java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method get() on null object - java

I have the next Groovy code which I try to run in Jenkins Pipeline:
import static
def astros = configure {
request.uri = ''
println "There are ${astros.number} astronauts in space right now."
astros.people.each { p->
println " - ${} (${p.craft})"
But everytime I get java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method get() on null object error.
When I run it from my desktop, everything works as expected:
There are 6 astronauts in space right now.
In Jenkins:
There are null astronauts in space right now.
Debug output:
<$Basic#4bc2413c scheme=http port=-1 path=/astros.json query=[:] fragment=null userInfo=null$ThreadSafe#69c6847a useRawValues=null>
What should I do to make it work?

object.get() will give an NullPointerException if the object is null, so you need to check if the object is null or not before you call any method on it. so, an alternative could to check if astros != null and then call .get() within the if-block.

Handle the null issue inside your code as follows (Use null safe operator and groovy truth concept.)
import static
def astros = configure {
request.uri = ''
}?.get() // added null safe operator here (will handle null pointer exception)
println "There are ${astros?.number} astronauts in space right now."
//iterate if astros value exists.
astros.people.each { p->
println " - ${} (${p.craft})"
// As you are having json, you need to parse that as follows.
def slurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()
def result = slurper.parseText(astros)
println result
println result?.number

I take it that you created a shared library and is trying to use this in a pipeline?
I have the same problem at the moment, I think it might be a limitation of the Groovy interpreter on Jenkins, similar to how the each loop didn't work until some time ago.
I've resorted to using this version of http-builder to circumvent that for now. I'll update this if I find a proper solution (please also post an answer if you find anything).

if you facing "java.lang.nullpointerexception cannot invoke" then try to initialize every element of object_array with new class() like:
Result[] s=new Result[3];
s[0]=new Result();
s[1]=new Result();
s[2]=new Result();
class hybrid1
public static void main(String arg[])
Result[] s;
s=new Result[3];
//s[0]=new Result();
int i;
s[i]=new Result();
/*Result s1;
s1=new Result();


Identify record that is culprit - coding practices

Is method chaining good?
I am not against functional programming that uses method chaining a lot, but against a herd mentality where people mindlessly run behind something that is new.
The example, if I am processing a list of items using stream programming and need to find out the exact row that resulted into throwing NullPointerException.
private void test() {
List<User> aList = new ArrayList<>();
// fill aList with some data -> doSomethingMeaningFul(x.getAddress()));
private void doSomethingMeaningFul(Address x) {
// Do something
So in the example above if any object in list is null, it will lead to NullPointerException while calling x.getAddress() and come out, without giving us a hook to identify a User record which has this problem.
I may be missing something that offers this feature in stream programming, any help is appreciated.
Edit 1:
NPE is just an example, but there are several other RuntimeExceptions that could occur. Writing filter would essentially mean checking for every RTE condition based on the operation I am performing. And checking for every operation will become a pain.
To give a better idea about what I mean following is the snippet using older methods; I couldn't find any equivalent with streams / functional programming methods.
List<User> aList = new ArrayList<>();
// Fill list with some data
int counter = 0;
User u = null;
try {
for (;counter < aList.size(); counter++) {
u = aList.get(counter);
int result = u.getX() / u.getY();
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error processing at index:" + counter + " with User record:" + u);
System.out.println("Exception:" + e);
This will be a boon during the maintenance phase(longest phase) pointing exact data related issues which are difficult to reproduce.
- Find exact index causing issue, pointing to data
- Any RTE is recorded and analyzed against the user record
- Smaller stacktrace to look at
Is method chaining good?
As so often, the simple answer is: it depends.
When you
know what you are doing
are be very sure that elements will never be null, thus the chance for an NPE in such a construct is (close to) 0
and the chaining of calls leads to improved readability
then sure, chain calls.
If any of the above criteria isn't clearly fulfilled, then consider not doing that.
In any case, it might be helpful to distribute your method calls on new lines. Tools like IntelliJ actually give you advanced type information for each line, when you do that (well, not always, see my own question ;)
From a different perspective: to the compiler, it doesn't matter much if you chain call. That really only matters to humans. Either for readability, or during debugging.
There are a few aspects to this.
1) Nulls
It's best to avoid the problem of checking for nulls, by never assigning null. This applies whether you're doing functional programming or not. Unfortunately a lot of library code does expose the possibility of a null return value, but try to limit exposure to this by handling it in one place.
Regardless of whether you're doing FP or not, you'll find you get a lot less frustrated if you never have to write null checks when calling your own methods, because your own methods can never return null.
An alternative to variables that might be null, is to use Java 8's Optional class.
Instead of:
public String myMethod(int i) {
if(i>0) {
return "Hello";
} else {
return null;
public Optional<String> myMethod(int i) {
if(i>0) {
return Optional.of("Hello");
} else {
return Optional.empty();
Look at Optional Javadoc to see how this forces the caller to think about the possibility of an Optional.empty() response.
As a bridge between the worlds of "null represents absent" and "Optional.empty() represents absent", you can use Optional.ofNullable(val) which returns Empty when val == null. But do bear in mind that Optional.empty() and Optional.of(null) are different values.
2) Exceptions
It's true that throwing an exception in a stream handler doesn't work very well. Exceptions aren't a very FP-friendly mechanism. The FP-friendly alternative is Either -- which isn't a standard part of Java but is easy to write yourself or find in third party libraries: Is there an equivalent of Scala's Either in Java 8?
public Either<Exception, Result> meaningfulMethod(Value val) {
try {
return Either.right(methodThatMightThrow(val));
} catch (Exception e) {
return Either.left(e);
... then:
List<Either<Exception, Result>> results =;
3) Indexes
You want to know the index of the stream element, when you're using a stream made from a List? See Is there a concise way to iterate over a stream with indices in Java 8?
In your test() function you are creating an emptylist List<User> aList = new ArrayList<>();
And doing for each on it. First add some element to
If you want to handle null values you can add .filter(x-> x != null) this before foreach it will filter out all null value
Below is code
private void test() {
List<User> aList = new ArrayList<>();> x != null).forEach(x -> doSomethingMeaningFul(x.getAddress()));
private void doSomethingMeaningFul(Address x) {
// Do something
You can write a black of code in streams. And you can find out the list item which might result in NullPointerException. I hope this code might help
private void test() {
List<User> aList = new ArrayList<>(); -> {
if(x.getAddress() != null)
return doSomethingMeaningFul(x.getAddress())
system.out.println(x+ "doesn't have address");
private void doSomethingMeaningFul(Address x) {
// Do something
If you want you can throw NullPointerException or custom excption like AddressNotFoundException in the else part

How do I assert equality on two classes without an equals method?

Say I have a class with no equals() method, to which do not have the source. I want to assert equality on two instances of that class.
I can do multiple asserts:
assertEquals(obj1.getFieldA(), obj2.getFieldA());
assertEquals(obj1.getFieldB(), obj2.getFieldB());
assertEquals(obj1.getFieldC(), obj2.getFieldC());
I don't like this solution because I don't get the full equality picture if an early assert fails.
I can manually compare on my own and track the result:
String errorStr = "";
if(!obj1.getFieldA().equals(obj2.getFieldA())) {
errorStr += "expected: " + obj1.getFieldA() + ", actual: " + obj2.getFieldA() + "\n";
if(!obj1.getFieldB().equals(obj2.getFieldB())) {
errorStr += "expected: " + obj1.getFieldB() + ", actual: " + obj2.getFieldB() + "\n";
assertEquals("", errorStr);
This gives me the full equality picture, but is clunky (and I haven't even accounted for possible null problems). A third option is to use Comparator, but compareTo() will not tell me which fields failed equality.
Is there a better practice to get what I want from the object, without subclassing and overridding equals (ugh)?
There is many correct answers here, but I would like to add my version too. This is based on Assertj.
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
public class TestClass {
public void test() {
// do the actual test
UPDATE: In assertj v3.13.2 this method is deprecated as pointed out by Woodz in comment. Current recommendation is
public class TestClass {
public void test() {
// do the actual test
Mockito offers a reflection-matcher:
For latest version of Mockito use:
Assert.assertTrue(new ReflectionEquals(expected, excludeFields).matches(actual));
For older versions use:
Assert.assertThat(actual, new ReflectionEquals(expected, excludeFields));
I generally implement this usecase using org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder
I know it's a bit old, but I hope it helps.
I run into the same problem that you, so, after investigation, I found few similar questions than this one, and, after finding the solution, I'm answering the same in those, since I thought it could to help others.
The most voted answer (not the one picked by the author) of this similar question, is the most suitable solution for you.
Basically, it consist on using the library called Unitils.
This is the use:
User user1 = new User(1, "John", "Doe");
User user2 = new User(1, "John", "Doe");
assertReflectionEquals(user1, user2);
Which will pass even if the class User doesn't implement equals(). You can see more examples and a really cool assert called assertLenientEquals in their tutorial.
If you're using hamcrest for your asserts (assertThat) and don't want to pull in additional test libs, then you can use SamePropertyValuesAs.samePropertyValuesAs to assert items that don't have an overridden equals method.
The upside is that you don't have to pull in yet another test framework and it'll give a useful error when the assert fails (expected: field=<value> but was field=<something else>) instead of expected: true but was false if you use something like EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals().
The downside is that it is a shallow compare and there's no option for excluding fields (like there is in EqualsBuilder), so you'll have to work around nested objects (e.g. remove them and compare them independently).
Best Case:
import static org.hamcrest.beans.SamePropertyValuesAs.samePropertyValuesAs;
assertThat(actual, is(samePropertyValuesAs(expected)));
Ugly Case:
import static org.hamcrest.beans.SamePropertyValuesAs.samePropertyValuesAs;
SomeClass expected = buildExpected();
SomeClass actual = sut.doSomething();
assertThat(actual.getSubObject(), is(samePropertyValuesAs(expected.getSubObject())));
assertThat(actual, is(samePropertyValuesAs(expected)));
So, pick your poison. Additional framework (e.g. Unitils), unhelpful error (e.g. EqualsBuilder), or shallow compare (hamcrest).
You can use Apache commons lang ReflectionToStringBuilder
You can either specify the attributes you want to test one by one, or better, exclude those you don't want:
String s = new ReflectionToStringBuilder(o, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE)
.setExcludeFieldNames(new String[] { "foo", "bar" }).toString()
You then compare the two strings as normal. For the point about reflection being slow, I assume this is only for testing, so shouldn't be so important.
Since this question is old, I will suggest another modern approach using JUnit 5.
I don't like this solution because I don't get the full equality picture if an early assert fails.
With JUnit 5, there is a method called Assertions.assertAll() which will allow you to group all assertions in your test together and it will execute each one and output any failed assertions at the end. This means that any assertions that fail first will not stop the execution of latter assertions.
assertAll("Test obj1 with obj2 equality",
() -> assertEquals(obj1.getFieldA(), obj2.getFieldA()),
() -> assertEquals(obj1.getFieldB(), obj2.getFieldB()),
() -> assertEquals(obj1.getFieldC(), obj2.getFieldC()));
The library Hamcrest 1.3 Utility Matchers has a special matcher that uses reflection instead of equals.
assertThat(obj1, reflectEquals(obj2));
Some of the reflection compare methods are shallow
Another option is to convert the object to a json and compare the strings.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
public static String getJsonString(Object obj) {
try {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
return bjectMapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(obj);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
LOGGER.error("Error parsing log entry", e);
return null;
assertEquals(getJsonString(MyexpectedObject), getJsonString(MyActualObject))
AssertJ assertions can be used to compare the values without #equals method properly overridden, e.g.:
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
// ...
Using Shazamcrest, you can do:
assertThat(obj1, sameBeanAs(obj2));
Compare field-by-field:
assertNotNull("Object 1 is null", obj1);
assertNotNull("Object 2 is null", obj2);
assertEquals("Field A differs", obj1.getFieldA(), obj2.getFieldA());
assertEquals("Field B differs", obj1.getFieldB(), obj2.getFieldB());
assertEquals("Objects are not equal.", obj1, obj2);
You can use reflection to "automate" the full equality testing. you can implement the equality "tracking" code you wrote for a single field, then use reflection to run that test on all fields in the object.
In case you just need flat fields comparison you can use AssertJ
This is a generic compare method , that compares two objects of a same class for its values of it fields(keep in mind those are accessible by get method)
public static <T> void compare(T a, T b) throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
AssertionError error = null;
Class A = a.getClass();
Class B = a.getClass();
for (Method mA : A.getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (mA.getName().startsWith("get")) {
Method mB = B.getMethod(mA.getName(),null );
try {
Assert.assertEquals("Not Matched = ",mA.invoke(a),mB.invoke(b));
}catch (AssertionError e){
error = new AssertionError(e);
else {
throw error ;
I stumbled on a very similar case.
I wanted to compare on a test that an object had the same attribute values as another one, but methods like is(), refEq(), etc wouldn't work for reasons like my object having a null value in its id attribute.
So this was the solution I found (well, a coworker found):
import static org.apache.commons.lang.builder.CompareToBuilder.reflectionCompare;
assertThat(reflectionCompare(expectedObject, actualObject, new String[]{"fields","to","be","excluded"}), is(0));
If the value obtained from reflectionCompare is 0, it means they are equal. If it is -1 or 1, they differ on some attribute.
In common case with AssertJ you can create custom comparator strategy:
Using a custom comparison strategy in assertions
AssertJ examples
I had the exact same conundrum when unit testing an Android app, and the easiest solution I came up with was simply to use Gson to convert my actual and expected value objects into json and compare them as strings.
String actual = new Gson().toJson( myObj.getValues() );
String expected = new Gson().toJson( new MyValues(true,1) );
assertEquals(expected, actual);
The advantages of this over manually comparing field-by-field is that you compare all your fields, so even if you later on add a new field to your class it will get automatically tested, as compared to if you were using a bunch of assertEquals() on all the fields, which would then need to be updated if you add more fields to your class.
jUnit also displays the strings for you so you can directly see where they differ. Not sure how reliable the field ordering by Gson is though, that could be a potential problem.
I tried all the answers and nothing really worked for me.
So I've created my own method that compares simple java objects without going deep into nested structures...
Method returns null if all fields match or string containing mismatch details.
Only properties that have a getter method are compared.
How to use
assertNull(TestUtils.diff(obj1,obj2,ignore_field1, ignore_field2));
Sample output if there is a mismatch
Output shows property names and respective values of compared objects
alert_id(1:2), city(Moscow:London)
Code (Java 8 and above):
public static String diff(Object x1, Object x2, String ... ignored) throws Exception{
final StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
for (Method>m.getName().startsWith("get")
&& m.getParameterCount()==0).collect(toList())){
final String field = m.getName().substring(3).toLowerCase();
if (>x.toLowerCase()).noneMatch(ignoredField->ignoredField.equals(field))){
Object v1 = m.invoke(x1);
Object v2 = m.invoke(x2);
if ( (v1!=null && !v1.equals(v2)) || (v2!=null && !v2.equals(v1))){
response.append(field).append("(").append(v1).append(":").append(v2).append(")").append(", ");
return response.length()==0?null:response.substring(0,response.length()-2);
For Unit testing I just serialize the object to a JSON string and compare it.
For example with Gson:
import junit.framework.TestCase.assertEquals
class AssertEqualContent {
companion object {
val gson = GsonBuilder().create()
fun assertEqualContent(message: String?, expected: Any?, actual: Any?) {
assertEquals(message, gson.toJson(expected), gson.toJson(actual))
As the expected and actual object is supposed to be of the same type the field order will be the same.
You will get a nice string comparison highligting exactly where the difference is.
No extra libraries (provided that you have a JSON library already)
Objects of different types might produce the same JSON (but if they do, you might consider why do you have different classes for the same data.... and how they could end up being compared in a testing method :-)
Can you put the comparision code you posted into some static utility method?
public static String findDifference(Type obj1, Type obj2) {
String difference = "";
if (obj1.getFieldA() == null && obj2.getFieldA() != null
|| !obj1.getFieldA().equals(obj2.getFieldA())) {
difference += "Difference at field A:" + "obj1 - "
+ obj1.getFieldA() + ", obj2 - " + obj2.getFieldA();
if (obj1.getFieldB() == null && obj2.getFieldB() != null
|| !obj1.getFieldB().equals(obj2.getFieldB())) {
difference += "Difference at field B:" + "obj1 - "
+ obj1.getFieldB() + ", obj2 - " + obj2.getFieldB();
// (...)
return difference;
Than you can use this method in JUnit like this:
assertEquals("Objects aren't equal", "", findDifferences(obj1, obj));
which isn't clunky and gives you full information about differences, if they exist (through not exactly in normal form of assertEqual but you get all the info so it should be good).
From your comments to other answers, I don't understand what you want.
Just for the sake of discussion, lets say that the the class did override the equals method.
So your UT will look something like:
SomeType expected = // bla
SomeType actual = // bli
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual).
And you are done. Moreover, you can not get the "full equality picture" if the assertion fails.
From what I understand, you are saying that even if the type did override equals, you would not be interested in it, since you want to get the "full equality picture". So there is no point in extending and overriding equals either.
So you have to options: either compare property by property, using reflection or hard-coded checks, I would suggest the latter. Or: compare human readable representations of these objects.
For example, you can create a helper class that serializes the type you wish tocompare to an XML document and than compare the resulting XML! in this case, you can visually see what exactly is equal and what is not.
This approach will give you the opportunity to look at the full picture but it is also relatively cumbersome (and a little error prone at first).
You can override the equals method of the class like:
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 0;
hash += (app != null ? app.hashCode() : 0);
return hash;
public boolean equals(Object object) {
HubRule other = (HubRule) object;
if ( {
boolean operatorHubList = false;
if (other.operator != null ? this.operator != null ? this.operator
.equals(other.operator) : false : true) {
operatorHubList = true;
if (operatorHubList) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
Well, if you want to compare two object from a class you must implement in some way the equals and the hash code method

Dead code warning where it shouldn't be

I have a very simple Java code, like this (this is just an excerpt):
AnObject object = null;
for(AnObject elem : list) // where the list is of the type List<AnObject>
if(<some dynamic condition goes here>)
object = elem;
Log.v(TAG,; // was initially omitted, added for the answer
// more code skipped for simplicity
if(object == null)
{ //
break; //
} // this all is marked as dead code
In Eclipse, the fragment with comments is marked as a dead code. Why? There is no final elements in the condition. The object variable is not assigned anywhere to constant null, except for the very beginning of the cycle, after which it should be normally overriden, but it does not happen always. The object can very well be null and non-null.
Am I missing something?
The Answer
Well, I found the answer, and to show it I must add one line of code to my example, which I omitted by accident when tried to simplify the code excerpt, but it is important. The line is:
So the object must be non-null, otherwise the code unreachable by exception. This line was added temporary for debugging purposes, which is why it was out of my consideration.
I can't reproduce that warning in eclipse.
Could it be that you accidently forgot some piece of code in your original question which might lead to a situation where no code behind it is executed. As you marked the complete if statement as dead code and not just its body, this seems to be the case. That missing line could be something that actually uses object (probably as simple as a logging statement where you try to access one of object's properties).
Even if the if condition is not marked as dead, its body might still be. Either object is not null (and the if body would not be executed) or – if object is null – a NullPointerException would be thrown in that missing line so that the execution stops there.
Can't reproduce with the following program:
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Object> list = new LinkedList<Object>();
Object object = null;
for(Object elem : list)
if(new Date().getSeconds() % 3 == 0)
object = elem;
if(object == null)
This is Eclipse 3.7.2 with Java SE 1.7
Because, if list is null (in your code there's no init for list), you won't ever initialize Object.
My Trashtalk, my bad.
If the inner 'if' always go false, the dead code could be marked inside it.
If the elements are null, the comparisson in the end still applies.
If you return before your dead code block, it will raise an unreachable code error.
As others say, couldn't replicate it.

Junit + UrlDecoder: Why does this test fail?

I have the following code in one of my tests. The second assertion fails.
String decode1 = URLDecoder.decode("a%20b", "UTF-8");
assertTrue("a b".equals(decode1)); // pass
assertEquals("a‌ b", decode1); // FAIL
I can't figure out why. Is this a bug with JUnit? You would think that JUnit would just call .equals() if the first arg is not null...
When I pasted your code into a new test, it fails as you stated. However, after deleting the final "a b" string and retyping it, it passed. You must have some embedded characters in there that I don't see when viewing the source of this page.
The failed assertion shows this somewhat by saying the expected value is
"a[ ]b"
It does call equals(). Looking at the source code from kickjava, we have the following. (You didn't say if you are using JUnit 3.8 or 4.0, but I'm pretty sure they didn't change the implementation of something this basic.
public static void assertEquals(String msg, Object obj1, Object obj2) {
if (obj1 == null && obj2 == null) {
if (obj1 != null && obj1.equals(obj2)) {
fail(msg + " expected=" + obj1 + " actual=" + obj2);
Are you 100% sure a stray encoded character didn't sneak into your test. Maybe try this to rule it out?
String expected = "a b";
assertEquals(expected, decode1);

Get output from a process

This is a second part to my question here.
I now have a process but I want to know how to get the output from the process?
String filename = matlab.getfileName();
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java -cp " + filename);
public class mediaProperty {
public static Object main(String[] args) {
Object[] mediaProp = null;
java.util.List lstMedia = new ArrayList();
Media media = null;
try {
media = new Media();
mediaProp =, lstMedia);
} catch (Exception p) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + p.toString());
} finally {
if (media != null) {
return mediaProp;
The will return an Object. Inside this is actually String array. How do I get the array? And is the way I'm calling exec() correct?
use public static void main (not Object as return type)
Serialize the object using ObjectOutputStream (all necessary examples are in the javadoc)
The only thing different from the example is the construction - construct it like
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(System.out);
in the program calling exec(), get the output with process.getOutputStream()
Read in an ObjectInputStream based on the already retreived OutputStream (check this)
Deserialize the object (see the javadoc of ObjectInputStream)
Now, this is a weird way to do it, but as I don't know exactly what you are trying to achieve, it sounds reasonable.
You could do System.setOut(new PrintStream(p.getOutputStream())) if you'd like to have the process print its results directly to standard output. Of course, this will override the old standard output. But you could also do other things with the process's output stream, like have a thread that reads from it.
A problem with your code is that the main function of a class must be of type void, and will return nothing. You will not be able to pass Java objects between processes, as they are running in different JVMs. If you must do this you could serialize the object to disk, but I imagine you don't even need to run this in a separate process.
mediaProp is a local variable in your main() method. It's not accessible from the outside.
You'll have to redesign your mediaProperty class a bit.
First, you should use:
"java -cp . mediaProperty " + filename
for calling the java process. The "-cp ." defines the classpath and I have made the assumption that the java file is compiled and the generated class file is at the same path as the executing process.
Then, you need to print the result at the standard output and not just return it. Finally, read this article for reading the output.
Tip 1: Rename the class to MediaProperty
Tip 2: Why you don't call the MediaProperty class directly from your code? Is it necessary to start a new process?
There are a few gotcha's.
In exec you assume that java is on the path, and the filename should be fully qualified or you should know that the current working dir of the java process is OK.
main() should return void (nothing). If you want to pass the results out of your program use something like:
for (Object o : mediaProp) {
and parse it again on the input stream (the calling software).
Better yet, include the MediaProperty class in the java path and call main(...) directly in stead of calling a separate java process.
