How to delete the entire Exchange Calender activities using Java EWS api? - java

I have written the code as below where it deletes the Appointment having current date but is there a way where i can delete the entire Calendar Appointments in one shot. Thanks in Advance
epublic static HashSet<String> userEventEws(ExchangeService service) {
HashSet<String> listSubject = new HashSet<String>();
Calendar yesterday = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
yesterday.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
now.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
Date startDate = yesterday.getTime();
Date endDate = now.getTime();
try {
CalendarFolder calendarFolder = CalendarFolder.bind(service, WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, new PropertySet());
CalendarView cView = new CalendarView(startDate,endDate);
cView.setPropertySet(new PropertySet(AppointmentSchema.Subject, AppointmentSchema.Start, AppointmentSchema.End));// we can set other properties
// as well depending upon our need.
FindItemsResults appointments = calendarFolder.findAppointments(cView);
List <Appointment>appList = appointments.getItems();
for (Appointment appointment : appList) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return listSubject;

Generally the two options you have is you can batch delete the Items that you return from FindItems (find appointments will expand the recurring appointments which if you want to delete all the Items you don't want to do just delete the Master and single instances instead see )
The other option would be to use the Empty Folder operation which should work in 2013 and above


How to access list inside another function in the same class Java

I made a post and get mapping inside my java controller layer. The post mapping gathers data such as the starting date, end date, and number of Guests from the front end.
Inside the service layer, the first function filters the available apartments. However, I want to make a get mapping which can access the list of available apartments so this can be displayed in the front end. I tried this in the service layer with the second function. Unfortunately, this function only shows the entire apartment list. Does anybody know how I can get a function that can access the list from the first function so that I can display the filtered available apartments?
Apartment Controller Layer
#PostMapping(value = "api/availableapartments")
public List<Apartment> getAvailableApartments(#RequestBody String request)throws JSONException, ParseException {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(request);
DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Date startDate = format.parse(String.valueOf(jsonObject.getString("startDate")));
Date endDate = format.parse(String.valueOf(jsonObject.getString("endDate")));
Integer numberOfBeds = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(jsonObject.getString("numberOfBeds")));
return apartmentService.getAvailableApartments(numberOfBeds, startDate, endDate);
#GetMapping(value = "api/availableapartments")
public List<Apartment> getAvailableApartments(){
return apartmentService.getAllAvailableApartments();
Apartment service layer
public class ApartmentService {
public List<Apartment> getAvailableApartments(Integer requestedBeds, Date startDate, Date endDate){
List<Apartment> allApartments = apartmentRepository.findAll();
List<Apartment> availableApartments = new ArrayList<>();
//going through all apartments
for(Apartment apartment : allApartments){
if(apartment.getAvailableBeds() >= requestedBeds){
if(reservationService.checkAvailability(apartment, startDate, endDate)){
return availableApartments;
public List<Apartment> getAllAvailableApartments(){
List<Apartment> allApartments = apartmentRepository.findAll();
List<Apartment> allAvailableApartments = new ArrayList<>();
for(Apartment apartments : allApartments){
return allAvailableApartments;
Not sure I understood the question exactly, but in this scenario it's better not to use a POST request just to POST an object containing some search parameters.
Instead of the POST you should use a GET with parameters for the filtering. That way you do the filtering in the GET request and don't need to "access the POST" request.
Have a look here

Why are accessibility service not working to take user actions?

public void onAccessibilityEvent(final AccessibilityEvent event) {
Date date = new Date(event.getEventTime());
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm");
String time = format.format(date);
String reqTime = "25/11/2018 04:39";
if (reqTime.equals(time)) {
Log.d("MyAccessibilityService", "onAccessibilityEvent");
if (getRootInActiveWindow() == null) {
AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat rootInActiveWindow = AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.wrap(getRootInActiveWindow());
//Inspect app elements if ready
//Search bar is covered with textview which need to be clicked
List<AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat> clickOnQuestionMark = rootInActiveWindow.findAccessibilityNodeInfosByViewId("com.whatsapp:id/menuitem_search");
if (clickOnQuestionMark.isEmpty() || clickOnQuestionMark == null) {
AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat clickMark = clickOnQuestionMark.get(0);
I am using this code for simuating clicking whatsapp search button, but when I opened whatsapp window on 25-11-2018 at 4:39 nothing happened. The code was working fine when no time was alloted. But problem was that everytime whatsapp was opened the search button would get clicked. How to click on the search button only when whatsapp is opened at a specific time?
You can convert to LocalDate
LocalDate localDate = date.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDate();
and use equals method to specific LocalDate
Compares this LocalDate with another ensuring that the date is the same.
Only objects of type LocalDate are compared, other types return false.

Date insertion in Google sheet appending ' in cell

To write the data into the Google spreadsheet I am using following code.
private static void writeValuesInSpreedSheet(Sheets service, String spreadsheetId, int sheetSize) throws IOException {
String range = "A"+(sheetSize+1)+":K"+(sheetSize+1);
List<List<Object>> newData = new ArrayList<>();
List<Object> rowValues = new ArrayList();
/* List<Object> rowValues1 = new ArrayList();
// response.setValues(newData);
ValueRange oRange = new ValueRange();
oRange.setRange(range); // I NEED THE NUMBER OF THE LAST ROW
List<ValueRange> oList = new ArrayList<>();
BatchUpdateValuesRequest oRequest = new BatchUpdateValuesRequest();
BatchUpdateValuesResponse oResp1 = service.spreadsheets().values().batchUpdate(spreadsheetId, oRequest).execute();
System.out.println("Response Values " +oResp1.values());
private static Object getCurentDateInESTFormat() {
SimpleDateFormat sdfAmerica = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/YYYY");
String sDateInAmerica = sdfAmerica.format(new Date());
return sDateInAmerica;
In sheet we have defined the date and currency type of respective column.
I am able to write the data but eventually its prepending ' in the data for example - '09/04/2016
Because of this we are not able to open it into date format. I have attached one screen shot as well.
We are using Google Sheets API V4.
I am asking this question because i did not find any link/solution related to it.
When using the ValueInputOption RAW you need to pass dates in the serial number format. The Apache POI library provides a getExcelDate method that will handle most of this for you, but you'll need to add a day to account for the difference in the epoch used.

validateDateTimeRange tag for Oracle MAF

I'm trying to implement FROM and TO Date validation in Oracle MAF form.
In ADF I have seen the tag some thing like <af:validateDateTimeRange minimum="" maximum=""/>. From this blog you can get more details, It can be implemented in ADF application.
But I could't find such tag in Oracle MAF. Can you please suggest me, if you got any link to support this requirement?
you would need to use a value change listener. There is no equivalent tag in MAF
As suggested by Frank, below is the workaround to achieve this.
AMX Page:
<amx:inputDate value="#{bindings.inspFromDate.inputValue}" label="From Date" showRequired="true" inputType="datetime" valueChangeListener="#{validationBean.dateValidation}"/>
<amx:inputDate value="#{bindings.inspToDate.inputValue}" label="To Date" showRequired="true" inputType="datetime" valueChangeListener="#{validationBean.dateValidation}"/>
public void dateValidation(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) throws ParseException {
String fromDate = (String) AdfmfJavaUtilities.evaluateELExpression("#{bindings.inspFromDate.inputValue}");
String toDate = (String) AdfmfJavaUtilities.evaluateELExpression("#{bindings.inspToDate.inputValue}");
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX");
if (fromDate != null && !fromDate.isEmpty() && toDate != null && !toDate.isEmpty()) {
java.util.Date inputFromDate = formatter.parse(fromDate);
java.sql.Timestamp formattedFromDate = new Timestamp(inputFromDate.getTime());
java.util.Date inputToDate = formatter.parse(toDate);
java.sql.Timestamp formattedToDate = new Timestamp(inputToDate.getTime());
if (formattedFromDate.compareTo(formattedToDate) > 0) {
System.out.println("fromDate is greater than toDate");
throw new AdfException("From Date should be less than To Date.!", AdfException.INFO);
} else if (formattedFromDate.compareTo(formattedToDate) < 0) {
System.out.println("fromDate is less than toDate");
} else if (formattedFromDate.compareTo(formattedToDate) == 0) {
System.out.println("fromDate is equal to toDate");
This method will get both from date and to date from the front screen and convert into timestamp format to validate which is greater.
If From Date is greater than To Date, then it will show you the alert by saying that "From Date should be less than To Date.!". Below is the screenshot, how it will render in the front screen.
Hope this helps some one.!

Android - Create Custom Calendar with Event

I have an App which shows special Days. I want to integrate them into the calendar.
The events are static, they don't change, so I don't have to update the calendar very often.
I first thought of creating a local calendar and add the events, but new android versions (since 2.3?) seem not to support that; to implement I would have to create a Calendar Provider.
I saw this project on github: It is very complicated; its main use is adding the birthdays of the contacts to a new calendar.
There is lots of code, much of which I don't think I need. Do I really need to register to android's account manager to integrate a Calendar Provider? I just need a new Calendar with my event...
Would it be easier to take the user's default Calendar and add all the Events there? I could add some identifiers to the description, to be able to remove the events if the user doesn't want them.
Any tips, tutorials, or further readings are appreciated.
Metin Kale
You can create events in your device calendar via Intent. I think it could be useful for you.
public long addEventToCalender(ContentResolver cr, String title, String addInfo, String place, int status,
long startDate, boolean isRemind,long endDate) {
String eventUriStr = "content://";
ContentValues event = new ContentValues();
// id, We need to choose from our mobile for primary its 1
event.put("calendar_id", 1);
event.put("title", title);
event.put("description", addInfo);
event.put("eventLocation", place);
event.put("eventTimezone", "UTC/GMT +2:00");
// For next 1hr
event.put("dtstart", startDate);
event.put("dtend", endDate);
//If it is bithday alarm or such kind (which should remind me for whole day) 0 for false, 1 for true
// values.put("allDay", 1);
// event.put("eventStatus", status);
event.put("hasAlarm", 1);
Uri eventUri = cr.insert(Uri.parse(eventUriStr), event);
long eventID = Long.parseLong(eventUri.getLastPathSegment());
if (isRemind) {
String reminderUriString = "content://";
ContentValues reminderValues = new ContentValues();
reminderValues.put("event_id", eventID);
// Default value of the system. Minutes is a integer
reminderValues.put("minutes", 5);
// Alert Methods: Default(0), Alert(1), Email(2), SMS(3)
reminderValues.put("method", 1);
cr.insert(Uri.parse(reminderUriString), reminderValues); //Uri reminderUri =
return eventID;
For more information visit
In this reply you how to get contacts and birthdays.
Android Applicaiton - How to get birthday of a contact
and this library will offer you a powerful and flexible schedule so you can use
Caldroid Library
