I am actually using Django with Jython, which requires the JDBC driver to access the database. That is the reason why I have to do it using CLASSPATH only.
The CLASSPATH environment variable is only used by the java.exe command and even then only when used without any of the -cp, -classpath, -jar arguments. It is ignored by IDEs like Eclipse, Netbeans and IDEA.
That environment variable is in real world also considered a poor practice since it breaks portability. I.e. program X will run successfully while program Y won't run without altering the CLASSPATH. It's only "useful" for Sun Oracle to prevent that starters get tired of typing the same classpath again and again in the -cp or -classpath arguments when following Java tutorials. In real world, batch/shell files are preferred where just the entire command with -cp/-classpath argument is specified.
In your case you're using an IDE. The classpath is there called the "Build Path". In plain Java projects, it represents both the compiletime and runtime classpath. You can configure it in the project's properties. You can add a complete folder, you can add individual/external JAR files, you can link projects, etcetera. Make use of it. Forget about using the CLASSPATH environment variable. It was a mistake by Sun Oracle. They thought to convince starters, but it ended up to be only more confusing to starters as they incorrectly interpret that environment variable as the classpath.
See also:
How to add JAR libraries to WAR project without facing java.lang.ClassNotFoundException? Classpath vs Build Path vs /WEB-INF/lib
What finally helped me out was to copy the mysql-connector-java-5.1.15-bin.jar to \jre\lib and to \jre\lib\ext both(!) even though I did all the classpathing circus Java offers :) Environment was pure notepad/commandline though.
What worked with me using Netbeans was:
Run > Set Project Configuration > Customize.
Under Libraries > Add Library. Added MySQL JDBC Driver (I assume it appeared in list because I copied the jar file to the jre\lib\ext folder.
And it worked seamlessly.
I tried setting classpath but that did not work. I am using Netbeans 7.0
simply do a right click on your project in "Netbeans" select properties then click on "libraries " then click on "add library..." button then select "MySQL JDBC Driver" and click on "add library" button then on "OK" button
I also had this problem before, but after I put/added mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin.jar (Download it from here) into the apache-tomcat-8.0.15\lib folder, and then ran my project, it really did work.
Note : Even after adding the jar file the error persists, then restart the Tomcat server and rerun you project again.
Open Netbeans IDE
Right-click your Project.
Select Properties.
On the left-hand side click Libraries.
Under "Compile" tab - click Add Jar/Folder button.
Select Downloaded "mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin.jar" file (Download Connector/J from
Click OK
Run Again... Its work.
If you are using maven, add the dependency to pom.xml should solve the problem.
In Netbeans IDE just Check the properties of Project on which you working on,in properties window go to 'library' tag, in diolog box just add your mysql-connector-java-**.jar file.
I had this same problem in Netbeans. Because I was using a tomcat connection pool as defined in context.xml I needed to add the jdbc jar to both the project (Properties->Libraries) and to the lib/ folder within my Tomcat server so it could be seen on startup.
