Spring MVC Request method 'GET' not supported - java

I have found few questions on this topic however it does not necessary answer my question
I am passing some values via url so data can be gathered from database. I can do it via method= RequestMethod.GET however I would like to do it via POST so users doesnt see parameters in URL.
I am not sure i am using the best method, i bet there is something much advance in order to achieve this .
Cotroller class
#RequestMapping(value="/empresa", method= RequestMethod.POST)
public String empresa(Model model, Principal principal, #RequestParam("get_Business_ID") String get_Business_ID){
// get selected business
List<Business> selectedBusiness = businessService.getBusinessByBusinessID(get_Business_ID);
System.out.println("business selected= "+ selectedBusiness.get(0).getBusiness_name());
//Destaque semanal
List<Business> businessList = businessService.getCurrentBusiness();
model.addAttribute("businessList", businessList);
return "empresa";
JSP page link
error Type Status Report
Message Request method 'GET' not supported
Description The method received in the request-line is known by the
origin server but not supported by the target resource.
maybe RequestMethod.GET only works if i am using a form with post method?
Is there any other way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance

You have annotated your method with POST
#RequestMapping(value="/empresa", method= RequestMethod.POST)
So change this to
#RequestMapping(value="/empresa", method= RequestMethod.GET)
If you want it to be a POST request try form submit instead of href
Still you need href? then try this
Make a link use POST instead of GET

You are facing this issue because browser never sends anything, browser only receives requests and forwards them to your back end logic.
Difference between GET is simple fetching of data without any data from your side and POST is in information that you send with your request ( for example you send data that you need to save specific customer, I need this firstName, lastName, email etc to be saved ). With that being said, you can switch between #GetMapping or #PostMapping depending what you need for your application.
To be more precise between get and post
GET A GET method should be used to retrieve data from the server. Multiple get requests to the same URL should be valid and no data should be changed on the server side.
However, this doesn't mean it is not possible to make a GET request change things server side, but you should try to make sure you are following the standard.
POST A POST method should be used when you need to create, update or delete data on the server side. Making the same POST request multiple times may not be safe and may result in inconsistent data. The content of a POST request is sent in the request body. Hence, you don't see the parameters in your browser, but it is easy to see them if you wanted to (Even using the browser developer tools) so it is no more safe than a GET request.


Unable to redirect to another page in AEM using request dispatcher in sling servlet via POST

I have a scenario where from one page in AEM, I need to call another AEM page in the same application and I need to pass some hidden parameters. I choose to do it via POST and below are the steps which I followed:
From page "A", I did a form submission via POST to the sling servlet and passed some parameters.
2. In the servlet, using request dispatcher I redirected the same request and response to a different page in doPost method using the following code snippet:
request.getRequestDispatcher("/content/company/en/apps/welcomepage.html").forward(request, response);
When I run the code, I am able to call the servlet through form submission but I am not able to redirect to a new page. I see the below error in logs:
18.10.2017 14:41:00.802 ERROR [ [1508352060795] POST /bin/rap/welcomepage HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.servlets.post.impl.operations.ModifyOperation Exception during response processing.
javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException: No matching property definition: appointmentTypeId = platform001d
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.delegate.NodeDelegate.setProperty(NodeDelegate.java:522)
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.NodeImpl$35.perform(NodeImpl.java:1375)
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.NodeImpl$35.perform(NodeImpl.java:1363)
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.delegate.SessionDelegate.perform(SessionDelegate.java:208)
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.ItemImpl.perform(ItemImpl.java:112)
at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.NodeImpl.internalSetProperty(NodeImpl.java:1363)
If I try the same code in doGet method it works fine. Also if I use response.sendRedirect("/content/company/en/apps/welcomepage.html") it works fine too. But the problem with this is it initiates it as a new request to the page and it looses all the parameters which I get from the form submission. Could someone please let me know like how can I redirect a request to a page in AEM via POST since I need to pass some hidden parameters whic should not be visible in the url ?
Here is the way I understand your question
User visits page "A"
User fills a form, then submits.
Your custom servlet handles the submitted POST request and calls:
request.getRequestDispatcher("/content/company/en/apps/welcomepage.html").forward(request, response);
You get the ConstraintViolationException
Why do you get this exception?
Since you are using forward the POST request is forwarded to /content/company/en/apps/welcomepage.html that node is most likely of type cq:Page, which has constraints on which properties can be added. Think of it as a simple post request trying to store parameters on the cq:Page node.
What can you do?
Since I don't understand your use-case and particularly why you need to preserve the submit params, I cannot recommend a specific solution. However, since you don't want the parameters in the URL, here is a potential solution you can try:
In your servlet handler, see those hidden params to cookies on the response.
use response.sendRedirect("/content/company/en/apps/welcomepage.html")
On any of the components in /content/company/en/apps/welcomepage.html, you can get the request cookies and process them however you like. same way you wanted to process those hidden params.
Now the flow becomes:
User visits page "A"
User fills a form, then submits.
Your custom servlet handles the submitted POST request, adds your special params to cookies on the response, then calls response.sendRedirect("/content/company/en/apps/welcomepage.html")
User's browser receives a 301 response with the cookies, sets the cookies in the browser then requests "/content/company/en/apps/welcomepage.html"
Your components handle the request and get the params from the cookies, then retuns the appropriate response.

Separate GET parameters from POST in embedded Jetty server

I need to know wheather the parameter is GET or POST but in handle method request.getParameter(name) gives me all parameters. Is it possible to do something like request.getGETParameter(name) and request.getPOSTParameter(name) or do I have to parse raw data myself?
There is no such thing as GET parameters and POST parameters. GET and POST are methods of HTTP request.
You can find out which method your request is by calling
public String getMethod();
on your request.
You might also want to take a look on the description of HTTP protocol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol
The difference between parameters being sent in GET in and POST method is that in GET request parameters are sent in query string, and in POST request these are sent in request body.

why we need to use get method inside a java file #RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)

In generally while sending form data from the ui pages we are using method="GET" or method="POST" in the form tag then what is the use of these methods in the server side programs. I am using these methods in spring while calling the methods in the controller #RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
Can anyone explain what is the real use of get or post methods in server side code
Loosely speaking, if the purpose of your method is to retrieve data from the server use GET. e.g. getting information to display on the client.
If you are sending data to the server use POST. e.g. sending information to the server to be saved on a database somewhere.
There is a limit to the size of data you can send to the server with a GET request.
The server side GET or POST is used to specify what the server expects to receive in order to accept the request. The client side GET or POST is used to specify what will be sent to the server. These two must match. You cannot send a GET request when server expects a POST and vice-versa.
When you are building a server application, it is important to know the appropriate request type to use, which by itself is a whole big different topic which you should research if it is you the one that builds the server side part.

How does doGet() support bookmarks?

Reading below link , I could note that "doGet() allows bookmarks".
http://www.developersbook.com/servlets/interview-questions/servlets-interview-questions-faqs.php : search "It allows bookmarks"
Can anyone tell how and what is the use of it ?
All the parameters of GET request are contained in the url so when you are requesting for a resource using GET request, it can be formed using request URL itself.
Consider an example www.somesite.com.somePage.jsp. This generates a GET request because we are asking for a resource somePage.jsp.
If you are asking for a resource, then it is the GET request.
GET requests are used to retrieve data.
any GET request calls the doGet() method of servlet
GET requests are idempotent, i.e. calling the same resource again and again do not cause any side effects to the resources.
Hence, a GET request can have bookmarks
As suggested by Jerry Andrews, POST methods do not have the query data unlike GET requests to form the resource properly with the help of only url. Hence they are not bookmarked.
It means that If you bookmark the URL of the servlet that has doGet() implemented, you could always get the same page again when you re-visit. This is very common when you have searches, link for products, news, etc.

AS2: Does xml.sendAndLoad use POST or GET?

I'm trying to find out, unambiguously, what method (GET or POST) Flash/AS2 uses with XML.sendAndLoad.
Here's what the help/docs (http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=LiveDocs_Parts&file=00002340.html) say about the function
Encodes the specified XML object into
an XML document, sends it to the
specified URL using the POST method,
downloads the server's response, and
loads it into the resultXMLobject
specified in the parameters.
However, I'm using this method to send XML data to a Java Servlet developed and maintained by another team of developers. And they're seeing log entries that look like this:
GET /portal/delegate/[someService]?svc=setPayCheckInfo&XMLStr=[an encoded version of the XML I send]
After a Google search to figure out why the POST shows up as a GET in their log, I found this Adobe technote (http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/159/tn_15908.html). Here's what it says:
When loadVariables or getURL actions are
used to send data to Java servlets it
can appear that the data is being sent
using a GET request, when the POST
method was specified in the Flash
This happens because Flash sends the
data in a GET/POST hybrid format. If
the data were being sent using a GET
request, the variables would appear in
a query string appended to the end of
the URL. Flash uses a GET server
request, but the Name/Value pairs
containing the variables are sent in a
second transmission using POST.
Although this causes the servlet to
trigger the doGet() method, the
variables are still available in the
server request.
I don't really understand that. What is a "GET/POST hybrid format"?
Why does the method Flash uses (POST or GET) depend on whether the data is sent to a Java servlet or elsewhere (e.g., a PHP page?)
Can anyone make sense of this? Many thanks in advance!
Have you try doing something like that :
var sendVar=new LoadVars();
var xml=new XML("<r>test</r>");
var receiveXML=new XML();
function onLoad(success) {
if (success) {
} else {
sendVar.sendAndLoad("http://mywebserver", receiveXML, "POST");
The hybrid format is just a term Macromedia invented to paint over its misuse of HTTP.
HTTP is very vague on what you can do with GET and POST. But the convention is that no message body is used in GET. Adobe violates this convention by sending parameters in the message body.
Flash sends the same request regardless of the server. You have problem in Servlet because most implementation (like Tomcat) ignores message body for GET. PHP doesn't care the verb and it processes the message body for GET too.
