Loading Images with Picasso into RecyclerView from External Drive - Android App - java

I recently had an issue where I couldn't work out how to add any photos I take with my app into the phone's gallery.
I have now achieved this. My issue though, is when I am retrieving the photos I take onto the app from a Firebase database.
I have the following code using picasso to get my photos (this is from an Adapter class):
public void onBindViewHolder(ImageViewHolder holder, int position) {
Upload uploadCurrent = mUploads.get(position);
If I take photos with the stock camera on the phone and upload these to Firebase via the app, when I come to retrieve them and show on my phone, they are fine. However, if I take a picture with the app I created, it uploads to the Firebase database okay but won't retrieve the picture. There is the placeholder for it with the image title but no actual image. I'm wondering whether it's something to do with the orientation but I'm not sure.
Has anyone got any suggestions? All welcome.

On further research, I decided to give Glide a try instead of Picasso and it worked.
So, instead of the above, replace 'Picasso' with 'Glide' and '.fit()' with '.fitCenter()'.
Also, add the following to the gradle (using the latest versions):
implementation 'com.android.support:support-v4:27.0.2'
compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.7.0'
and change this line:
to this:
I hope that helps someone else in the future.


How to convert String to Uri which is taken from sqlite and set it in ImageView?

I was saving image Uri to SQLite as String which I picked from gallery and it was set as image to my ImageView. But from 2nd activity I'm taking the Image(Uri) as String and converting to Uri and setting to ImageView.
When I run the 2nd activity it is giving an error like
resolveUri failed on bad bitmap uri: content://com.miui.gallery.open/raw/06.jpg
The code is like.
String valueImage;
Do I need to convert in another way?
Thank you.
You can use Glide. It's very easy and takes only one line.
String valueImage; // Get url fro SQLite
The import statement is to put into the app module gradle file (app/build.gradle)
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.9.0'
Hope it helps !
Try Glide for your requirement
Import glide using gradle
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.8.0'
Then set image to imageview using this method
.load(Uri.fromFile(new File(valueImage)))

How to change a photo?

I am trying to change photos in android studio by clicking on my button.
When I put code for changing the photo in my MainActivity.java I keep getting this type of error messages and it says :
Cannot resolve symbol "image"
I am watching Udemy course for android development and I have done everything same like the professor on that video.
I have tried to restart android studio.
I have tried to make new project.
I have tried to clear invalidate caches and restart.
public void changeImage(View view)
ImageView bitcoin = findViewById(R.id.bitcoin);
I hope there is actual error with android studio,because code is clone of the video that I am watching.
You are binding your layout's ImageView in Java file with bitcoin variable and you are trying to set an image on an unknown variable 'image'(maybe it's not defined in the class). So you have to set as below.
ImageView bitcoin = findViewById(R.id.bitcoin);
Set Your Code Like this
ImageView image = findViewById(R.id.bitcoin);
change your this line
to this one:

The images not showing from SQLite when store it as URL

When retrieving the images from Firebase to SQlite it comes as link, so I am trying now to show the images through Picasso as the following:
but the image not showing. why its not showing? and how can i solve this issue?
Try this code and used Glide it is latest ..
add below dependency into app level gradle file..
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.7.1'
and make sure your path is not empty for give firebase server ..
and adapter define constructor like below ..
public RecyclerViewAdpater(List<String> mStringList, Context mContext) {
this.mStringList = mStringList;
this.mContext = mContext;
You are using old library try this,
In Gradle
implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.71828'
In Java
See more details Here.
Set Image from URL using Picasso like this
Load Image from direct URL
URL url = new URL(favoritesList.get(position).getFoodImage().toString());
Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(url.openConnection().getInputStream());
Hope this may help you

Glide not updating image android of same url?

I have the same url for an image. When I update this image more than one time it shows the previous image. The image and picture version on the server is updated but Glide is not showing the new image.I want to get new image every time and cache it .
.load(Constants.COPY_LINK_BASE_URL + info.getDisplayPicture())
.signature(new (SettingManager.getUserPictureVersion(context)))
I can reproduce this bug by changing internet ,on one internet its change image as expected on other internet it remain same after 2 or 3 tries to changing image
//Use bellow code, it work for me.Set skip Memory Cache to true. it will load the image every time.
Glide 4.x
Glide 3.x
you can skip caching by adding the following lines:
OR : you can workaround caching by adding a dummy random argument to your URL:
.load(url + "?rand=" + (new Random().nextInt()))
What's happening?
When your picture is loaded the first time, it's stored locally in what's called a cached memory (or simply "a cache"). When you request it for a second time Glide fetches if from the cache as if it was a successful request. This is meant for many good reasons such as: offloading your server, saving your users some data and responding quickly (offering your users a smooth experience).
What to do?
Now, concerning your issue: you need to disable the cache in order to force Glide to fetch your image remotely every time you ask for it. You can do the following:
.signature(imageVersion) // supposing that each new image has its own version number
Or, in the case where you can't know when a picture is changes (no imageVersion), use a unique signature for each picture.
.signature(new StringSignature(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())))
Another clean way would be to configure your picture's cache strategy in your server and use .diskCacheStrategy(DiskCacheStrategy.SOURCE).
A hacky trick worth mentioning
If adding a dummy GET paramter to your target URL doesn't break anything, then you could simply workaround caching by passing a random argument each time you fetch the image, this will push Glide to think you're querying a new endpoint, since the image cannot possibly exist in the cache.
.load(url + "?rand=" + (new Random().nextInt())) // "&rand=" if your url already has some GET params
Glide caching API here.
I my case Glide not recognize .signature(), so additionally to #MGDavies's answer you maybe need something like this
// in kotlin
//using apply to RequestOptions instead signature directly
.apply(RequestOptions().signature(ObjectKey("time that image was updated")))
This is an old question, so I'm sure you've got your fix by now. However I believe both of the big libraries(Picasso and Glide) now support something similar.
Glide has its signature API you may wish to look into:
.signature(new StringSignature(yourVersionMetadata))
I've not had a chance to work with this myself, but it looks as though you need to make a call to your API to get the version Metadata, then a subsequent call to fulfil it.
Alternatively, look into ETags.
Good luck!
Glide 4.8.0
.apply(RequestOptions.signatureOf(new ObjectKey(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()))))
Now Glide latest version, you have to use RequestOption for clear cache.
RequestOptions options = new RequestOptions()
Or for everytime load picture you have to use a String in as signature.
RequestOptions options = new RequestOptions()
.signature(new StringSignature(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())));
When new images are loaded or updated, use below to clear Glide memory and cache :
|==| Clear Glide memory
|==| Clear Glide Cache()
void clearGlideDiskCache()
new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
diskCacheStrategy and skipMemoryCache did not work for my case.
I was writing to a local image file between Glide requests with the same url. My hack of a solution was to switch between adding a 0/1 to the end of the filename.
Forcing it to change image source every time seems to work.
Try using RequestOptions:
RequestOptions requestOptions = new RequestOptions();
If .setDefaultRequestOptions(requestOptions) does not work, use .apply(requestOptions):
// or this
.apply(new RequestOptions().placeholder(R.drawable.booked_circle).error(R.drawable.booked_circle))
// or this
it's like the issue is related to Glide Library itself, I found the trick that can fix this, just put a random number after your image URL as a query like an Example code below, it fixed my problem I hope it helps you too
Random random = new Random();
int randomInt = random.nextInt();
.applyDefaultRequestOptions(new RequestOptions()
.load(ConstantVars.BaseUrl + userModel.getAvatarURL() + "?" + randomInt)
.apply(new RequestOptions().error(R.drawable.himart_place_holder))
it will make Glide to reload image anytime you request like there's no cache at all to read from.

Android - Playing Youtube Videos using Youtube Player API in ListView

I have tried using WebViews to display Youtube Videos in ListView, what happens is when i scroll off screen and back to the cell the Video was located the Video disappears meaning that the WebView does not render back the WebView with the Video in it. So i tried using YoutubePlayerAPI but i am finding it difficult to understand how i can insert these Videos using the YoutubePlayerAPI.
Could someone please advise?
I have tried using YoutubePlayerView in my ArrayAdapter but i get Inflate errors, i have also created YoutubeBaseActivity and YoutubeFragment but cant understand how i get the layout or ui to display these videos in my ListView Cells.
How i did it
Download the youtube android SDK from here then get the jar file and copy it to libs folder on your app.
Enter this in dependency in gradle.build under dependencies
compile files('libs/YouTubeAndroidPlayerApi.jar')
Syc and build.
Create an activity that extends YoutubeBaseActivity like below and implement the YoutubePlayer.OnInitializedListener as shown below. Override the methods on the interace. Android studio can help you do this.
public class Display extends YouTubeBaseActivity implements YouTubePlayer.OnInitializedListener {
Then, when it loads successfully,
public void onInitializationSuccess(Provider provider, YouTubePlayer player, boolean b) {
if (!b) {
This will load the youtube player and you play on the API
Happy coding, sorry am late
