Can gRPC server reclaim the DEADLINE_EXCEEDED thread immediately? - java

Is it right to say that - java gRPC server thread will still run even after the DEADLINE time. But, gRPC server will stop/block that thread only from making any subsequent gRPC calls since the DEADLINE time has crossed?
If the above is a correct statement, then is there a way to stop / block the thread making any Redis / DB calls as well for which DEADLINE time has crossed ? Or once the DEADLINE time is crossed, interrupt the thread immedietly?

Is it right to say that - java gRPC server thread will still run even after the DEADLINE time.
Correct. Java doesn't offer any real alternatives.
But, gRPC server will stop/block that thread only from making any subsequent gRPC calls since the DEADLINE time has crossed?
Mostly. Outgoing gRPC calls observe the io.grpc.Context, which means deadlines and cancellations are propagated (unless you fail to propagate Context to another thread or use Context.fork()).
If the above is a correct statement, then is there a way to stop / block the thread making any Redis / DB calls as well for which DEADLINE time has crossed ? Or once the DEADLINE time is crossed, interrupt the thread immedietly?
You can listen for the Context cancellation via Context.addListener(). The gRPC server will cancel the Context when the deadline expires and if the client cancels the RPC. This notification is how outgoing RPCs are cancelled.
I will note that thread interruption is a bit involved to perform without racing. If you want interruption and don't have a Future already, I suggest wrapping your work in a FutureTask (and simply calling on the current thread) in order to get its non-racy cancel(true) implementation.
final FutureTask<Void> future = new FutureTask<Void>(work, null);
Context current = Context.current();
CancellationListener listener = new CancellationListener() {
#Override public void cancelled(Context context) {

You can check Context.isCancelled() before making Redis / DB queries, and throw StatusException(CANCELLED) if it has.


Connection timed out latency

I have a microservice for spring boot 2 and it interacts with other services. I got a problem that when I call another service using resttemlate, and it is not available, the main thread stops and waits for a response from this service and as a result, after 15 seconds, it receives a Connection time out response. The problem is that I cannot wait this time. I need the service to work without delay and not wait a few seconds until another service responds or does not respond. How can this problem be solved? I think you can start another thread with a request to that service, and let the main thread continue to work without delay, is this the right solution? Is there a ready-made solution in Spring Boot for my problem?
You can set timeout for resttemplate. Give your desired value.
int timeout = 1; // time here is in milliseconds.
HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory rf =
(HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory) restTemplate.getRequestFactory();

How to let tomcat main thread get more clients' request instead of sleeping for future.isDone()

I read about Callable and Futures in java.
I want to run a java web-server that does some background callable.
I have a few questions:
1) future.get() blocks my main thread.
while (!future.isDone()) {
is a busy wait.
How should I release the main thread (tomcat thread) to dispatch more clients' requests?
If it sleeps in a while it somehow context switched to get more clients' requests?
2) In general, how does tomcat makes the server stateless?
meaning each field of my Java server class is thread safe because a new instance is created for each client request?

How do I stop a Camel route when JVM gets to a certain heap size?

I am using Apache Camel to connect to various endpoints, including JMS topics, and write to a database. Sometimes the database connection fails (for whatever reason, database issue, network blip, etc) and the messages from the topic subscriber start backing up. At a certain point, there are so many messages backed up waiting to be written to the database that the application throws an out of memory error. So far I understand all that.
The problem I have is the following: When the application is frantically trying to garbage collect before eventually giving up and accepting that it is out of memory, the application stops working, but is still alive. This means that the topic subscriber is still seen as active by the JMS provider, but not reading anything off the topic, so the provider starts queueing up the messages. Eventually the provider falls over also when the maximum depth runs out.
How can I configure my application to either disconnect when reaching a certain heap usage, or kill itself completely much much faster when running out of memory? I believe there are some JVM parameters that allow the application to kill itself much quicker when running out of memory, but I am wondering if that is the best solution or whether there is another way?
First of all I think you should use a JDBC connection pool that is capable of refreshing failed connections. So you do not run into the described scenario in the first place. At least not if the DB/network issue is short lived.
Next I'd protect the message broker by applying producer flow control (at least thats how it is called in ActiveMQ). I.e. prevent message producers from submitting more messages if a certain memory threshold has been breached. If the thresholds are set correctly, then that will prevent your message broker from falling over.
As for your original question: I'd use JMX to monitor the VM. If some metric, e.g. memory, breaches a threshold then you can suspend or shut down the route or the whole Camel context via the MBeans Camel exposes.
You can control (start/stop and suspend/resume) Camel routes using the Camel context methods .stop(), .start(), .suspend() and .resume().
You can spin a separate thread that monitors the current VM memory and stops the required route when a certain condition is met.
new Thread() {
public void run() {
while(true) {
long free = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
boolean routeRunning = camelContext.isRouteStarted("yourRoute");
if (free < threshold && routeRunning) {
} else if (free > threshold && !routeRunning) {
// Check every 10 seconds
As commented in the other answer, relying on this is not particularly robust, but at least a little more robust than getting an OutOfMemoryException. Note that you need to .stop() the route, .suspend() does not deallocate resources, which means the connection with the queue provider is still open and the service looks like it is open for business.
You can also stop the route as part of the error handling of the route itself (this is possibly more robust but would require manual intervention to restart the route once the error is cleared, or a scheduled route that periodically checks if the error condition still exists and restart the route if it is gone). The thing to keep in mind is that you cannot stop a route from the same thread that is servicing the route at the time so you need to spin a separate thread that does the stopping. For example:
// Handle SQL Exceptions by shutting down the route
.process(new Processor() {
// This processor spawns a new thread that stops the current route
Thread stop;
public void process(final Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
if (stop == null) {
stop = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
// Stop the current route
} catch (Exception e) {}
// start the thread in background
// Standard route processors go here

Why does Netty's ExecutorUtil.terminate() call ExecutionHandler.shutdownNow()?

I've to manage a client-server-application with > 1K connected clients using netty 3.5.1. Sometimes updates get lost which are written to database when we disconnect our clients through restarting our servers. When performing a restart/shutdown, we shutdown our Netty components like this:
shutdown server-channel
disconnect all clients (via ChannelGroupFuture)
call releaseExternalResources() on our ChannelPipeline
call releaseExternalResources() on our ExecutionHandler which is part of our ChannelPipeline (is it necessary to invoke it manually?)
However I wonder why ExecutorUtil.terminate (which is called by the ExecutionHandler) does a shutdownNow on the passed ExecutorService, because shutdownNow drains all existing tasks in the queue and returns them. The tasks won't be executed because ExecutorUtil.terminate is of type void. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to invoke shutdown on the ExecutorService and wait for the completion?
That's a good suggestion.. Would you mind open a issue for it on our issue tracker[1]
[1 ]

Call a Web Service from Servlet at AppEngine

Question: What is best way to call a web service (0.5-1.5 seconds/call) from a servlet at AppEngine? Are blocking calls are scalable at AppEngine environment?
Context: I am developing a web application using AppEngine and J2EE. The applications calls Amazon web service to grab some information for the user. From my experience, best way to do the calls - is to use async http handler to prevent starvation at IIS thread pool. This feature is not available for J2EE with Servlet 2.5 spec (3.0 is planned).
Right now I am thinking of making my controllers (and servlets) thread safe and request scoped. Is there anything also that I can do? Is it even an issue in J2EE + AppEngine environment?
EDIT: I am aware of AppEngine and JAX-WS async invocation support, but I am not sure how it play with servlet environment. As far as I understand, to complete servlet request, the code still should wait for async WS call completion (callback or whatever).
I assume that doing it using synchronization primitives will block current working thread.
So, as far as thread is blocked, to serve another user request servlet container need to allocate new thread in thread pool, allocate new memory for stack and waste time for context switching. Moreover, requests can block entire server, when we run out of threads in thread pool. This assumptions are based on ASP.Net and IIS thread model. Are they applicable to J2EE environment?
ANSWER: After studying Apache and GAE documentation, it seems that starvation of threads in the thread pool is not a real issue. Apache, by default has 200 threads for thread pool (compared to 25 in asp.NET and IIS). Based on this I can infer that threads are rather cheap in JVM.
In case if async processing is really required or servlet container will run out of threads, it's possible to redesign the application to send response via google channel api.
The workflow will look like:
Make sync request to servlet
Servlet makes creates channel for async reply and queues task for background worker
Servlet returns response to client
[Serving other requests]
Background worker does processing and pushes data to client via channel api
As you observe, servlets don't support using a single thread to service multiple concurrent requests - one thread is required per request. The best way to do your HTTP call is to use asynchronous urlfetch, and wait on that call to complete when you need the result. This will block the request's thread, but there's no avoiding that - the thread is dedicated to the current request until it terminates no matter what you do.
If you don't need the response from the API call to serve the user's request, you could use the task queue to do the work offline, instead.
Isn't it OK to use fetchAsync?
looks at this, this might help
I am not sure, If you can exactly replicate what you do in dot net, Here is what you could do to may be to simulate it page on load
Submit an ajax request to controller using a java script body onload
In the controller start the async task and send the response back the user and use a session token to keep track of the task
You can poll the controller (add another method to ask for update of the task, since you have session token to track the task) until u get the response
You can do this either waiting for response page or hidden frame that keeps polling the controller
Once you have the response that you are looking for remove the session token
If you want to do that would be the best option instead of polling would be ideal in this case Reverse Ajax / server push
Edit: Now I understand what you mean, I think you can have your code execute async task not wait for response from async itself, just send response back to the user. I have simple thread that I will start but will wait for it to finish as I send the response back to the user and the same time use a session token to track the request
public class AsyncCotroller {
#RequestMapping(value = "/async.html", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView dialogController(Model model, HttpServletRequest request)
System.err.println("(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) " + (System.currentTimeMillis()/1000));
//start a thread (async simulator)
new Thread(new MyRunnbelImpl()).start();
//use this attribute to track response
request.getSession().setAttribute("asyncTaskSessionAttribute", "asyncTaskSessionAttribute");
//if you look at the print of system out, you will see that it is not waiting on //async task
System.err.println("(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) " + (System.currentTimeMillis()/1000));
return new ModelAndView("test");
class MyRunnbelImpl implements Runnable
public void run()
} catch (InterruptedException e)
