I want to print the last version of a dependency in gradle.
I added my dependency in this way :
compile 'test:test:+'
now I want to print the version of my dependency, because I want to know which version I'm using.
I'm using it in this way :
gradle dependencyInsight --configuration compile --dependency test:test
But my output is this :
+--- test:test:+ -> project : (*)
Is there anyway I can get the real version of my dependency and not the +?
Within app module's build.gradle I've imported Square's Moshi library as follows:
dependencies {
compile 'com.squareup.moshi:moshi:+'
Then I executed following command in terminal:
./gradlew app:dependencyInsight --configuration compile --dependency com.squareup.moshi:moshi
Here's the output that I've received:
All easy, open hierarchy of view Project and see External Libraries
If you want to check the overview for all your dependencies, you can check with this command -
Solution 1-
./gradlew app:dependencies
Solution 2-
If you want to check for any specific dependency.you can use gradles' build-in 'dependencyInsight : -
gradle dependencyInsight --configuration compile --dependency compile 'test:test:+'
Solution 3-
You can check your project .idea folder
inside your project -> .idea/libraries
there also you can see the final version of dependencies used.
You can do the following:
Use the configuration that contains your jar file
Filter for the the jar file's name
Print the results
This will print the full path as well as the version. You can extract just the jar name if needed.
task printPmdVersion << {
FileTree pmdJar = zipTree(configurations.pmd.filter {
dep -> dep.name.contains("pmd-core")
println pmdJar
Example of output:
ZIP '/home/user/java/gradle_user_home/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/net.sourceforge.pmd/pmd-core/5.4.1/28715c2f768b58759bb5b373365997c30ac35899/pmd-core-5.4.1.jar'
Once you have added your dependency as "compile 'test:test:+'" build the project.
Then within the "Project" folder structure hierarchy find that dependency within "External Libraries" at the bottommost of folder structure , it will along with its version there. Use that version with your dependency and re-sync/build project again.
It's not a best practice use the '+' sign to always use the latest library version because you could not be able to have a repeatable build if you need one.
I mean, if you have to checkout your previous version of your APK from your Source Control Management system (e.g. Git) that you know it works fine, if you compile today (new library version could have been release)... maybe your old friend APK that was working fine... now it doesn't work fine like your latest one.
That said I suggest you using a gradle plugin like that:
You will install in your build.gradle at project level like that:
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
apply plugin: 'com.github.ben-manes.versions'
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.0.1'
classpath 'com.github.ben-manes:gradle-versions-plugin:0.17.0'
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files
allprojects {
repositories {
task clean(type: Delete) {
delete rootProject.buildDir
And you'll find a new gradle task named dependencyUpdate that if you lunch it it will report you all your library versions compared with the latest ones:
: Project Dependency Updates (report to plain text file)
The following dependencies are using the latest milestone version:
- com.github.ben-manes:gradle-versions-plugin:0.17.0
- junit:junit:4.12
The following dependencies have later milestone versions:
- com.android.support:appcompat-v7 [26.1.0 -> 27.0.2]
- com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout [1.0.2 -> 1.1.0-beta5]
- com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-core [3.0.1 -> 3.0.2-alpha1]
- com.android.tools.build:gradle [3.0.1 -> 3.2.0-alpha03]
- org.jacoco:org.jacoco.agent [ -> 0.8.0]
- org.jacoco:org.jacoco.ant [ -> 0.8.0]
- com.android.support.test:runner [1.0.1 -> 1.0.2-alpha1]
I am using gradle in Eclipse, and my gradle.build is pretty basic (adds java plugin, sets repos and not alot more) and I am building a JavaFX program. All my code compiles and run correctly with my build scripts with 0 errors.
I am just annoyed at the fact when I add the JavaFX SDK to my build path libraries, I can see my project has it listed. When I sync my project with Gradle, gradle removes this SDK from my classpath file.
What do I need to add to my build script to stop this from happening and gradle to normally inject it into my .classpath as it does with anything else I add?
P.S. I'm really new to gradle and groovy and this is my first 'project' working with it. Apart from this one annoyance, it's been smooth going.
Solved this issue: completely forgot classpath is todo witth eclipse and not java/gradle.
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
eclipse {
classpath.containers 'org.eclipse.fx.ide.jdt.core.JAVAFX_CONTAINER'
to my gradle.build file solved this issue.
I actually found a solution for this via https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/javafxports/Fn92C5ysC60 'android forum' while looking up how I could automate the building of eclipse.
Cheers if anyone looked into this.
As a side note, as I was confused about this first: A JavaFX project is no different from a Java project and you don't need to specify the fact you're using JavaFX to your ide to be able to execute JavaFX code. So I was confused why my IDE had a 'Start a new JavaFX project' and 'Start a new Gradle Project' but no JavaFX/Gradle project.
You don't 'need' a JavaFX plugin like my project originally had either.
To solve your problem, you need JavaFX-Gradle-plugin, it's a plugin that enable JavaFX support on Gradle project.
This is the link of plugin: https://github.com/FibreFoX/javafx-gradle-plugin, where you can find all infos and example...
All of you need is to start a new Gradle project, then add to your file build.gradle this code:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath group: 'de.dynamicfiles.projects.gradle.plugins', name: 'javafx-gradle-plugin', version: '8.8.2'
repositories {
apply plugin: 'java'
repositories {
// put here your project dependencies
apply plugin: 'javafx-gradle-plugin'
// these values are the examples and defaults
// you won't need them all
// configure javafx-gradle-plugin
jfx {
// minimal requirement for jfxJar-task
mainClass = 'YOUR.MAIN.CLASS'
// minimal requirement for jfxNative-task
// some optional task
jfxAppOutputDir = 'build'
jfxMainAppJarName = 'YOUR APPLICATION NAME.jar'
manifestAttributes = [
"Specification-Version": 1.0,
"Implementation-Version": 1,
// for a full list of available settings, look the class "JavaFXGradlePluginExtension" on plugin project
This is the only plugin that I've found for use JavaFX with Gradle.
I'm working with Eclipse on project with same problem, and I've solved it a few days ago.
Hope this help,
Using IntelliJ 2016.2.5, I seem to be unable to make it resolve Gradle dependencies which are in the same project.
Project structure is as follows:
-> build.gradle // 1
-> settings.gradle // 2
-> build.gradle // 3
-> settings.gradle // 4
Contents of first build.gradle (1):
group 'de.test'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
apply plugin: 'java'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
repositories {mavenCentral()}
dependencies {}
And settings.gradle (2):
rootProject.name = 'test'
The contents of the second build.gradle (4) are:
group 'de.test'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
apply plugin: 'java'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
repositories {mavenCentral()}
dependencies {
compile ('de.test:test:1.0-SNAPSHOT')
And second settings.gradle (4):
rootProject.name = 'testdep'
Both modules are imported as Gradle projects and are set to auto-import enabled.
I know from maven projects, that IntelliJ - as well as Eclipse - does resolve those dependencies to the respective modules in the project/workspace. But with Gradle it seems to not recognize the dependencies. After every change in the module test I need to run the explicit gradle tasks clean and build before the module testdep seems to pick up the changes. And this process is not even reliable, if I don't change the version. This is most likely because of the gradle caching, but it is annoying, nevertheless.
Using the command line argument --refresh-dependencies is not a real solution because it makes the build times of our project (the one above is only for demo purposes) unbearable. Also, I would love to not having to use the gradle calls explicitly.
Any ideas/improvements how to handle such a situation?
Does it work with Eclipse, any experiences?
Will this be fixed in IntelliJ 2016.3 (I saw some improvements in the gradle area for that release).
What you are trying to do will be possible using the new Composite Builds functionality in Gradle. Support for IntelliJ IDEA is coming soon.
I'm using Dagger 2 with Gradle and have everything setup and code generation is working properly.
My build.gradle:
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '2.11'
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'java'
repositories {
dependencies {
... omitted as irrelevant to question ...
compile 'com.google.dagger:dagger:2.0.2'
compile 'com.google.dagger:dagger-compiler:2.0.2'
compile 'javax.inject:javax.inject:1'
My problem is that I am unable to resolve the classes and use them in my source, any solutions I've found are targeted towards Android which I am not using. How would I be able to resolve these generated classes as dependencies?
I had a similar issue some time ago. In your case I would say that you need the apt plugin. Check this question where I explained how I resolved it
I fixed this issue by enabled annotation processing in my IDE as well as adding Dr. Pelocho's answer.
Apply this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33445767/1787084 to your build.gradle
Add apply plugin: 'eclipse' in your build.gradle
Enable annotation processing to the apt directory created by the ltgt gradle apt plugin in Eclipse by navigating to project properties -> Java compiler -> Annotation processing -> Enable project specific settings -> Enable annotation processing
Change generated source directory to build/generated/source/apt/main to match the ltgt default directory
Click "OK" or "Apply"
This added the Dagger generated classes to my build path and classpath
dependencies {
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.13'
compile group: 'org.apache.commons', name: 'commons-math3' , version: '+'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
Even if I add this, when I run gradle build, it works, and codes with commons-math3 can be compiled. But when I run a jar file in build/,
it says Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/math3/complex/Complex
But the official Gradle site says, the resource in 'compile' will also be included in 'runtime' dependency. and I also tried adding the commons-math to runtime. but it does not work.
Maybe this is my misunderstood of the dependency system.
How can I include external library from maven repository into a jar file made by the Gradle.
What you are looking for is either the distribution zips produced by the application plugin or the shadow jar (also called fat jar) produced by the shadowJar plugin:
The distribution zip (application plugin)
About the distribution zip
The distribution zips look like this:
│ ├──my-app
│ └──my-app.bat
You can then run your application with its dependencies by unzipping what has been produced in build/distributions/ and running either my-app.bat (on windows) or ./my-app (on linux or OS X)
Building a distribution zip
Here is a sample gradle build file for making a distribution zip:
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'application'
mainClassName = 'org.myapp.Main'
repositories { jcenter() }
dependencies {
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.13'
compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
Can be run with gradle distributionZip or gradle distributionTar. To just run the application, use gradle run.
The shadow jar
About the shadow jar
The shadow jar is one giant jar file that is a combination of your program and its libraries, packed together into one file. You will get a file that is self-contained and can be run by a double-click on most systems (e.g. on Windows that works, on Xubuntu it can be run by right-clicking and selecting 'Run with Oracle Java 8 Runtime', etc...).
Building a distribution zip
Here is, again, a sample build.gradle file:
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow'
mainClassName = 'org.myapp.Main'
jar {
manifest {
attributes('Main-Class': mainClassName)
buildscript {
repositories { jcenter() }
dependencies {
classpath 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:1.2.2'
repositories { jcenter() }
dependencies {
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.13'
compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
Run it with gradle shadowJar - Your jar with packed dependencies will be in build/libs and it will be named my-app-x.x.x-all.jar.
Gradle is first of all a build tool (just like maven, btw).
Its "responisiblity" starts when you feed it a source file and ends when you get your artifact (in your case its a jar).
Now when you're going to actually run your application there is a plethora of different options here.
If you just run java -jar <your_jar> you are responsible by yourself to construct the classpath.
If you run it with some kind of external runner, you should read the documentation of it and supply it a classpath.
Hope this helps
Can any body can tell me how can I do something like maven install -U (update dependencies) in gradle.
I have problem I have added new dependency to my build.gradle file
dependencies {
New dependency is:
And during build or project synchronize my IntelliJ (version 14) is not even trying download this new dependency (I'm using gradle version 2.5)
In maven project IntelliJ had something like download maven dependencies.
But for Gradle I don't see anything like this. This is like my project looks like
And can any body tell me why I don't see any *.jar on project list like maven does?
Using IntelliJ
In the Gradle tool window, click refresh button. Here is the screen:
Using terminal
You must add to your build.gradle this line
apply plugin: 'idea'
And next if you are adding some dependencies and you want synchronize IntelliJ, you just use command
gradle idea
If any one have problem with finding Gradle Tool Window it's in:
View | Tool Windows | Gradle