How to configure JavaMelody to Monitor Jdbc Connections in C3p0 DataSource - java

I'm using Spring configuration file to configure C3P0. To monitor DataSource I configured net.bull.javamelody.SpringDataSourceFactoryBean as mentioned in the user guide of javamelody. But my report is showing 0 Active jdbc connections where as my minPoolSize is 10. What did I miss?
In web.xml added monitoring-spring.xml
In Spring jdbc Configuration file is:
<bean id="sql2oDatasource" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource" destroy-method="close">
<property name="driverClass" value="#{dbProps['ops.jdbc.driverClassName']}"/>
<property name="jdbcUrl" value="#{dbProps['ops.jdbc.url']}"/>
<property name="user" value="#{dbProps['ops.jdbc.username']}"/>
<property name="password" value="#{dbProps['ops.jdbc.password']}"/>
<property name="maxPoolSize" value="#{dbProps['ops.c3p0.max_size']}"/>
<property name="minPoolSize" value="#{dbProps['ops.c3p0.min_size']}"/>
<property name="maxStatements" value="#{dbProps['ops.c3p0.max_statements']}"/>
<property name="checkoutTimeout" value="#{dbProps['ops.c3p0.timeout']}"/>
<property name="preferredTestQuery" value="SELECT 1"/>
<!-- Configuring the session factory for SQL-2-O -->
<bean id="sql2oSession" class="org.sql2o.Sql2o">
<constructor-arg ref="wrappedDBDataSource"/>
<constructor-arg value="PostgreSQL" type="org.sql2o.QuirksMode"/>
<bean id="wrappedDBDataSource" class="net.bull.javamelody.SpringDataSourceFactoryBean" primary="true">
<property name="targetName" value="sql2oDatasource"/>
I tried to pass DriverClass as net.bull.javamelody.JdbcDriver in datasource and driver as:
<property name="properties">
<prop key="driver">org.postgresql.Driver</prop>
But postgresql driver is not getting registered this way.

Your configuration looks ok according to documentation. You see db active connection, pool size values on report that also means your config is ok.
In the other hand active db connection count means how many connections from db connection pool is connection operating with db at that moment. 0 active connections is good for you(if your application is working properly). It means your db operations are quickly done. It is hard to catch active connection while db operations are fast.


Spring Throws "ERROR SqlExceptionHelper: Already closed" after timeout

I have a spring application hosted on to the server (Tomcat 8.5). It goes idle if no one uses it. I already knew that timeout will occur if the DB is in idle state for 8 hours (Default timeout of MySQL). As mentioned in Spring Autoreconnect and Connection lost overnight post i have tried the solution available here.I have tried configuring but that doesn't bring any solution to the problem.
(PS:I'm not changing anything other than in my Spring Application).
Well if this
spring.datasource.testWhileIdle = true
spring.datasource.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 60000
spring.datasource.validationQuery = SELECT 1
or this
spring.datasource.validationQuery=SELECT 1
didnt work maybe try this
Post SpringBoot 1.4 names have changed
They have defined new specific namespaces for the four connections pools spring supports: tomcat, hikari, dbcp, dbcp2.
spring.datasource.tomcat.validationQuery=SELECT 1
If problem doesn't solve even after including properties as in, Then problem will be solved when including testOnBorrow,validationQuery in application-context.xml located in src/main/resources
<bean name="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close">
<property name="driverClassName" value="${database.driver.classname}"/>
<property name="url" value="${database.url}"/>
<property name="username" value="${database.username}"/>
<property name="password" value="${database.password}"/>
<property name="initialSize" value="2"/>
<property name="maxActive" value="50"/>
<property name="maxIdle" value="5"/>
<property name="maxWait" value="-1"/>
<property name="removeAbandoned" value="true"/>
<property name="removeAbandonedTimeout" value="600"/>
<property name="logAbandoned" value="true"/>
<property name="testOnBorrow" value="true" />
<property name="validationQuery" value="SELECT 1" />
The solution is to validate connection thread when it is borrowed from thread pool by enabling testOnBorrow and providing validationQuery.

How-to configure Spring data source to avoid participation in transaction synchronization?

I'm observing seemingly weird behavior related to how Spring handles operations with multiple data sources, especially participation in transaction synchronization.
My Spring context has two data sources configured:
1) dataSource1 - MySQL database
2) dataSource2 - Apache Impala database
Both data sources have a jdbc template configured for them. Additionally dataSource1 has a transaction manager configured. dataSource2 has no transaction manager configured (Apache Impala does not have transactions by design, it just happens to expose SQL-like querying functionality via JDBC connector).
I'm using this configuration in a spring-batch application - dataSource1 and its transactionManager is set to be used to store data related to spring-batch job meta-info.
Next I have a spring-batch job configured with a single custom Tasklet step. In this step I'm accessing dataSource2 via its jdbc template. And this is where the problem occurs - to my surprise connection to dataSource2 starts to participate in a transaction synchronization.
2018-06-06 10:41:08,179 DEBUG [main] org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils - Registering transaction synchronization for JDBC Connection
I understand that upon a start of a spring-batch step a transaction related to dataSource1 is started however why should dataSource2 be anyhow involved in that?
A negative side-effect is that once connection to dataSource2 starts to participate in transaction synchronization the connection is not closed after e.g. jdbcTemplate.execute(...) command completes. Essentially what I'm observing is that open connections to dataSource2 are closed only when the outer transaction completes.
Is there a way to configure Spring context and dataSource2 to not participate in a transaction synchronization?
<bean id="dataSource1" class="com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource" destroy-method="close">
<constructor-arg ref="hikariConfig" />
<bean id="hikariConfig" class="com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig">
<property name="poolName" value="springHikariCP" />
<property name="dataSourceClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource" />
<bean id="dataSource1JdbcTemplate" class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate">
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource1"/>
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager" p:entityManagerFactory-ref="entityManagerFactory"/>
<bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean" p:dataSource-ref="dataSource1">
<property name="packagesToScan" value="..."/>
<property name="jpaVendorAdapter">
<bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter" />
<property name="sharedCacheMode" value="DISABLE_SELECTIVE"/>
<bean id="dataSource2" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource" destroy-method="close">
<property name="driverClass" value="org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver"/>
<bean id="dataSource2JdbcTemplate" class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate">
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource2"/>

Hibernate trying to find hibernate.cfg.xml when configured by spring

I have configured Hibernate(5.2.6) via spring(4.3.5) But when I run my Junit(4.12) tests it gives out an error saying that it could not locate hibernate.cfg.xml file. Can anyone help me out?
After I run the Junit test, tables are created in database but data is not added, I can see the sql queries being run as I have enables show_sql
did you specify hibernate configured xml file name in web.xml.?
if not specify name of xml file in web.xml
How is applicationContext is configured for spring and hibernate integration?
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="location">
<bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource"
<property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbc.driverClassName}" />
<property name="url" value="${jdbc.url}" />
<property name="username" value="${jdbc.username}" />
<property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}" />
<!-- Hibernate session factory -->
<bean id="sessionFactory"
<property name="dataSource">
<ref bean="dataSource" />
<property name="configLocation">

Can't open connection

I develop an applivation with very load(request).
I used following technologies in my appliation:
Jpa/Hibernate as persistense layer
Spring and Spring Dao
C3p0 as connection pooling
my problem is : I run my application , when number of request increase, throw exception in
persistense layer that"Cannt open connection"
I increase oracle max session but my problem not solve
I indept in C3p0 document and test its options but my problem not solve.
Thank you for your attention
You increased max sessions on Oracle, but you didn't increase the max size of your connection pool. The exception is telling you that your pool is exhausted. Either find what's holding connections open and get them released sooner, or increase the number of max active connections in the pool.
Is it possible for you to post the Spring configuration for your DataSource. I would expect something like:
<bean id="dataSource" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource" destroy-method="close">
<property name="driverClass" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
<property name="jdbcUrl" value="${jdbc.connection.url}"/>
<property name="user" value="${jdbc.connection.username}"/>
<property name="password" value="${jdbc.connection.password}"/>
<property name="initialPoolSize" value="5"/>
<property name="minPoolSize" value="5"/>
<property name="maxPoolSize" value="100"/>
With another bean configured where the dataSource is passed by reference:
<bean id="mySampleDao" class="com.example.dao.MySampleDao">
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
Is this what you have?
What version of Oracle are you using?

How can you connect to a password protected MS Access Database from a Spring JdbcTemplate?

I need to connect to a password protected MS Access 2003 DB using the JDBC-ODBC bridge. I can't find out how to specify the password in the connect string, or even if that is the correct method of connecting.
It would probably be relevant to mention that this is a Spring App which is accessing the database through a JdbcTemplate configured as a datasource bean in our application context file.
Some relevant snippets:
from application-context.xml
<bean id="jdbcTemplate" class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate">
<property name="dataSource" ref="legacyDataSource" />
<bean id="jobsheetLocation" class="java.lang.String">
<constructor-arg value="${jobsheet.location}"/>
<bean id="legacyDataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">
<property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbc.legacy.driverClassName}" />
<property name="url" value="${jdbc.legacy.url}"/>
<property name="password" value="-------------" />
from our build properties
jdbc.legacy.url=jdbc:odbc:Driver\={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq\=#LegacyDbPath#;DriverID\=22;READONLY\=true
Any thoughts?
try appending your url with
