Is it possible to create a Jackson deserializer that is "chained" with others. For instance, we have a generalized, custom deserializer for Enumerations that handles a special case, but we'd like to fallback to the default Jackson implementation if the custom deserializer fails to handle the incoming Enumeration.
It seems as if there's no simple way to do this on a value basis - I've seen examples on something similar on the type level, however.
The issue seems to stem from the fact that registering a deserializer for a specific class gives that deserializer precedence over any others that are registered and thus the previously registered deserializer is lost. There doesn't seem to be a concept of chaining built-in, so returning null from the custom deserializer doesn't pass the value down the chain of registered deserializers for that type.
Any insight on how to get deserializers to chain would be greatly appreciated!
Here's an example of the intended behavior vs. the (simplified) current setup.
The current setup:
object EnumSerializerModule extends JacksonModule {
override def getModuleName: String = "permissive-enums"
this += { _.addDeserializers(PermissiveEnumDeserializerLocator) }
object PermissiveEnumDeserializerLocator extends Deserializers.Base {
override def findEnumDeserializer(javaType: Class[_], config: DeserializationConfig, desc: BeanDescription): JsonDeserializer[_] = {
new PermissiveEnumDeserializer(javaType.asInstanceOf[Class[Enum[_ <: Enum[_]]]])
// Super simplified version of a custom enum deserializer
class PermissiveEnumDeserializer(javaType: Class[Enum[_ <: Enum[_]]]) extends StdScalarDeserializer[Enum[_ <: Enum[_]]](javaType) {
override def deserialize(jp: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext): Enum[_ <: Enum[_]] = {
val enumConstants = javaType.getEnumConstants
// Attempt string representation
val constant: Enum[_ <: Enum[_]] = val fromStringRep = enumConstants.find(_.toString.equalsIgnoreCase(text)).orNull
if (constant != null) {
return constant
throw ctxt.mappingException(jp.getText + " was not one of " +"[", ", ", "]"))
In this example, the deserializer would fail on an Enum that is serialized using its "name" value, rather than its "toString" (which might be overridden). Ideally, I'd like for this custom setup to delegate to any previously bounded deserializers on the object mapper to handle the value.
So... in pseudocode:
val originalJacksonDeser = new EnumDeserializer
val customDeser = new PermissiveEnumDeserializer
val enumValue = MySpecialEnum.ONE
var res = customDeser(enumValue)
if (res == null) {
res = originalJacksonDeser(enumValue)
return res
I have a JSON as a string which I am deserializing and instantiating as MyPOJO case class of scala. My data is in YYYY-MM-DD format but the actual attribute in POJO createdBy is LocalDateTime.
How to assign a default time value of 2020-03-02 00:00:00 while instantiating Pojo,
Serialization should return yyyy-mm-dd format. My serialization and deserialization format are different.
case class MyPOJO( #JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-mm-dd" ) createdBy :LocalDateTime )
object MyJaxsonP {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val objectMapper = new ObjectMapper() with ScalaObjectMapper
objectMapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule)
objectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)
val adminDatasP = objectMapper.readValue[MyPOJO]("{\"createdBy\":\"2020-03-02\"}")
I have tried with custom serialization and deserialization, like below, but is not working saying default constructor is missing
case class MyPOJO( #JsonDeserialize(using = classOf[CustomDateDeserializer] ) createdBy :LocalDateTime )
object CustomDateDeserializer {
private val formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy")
class CustomDateDeserializer(val t: Class[String]) extends StdDeserializer[String](t) {
override def deserialize(p: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext): String = {
val date = p.getText
return CustomDateDeserializer.formatter.format(date);
Need expert input on how to solve this problem
but is not working saying default constructor is missing
You getting the error, because there is not default or empty, if you will, constructor for case classes. In this particular case when you declare case class MyPOJO(createdBy : LocalDateTime) scala compiler will generate something like (example might be not very accurate, I want just to show an idea):
class MyPOJO(createdBy : LocalDateTime) extends Product with Serializeble {
override def hashCode(): Int = ...
override def equals(oterh: Any): Boolean = ...
override def toString(): String = ...
// and other methods, like copy, unaply, tupled etc.
object MyPOJO {
def apply(createdBy : LocalDateTime) = new MyPOJO(createdBy)
so Jackson wont be able to create empty class instance with empty fields (or null values more precisely) and then inject values from source JSON.
What you can do - use plain class instead of case classes. Or, what is more preferable, to take a look on Scala friendly JSON libraries like Circe which is not reflection based, unlike Jackson, and instead generates JSON codec in compile time for some classes, based on implicit's and Scala macros (more precisely it relies on Shapeless library which uses Scala macros mechanism under the hood).
In your particular case, code would look like:
import io.circe._
import io.circe.syntax._
case class MyPOJO(createdBy: LocalDateTime)
val format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")
// Implement own `Encoder` to render `LocalDateTime` as JSON string, separated with comma inside
implicit val encoder: Encoder[LocalDateTime] = Encoder[String].contramap(_.format(format))
// Implement own `Decoder` to parse JSON string as `LocalDateTime`
implicit val decoder: Decoder[LocalDateTime] = Decoder[String].
emapTry(value => Try(LocalDate.parse(value, format).atStartOfDay()))
val foo = MyPOJO(
val json = foo.asJson
which will produce next result:
Hope this helps!
class Person(name: String, age: Int, numThings: Option[Int] = Some(15))
I can use Scala reflection to obtain defaults on a case class like this:
val companionType: Type = classSymbol.companion.typeSignature
val companionObject = currentMirror.reflectModule(classSymbol.companion.asModule).instance
val companionMirror = currentMirror.reflect(companionObject)
val defaultValueAccessorMirror =
if (member.typeSignature.typeSymbol.isClass) {
val defaultValueAccessor = companionType.member(TermName("apply$default$" + (index + 1)))
if (defaultValueAccessor.isMethod) {
} else {
} else {
This obtains the method in the generated companion object that, when called, coughs up the default value. Sadly, a non-case class doesn't appear to have this facility.
How can I obtain the default value for Person.numThings in the example above using either Scala or Java reflection?
I think that it should be much easier to retrieve these default values through Java reflection, instead of this over-complicated Scala's reflect...
When compiled into a .class file, default parameter values are translated into static methods with specific suffixes in names. These values can be retrieved by invoking the respective method on the class reference.
So, for example, we have both a case and a non-case classes:
class Person(name: String, age: Int, numThings: Option[Int] = Some(15))
case class Item(id: Long, other: String = "unknown")
First we need to determine the ordinal indices of the params to retrieve defaults for. I do not know your use case, so let's suppose you know or calculated them. They will be 3 for Person and 2 for Item. Yes, they are not 0-based.
And this very short method retrieves the values:
private def extractDefaultConstructorParamValue(clazz: Class[_],
iParam: Int): Any = {
val methodName = "$lessinit$greater$default$" + iParam
Calling them with
val defParamNonCase = extractDefaultConstructorParamValue(classOf[Person], 3)
val defParamCase = extractDefaultConstructorParamValue(classOf[Item], 2)
I am trying to understand the following statement from the documentation:
If the concrete class of the object is not known and the object couldbe null:
kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, object);
Object object = kryo.readClassAndObject(input);
What does if the concrete class is not known exactly.
I am having the following code:
case class RawData(modelName: String,
sourceType: String,
deNormalizedVal: String,
normalVal: Map[String, String])
object KryoSpike extends App {
val kryo = new Kryo()
kryo.addDefaultSerializer(classOf[scala.collection.Map[_,_]], classOf[ScalaImmutableAbstractMapSerializer])
kryo.addDefaultSerializer(classOf[scala.collection.generic.MapFactory[scala.collection.Map]], classOf[ScalaImmutableAbstractMapSerializer])
kryo.addDefaultSerializer(classOf[RawData], classOf[ScalaProductSerializer])
//val testin = Map("id" -> "objID", "field1" -> "field1Value")
val testin = RawData("model1", "Json", "", Map("field1" -> "value1", "field2" -> "value2") )
val outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val output = new Output(outStream, 20480)
kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, testin)
val input = new Input(new ByteArrayInputStream(outStream.toByteArray), 4096)
val testout = kryo.readClassAndObject(input)
When I use readClassAndObject and writeClassAndObject is works. However if I use writeObject and readObject it does not.
Exception in thread "main" com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException:
Class cannot be created (missing no-arg constructor):
I just don't understand why.
earlier using the same code, Instead of using my class RawData, I used a Map and it worked like a charm with writeObject and ReadObject. Hence i am confused.
Can someone help understand it ?
The difference is as follows:
you use writeClassAndObject and readClassAndObject when you're using a serializer that:
serializes a base type: an interface, a class that has subclasses, or - in case of Scala - a trait like Product,
and needs the type (i.e. the Class object) of the deserialized object to construct this object (without this type, it doesn't know what to construct),
example: ScalaProductSerializer
you use writeObject and readObject when you're using a serializer that:
serializes exactly one type (i.e. a class that can be instantiated; example: EnumSetSerializer),
or serializes more than one type but the specific type can be somehow deduced from the serialized data (example: ScalaImmutableAbstractMapSerializer)
To sum this up for your specific case:
when you deserialize your RawData:
ScalaProductSerializer needs to find out the exact type of Product to create an instance,
so it uses the typ: Class[Product] parameter to do it,
as a result, only readClassAndObject works.
when you deserialze a Scala immutable map (scala.collection.immutable.Map imported as IMap):
ScalaImmutableAbstractMapSerializer doesn't need to find out the exact type - it uses IMap.empty to create an instance,
as a result, it doesn't use the typ: Class[IMap[_, _]] parameter,
as a result, both readObject and readClassAndObject work.
We are using something like the following Scala code to implement a type-safe map of keys and values. Instances of this map are sent as actor messages and stored in Redis and HornetQ, etc. Now we have a new requirement that we need to provide a Java(8) API. This is fairly tricky, due to the differences between Java and Scala types and the fact that when making calls from Java to Scala you don't get help from the Scala compiler. Here is the basic type-safe key and map definition in Scala:
abstract case class Key(name: String) extends Serializable {
type Value
object Key {
type Aux[A] = Key { type Value = A }
def create[A](name: String): Key.Aux[A] = new Key(name) {
type Value = A
case class TypeSafeMap(data: Map[Key, Any] = Map.empty) extends Serializable {
def get[A](key: Key): Option[key.Value] =
def set[A](key: Key.Aux[A], value: A): TypeSafeMap =
TypeSafeMap(data + (key → value))
val myKey1 = Key.create[Double]("myKey1")
val myKey2 = Key.create[Int]("myKey2")
val myKey3 = Key.create[String]("myKey3")
val myMap = TypeSafeMap()
.set(myKey1, 12.3)
.set(myKey2, 42)
.set(myKey3, "hello")
The above code is not Java compatible as is. We could add a method
like this for Java use, but it would throw away all the type-safety:
final def jset(key: Key, value: Any): TypeSafeMap = {
TypeSafeMap(data + (key → value))
Another option would be to use generic types that are more compatible with Java:
case class Key[A](name: String, typ: Class[A]) extends Serializable {
override def toString = name
object Key {
def create[A](name: String, typ: Class[A]): Key[A] =
new Key[A](name, typ)
case class TypeSafeMap(data: Map[Key[_], Any] = Map.empty) extends Serializable {
def get[A](key: Key[A]): Option[A] =
def set[A](key: Key[A], value: A): TypeSafeMap =
TypeSafeMap(data + (key → value))
This kind of works for Scala and Java, but restricts you to types that have a Class object, which I think rules out arrays and collections as value types.
I guess the work-around would be to require wrapper classes in these cases.
Another issue is primitive types: If a Key's value type is defined as Scala Int, it will not match a java.lang.Integer, for example.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
In the work that I do on a day to day in Java, I use builders quite a lot for fluent interfaces, e.g.: new PizzaBuilder(Size.Large).onTopOf(Base.Cheesy).with(Ingredient.Ham).build();
With a quick-and-dirty Java approach, each method call mutates the builder instance and returns this. Immutably, it involves more typing, cloning the builder first before modifying it. The build method eventually does the heavy lifting over the builder state.
What's a nice way of achieving the same in Scala?
If I wanted to ensure that onTopOf(base:Base) was called only once, and then subsequently only with(ingredient:Ingredient) and build():Pizza could be called, a-la a directed builder, how would I go about approaching this?
Another alternative to the Builder pattern in Scala 2.8 is to use immutable case classes with default arguments and named parameters. Its a little different but the effect is smart defaults, all values specified and things only specified once with syntax checking...
The following uses Strings for the values for brevity/speed...
scala> case class Pizza(ingredients: Traversable[String], base: String = "Normal", topping: String = "Mozzarella")
defined class Pizza
scala> val p1 = Pizza(Seq("Ham", "Mushroom"))
p1: Pizza = Pizza(List(Ham, Mushroom),Normal,Mozzarella)
scala> val p2 = Pizza(Seq("Mushroom"), topping = "Edam")
p2: Pizza = Pizza(List(Mushroom),Normal,Edam)
scala> val p3 = Pizza(Seq("Ham", "Pineapple"), topping = "Edam", base = "Small")
p3: Pizza = Pizza(List(Ham, Pineapple),Small,Edam)
You can then also use existing immutable instances as kinda builders too...
scala> val lp2 = p3.copy(base = "Large")
lp2: Pizza = Pizza(List(Ham, Pineapple),Large,Edam)
You have three main alternatives here.
Use the same pattern as in Java, classes and all.
Use named and default arguments and a copy method. Case classes already provide this for you, but here's an example that is not a case class, just so you can understand it better.
object Size {
sealed abstract class Type
object Large extends Type
object Base {
sealed abstract class Type
object Cheesy extends Type
object Ingredient {
sealed abstract class Type
object Ham extends Type
class Pizza(size: Size.Type,
base: Base.Type,
ingredients: List[Ingredient.Type])
class PizzaBuilder(size: Size.Type,
base: Base.Type = null,
ingredients: List[Ingredient.Type] = Nil) {
// A generic copy method
def copy(size: Size.Type = this.size,
base: Base.Type = this.base,
ingredients: List[Ingredient.Type] = this.ingredients) =
new PizzaBuilder(size, base, ingredients)
// An onTopOf method based on copy
def onTopOf(base: Base.Type) = copy(base = base)
// A with method based on copy, with `` because with is a keyword in Scala
def `with`(ingredient: Ingredient.Type) = copy(ingredients = ingredient :: ingredients)
// A build method to create the Pizza
def build() = {
if (size == null || base == null || ingredients == Nil) error("Missing stuff")
else new Pizza(size, base, ingredients)
// Possible ways of using it:
new PizzaBuilder(Size.Large).onTopOf(Base.Cheesy).`with`(Ingredient.Ham).build();
// or
new PizzaBuilder(Size.Large).copy(base = Base.Cheesy).copy(ingredients = List(Ingredient.Ham)).build()
// or
new PizzaBuilder(size = Size.Large,
base = Base.Cheesy,
ingredients = Ingredient.Ham :: Nil).build()
// or even forgo the Builder altogether and just
// use named and default parameters on Pizza itself
Use a type safe builder pattern. The best introduction I know of is this blog, which also contains references to many other articles on the subject.
Basically, a type safe builder pattern guarantees at compile time that all required components are provided. One can even guarantee mutual exclusion of options or arity. The cost is the complexity of the builder code, but...
Case classes solve the problem as shown in previous answers, but the resulting api is difficult to use from java when You have scala collections in your objects. To provide a fluent api to java users try this:
case class SEEConfiguration(parameters : Set[Parameter],
plugins : Set[PlugIn])
case class Parameter(name: String, value:String)
case class PlugIn(id: String)
trait SEEConfigurationGrammar {
def withParameter(name: String, value:String) : SEEConfigurationGrammar
def withParameter(toAdd : Parameter) : SEEConfigurationGrammar
def withPlugin(toAdd : PlugIn) : SEEConfigurationGrammar
def build : SEEConfiguration
object SEEConfigurationBuilder {
def empty : SEEConfigurationGrammar = SEEConfigurationBuilder(Set.empty,Set.empty)
case class SEEConfigurationBuilder(
parameters : Set[Parameter],
plugins : Set[PlugIn]
) extends SEEConfigurationGrammar {
val config : SEEConfiguration = SEEConfiguration(parameters,plugins)
def withParameter(name: String, value:String) = withParameter(Parameter(name,value))
def withParameter(toAdd : Parameter) = new SEEConfigurationBuilder(parameters + toAdd, plugins)
def withPlugin(toAdd : PlugIn) = new SEEConfigurationBuilder(parameters , plugins + toAdd)
def build = config
Then in java code the api is really easy to use
SEEConfigurationGrammar builder = SEEConfigurationBuilder.empty();
SEEConfiguration configuration = builder
.withParameter(new Parameter("name","value"))
.withPlugin(new PlugIn("pluginid"))
It's the same exact pattern. Scala allows for mutation and side effects. That said, if you'd like to be more of a purest, have each method return a new instance of the object that you're constructing with the element(s) changed. You could even put the functions within the Object of a class so that there's a higher level of separation within your code.
class Pizza(size:SizeType, layers:List[Layers], toppings:List[Toppings]){
def Pizza(size:SizeType) = this(size, List[Layers](), List[Toppings]())
object Pizza{
def onTopOf( layer:Layer ) = new Pizza(size, layers :+ layer, toppings)
def withTopping( topping:Topping ) = new Pizza(size, layers, toppings :+ topping)
so that your code might look like
val myPizza = new Pizza(Large) onTopOf(MarinaraSauce) onTopOf(Cheese) withTopping(Ham) withTopping(Pineapple)
(Note: I've probably screwed up some syntax here.)
using Scala partial applies are feasible if you are building a smallish object that you don't need to pass over method signatures. If any of those assumptions don't apply, I recommend using a mutable builder to build an immutable object. With this being scala you could implement the builder pattern with a case class for the object to build with a companion as the builder.
Given that the end result is a constructed immutable object I don't see that it defeats any of the Scala principles.