The method with #Scheduled annotation is executed twice (cron entry 0 */5 * * * *).
I have read that the problem is probably with context which is loaded twice.
My web.xml file looks like that.
After I removed the listener from web.xml the scheduling was executed correcty once.
However there was another problem. When I visited the website there was error message.
Cannot be the problem with Dispatcher entry where mvc-config is occurred twice in web.xml?
Spring scheduled cron job is running twice in a scheduled time.
Using spring 4.2.5 version.
REST API -> Jersey + Spring Integration.
web.xml as below.
spring application context xml file for the task entry.
Spring bean as follows.
public class SpringBean {
#Scheduled(cron = "0 35 23 * * ?")
public void job() {....}
Thanks for your help. Problem resolved.
Solution: I was loading the same bean twice, so removed the duplicate bean.
Building a Spring Web Maven Project in STS; I can't seem to get the web.xml editor to find the servletMapping for the dispatcherServlet, despite it being right there. It keeps telling me that the Servlet Name - "The value is not among the possible selections." The dropdown list flutters like it's looking, but there are no options. My web.xml:
- Servlet that dispatches request to registered handlers (Controller implementations).
And here's the error I'm getting:
How to stop loading context twice in spring 2.5 application?
In web.xml I having following configuration setting while loading spring based application, I m also using "CRON" scheduler to schedule the notification mail based on the "CRON" expression value, But notification triggering twice, but same case for simple trigger it is working fine.
Please find the above setting in web.xml and let me know the solution ,if anybody knows
I have 2 spring configurations :
needed to add this line to security:
<beans:import resource="spring-servlet.xml"/>
Now hibernate is ran twice, this is log screenshot :
my web.xml:
remove <beans:import resource="spring-servlet.xml"/>,
and set
and maybe you twice define sessionFactory bean. Remove one of them.
Ok, two context is normal. One - application context, loaded by ContextLoaderListener, should contains definition of sessionFactory, dao, services, etc. usually its name is applicationContext.xml
DispatcherServlet should contains only beans for MVC. You can define conext name in parameter:
I am new to Spring MVC. I have a web application. I have the following configuration:
Do I need to add the following line to the web.xml file?
Yes you need to add ContextLoaderListener in web.xml,
only if you want to load other Spring context xml files as well while loading the app
and you can specify them as
Only if you have two config xml files. One with Services / DAOs and another with Controller. If you have configured everything in one spring config file you don't need the ContextLoaderListener, just the dispatcher servlet is sufficient.
It is recommended to split the config into two and use the ContextLoaderListener to create the root application context and the dispatcher servlet to create the web layer application context.
It is optional, you don't really need it just for Spring MVC (DispatcherServlet will do). But adding Spring security to your Spring MVC must be done with
Just one remark, if using ContextLoaderListener you will have to add DelegatingFilterProxy:
in your web.xml as well. Sorry for being four years too late. Cheers
This maybe a little advanced, in my application which is an enterprise app, they construct their own listener class and put in the web.xml. On start up, this customized listener will scan the app to gather all info including resources, external connections, server info ip, jars, etc. The info is accessible in a web page.