Unit testing side outputs - java

I'm unit testing a ParDo function with Apache Beam that has 1 main output and 1 sideoutput:
public class GetPubsubMessageDoFn extends DoFn<PubsubMessage, PubsubPayload.PubsubPayloadDTO> {
public void processContext(ProcessContext processContext) {
PubsubPayload pubsubPayload = new PubsubPayload(processContext.element());
processContext.output(pubsubPayload.getPayload()); //main output
processContext.output(ORIGIN_PATH_TUPLE_TAG, GCSUtils.toGSURL(pubsubPayload.getPayload().bucket, pubsubPayload.getPayload().name)); //side output
I set up a unit test class for testing the main - and side outputs:
public class GetPubsubMessageDoFnTest {
private DoFnTester<PubsubMessage, PubsubPayloadDTO> getPubsubMessageDoFn;
private Injector injector;
private final TupleTagList tags = TupleTagList.of(PUBSUB_PAYLOAD_DTO_TUPLE_TAG).and(ORIGIN_PATH_TUPLE_TAG);
public void setup() {
injector = Guice.createInjector(new GetPubsubMessageTestModule());
this.getPubsubMessageDoFn = DoFnTester.of(injector.getInstance(GetPubsubMessageDoFn.class));
this.getPubsubMessageDoFn.setOutputTags(tags); //Does not compile
According to the documentation I should be able to set the side output using setOutputTags(tags) only that function does not exist on the DoFnTester class. I'm using the Google Cloud Dataflow dependency version 2.1.0, which does use a subset of Apache Beam's features, but even looking at the Apache Beam reference documentation for DoFnTester setOutputTags isn't listed (even though it's mentioned again in the intro).

These methods are not available in 2.1.0. In fact, DoFnTester is being deprecated, see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-3159.
The advice is to use TestPipeline with the DirectRunner to test a ParDo on their DoFn. You can carefully control the flow of input with TestStream. See a nice blog on this topic.


Vertx.io core vs reactivex verticle usage in jUnit

In my project mostly all imports relay on io.vertx.reactivex.core.Vertx package import, effectively makes whole project use reactivex (not core/vanilla) version of Vertx and it's verticles. I started to unit test a bit our application and to do so and to make it play nicely with JUint, according to this documentation following setup is needed to use JUnit and to run test cases in correct thread and verticle context:
#RunWith(VertxUnitRunner.class) /* Set the runner */
public class DaoTest {
#Rule /* Define rule to get vertx instance in test */
public RunTestOnContext rule = new RunTestOnContext();
public void exampleTest(TestContext context) {
TestClass t = new TestClass(rule.vertx());
the definition of TestClass is following:
import io.vertx.reactivex.core.Vertx; /* Mind here */
public class TestClass {
public TestClass(Vertx vertx) {
/* Something */
I'm unable to provide correct instance of Vertx because only one definition of RunTestOnContext exist in package io.vertx.ext.unit.junit and produces io.vertx.core.Vertx instance, which is incompatible with io.vertx.reactivex.core.Vertx that TestClass is using. Some other test utilities, like TestContext have their equivalents in reactivex packages io.vertx.reactivex.ext.unit.TestContext, but this seems not be a case for RunTestOnContext.
The question would be how to obtain correctly io.vertx.reactivex.core.Vertx instance in test context to still ensure thread and context consistency?
The vertx-unit project has only depdendency to vertx-core. And has no dependency to vertx-rx-java. And that is understandable. Therefore the RunTestOnContext is built using the io.vertx.core.Vertx as you see.
You can downcast with the vertx.getDelegate() from io.vertx.reactivex.core.Vertx to io.vertx.core.Vertx. Bu that doesnt work in the opposite direction.
Therefore your best option is to copy the code of the RunTestOnContext and create your reactivex version of it. (The fastest way is to just change the import to io.vertx.reactivex.core.Vertx and use the vertx.getDelegate() where it is accessed.)
Get RxVertx instance by rxVertx = Vertx.vertx(); & vertx instance by rxVertx.getDelegate();. Here is a full code snippet:
public class MyVerticleTest {
protected Vertx vertx;
public void setUp(TestContext context) {
rxVertx = Vertx.vertx();
vertx = rxVertx.getDelegate();
Async async = context.async(1);
RxHelper.deployVerticle(rxVertx, new MyVerticle())
.subscribe(res -> async.countDown(), err -> {
throw new RuntimeException(err);
public void my_test(TestContext context) {
Async async = context.async();
rxVertx.eventBus().rxSend("address", dataToSend)
// .flatMap()
.subscribe(receivedData -> {
// assert what you want;
}, context::fail);
public void tearDown(TestContext context) {

Running JUnitCore with instances instead of classes

I'm looking to run JUnit 4.12+ programmatically, and a cursory search for doing so yielded (amongst many other similar posts) this answer, which prescribes the following basic solution:
#Suite.SuiteClasses ({
public class MyTestSuite {
Result testResults = JUnitCore.runClasses(MyTestSuite.class);
...and I was able to get this working, no sweat. So far so good!
Problem is: I have some pretty sophisticated test classes that need to be instantiated/injected with very specific properties at runtime...not something that can be done from inside a no-arg constructor. But the above method (specifying to just run any old instance of a set of classes) doesn't allow you to instantiate your test classes, configure them, and then run them.
Is there a way to do this? I couldn't find anything looking at the JUnit API. I am looking for something like:
MyTestClass1 mtc1 = new MyTestClass1(...);
MyTestClass2 mtc2 = new MyTestClass2(...);
Result testResults = JUnitCore.run(mtc1, mtc2);
You probably need custom runner to achieve that. Junit 4/5 comes with third party runner that can perform dependency Injection for Constructors and Methods. Few runner which are pretty popular are Mockito(MockitoJUnitRunner) and SpringJUnit4ClassRunner in case you are using Spring. You can check out custom runner and implementation details at:
I got this working with a custom Runner with sample (Groovy pseudo-code) as follows:
class MyRunner extends Runner {
Description getDescription() {
return null
void run(RunNotifier notifier) {
// LoginTests.class is a test class I want to run
LoginTests loginTests = new LoginTests(<my args here>)
Description description = Description.createSuiteDescription(LoginTests)
try {
log.info("About to doSomething()...")
log.info("Did it...")
} catch(Throwable throwable) {
log.info("doSomething() failed...")
notifier.fireTestAssumptionFailed(new Failure(description, throwable))
Result testResults = new JUnitCore().run(Request.runner(new MyRunner()))

Check that JUnit Extension throws specific Exception

Suppose I develop an extension which disallows test method names to start with an uppercase character.
public class DisallowUppercaseLetterAtBeginning implements BeforeEachCallback {
public void beforeEach(ExtensionContext context) {
char c = context.getRequiredTestMethod().getName().charAt(0);
if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) {
throw new RuntimeException("test method names should start with lowercase.");
Now I want to test that my extension works as expected.
class MyTest {
void validTest() {
void TestShouldNotBeCalled() {
fail("test should have failed before");
How can I write a test to verify that the attempt to execute the second method throws a RuntimeException with a specific message?
Another approach could be to use the facilities provided by the new JUnit 5 - Jupiter framework.
I put below the code which I tested with Java 1.8 on Eclipse Oxygen. The code suffers from a lack of elegance and conciseness but could hopefully serve as a basis to build a robust solution for your meta-testing use case.
Note that this is actually how JUnit 5 is tested, I refer you to the unit tests of the Jupiter engine on Github.
public final class DisallowUppercaseLetterAtBeginningTest {
void testIt() {
// Warning here: I checked the test container created below will
// execute on the same thread as used for this test. We should remain
// careful though, as the map used here is not thread-safe.
final Map<String, TestExecutionResult> events = new HashMap<>();
EngineExecutionListener listener = new EngineExecutionListener() {
public void executionFinished(TestDescriptor descriptor, TestExecutionResult result) {
if (descriptor.isTest()) {
events.put(descriptor.getDisplayName(), result);
// skip class and container reports
public void reportingEntryPublished(TestDescriptor testDescriptor, ReportEntry entry) {}
public void executionStarted(TestDescriptor testDescriptor) {}
public void executionSkipped(TestDescriptor testDescriptor, String reason) {}
public void dynamicTestRegistered(TestDescriptor testDescriptor) {}
// Build our test container and use Jupiter fluent API to launch our test. The following static imports are assumed:
// import static org.junit.platform.engine.discovery.DiscoverySelectors.selectClass
// import static org.junit.platform.launcher.core.LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder.request
JupiterTestEngine engine = new JupiterTestEngine();
LauncherDiscoveryRequest request = request().selectors(selectClass(MyTest.class)).build();
TestDescriptor td = engine.discover(request, UniqueId.forEngine(engine.getId()));
engine.execute(new ExecutionRequest(td, listener, request.getConfigurationParameters()));
// Bunch of verbose assertions, should be refactored and simplified in real code.
assertEquals(new HashSet<>(asList("validTest()", "TestShouldNotBeCalled()")), events.keySet());
assertEquals(Status.SUCCESSFUL, events.get("validTest()").getStatus());
assertEquals(Status.FAILED, events.get("TestShouldNotBeCalled()").getStatus());
Throwable t = events.get("TestShouldNotBeCalled()").getThrowable().get();
assertEquals(RuntimeException.class, t.getClass());
assertEquals("test method names should start with lowercase.", t.getMessage());
Though a little verbose, one advantage of this approach is it doesn't require mocking and execute the tests in the same JUnit container as will be used later for real unit tests.
With a bit of clean-up, a much more readable code is achievable. Again, JUnit-Jupiter sources can be a great source of inspiration.
If the extension throws an exception then there's not much a #Test method can do since the test runner will never reach the #Test method. In this case, I think, you have to test the extension outside of its use in the normal test flow i.e. let the extension be the SUT.
For the extension provided in your question, the test might be something like this:
public void willRejectATestMethodHavingANameStartingWithAnUpperCaseLetter() throws NoSuchMethodException {
ExtensionContext extensionContext = Mockito.mock(ExtensionContext.class);
Method method = Testable.class.getMethod("MethodNameStartingWithUpperCase");
DisallowUppercaseLetterAtBeginning sut = new DisallowUppercaseLetterAtBeginning();
RuntimeException actual =
assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> sut.beforeEach(extensionContext));
assertThat(actual.getMessage(), is("test method names should start with lowercase."));
public void willAllowTestMethodHavingANameStartingWithAnLowerCaseLetter() throws NoSuchMethodException {
ExtensionContext extensionContext = Mockito.mock(ExtensionContext.class);
Method method = Testable.class.getMethod("methodNameStartingWithLowerCase");
DisallowUppercaseLetterAtBeginning sut = new DisallowUppercaseLetterAtBeginning();
// no exception - good enough
public class Testable {
public void MethodNameStartingWithUpperCase() {
public void methodNameStartingWithLowerCase() {
However, your question suggests that the above extension is only an example so, more generally; if your extension has a side effect (e.g. sets something in an addressable context, populates a System property etc) then your #Test method could assert that this side effect is present. For example:
public class SystemPropertyExtension implements BeforeEachCallback {
public void beforeEach(ExtensionContext context) {
System.setProperty("foo", "bar");
public class SystemPropertyExtensionTest {
public void willSetTheSystemProperty() {
assertThat(System.getProperty("foo"), is("bar"));
This approach has the benefit of side stepping the potentially awkward setup steps of: creating the ExtensionContext and populating it with the state required by your test but it may come at the cost of limiting the test coverage since you can really only test one outcome. And, of course, it is only feasible if the extension has a side effect which can be evaulated in a test case which uses the extension.
So, in practice, I suspect you might need a combination of these approaches; for some extensions the extension can be the SUT and for others the extension can be tested by asserting against its side effect(s).
After trying the solutions in the answers and the question linked in the comments, I ended up with a solution using the JUnit Platform Launcher.
class DisallowUppercaseLetterAtBeginningTest {
void should_succeed_if_method_name_starts_with_lower_case() {
TestExecutionSummary summary = runTestMethod(MyTest.class, "validTest");
void should_fail_if_method_name_starts_with_upper_case() {
TestExecutionSummary summary = runTestMethod(MyTest.class, "InvalidTest");
.hasMessage("test method names should start with lowercase.");
private TestExecutionSummary runTestMethod(Class<?> testClass, String methodName) {
SummaryGeneratingListener listener = new SummaryGeneratingListener();
LauncherDiscoveryRequest request = request().selectors(selectMethod(testClass, methodName)).build();
LauncherFactory.create().execute(request, listener);
return listener.getSummary();
static class MyTest {
void validTest() {
void InvalidTest() {
fail("test should have failed before");
JUnit itself will not run MyTest because it is an inner class without #Nested. So there are no failing tests during the build process.
JUnit itself will not run MyTest because it is an inner class without #Nested. So there are no failing tests during the build process.
This is not completly correct. JUnit itself would also run MyTest, e.g. if "Run All Tests" is started within the IDE or within a Gradle build.
The reason why MyTest was not executed is because I used Maven and I tested it with mvn test. Maven uses the Maven Surefire Plugin to execute tests. This plugin has a default configuration which excludes all nested classes like MyTest.
See also this answer about "Run tests from inner classes via Maven" and the linked issues in the comments.
JUnit 5.4 introduced the JUnit Platform Test Kit which allows you to execute a test plan and inspect the results.
To take a dependency on it from Gradle, it might look something like this:
And using your example, your extension test could look something like this:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith
import org.junit.jupiter.api.fail
import org.junit.platform.engine.discovery.DiscoverySelectors
import org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.EngineTestKit
import org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.EventConditions
import org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.TestExecutionResultConditions
internal class DisallowUpperCaseExtensionTest {
internal fun `succeed if starts with lower case`() {
val results = EngineTestKit
DiscoverySelectors.selectMethod(ExampleTest::class.java, "validTest")
results.tests().assertStatistics { stats ->
internal fun `fail if starts with upper case`() {
val results = EngineTestKit
DiscoverySelectors.selectMethod(ExampleTest::class.java, "TestShouldNotBeCalled")
TestExecutionResultConditions.message("test method names should start with lowercase.")
internal class ExampleTest {
fun validTest() {
fun TestShouldNotBeCalled() {
fail("test should have failed before")

JUnitCore.run() is ignoring #BeforeAll annotations

I am working in Eclipse Oxygen.1a (4.7.1a) with the JUnit 5 library, and it seems like none of my annotated methods are running correctly when I run a test class using JUnitCore.
For example, if I call the following class using JUnitCore.run(TestClass.class) :
public class TestClass {
public static void beforeAll() {
System.out.println("In TestClass.beforeAll");
public void testMethod() {
System.out.println("In TestClass.testMethod");
public static void afterAll() {
System.out.println("In TestClass.afterAll");
There is no output to System.out, and the Result object says that 1 test failed. Implying that none of these methods ran. I can use a JUnit Launcher to run the test class like so:
final LauncherDiscoveryRequest request = LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder.request()
final Launcher launcher = LauncherFactory.create();
However, this does not give me any feedback about how many tests passed/failed, it seems to just run them. I can't find much documentation on using JUnitCore with JUnit5, is there something newer that I should be working with?
You should not use JUnitCore with JUnit 5, but instead use the platform launcher API as you did in the second part of your analysis.
launcher#execute(.) does not return any value, hence you need to use a listener to aggregate the results from the execution of your tests, as per the JUnit 5 documentation 7.1.2 Executing Tests.
There is no return value for the execute() method, but you can easily use a listener to aggregate the final results in an object of your own. For an example see the SummaryGeneratingListener.
You can for instance produce a TestExecutionSummary which may indeed provide you with the information you want to collect:
final LauncherDiscoveryRequest request =
final Launcher launcher = LauncherFactory.create();
final SummaryGeneratingListener listener = new SummaryGeneratingListener();
TestExecutionSummary summary = listener.getSummary();
long testFoundCount = summary.getTestsFoundCount();
List<Failure> failures = summary.getFailures();

Pass data into a JUnit test class from outside the test class

How do I pass data into a test class I started programmatically with
I need to pass in some objects constructed based on input from the command line. My program is an executable jar.
A little context on why I'm doing this. I'm writing a command line program to drive tests based on inputs from a spreadsheet for my QA guy. I'm trying to test some code that has Android code mixed in, and I want to run it on the JVM. For that, I'm using Robolectric to fill in the stubs just so I can run, but the caveat is, you have to use their JUnit test runner.
Thing you want is not actually the way JUnit is supposed to be used, because test class should be a complete runnable testing code.
However you can always implement what you want using static initialization prior to running you test class, like:
For example:
public class Test2 {
private static int param;
public static void prepare(int param) {
Test2.param = param;
#Test public void test() {
Assert.assertEquals(param, 2);
public static void main(String[] args) {
JUnitCore jUnitCore = new JUnitCore();
