Actually I read lots of posts for this question, but did not get the exact reason/answer for "Why does Hashmap allow a null key?". Please can anyone give me the exact answer with an example?
One interpretation of your question:
why hashmap allowed [only] one null key?
Ask yourself: if HashMap allowed more than one null key, how would the map object distinguish between them?
Hint: there is only one null value.
Alternative interpretation of your question
why hashmap allowed [a] null key?
Because it is useful in some circumstances, and because there is no real semantic need to disallow it1, 2.
By contrast, with TreeMap null keys are disallowed because supporting them would be difficult given the implications of orderings involving null.
Given that the specified semantics for Comparable is to throw NPE.
Comparator is allowed to order null, but it is not required to. And many common implementations don't.
So if null was allowed with TreeMap, then the behavior of a map could be different depending on whether a Comparator or a Comparable is used. Messy.
1 - At least, that was the view when they specified HashMap in Java 1.2 back in 1998. Some of the designers may have changed their minds since then, but since the behavior is clearly specified it cannot be changed without messing up compatibility. It won't happen ...
2 - Support for null keys requires some special case code in HashMap which at least adds complexity to the implementation. It is not clear if it is a performance overhead for HashMap, since there would still need to be an implicit test for a null keys even if null keys were not allowed. This is most likely down in the noise.
Java engineers must have realized that having a null key and values has its uses like using them for default cases. So, they provided HashMap class with collection framework in Java 5 with capability of storing null key and values.
The put method to insert key value pair in HashMap checks for null key and stores it at the first location of the internal table array. It isn’t afraid of the null values and does not throw NullPointerException like Hashtable does.
Now, there can be only one null key as keys have to be unique although we can have multiple null values associated with different keys.
this link can answer more hashmap null key explained
The javadoc for HashMap.put clearly states:
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map. If the map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced.
It clearly states what happens when you do a put with a key which was already in the map. The specific case of key == null behaves in the same way: you can't have two different mappings for the null key (just like you can't for any other key).
This is still viewed as a mistake done in early implementations of HashMap that unfortunately people where (are?) relying on (as well as some particular order until java-8). The thing is, having this null key you could always pass some metadata along with your actual data "for free". Notice that all new collections ConcurrentHashMap, Map.of (in java-9), etc - all prohibit nulls to start with.
With Java 9, new factory methods have been introduced for the List, Set and Map interfaces. These methods allow quickly instantiating a Map object with values in one line. Now, if we consider:
Map<Integer, String> map1 = new HashMap<Integer, String>(Map.of(1, "value1", 2, "value2", 3, "value3"));
map1.put(4, null);
The above is allowed without any exception while if we do:
Map<Integer, String> map2 = Map.of(1, "value1", 2, "value2", 3, "value3", 4, null );
It throws:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.base/java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(
I am not able to get, why null is not allowed in second case.
I know HashMap can take null as a key as well as a value but why was that restricted in the case of Map.of?
The same thing happens in the case of java.util.Set.of("v1", "v2", null) and java.util.List.of("v1", "v2", null).
As others pointed out, the Map contract allows rejecting nulls...
[S]ome implementations prohibit null keys and values [...]. Attempting to insert an ineligible key or value throws an unchecked exception, typically NullPointerException or ClassCastException.
... and the collection factories (not just on maps) make use of that.
They disallow null keys and values. Attempts to create them with null keys or values result in NullPointerException.
But why?
Allowing null in collections is by now seen as a design error. This has a variety of reasons. A good one is usability, where the most prominent trouble maker is Map::get. If it returns null, it is unclear whether the key is missing or the value was null. Generally speaking, collections that are guaranteed null free are easier to use. Implementation-wise, they also require less special casing, making the code easier to maintain and more performant.
You can listen to Stuart Marks explain it in this talk but JEP 269 (the one that introduced the factory methods) summarizes it as well:
Null elements, keys, and values will be disallowed. (No recently introduced collections have supported nulls.) In addition, prohibiting nulls offers opportunities for a more compact internal representation, faster access, and fewer special cases.
Since HashMap was already out in the wild when this was slowly discovered, it was too late to change it without breaking existing code but most recent implementations of those interfaces (e.g. ConcurrentHashMap) do not allow null anymore and the new collections for the factory methods are no exception.
(I thought another reason was that explicitly using null values was seen as a likely implementation error but I got that wrong. That was about to duplicate keys, which are illegal as well.)
So disallowing null had some technical reason but it was also done to improve the robustness of the code using the created collections.
Exactly - a HashMap is allowed to store null, not the Map returned by the static factory methods. Not all maps are the same.
Generally as far as I know it has a mistake in the first place to allow nulls in the HashMap as keys, newer collections ban that possibility to start with.
Think of the case when you have an Entry in your HashMap that has a certain key and value == null. You do get, it returns null. What does the mean? It has a mapping of null or it is not present?
Same goes for a Key - hashcode from such a null key has to treated specially all the time. Banning nulls to start with - make this easier.
In my opinion non-nullability makes sense for keys, but not for values.
The Map interface becomes a weak contract, you can't trust it's behaviour without looking at the implementation, and that is assuming you have access to see it. Java11's Map.of() does not allow null values while HashMap does, but they both implement the same Map contract - how come?
Having a null value or no value at all could not, and arguably should not be considered as a distinct scenario. When you get the value for a key and you get null, who cares if it was explicitly put there or not? there's simply no value for the supplied key, the map does not contain such key, simple as that. Null is null, there's no nullnull or null^2
Existing libraries make extensive use of map as a means to pass properties to them, many of them optional, this makes Map.of() useless as a construct for such structures.
Kotlin enforces nullability at compile time and allows for maps with null values with no known issues.
The reason behind not allowing null values is probably just due to implementation detail and convenience of the creator.
While HashMap does allow null values, Map.of does not use a HashMap and throws an exception if one is used either as key or value, as documented:
The Map.of() and Map.ofEntries() static factory methods provide a convenient way to create immutable maps. The Map instances created by these methods have the following characteristics:
They disallow null keys and values. Attempts to create them with null keys or values result in NullPointerException.
Allowing nulls in maps has been an error. We can see it now, but I guess it wasn't clear when HashMap was introduced. NullpointerException is the most common bug seen in production code.
I would say that the JDK goes in the direction of helping developers fight the NPE plague. Some examples:
Introduction of Optional
Collectors.toMap(keyMapper, valueMapper) doesn't allow neither the keyMapper nor the valueMapper function to return a null value
Stream.findFirst() and Stream.findAny() throw NPE if the value found is null
So, I think that disallowing null in the new JDK9 immutable collections (and maps) goes in the same direction.
The major difference is: when you build your own Map the "option 1" way ... then you are implicitly saying: "I want to have full freedom in what I am doing".
So, when you decide that your map should have a null key or value (maybe for the reasons listed here) then you are free to do so.
But "option 2" is about a convenience thing - probably intended to be used for constants. And the people behind Java simply decided: "when you use these convenience methods, then the resulting map shall be null-free".
Allowing for null values means that
if (map.contains(key))
is not the same as
if (map.get(key) != null)
which might be a problem sometimes. Or more precisely: it is something to remember when dealing with that very map object.
And just an anecdotal hint why this seems to be a reasonable approach: our team implemented similar convenience methods ourselves. And guess what: without knowing anything about plans about future Java standard methods - our methods do the exact same thing: they return an immutable copy of the incoming data; and they throw up when you provide null elements. We are even so strict that when you pass in empty lists/maps/... we complain as well.
The documentation does not say why null is not allowed:
They disallow null keys and values. Attempts to create them with null keys or values result in NullPointerException.
In my opinion, the Map.of() and Map.ofEntries() static factory methods, which are going to produce a constant, are mostly formed by a developer at the compile type. Then, what is the reason to keep a null as the key or the value?
Whereas, the Map#put is usually used by filling a map at runtime where null keys/values could occur.
Not all Maps allow null as key
The reason mentioned in the docs of Map.
Some map implementations have restrictions on the keys and values they may contain. For example, some implementations prohibit null keys and values, and some have restrictions on the types of their keys. Attempting to insert an ineligible key or value throws an unchecked exception, typically NullPointerException or ClassCastException.
Can please someone explain me the following:
it is clear for me why null keys (values) are prohibited in Java sorted collections
But why they are not allowed in HashTable, ConcurrentHashMap and ... Properties
Does it relates somehow to thread-safety?
Is null value allowed/prohibited in CopyOnWriteArrayList? Why?
Thank you
There are 2 questions here. Both can be answered by reading the docs.
1 - Why HashTable, ConcurrentHashMap and Properties cannot receive "null" as a key?
To successfully store and retrieve objects from a hashtable, the objects used as keys must implement the hashCode method and the equals method.
Conversely, because keys and values in the map are never null, null serves as a reliable atomic indicator of the current lack of any result.
The Properties class extends HashTable, so you already got the reason.
2 - Is null value allowed/prohibited in CopyOnWriteArrayList? Why?
All elements are permitted, including null.
There is no further explanation on why is that, but I believe it's a design decision.
But why they are not allowed in HashTable
From the Doc:
To successfully store and retrieve objects from a Hashtable, the
objects used as keys must implement the hashCode method and the equals method.
of a null referenced object is impossible to get that information(because is null)
Is null value allowed/prohibited in CopyOnWriteArrayList??
from the source code
public class CopyOnWriteArrayList<E>
A thread-safe variant of java.util.ArrayList in which all mutative
operations (add, set, and so on) are implemented by making a fresh
copy of the underlying array. ...
Element-changing operations on iterators themselves (remove,
set, and add) are not supported. These methods throw
All elements are permitted, including null.
some times it helps reading the doc:
Today I was fixing one defect and found a very interesting thing.
I was trying to put a key value pair in hashmap. (I was assuming that key is there but later it was found to be null).
So while retrieving the value using a key , I was not getting null every time.
Later I found that key is null , I corrected it.
But then I see the code for put method of Hashmap.
Why does it does not gives an exception when the key is null ?
It calls putForNullKey private method. What does it do?
But i am thinking it should give some exception if the key is null.
Why they have not implemented it like that?
Key Value pair is not useful if a key is null?
From the Javadoc for HashMap:
Hash table based implementation of the Map interface.
This implementation provides all of the optional map
operations, and permits null values and the null key
This is by design, and it is documented. The 'why' question is hard to answer, but it has been that way since HashMap (and before that, Hashtable) were introduced (Edit, actually, Hashtable did not allow nulls).
As to why it has the putForNullKey, well HashMap relies on the hashCode() of a key to place it, and, since it can't get the hashCode() from a null value, it has to do it as a special case.
HashMap allows only one null key. So whenever any one want to put some value with null it calls putForNullKey method inside the put method and in putForNullKey method it places the value at zero index.
For getting value by null key it also has a method getForNullKey which it calls from inside the get method.
It's one of the differences between a Hashtable and a HashMap.
Hashtable does not allow null keys or values. HashMap allows one null key and any number of null values.
Usually, we use the null key to represent the default case (i.e. the value that should be used if a given key isn't present)
I want a map indexed by two keys (a map in which you put AND retrieve values using two keys) in Java. Just to be clear, I'm looking for the following behavior:
map.put(key1, key2, value);
map.get(key1, key2); // returns value
map.get(key2, key1); // returns null
map.get(key1, key1); // returns null
What's the best way to to it? More specifically, should I use:
Map<Pair<K1,K2>, V>
(where K1,K2,V are the types of first key, second key and value respectively)
You should use Map<Pair<K1,K2>, V>
It will only contain one map,
instead of N+1 maps
Key construction
will be obvious (creation of the
Nobody will get confused as to
the meaning of the Map as its
programmer facing API won't have changed.
Dwell time in the data structure would be shorter, which is good if you find you need to synchronize it later.
If you're willing to bring in a new library (which I recommend), take a look at Table in Guava. This essentially does exactly what you're looking for, also possibly adding some functionality where you may want all of the entries that match one of your two keys.
interface Table<R,C,V>
A collection that associates an
ordered pair of keys, called a row key
and a column key, with a single value.
A table may be sparse, with only a
small fraction of row key / column key
pairs possessing a corresponding
I'd recommend going for the second option
The first one will generate more overload when retrieving data, and even more when inserting/removing data from the Map. Every time that you put a new Value V, you'll need to check if the Map for K1 exists, if not create it and put it inside the main Map, and then put the value with K2.
If you want to have an interface as you're exposing initially wrap your Map<Pair<K1,K2>,V> with your own "DoubleKeyMap".
(And don't forget to properly implement the methods hash and equals in the Pair class!!)
While I also am on board with what you proposed (a pair of values to use as the key), you could also consider making a wrapper which can hold/match both keys. This might get somewhat confusing since you would need to override the equals and hashCode methods and make that work, but it could be a straightforward way of indicating to the next person using your code that the key must be of a special type.
Searching a little bit, I found this post which may be of use to you. In particular, out of the Apache Commons Collection, MultiKeyMap. I've never used this before, but it looks like a decent solution and may be worth exploring.
I would opt for the Map<Pair<K1,K2>, V> solution, because:
it directly expresses what you want to do
is potentially faster because it uses fewer indirections
simplifies the client code (the code that uses the Map afterwards
Logically, you Pair (key1, key2) corresponds to something since it is the key of your map. Therefore you may consider writing your own class having K1 and K2 as parameters and overriding the hashCode() method (plus maybe other methods for more convenience).
This clearly appears to be a "clean" way to solve your problem.
I have used array for the key: like this
Map<Array[K1,K2], V>
Hashtable does not allow null keys or values, while HashMap allows null values and 1 null key.
Why is this so?
How is it useful to have such a key and values in HashMap?
1. Why is this so?
HashMap is newer than Hashtable and fixes some of its limitations.
I can only guess what the designers were thinking, but here are my guesses:
Hashtable calculates a hash for each key by calling hashCode on each key. This would fail if the key were null, so this could be a reason for disallowing nulls as keys.
The method Hashtable.get returns null if the key is not present. If null were a valid value it would be ambiguous as to whether null meant that the key was present but had value null, or if the key was absent. Ambiguity is bad, so this could be a reason for disallowing nulls as values.
However it turns out that sometimes you do actually want to store nulls so the restrictions were removed in HashMap. The following warning was also included in the documentation for HashMap.get:
A return value of null does not necessarily indicate that the map contains no mapping for the key; it is also possible that the map explicitly maps the key to null.
2. How is it useful to have such a key and values in HashMap?
It is useful to explicitly store null to distinguish between a key that you know exists but doesn't have an associated value and a key that doesn't exist. An example is a list of registered users and their birthdays. If you ask for a specific user's birthday you want to be able to distinguish between that user not existing and the user existing but they haven't entered their birthday.
I can't think of any (good) reason for wanting to store null as a key, and in general I'd advise against using null as a key, but presumably there is at least one person somewhere that needs that keys that can be null.
Well, I think Mark Byers answered perfectly, so just a simple example where null values and keys can be useful:
Imagine you have an expensive function that always returns the same result for the same input. A map is a simple way for caching its results. Maybe sometimes the function will return null, but you need to save it anyway, because the execution is expensive. So, null values must be stored. The same applies to null key if it's an accepted input for the function.
HashTable is very old class , from JDK 1.0.The classes which are in place from JDK 1.0 are called Legacy classes and by default they are synchronized.
To understand this, first of all you need to understand comments written on this class by author.
“This class implements a hashtable, which maps keys to values. Any non-null object can be used as a key or as a value. To successfully store and retrieve objects from a hashtable, the objects used as keys must implement the hashCode method and the equals method.”
HashTable class is implemented on hashing mechanism, means to store any key-value pair, its required hash code of key object. HashTable calculates a hash for each key by calling hashCode on each key. This would fail If key would be null, it will not be able to give hash for null key, it will throw NullPointerException and similar is the case for value, throwing null if the value is null.
But later on it was realised that null key and value has its own importance, then revised implementations of HashTable were introduced like HashMap which allow one null key and multiple null values.
For HashMap, it allows one null key and there is a null check for keys, if the key is null then that element will be stored in a zero location in Entry array.
We cannot have more than one Null key in HashMap because Keys are unique therefor only one Null key and many Null values are allowed.
USE - Null key we can use for some default value.
Modified and better implementation of HashTable was later introduced as ConcurrentHashMap.
In addition to what answered by Mark Bayers,,
Null is considered as data and it has to be stored as a value for further checking. In many cases null as value can be used to check if key entry is there but no value is assigned to it, so some action can be taken accordingly. This can be done by first checking if key is there, and then getting value.
There is one more case in which just put whatever data is coming(without any check). All the checks are applied to it after getting it.
Whereas null as a key, i think can be used to define some default data. Usually null as a key does not make much sense.
Sir HashMap is also internally uses hashCode() method for inserting an element in HashMap, so I think this will be not the proper reason for "why HashTable allow null key"
It will make the Map interface easier to use / less verbose. null is a legitimate value for reference types. Making the map able to handle null keys and values will eliminate the need for null checking before calling the api. So the map api create less "surprises" during runtime.
For example, it is common that map will be used to categorize a collection of homogeneous objects based a single field. When map is compatible with null, the code will be more concise as it is just a simple loop without any if statement (of course you will need to make sure the collection does not have null elements). Fewer lines of code with no branch / exception handling will be more likely to be logically correct.
On the other hand, not allowing null will not make the map interface better/safer/easier to use. It is not practical to rely on the map to reject nulls - that means exception will be thrown and you have to catch and handle it. Or, to get rid of the exception you will have to ensure nothing is null before calling the map methods - in which case you don't care if map accepts null since you filtered the input anyway.