I am using Intellij Idea to compile a project that uses Maven dependencies and Intellij keeps telling me that my project has 50 something errors because JavaFX does not exist.
Intellij is not highlighting all the javafx dependencies in my code as errors, it is just that once I press the run and compile the program says that everything in JavaFX does not exists.
I tried to redownload the latest JDK (Java 9.0.1) and that did not fix it. I went into the Default Project Structure and Project Structure to make sure it was using the correct jdk and that did not fix the issue. All the jdks I am using seem to list the javafx packages as included in the project.
This is also only an issue for a particular project that I am working on with a friend. We may have to move over all our code into a new project, however I am not sure if that will fix anything.
Any suggestions?
Try to set project language level to "9" in "Project Structure | Project"
Okay I see what my problem was.
Besides Try to set project language level to "9" in "Project Structure | Project" mentioned above, I had a maven setting in some pom.xml looks like this:
and java.version was defined as 1.8 somewhere above. I just had to change it to 9
I had this problem after upgrading a JavaFX project from Java 8 to Java 9.
After checking the usual language level settings for the project and module in IntelliJ and the Maven pom, I found the problem was that the module was explicitly set to generate Java 8 bytecode in the Java Compiler preferences.
Look in Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Java Compiler. Check that Project bytecode version is unset (or set correctly) and that your module is not listed in Per-module bytecode version with an incorrect value.
File --> Project Structure-->Module
The language level in here as set to 5 for me. Upped it to 9 to allow classes etc and the same error as described above resolved for me.
I missed the modules in my gradle.build. Had to update
javafx {
version = "11"
modules = [ 'javafx.controls', 'javafx.fxml' ]
In Java9+ some modules are not included in JRE/JDK. The solution is to add thore libraries explicitly.
For maven pom file for Java9 I used
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.openjfx/javafx-controls -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.openjfx/javafx-fxml -->
Than I can use desired libray for including of TextField.
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
When running a JUnit test, using IntelliJ IDEA, I get
How can I correct this?
Using SDK 1.7
Module language level is 1.7
Maven build works fine. (That's why I believe this in IDEA configuration issue)
Most likely you have incorrect compiler options imported from Maven here:
Also check project and module bytecode (target) version settings outlined on the screenshot.
Other places where the source language level is configured:
Project Structure | Project
Project Structure | Modules (check every module) | Sources
Maven default language level is 1.5 (5.0), you will see this version as the Module language level on the screenshot above.
This can be changed using maven-compiler-plugin configuration inside pom.xml:
IntelliJ IDEA will respect this setting after you Reimport the Maven project in the Maven Projects tool window:
IntelliJ 15, 2016 & 2017
Similar to that discussed below for IntelliJ 13 & 14, but with an extra level in the Settings/Preferences panel: Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler.
IntelliJ 13 & 14
In IntelliJ 13 and 14, check the Settings > Compiler > Java Compiler UI to ensure you're not targeting a different bytecode version in your module.
In IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 the "Target bytecode version" is in a different place.
The following change worked for me:
File > Settings... > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler : change Target bytecode version from 1.5 to 1.8
Have you looked at your build configuration it should like that if you use maven 3 and JDK 7
I ran into this and the fix was to go to Project Settings > Modules > click on the particular module > Dependencies tab. I noticed the Module SDK was still set on 1.6, I changed it to 1.7 and it worked.
I've found required options ('target bytecode version') in settings > compiler > java compiler in my case (intelij idea 12.1.3)
Modify the compiler setting file of the project in the following path and change the 'target' to 1.7:
<module name="project-name" target="1.7" />
I resolved it by setting the field blank:
Settings > Compiler > Java Compiler > Project bytecode version
Than IntelliJ uses the JDK default version.
From one moment to the other I also got this error without a clear reason. I changed all kinds of settings on the compiler/module etc. But in the end I just recreated the IntelliJ project by reimporting the Maven project and the issue was solved. I think this is a bug.
IntelliJ 12 129.961
I've hit this after just minor upgrade from IntelliJ IDEA 14 to v14.1.
For me changing an edit of top/parent pom helped and then clicked re-import Maven (if it is not automatic).
But it maybe just enough to Right Click on module(s)/aggregated/parent module and Maven -> Reimport.
I resolved bellow method
File >> Project Structure >> Project >> Project Language Level
--> do set proper version (ex: 1.5)
sometimes you need to change languageLevel="JDK_1_X" attribute manually
If it is a Gradle project, in your build.gradle file, search for following settings:
sourceCompatibility = "xx"
targetCompatibility = "xx"
For all subrpojects, in your root build.gradle file, you may put:
subprojects { project ->
sourceCompatibility = "1.7"
targetCompatibility = "1.7"
Although you can manually set language levels in Idea > Settings, if it is a Gradle project, Idea automatically synchronizes module .iml files from Gradle settings ( tested with Idea 15+). So all your manual changes are overriden when gradle is refreshed.
Based on Gradle documentation, if these are not set, then current JVM configuration is used.
I found another way to run into this error. You can get this if you have been re-organizing your directory structure, and one of your poms is pointing to the old parent which no-longer configures javac (because that configuration was moved to a middle level). If this happens the top level defaults to 1.5 and the misbehaving lower level pom inherits it.
So another thing to check when you see this error is that your pom structure is matching your directory structure properly.
If Maven build works fine, try to synchronizing structure of Maven and IntelliJ IDEA projects.
In the Maven tool window, click refresh button . On pressing this button, IntelliJ IDEA parses the project structure in the Maven tool window.
Note that this might not help if you're using EAP build, since Maven synchronization feature may be broken sometimes.
If all the previous solutions haven't worked for you (which was my case), you can delete intellij config files:
Intellij will regenerate new ones later.
However, BE CAREFUL, this will also delete all intellij configuration made on the projet (i.e: configuration of debug mode, ...)
You need to change Java compiler version in in build config.
Make sure right depency is selected.
File > Project Structure
Select your project and navigate to Dependencies tab. Select right dependancy from dropdown or create new.
i'm new to web service and i'm trying to do a project using jax-rs rest and spring in eclipse.
I use java 1.8 but eclipse shows me an error that jax-rs 2.0 requires java 1.6 or newer error and my project won't work
This is the project explorer and error's screenshot. I tried to google it but can't get any english solutions
Edit : It seems like the screenshot's quality is low if i try to display it so here is the imgur link for the screenshot for better quality
Maven projects come with a bunch of plugins applied implicitly to the build. One of them being the maven-compiler-plugin. Unfortunately the Java version for the plugin defaults to 1.5. Most Maven project you see will override the Java version simply by declaring the plugin (in your pom.xml file) and configuring the Java version
Eclipse (with m2e plugin) will set the compiler compliance level to the setting in the plugin. You can view this by going to
Right click on the project -> properties -> Java Compiler -> Look at compliance level
Instead of the above compiler plugin configuration, you can also simply just do
The default plugin configuration will look for these properties. It's a lot less verbose than re-declaring the plugin.
After adding the properties or the compiler plugin to your pom.xml, you might need to update the project. See Manish's answer.
I know the topic is old but I had the same problem and it's hard to find informations on it.
So set the properties wasn't enough for me, I had also to delete the project from Eclipse, then delete the .project file and reimport the project as a Maven project (even if I created it as a Maven project already) like it is answer on this topic.
those who are doing with properties way and if it is not working do this step.
in Pom.xml
After that do this:
project folder-> maven--> update project--> check force update-->ok
After that do
project folder-->run as-->mvn build with goal eclipse:eclipse
you don't need to re-import the project as suggested in other answer/
Just got to the path of the project and go to settings and find the xml file named "org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core" and change the version of java from there
I am using Java 8 for my JRE in Eclipse Luna with with the m2e Maven plugin. I see this warning as soon as I create a Maven project: Build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5. There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment. I see lots of older advice on this site on how to deal with this error, but nothing related to Java 8. I also that Oracle says J2SE was deprecated in 2008. The most promising answer I have found thus far comes from #Pascal Thivent here:
Warning - Build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.4
But these instructions no longer seem to be relevant for Luna:
Eclipse project Properties > Maven > Update Project Configuration
I only see "Lifecycle mapping" under Maven.
Can someone please explain (1) what this error means (2) if it is still a worry, given that J2SE-1.5 seems to have been deprecated (3) how to best fix it in Luna?
This error is because the project pom file is instructing maven to compile against java 1.5.
It is best to compile and test to a current java version. In your case java 8.
I am unsure how to fix it inside the eclipse IDE, but the project pom file can be edited to include the compile version as follows:
Despite specifying JDK 1.7 in all project settings (including in File -> Project Structure -> Project :: Project SDK), the following error is produced by IntelliJ 13 when trying to compile some simple Java 7 code which does use the diamond operator:
java: diamond operator is not supported in -source 1.5
(use -source 7 or higher to enable diamond operator)
Is there any other place in the configuration where the expected -source 7 option should be enabled?
Please check your project/module language levels (Project Structure | Project; Project Structure | Modules | module-name | Sources). You might also want to take a look at Settings | Compiler | Java Compiler | Per-module bytecode version.
Set also this:
File -> Project Structure -> Modules :: Sources (next to Paths and Dependencies) and that has a "Language level" option which also needs to be set correctly.
If nothing of this helps (my case), you can set it in your pom.xml, like this:
As this cool guy mentioned here:
[For IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2]
I would like to expand upon part of Peter Gromov's answer with an up-to-date screenshot.
Specifically this particular part:
You might also want to take a look at Settings | Compiler | Java Compiler | Per-module bytecode version.
I believe that (at least in 2016.2): checking out different commits in git resets these to 1.5.
Alternatively, you can apply maven-compiler-plugin with appropriate java version by adding this to your pom.xml:
I tried making changes to Intellij IDEA as below:
File >> Settings >> Build, Execution, Deployment >> Compiler >> Java Compiler >> project bytecode version: 1.8 >> Per-module bytecode version: 1.8
File >> Project Structure >> Project Settings >> Project >> SDK : 1.8, Project Language : 8 - Lambdas
File >> Project Structure >> Project Settings >> Modules >> abc : Language level: 8 - Lambdas
but nothing worked, it reverted the versions to java 1.5 as soon as I saved it.
However, adding below lines to root(project level) pom.xml worked me to resolve above issue: (both of the options worked for me)
Option 1:
Option 2:
File->Project structure->Project Settings->Project->Project Language level
File->Project structure->Project Settings->Modules->Language level
Change level using drop down
In your command line(Unix terminal) Go to your project root folder, and do this
find . -type f -name '*.iml' -exec sed -i '' s/JDK_1_5/JDK_1_8/g {} +
This will change the language level property in all your project .iml files from java 1.5 to java 1.8.
In IntelliJ Community Edition 2019.02, Changing the following settings worked for me
Update File->Project structure->Project Settings->Project->Project Language level to Java 11 (update to the java version that you wish to use in your project) using drop down.
Update File->Project structure->Project Settings->Modules->Language level
Update File->Settings->Build,Execution,Deployment -> Compiler -> Java Compiler-> Project ByteCode Version to java 11.
Update Target version for all the entries under File->Settings->Build,Execution,Deployment -> Compiler -> Java Compiler-> Per module Byte Code Version.
First, you need to change the "project bytecode version" under File > Settings, Compiler > Java Compiler
Second, do a full rebuild.
I have same problem but with different situation. I can compile without any issue with maven in command line (mvn clean install), but in Intellij I always got "java: diamond operator is not supported in -source 1.5" compile error despite I have set the maven-compiler-plugin with java 1.8 in the pom.xml.
It turned out I have remote repository setting in my maven's settings.xml which the project depends on, but Intellij uses his own maven which doesn't have same setting with my local maven.
So my solution was changing the Intellij's maven setting (Settings -> Build, execution, Deployment -> Maven -> Maven home directory) to use the local maven.
One more thing that could cause this is having incorrect version of the <parent> project.
In my case it was pointing to a non-existing project and for some reason IntelliJ downgraded version in settings to 1.5 and later when I fixed it, it was still interpreting target code version as 5 (despite setting it to 11).
I managed to fix this by changing settings for new projects:
File -> New Projects Settings -> Settings for New Projects -> Java
Compiler -> Set the version
File -> New Projects Settings -> Structure for New Projects ->
Project -> Set Project SDK + set language level
Remove the projects
Import the projects
I had the following property working for me in IntelliJ 2017
There seems a few places that effect the source (byte code) version in IntelliJ:
• IntelliJ > Preferences >Build Exce Deploy > Java Compiler
◦ Module > Target Bytecode Version
• File > Project Structure
◦ Project > Language Level & SDK
◦ Module > Language Level
• Maven Properties
nothing from other answers helped, except of installing new Intellij Idea version
When running a JUnit test, using IntelliJ IDEA, I get
How can I correct this?
Using SDK 1.7
Module language level is 1.7
Maven build works fine. (That's why I believe this in IDEA configuration issue)
Most likely you have incorrect compiler options imported from Maven here:
Also check project and module bytecode (target) version settings outlined on the screenshot.
Other places where the source language level is configured:
Project Structure | Project
Project Structure | Modules (check every module) | Sources
Maven default language level is 1.5 (5.0), you will see this version as the Module language level on the screenshot above.
This can be changed using maven-compiler-plugin configuration inside pom.xml:
IntelliJ IDEA will respect this setting after you Reimport the Maven project in the Maven Projects tool window:
IntelliJ 15, 2016 & 2017
Similar to that discussed below for IntelliJ 13 & 14, but with an extra level in the Settings/Preferences panel: Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler.
IntelliJ 13 & 14
In IntelliJ 13 and 14, check the Settings > Compiler > Java Compiler UI to ensure you're not targeting a different bytecode version in your module.
In IntelliJ IDEA 14.1 the "Target bytecode version" is in a different place.
The following change worked for me:
File > Settings... > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler : change Target bytecode version from 1.5 to 1.8
Have you looked at your build configuration it should like that if you use maven 3 and JDK 7
I ran into this and the fix was to go to Project Settings > Modules > click on the particular module > Dependencies tab. I noticed the Module SDK was still set on 1.6, I changed it to 1.7 and it worked.
I've found required options ('target bytecode version') in settings > compiler > java compiler in my case (intelij idea 12.1.3)
Modify the compiler setting file of the project in the following path and change the 'target' to 1.7:
<module name="project-name" target="1.7" />
I resolved it by setting the field blank:
Settings > Compiler > Java Compiler > Project bytecode version
Than IntelliJ uses the JDK default version.
From one moment to the other I also got this error without a clear reason. I changed all kinds of settings on the compiler/module etc. But in the end I just recreated the IntelliJ project by reimporting the Maven project and the issue was solved. I think this is a bug.
IntelliJ 12 129.961
I've hit this after just minor upgrade from IntelliJ IDEA 14 to v14.1.
For me changing an edit of top/parent pom helped and then clicked re-import Maven (if it is not automatic).
But it maybe just enough to Right Click on module(s)/aggregated/parent module and Maven -> Reimport.
I resolved bellow method
File >> Project Structure >> Project >> Project Language Level
--> do set proper version (ex: 1.5)
sometimes you need to change languageLevel="JDK_1_X" attribute manually
If it is a Gradle project, in your build.gradle file, search for following settings:
sourceCompatibility = "xx"
targetCompatibility = "xx"
For all subrpojects, in your root build.gradle file, you may put:
subprojects { project ->
sourceCompatibility = "1.7"
targetCompatibility = "1.7"
Although you can manually set language levels in Idea > Settings, if it is a Gradle project, Idea automatically synchronizes module .iml files from Gradle settings ( tested with Idea 15+). So all your manual changes are overriden when gradle is refreshed.
Based on Gradle documentation, if these are not set, then current JVM configuration is used.
I found another way to run into this error. You can get this if you have been re-organizing your directory structure, and one of your poms is pointing to the old parent which no-longer configures javac (because that configuration was moved to a middle level). If this happens the top level defaults to 1.5 and the misbehaving lower level pom inherits it.
So another thing to check when you see this error is that your pom structure is matching your directory structure properly.
If Maven build works fine, try to synchronizing structure of Maven and IntelliJ IDEA projects.
In the Maven tool window, click refresh button . On pressing this button, IntelliJ IDEA parses the project structure in the Maven tool window.
Note that this might not help if you're using EAP build, since Maven synchronization feature may be broken sometimes.
If all the previous solutions haven't worked for you (which was my case), you can delete intellij config files:
Intellij will regenerate new ones later.
However, BE CAREFUL, this will also delete all intellij configuration made on the projet (i.e: configuration of debug mode, ...)
You need to change Java compiler version in in build config.
Make sure right depency is selected.
File > Project Structure
Select your project and navigate to Dependencies tab. Select right dependancy from dropdown or create new.