Http Websocket as Akka Stream Source - java

I'd like to listen on a websocket using akka streams. That is, I'd like to treat it as nothing but a Source.
However, all official examples treat the websocket connection as a Flow.
My current approach is using the websocketClientFlow in combination with a Source.maybe. This eventually results in the upstream failing due to a TcpIdleTimeoutException, when there are no new Messages being sent down the stream.
Therefore, my question is twofold:
Is there a way – which I obviously missed – to treat a websocket as just a Source?
If using the Flow is the only option, how does one handle the TcpIdleTimeoutException properly? The exception can not be handled by providing a stream supervision strategy. Restarting the source by using a RestartSource doesn't help either, because the source is not the problem.
So I tried two different approaches, setting the idle timeout to 1 second for convenience
akka.http.client.idle-timeout = 1s
Using keepAlive (as suggested by Stefano)
.keepAlive(Duration.apply(1, "second"), () -> (Message) TextMessage.create("keepalive"))
.viaMat(Http.get(system).webSocketClientFlow(WebSocketRequest.create(websocketUri)), Keep.right())
{ ... }
When doing this, the Upstream still fails with a TcpIdleTimeoutException.
Using RestartFlow
However, I found out about this approach, using a RestartFlow:
final Flow<Message, Message, NotUsed> restartWebsocketFlow = RestartFlow.withBackoff(
Duration.apply(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS),
Duration.apply(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS),
() -> createWebsocketFlow(system, websocketUri)
.viaMat(restartWebsocketFlow, Keep.right()) // One can treat this part of the resulting graph as a `Source<Message, NotUsed>`
{ ... }
private Flow<Message, Message, CompletionStage<WebSocketUpgradeResponse>> createWebsocketFlow(final ActorSystem system, final String websocketUri) {
return Http.get(system).webSocketClientFlow(WebSocketRequest.create(websocketUri));
This works in that I can treat the websocket as a Source (although artifically, as explained by Stefano) and keep the tcp connection alive by restarting the websocketClientFlow whenever an Exception occurs.
This doesn't feel like the optimal solution though.

No. WebSocket is a bidirectional channel, and Akka-HTTP therefore models it as a Flow. If in your specific case you care only about one side of the channel, it's up to you to form a Flow with a "muted" side, by using either Flow.fromSinkAndSource(Sink.ignore, mySource) or Flow.fromSinkAndSource(mySink, Source.maybe), depending on the case.
as per the documentation:
Inactive WebSocket connections will be dropped according to the
idle-timeout settings. In case you need to keep inactive connections
alive, you can either tweak your idle-timeout or inject ‘keep-alive’
messages regularly.
There is an ad-hoc combinator to inject keep-alive messages, see the example below and this Akka cookbook recipe. NB: this should happen on the client side.
src.keepAlive(1.second, () => TextMessage.Strict("ping"))

I hope I understand your question correctly. Are you looking for asSourceOf?
path("measurements") {
entity(asSourceOf[Measurement]) { measurements =>
// measurement has type Source[Measurement, NotUsed]


Spring Cloud Stream - notice and handle errors in broker

I am fairly new to developing distributed applications with messaging, and to Spring Cloud Stream in particular. I am currently wondering about best practices on how to deal with errors on the broker side.
In our application, we need to both consume and produce messages from/to multiple sources/destinations like this:
Consumer side
For consuming, we have defined multiple #Beans of type java.util.function.Consumer. The configuration for those looks like this:$Default$Default
This part works quite well - wenn starting the application, the exchanges "inputA" and "inputB" as well as the queues "inputA.$Default" and "inputB.$Default" with corresponding binding are automatically created in RabbitMQ.
Also, in case of an error (e.g. a queue is suddenly not available), the application gets notified immediately with a QueuesNotAvailableException and continuously tries to re-establish the connection.
My only question here is: Is there some way to handle this exception in code? Or, what are best practices to deal with failures like this on broker side?
Producer side
This one is more problematic. Producing messages is triggered by some internal logic, we cannot use function #Beans here. Instead, we currently rely on StreamBridge to send messages. The problem is that this approach does not trigger creation of exchanges and queues on startup. So when our code calls streamBridge.send("outputA", message), the message is sent (result is true), but it just disappears into the void since RabbitMQ automatically drops unroutable messages.
I found that with this configuration, I can at least get RabbitMQ to create exchanges and queues as soon as the first message is sent:;produceB$Default
I need to use streamBridge.send("produceA-out-0", message) in code to make it work, which is not too great since it means having explicit configuration hardcoded, but at least it works.
I also tried to implement the producer in a Reactor style as desribed in this answer, but in this case the exchange/queue also is not created on application startup and the sent message just disappears even though the return status of the sending method is "OK".
Failures on the broker side are not registered at all with this approach - when I simulate one e.g. by deleting the queue or the exchange, it is not registered by the application. Only when another message is sent, I get in the logs:
ERROR 21804 --- [] o.s.a.r.c.CachingConnectionFactory : Shutdown Signal: channel error; protocol method: #method<channel.close>(reply-code=404, reply-text=NOT_FOUND - no exchange 'produceA-out-0' in vhost '/', class-id=60, method-id=40)
But still, the result of StreamBridge#send was true in this case. But we need to know that sending did actually fail at this point (we persist the state of the sent object using this boolean return value). Is there any way to accomplish that?
Any other suggestions on how to make this producer scenario more robust? Best practices?
I found an interesting solution to the producer problem using correlations:
CorrelationData correlation = new CorrelationData(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
messageHeaderAccessor.setHeader(AmqpHeaders.PUBLISH_CONFIRM_CORRELATION, correlation);
Message<String> message = MessageBuilder.createMessage(payload, messageHeaderAccessor.getMessageHeaders());
boolean sent = streamBridge.send(channel, message);
try {
final CorrelationData.Confirm confirm = correlation.getFuture().get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (correlation.getReturned() == null && confirm.isAck()) {
// success logic
} else {
// failed logic
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// failed logic
} catch (ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) {
// failed logic
using these additional configurations:
This seems to work quite well, although I'm still clueless about the return value of StreamBridge#send, it is always true and I cannot find information in which cases it would be false. But the rest is fine, I can get information on issues with the exchange or the queue from the correlation or the confirm.
But this solution is very much focused on RabbitMQ, which causes two problems:
our application should be able to connect to different brokers (e.g. Azure Service Bus)
in tests we use Kafka binder and I don't know how to configure the application context to make it work in this case, too
Any help would be appreciated.
On the consumer side, you can listen for an event such as the ListenerContainerConsumerFailedEvent.
On the producer side, producers only know about exchanges, not any queues bound to them; hence the requiredGroups property which causes the queue to be bound.
You only need$Default - you can send to arbitrary destinations using the StreamBridge and the infrastructure will be created.
public class So70769305Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
ApplicationRunner runner(StreamBridge bridge) {
return args -> bridge.send("foo", "test");

passing an Akka stream to an upstream service to populate

I need to call an upstream service (Azure Blob Service) to push data to an OutputStream, which then i need to turn around and push it back to the client, thru akka. Without akka (and just servlet code), i'd just get the ServletOutputStream and pass it to the azure service's method.
The closest i can try to stumble upon, and clearly this is wrong, is something like this
Source<ByteString, OutputStream> source = StreamConverters.asOutputStream().mapMaterializedValue(os -> {;
return os;
ResponseEntity resposeEntity = HttpEntities.create(ContentTypes.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, preAuthData.getFileSize(), source);
sender().tell(new RequestResult(resposeEntity, StatusCodes.OK), self());
The idea is i'm calling an upstream service to get an outputstream populated by calling;
It seems like the the lambda function gets called and returns, but then afterwards it fails, because there's no data or something. As if i'm not supposed to be have that lambda function do the work, but perhaps return some object that does the work? Not sure.
How does one do this?
The real issue here is that the Azure API is not designed for back-pressuring. There is no way for the output stream to signal back to Azure that it is not ready for more data. To put it another way: if Azure pushes data faster than you are able to consume it, there will have to be some ugly buffer overflow failure somewhere.
Accepting this fact, the next best thing we can do is:
Use Source.lazySource to only start downloading data when there is downstream demand (aka. the source is being run and data is being requested).
Put the download call in some other thread so that it continues executing without blocking the source from being returned. Once way to do this is with a Future (I'm not sure what Java best practices are, but should work fine either way). Although it won't matter initially, you may need to choose an execution context other than system.dispatcher - it all depends on whether download is blocking or not.
I apologize in advance if this Java code is malformed - I use Akka with Scala, so this is all from looking at the Akka Java API and Java syntax reference.
ResponseEntity responseEntity = HttpEntities.create(
// Wait until there is downstream demand to intialize the source...
Source.lazySource(() -> {
// Pre-materialize the outputstream before the source starts running
Pair<OutputStream, Source<ByteString, NotUsed>> pair =
// Start writing into the download stream in a separate thread
Futures.future(() -> {; return pair.first(); }, system.getDispatcher());
// Return the source - it should start running since `lazySource` indicated demand
return pair.second();
sender().tell(new RequestResult(responseEntity, StatusCodes.OK), self());
The OutputStream in this case is the "materialized value" of the Source and it will only be created once the stream is run (or "materialized" into a running stream). Running it is out of your control since you hand the Source to Akka HTTP and that will later actually run your source.
.mapMaterializedValue(matval -> ...) is usually used to transform the materialized value but since it is invoked as a part of materialization you can use that to do side effects such as sending the matval in a message, just like you have figured out, there isn't necessarily anything wrong with that even if it looks funky. It is important to understand that the stream will not complete its materialization and become running until that lambda completes. This means problems if download() is blocking rather than forking off some work on a different thread and immediately returning.
There is however another solution: Source.preMaterialize(), it materializes the source and gives you a Pair of the materialized value and a new Source that can be used to consume the already started source:
Pair<OutputStream, Source<ByteString, NotUsed>> pair =
OutputStream os = pair.first();
Source<ByteString, NotUsed> source = pair.second();
Note that there are a few additional things to think of in your code, most importantly if the call blocks until it is done and you call that from the actor, in that case you must make sure that your actor does not starve the dispatcher and stop other actors in your application from executing (see Akka docs: ).

How to detect recovery in a retrying Flux?

I have successfully setup a Flux receiving events from a remote system (the protocol is websocket but that's irrelevant for the question) and handling connection glitches gracefully using retryBackoff method. The code (simplified) is something like this:
Flux flux = myEventFlux
.retryBackoff( Long.MAX_VALUE, Duration.ofSeconds(5) )
flux.subscribe( System.out::println );
Now I'd like to handle connection lost and connection recovery events in order to show some cues in the UI, or at least register some logs. Detecting errors seems easy, just a doOnError before retryBackoff does the trick. But recovery is another story... I need something like "first successful event after an error", so I've tryed this: event -> System.out.println("first = " + event) );
It works in the first normal connection (no previous error) but not in subsequent reconnections after errors.
The difficulty with what you want to achieve is that there is no way to distinguish two legitimate end-of-line subscribers subscribing to the retrying Flux vs one subscriber that triggers two attempts, from the perspective of myEventFlux.
So you could use doOnSubscribe (or doFirst since 3.2.10.RELEASE), but it would be subject to the limitation above. It would also trigger on the original connection, not just the retries...
Maybe for the UI use case this would still help?

Safe way to use batch listener

I am trying to use spring-kafka 1.3.x (1.3.3 and 1.3.4). What is not clear is whether there is a safe way to consume messages in batch without skipping a message (or set of messages) when an exception occurs eg network outage. My preference is also to leverage the container capabilities as much as possible to remain in Spring framework rather than trying to create a custom framework for dealing with this challenge.
I am setting the following properties onto a ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer :
I am also setting the following kafka specific consumer properties:
If I set a RetryTemplate, I get a class cast exception since it only works for non-batch consumers. Documentation states retry is not available for batch so this may be OK.
I then setup a consumer such as this one:
#KafkaListener(containerFactory = "conatinerFactory",
groupId = "myGroup",
topics = "myTopic")
public void onMessage(#Payload List<Entries> batchedData,
#Header(required = false,
value = KafkaHeaders.OFFSET) List<Long> offsets,
Acknowledgment ack) {"Working on: {}" + offsets);
int x = 1;
if(x == 1) {"Failure on: {}" + offsets);
throw new RuntimeException("mock failure");
// do nothing else for now
// unreachable code
When I send a message into the system to mock the exception above then the only visible action to me is that the listener reports the exception.
When I send another (new) message into the system, the container consumes the new message. The old message is skipped since the offset is advanced to the next offset.
Since I have asked the container not to acknowledge (directly or indirectly) and since there is no other properties that I can see to notify the container not to advance, then I am confused why the container does advance.
What I noticed is that for a similar consideration, what is being recommended is to upgrade to 2.1.x and use the container stop capability that was added into the ContainerAware ErrorHandler there.
But what if you are trapped in 1.3.x for the time being, is there a way or missing property that can be used to ensure the container does not advance to the next message or batch of messages?
I can see an option to create a custom framework around the consumer in order to achieve the desired effect. But are there other options, simpler, and more spring friendly.
From #garyrussell (spring-kafka github project)
The offset has not been committed but the broker won't send the data again. You have to re-seek the topics/partitions.
2.1 provides the SeekToCurrentBatchErrorHandler which will re-seek automatically for you.
2.0 Added consumer-aware listeners, giving you access to the consumer (for seeking) in the listener.
With 1.3.x you have to implement ConsumerSeekAware and perform the seeks yourself (in the listener after catching the exception). Save off the ConsumerSeekCallback in a ThreadLocal.
You will need to add the partitions to your method signature; then seek to the lowest offset in the list for each partition.

Is this a realistic expectation of a distributed mechanism?

I've been evaluating ActiveMQ as a candidate message broker. I've written some test code to try and get an understanding of ActiveMQ's performance limitations.
I can produce a failure state in the broker by sending messages as fast as possible like this:
try {
while(true) {
byte[] payload = new byte[(int) (Math.random() * 16384)];
BytesMessage message = session.createBytesMessage();
} catch (JMSException ex) { ... }
I was surprised that the line
blocks when the broker enters a failed state. I was hoping that some exception would be thrown, so there would be some indication that the broker has failed.
I realize that my test code is spamming the broker, and I expect the broker to fail. However, I would prefer that the broker failed "loudly" as opposed to simply blocking.
Is this an unrealistic expectation?
Uri's answer references an ActiveMQ bug report that was filed in March. The bug description includes a proposal that sounds like what I'm looking for: "if the request on the transport had a timeout (this is to catch failure scenarios, so something that's not expected to reasonably happen), things would have errored out rather than building waiting threads."
However, after 8 months the bug is currently unassigned with a single vote. So I guess the question still stands, is this something ActiveMQ should (will?) implement?
You are testing the 'slow consumer' and producer flowcontrol issue all message brokers have to deal with. Do you wanna fail producers, block them or spool to disk?
Basically the out of the box default in ActiveMQ is to block producers. But you can configure message cursors to spool to disk.
BTW you've not said if you are using queues/topics or persistent/non-persistent; if you are using non persistent topics there are other strategies you can use for discarding messages etc.
Apprently there's a known issue, not sure if it's been fixed:
Not sure about ActiveMQ config, but other JMS providers have various configuration options - so you maybe able to get ActiveMQ to do as you wish in that situation.
I know Fiorano has options to specify whether providers block or not in this situation.
