Adding JAVA to Eclipse Oxygen - java

I already installed java jdk 9 and Eclipse Oxygen on my pc. I've also added jdk url in environment variable path and created JAVA_HOME variable. I ran cmd and entered javac command, everything went fine.
1. Now, when I right click on a project > then go to Properties, I am redirected to Builders tab. I don't know where to add the JRE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY on my Eclipse Oxygen.
2. Also, when I want to create new project, by going to File > New, there's no suggestion to add a Java Project
3. When I go to Window > Preferences, there's no Java tab added below Install/Update tab.
Did I miss any step? Any help from you guys are much appreciated.

It looks like you have the Eclipse for Testers (Jubula) IDE package without Java support or at least you're not in the Java perspective (depending on the perspective, there are different menus). If there is no File > New > Project...: Java > Java Project, do one of the following:
Download, install and use an Eclipse Java IDE package, e. g. the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers or the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Install the Java Development Tools (JDT) into your Eclipse for Testers IDE:
Help > Install New Software...
Work with: --All Available Sites-- (or Oxygen -
In the list choose Programming Languages > Eclipse Java Development Tools and click Next >
After finishing the installation and restarting, switch to the Java perspective: Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Others...: Java


Eclipse and Java Runtime Environment Portable

I want to run eclipse and java portable, for this i did the following steps:
Download and install Eclipse Portable
Download and install the Portable Java Runtime Environment
Open the Eclipse settings file ../EclipsePortable/App/Eclipse/eclipse.ini
Set the -vm as your portable Java installation at the beginning
Eclipse is running now, but when i want to add a new project, there is no Java Project.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Taken from this answer, you need to do below steps
Go to "Help" -> "Install new software"
Select your eclipse version by clicking the small arrow next to "Add"
search for "java" in the search bar
Tick "Eclipse Java Development Tools" and hit finished.
after installation click on "restart eclipse"

Eclipse IDE for C/C++ and Java

I am trying to set up a Java IDE on my Mac running El Capitan, however the installer that I have found requires me to install a separate IDE for C/C++ and Java (Eclipse Neon). What options does eclipse have that would me to have one IDE for multiple languages?
Eclipse is a platform. Install either. Then run it. Click "Help > Install New Software ..." then in the "Work with" drop down select "Neon -", then expand "Programming Languages" and select "C/C++" or "Java" as desired.
And you can switch modes with "Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other"
Just try to open a *.cpp file in your IDE, Eclipse will then prompt for possible plugins to install. This include the Eclipse C/C++ IDE plugins, that is the "official" one from Eclipse community.

PDE UI & PHP Development How to install

i need to finde PDE UI and, i was looking llike for 2 days,
I migrated java ide and java ee ide of eclipse.
I have Eclipse Java EE IDE 4.4(Luna).
I need all of them on same instalation.
In Eclipse open Help > Install New Software
Select Luna - in the Work with section.
Open the General Purpose Tools section and check Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment.
Click Next to start the install.

How to get Window Builder's SWT designer in 64-bit Eclipse

I am trying to create a SWT WindowBuilder application in 64-bit Eclipse running on Windows 7.
I removed both the 32-bit and 64-bit JRE on my computer along with the old Eclipse and old JDK, rebooted, downloaded the latest version yesterday evening, and then installed the latest 32/64 versions of the JRE and the JDK. Yes, I used a "professional" unzip utility, 7-zip, to unzip the "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" and then copied the contents to the "C:\Program Files\Development\Tools\Eclipse", which I created.
I launched Eclipse this morning and tried to create a SWT application and SWT was MIA.
I went to the "Menu > Help > Install New Software..." dialog to find that SWT was already installed.
Here is an image of of the new project dialog "Menu > File > New > Other".
As you can see Eclipse came bundled with SWT, I did read the installation note about the fact that only Eclipse does not support the Windows built-in zip compression tool, and used 7-zip.
How do I get SWT to install properly? I am using a freshly downloaded version and did not do anything other than go into Eclipse.
Why would SWT not show?
I figured out this problem and another one.
Installation Instructions
Download 'Eclipse IDE for Java Developers', not the EE version.
Extract the files using WinZip, 7-Zip, or whatever, just not Windows built-in tool. See installation notes on Eclipse download page for this requirement.
DO NOT place files in the "C:\Program Files" folder on Windows 7. See here for note.
BEFORE starting eclipse.exe, go to the environment settings and define the HOME variable and set that to %USERPROFILE%. You will need to log out and then log back in. Windows will not read the environment settings without doing this set and as such Eclipse.
Install PortableGit-1.8.4-preview20130916 and add the path in the PATH variable.
Start Eclipse.
Go to "Menu > Help > Install New Software..." and type in kepler. Select the SWT and WindowBuilder from the list. It was supposed to come prebundled, but did not, better this way. You will need to restart Eclipse.
Turn on the error log, "Menu > Windows > Show View > Error Log" to see any other errors that might exist.
I am still working on the EGit warning, but SWT exists.
I tried these steps repeatedly (deleting Eclipse folder and trying again) and the steps worked each of the times that I tried it. Yay!
select install new software
there will be eclipse version)
SWT Designer
SWT Designer Documentation
SWT Designer Core

How Do I Add Java To My Eclipse for C/C++ [duplicate]

I have the eclipse CDT installed, and I would like to install Java development functionality (JDT) on top of my CDT installation. I've been Googling from an hour but I can't figure out how to do this.
What plugin do I need to install? What update site do I need to use?
All versions of Eclipse have a standard base, then a specific set of plugins, depending on the version. All you have to do is go to the Help > Install New Software menu, select the Eclipse update site (e.g. "Galileo -"), and under the Programming Languages section, select Eclipse Java Development Tools.
If you don't see the Java Development Tools in the list, click on the "already installed" link on the install page--you may already have the Java tools installed.
Remember to write http:// before the download.eclipse..... if you don't put that it won't work
For Eclipse 2020-06 the weakest precondition seems to be
1.) JDK 11
2.) eclipse.ini has top entries
<jdk-11/jre-11 path>/bin
3.) JDT appears in "Install New Software" repository as "Eclipse Java Development Tools"
NOTE: Installation of Java 11 is not required, downloading/extracting ZIP File is sufficient, e.g. if you prefer to continue development with Java 8
Update for Eclipse Release 2021-3
Here, with the JDT-Release JDK 11 or later is already installed
Choose Menu Help->Install New Software,
Select Work With: "2021-03 -"
Filter "Development Tools"
Select "C/C++ Development Tools SDK"
Complete Installation with Next ... Restart Eclipse
