Single JDBC Connection per one user request - java

I have the page for which I should have a several queries from different DAO classes.
I want to use the same connection for all queries. I'm getting the connection from data source for this particular user request.
The idea is to use this connection for all dao methods which are needed for this user request.
I see only one way now - pass connection as param to each DAO method, something like that:
productDAO.get(connection, param);
objectDAO.get(connection, param);
The question is - is it possible to have another solution for passing connection to different DAO methods for single user request?
The technologies in project: JDBC, Java EE


How to add string parameters in lookup method in jdbc connection?

In my web application I'm using JDBC connectivity basically its working fine with below code
connObj = DriverManager.getConnection(dbaseUrl, usrName, Paswrd);
But when I'm using veracode tool its showing flaw as J2EE Bad Practice:getConnection so that i need to implement.
InitialContext ctx= new InitialContext();
DataSource dsrc=(DataSource)ctx.lookup(dbaseUrl, usrName, Paswrd);
How can I pass 3 parameters in lookup so that it should not disturb my previous flow of code. Can anybody guide me please?
You cannot change the lookup method parameter. But you can use bind or rebind methods of InitialContext to retrieve your datasource.See sample
ctx.bind("java:/comp/env/jdbc/nameofmyjdbcresource", dsrc);
For details example check here.
A DataSource is a connection to one database and you configure a DataSource with a single username and password. If you really need specific (and changing) usernames/passwords depending on application logic, then you can use DataSource.getConnection(String username, String password). However keep in mind with some (most?) connection pools this will give you a non-pooled connection.
If you want to access a different database (or a different configuration), then you need to specify a data source for each database you want to access and ask for that specific data source.
If that is not possible for your situation, then you should just ignore/suppress the veracode warning and continue using DriverManager.

Maintaining a transaction flow using Jersey REST

I am pretty new to the REST world and we are trying our hands at migrating our application to a REST based architecture. We are working on a proof of concept and we need to come up with a working proof that what we are set to achieve can be done using REST.
In our architecture, the front end screens would use Angular and would call REST services to open up a customer session and perform/maintain transactions within that session and when the session is complete, the session details (i.e. all the customer transactions within the customer session) would be sent over for commit to the DB. We only want to write to the DB after customer completes all transactions within a session. In other words, a commit to the DB happens only when the session ends.
I am hoping to get some directions on how best to perform the below steps in our Java classes.
1) Browser initiates a request to open a new customer session. A session POST service is used to generate a new session ID. The session ID is sent back as response to the browser.
Question --> What is the best way to maintain this session ID value in my Java classes?
2) Customer transactions are performed within the session. For each transaction processed a transaction POST service is used to save the transaction information along with the session information.
Question --> In my Java classes what is the best way to maintain this transaction information and how best do I associate this transaction information with the session information that was created by the previous session POST information? The client would maintain the session ID but on the service side I need to be able to map the transaction with the session ID so that I can send back a combined session payload that includes session information and the transaction within that session.
3) A customer can perform some more transactions and each transaction performed would be a transaction POST request which would have to get associated with the session id created before. Each additional transaction performed would have to be associated to the session id on the service side such that when I do a GET on the session id, I need to get the session details along with all transactions within that session.
4) Finally when the session is complete the information from the session and the session payload on the service side (along with all the transactions) will commit to the DB.
I am just looking for some general guidance on how best to do this using my Java classes and Jersey REST.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
Basically this question isn't easy and requires a lot of writing, however I'll try to reply.
First of all remember that REST is stateless - it means that there's no session and client needs to be authorized with every request. This is a separate topic but a nice authorization method in REST is JSON Web Token.
Secondly REST is about nouns - not verbs. Thus you should avoid URLs like /session/{sessionId}/close/ but try to model the domain using nouns and default HTTP operations: POST (create), PUT (update), GET (read), DELETE (remove).
I guess that session and transactions is just an abstraction I will show you how to model it on an example of shopping cart. In all examples I doubled the URLs - with /users/{userId}/ prefix to show you can refer to resources in many different ways
Create a shopping cart (creating a session)
POST /shopping-carts/
POST /users/{userID}/shopping-carts/
Request: may be empty or should contain necessary details about the cart
Response: must contain a newly-created shoppingCartID
"shoppingCartID": "1qaz2wsx"
Add an item to a shopping cart (create a transaction)
POST /shopping-carts/{shoppingCartID}/items/
POST /users/{userID}/shopping-carts/{shoppingCartID}/items/
Request: contains details about an item being added
Response: returns a newly-added item along with its unique ID
Pay for the shopping cart (commit the transactions)
POST /payments/
POST /users/{userID}/payments/
Request: must contain a shoppingCartID
"shoppingCartID": "1qaz2wsx"
Response: Contains details about newly-created payment
"paymentId": "3edc4rfv"
I know that this is a general answer but it's difficult to give a precise answer for such a wide question.
EDIT (after a discussion in comments)
In my opinion the DB should be used to keep the transactions in a temporary table before they are approved. Even if you don't want to use a DB any other persistent store is highly recommended - imagine what could happen in case of a server restart when transactions are not approved, you will lose all the data.
The options I see:
In memory. You can write a simple in-memory structure with a synchronized access. In the most simple case just plain old HashMap will be enough. Mind the fact that keeping data this way is risky, the can be erased very easily.
Use file system. If you don't want to use DB you can use file system to keep the transactions data while they're uncommitted. After adding a new transaction it's written to a file. On commit file is read and all transactions are saved to DB. A synchronized file access is also very important here. When it comes to data format you can use JSON, XML, even plain java serialization.
The last idea that comes to my head is to use an in memory DB, such as Redis. The data will be erased on a system reboot so they're less likely to be deleted, however this is not safe in my opinion as well. Such DB is much easier to use/maintain than traditional DB.
It all depends what are you trying to implement. I can't imagine a scenario where uncommitted transactions can be simply removed and nothing happens - it seems that there's a must for persistent storage. However the ideas above might be useful as well.

How can I validate my jdbc connection whether the data base is up running without executing sql query

I'm working with spring jdbc, In my case I have to execute a query and refresh cache only when data base is up running for this I'm not finding any method appropriate to call on Connection object.
If you're using Spring JdbcTemplate you could perhaps use:
public <T> T execute(ConnectionCallback<T> action) throws DataAccessException
Execute a JDBC data access operation, implemented as callback action
working on a JDBC Connection. This allows for implementing arbitrary
data access operations, within Spring's managed JDBC environment: that
is, participating in Spring-managed transactions and converting JDBC
SQLExceptions into Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy.
The callback action can return a result object, for example a domain object or a collection of domain objects.
You could execute an action once the connection is established such a simple query perhaps.
Let me know if that helps.

Could not initialize proxy - no Session

I've got an error that looks like this:
Could not initialize proxy - no Session
I'm working with java, hibernate and spring. This error comes up when trying to generate a PDF document, and I'm following the next steps to generate it on the fly and store in the database.
I sent a request to the app through a POST method. This generates the PDF on the fly and shows to the user.
Just after that request I send another, but through an ajax a request. This will generate the same PDF but will save it in the DB.
The error shows that a query could not be executed due to "could not initialize proxy - no Session" error.
Is there something that am I doing wrong, calling the same methods twice from the same user session? Could it be that the session is closed before both requests have finished?
Hope someone can help me to understand what is happening.
Your problem is that the hibernate Session lives only for one request. It opens in the start of the request and closes at the end. You guessed the answer: Hibernate session is closed before both requests are finished.
Exactly what is happening? Your entity objects live during both requests. How? They are stored in the HTTP session (which is a different thing called session) You don't give much information about the framework you are using, so I can't give you more details, but it is certain that the framework you are using somehow keeps your entities in the HTTP session. This is how the framework makes it easy for you to work with the same objects for more than one requests.
When the processing of the second request starts, the code is trying to access some entity (usually an element of a collection) that is lazily initialized by hibernate. The entity is not attached to a hibernate session, and so hibernate can't initialize the hibernate proxy before reading it. You should open a session and re-attach your entity to it at the beginning of the ajax request processing.
I will try to give a brief explanation of what is happening behind the scene. All java web frameworks have one or more servlets that handle the requests. The servlet handles each request (HttpRequest) by creating a new thread that will finally produce the response (HttpResponse). The method that processes each request is executed inside this thread.
At the beginning of the request processing your application should allocate the resources that it needs for processing (Transaction, Hibernate session etc). At the end of the processing cycle these resources are released (Transaction is committed, hibernate session is closed, JDBC connections are released etc). Lifecycle of these resources could be managed by your framework, or could be done by your code.
In order to support application state in a stateless protocol as HTTP, we have the HttpSession object. We (or the frameworks) put on HttpSession the information that remains relevant between different request cycles of the same client.
During the processing of the first request hibernate reads (lazily) an entity from the database. Due to lazy initialization some parts of this object's structure are hibernate proxy objects. These objects are associated with the hibernate session that created them.
The framework finds the entity from the previous request in the HttpSession object when you try to process the second request. Then it is trying to access a property from a child entity that was lazily initialized and now is a hibernate proxy object. The hibernate proxy object is an imitation of the real object that will ask its hibernate session to fill it with information from the database when someone tries to access one of its properties. This what your hibernate proxy is trying to do. But its session was closed at the end of the previous request processing, so now it doesn't have a hibernate session to use in order to be hydrated (filled with real info).
Note that it is possible that you have already opened a hibernate session at the beginning of the second request, but it isn't aware of the entity that contains the proxy object because this entity was read by a different hibernate sesion. You should re-attach the entity to the new hibernate session.
There is a lot of discussion about how to re-attach a detached entity, but the simplest approach right now is session.update(entity).
Hope it helps.

Hibernate sessions REST performance/security

I'm bulding a REST web service using Hibernate and Jersey to supply JSON data to mobile clients. I have a general question about how to deal with Hibernate sessions internally. There are two different approaches(A,B) I'd like to discuss.
A. Someone told me I should open a new session per user, let it open for the whole web session of the user and finally close this session after the user stopped using my web service. I was told it would be a better approach from the view of security and performance.
Though I've read that: "Sessions are irrelevant" Common REST Mistakes, 6.
B. Right now I'm using a SessionFactory to open a session in my service classes and close this session immediately after a query is done. My web service is only using GET and POST requests. There is not PUT or DELETE. I don't need any user authentication (like oAuth) to request data. Therefore I don't think it's necessary to use Transactions
Here is an Example of my Service class:
Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
Query query = session.createQuery("from RoomEntity");
List<RoomEntity> list = (List<RoomEntity>) query.list();
Would be great to hear your opinion about my following questions:
What would be the best practice? Which approach do you follow?
What do you think about the performance matter?
What do you think about the security matter?
I don't like A. It makes your service stateful and how do you know when a user has finished with your services anyway?
The general rule with Hibernate and web apps is to use a single session per http request. Most REST service GET requests map pretty simply to a single DB query as you have demonstrated with B, so this is the way to go.
You should be having one Session per request, its called Onit of Work pattern. There are frameworks out there that support this implementation one of them is Spring(I would recomend to use it and not try to reinvent a wheel). You can read about it here.
I am in a similar situation. Based on the JBOSS documentation a session per request within Jersey appears to be valid. You could use an implementation of the ContainerRequestFilter in Jersey to open up a hibernate session and then close it with commits in an implementation of the ContainerResponseFilter.
