I am using spring-boot 2.5.0 and maven as dependency management tool. I have following dependencies as of now in my project.
I want to use jsp instead of thymeleaf but when I put my "index.html" file inside templates or static sub-folder of resources folder it doesn't recognize the html file and throws white label error.When I added the thymeleaf dependency it worked perfectly and recognized the html file. So, what should I do to make spring-boot detect my html file without adding thymeleaf dependency. By the way I have never used jsp before.
It seems you are missing either of the two things.
you should put below the property with the desired value in the property/yaml file
spring.mvc.view.prefix: <location of html/jsp>
spring.mvc.view.suffix: <.extension>
check at your controller whether you are sending the correct view name or not.
I use STS for build a webserver.
I put dependency in pom.xml with this code
When I run my Webserver with IDE (Spring Tool Suite), if 'html' file which will shown on browser changes, it automatically apply changes.
but if I run it as standalone ( 'mvnw spring-boot:run' ) it doesn't work.
how can I fix this problem?
Currently work with Springframework.boot 2.0.4.RELEASE
In application.properties set:
Default value is (maybe your html file is here):
I'm trying make a project using Jsoup library.
I imported the library using maven.
My problem is when I have start to code using Jsoup classes and methods, eclipse don't show me anything available to import and to use from "org.jsoup"
I've already used Maven update project but my project has all dependencies placed right.
Someone got this problem too and could help me?
That is my current pom.xml on dependencies section:
and my project libraries screenshot:
project libraries
Well. After some struggles I will leave some details about what I did to solve my problem.
Unfortunately for some reason if you try add Jsoup library from maven repository I can get the classes and methods from the api.
I found some comments on github from people who said that the only solution for that is including the jars into your project. What sounds a bit old fashion.
Well. Let's get started.
First, create a folder called lib into src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ and have included the jsoup .jar that I have downloaded from the official web site.
After that I've added into pom.xml on dependencies section the follow child tag.
So when I've started code my app using the classes and methods from the api everything seems available when I called. And after that when I built my artifact using maven the dependencies has been available inside my artifact.
I really hope this could help someone. And I hope that the developers of Jsoup somehow fix that.
I've got a Spring Boot app. From what I understand a boot app will only need the dependency in the pom and all is great. Unfortunately, that's not the case and even when I overcomplicate my configuration it still doesn't work - I can't use the sec namespace in my pages.
In my page the first issue is the namespace URI:
I've tried every option available in the Intellij fix menu and can't get it.
I suppose the result of that issue is the fact that I can't use the sec namespace anywhere. The pictured example may indeed be an invalid use but I've used <div> as well which is straight from the Thymeleaf examples:
Many of the answers here and other sources are relying on xml configuration as well, which is of no use. Still, I've made Java-based beans based on those xml examples with no luck.
What steps are required to use spring security and thymeleaf integration in a spring boot app using only Java based configuration (if that)?
I have encountered the same issue and for me it helped to define schema locations like this:
<html lang="en"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.thymeleaf.org http://www.thymeleaf.org
http://www.ultraq.net.nz/thymeleaf/layout http://www.ultraq.net.nz/thymeleaf/layout
http://www.thymeleaf.org/thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity4 http://www.thymeleaf.org/thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity4">
This includes also additional dialects for layout and spring security 4 which you can remove if you are not using them.
I have downloaded some open source software written in Java and tried to compile it using Eclipse.
I got the error: "The hierarchy of the type 'Class name' is inconsistent" in some files.
What causes these errors and how do I fix them?
It means you are trying to implement a non-existing interface or you're extending an non-existing class.
Try to refresh your Eclipse.
If it doesn't work, it may mean that you have a reference to a JAR that is not in the build path.
Check your project's classpath and verify that the jar containing the interface or the class is in it.
Sometimes it happens when you add a jar that YOU need, but don't include the jars that IT needs. In my case adding all the jars in tomcat/lib helped me to solve this problem. I am working on a web-app.
Check your errors (tab "markers"). I had also the following error:
Archive for required library in project cannot be read...
and when that was fixed the "inconsistent-error" disappeared.
Actually I had added jars to the build path, but for some reason they could not be read with error
Archive for required library in project cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file
So instead I added them as "External Jars". That helped and all compilation problems were no more!
I had this problem after I upgraded the JDK to a new version. I had to update the references to libraries in Project Properties/Java Build Path.
One more case I have had. Give the correct project path, and import it to eclipse.
Then go to Project--> Clean --> Clean all projects.
You should clean the project , or restart Eclipse.
You will see this error in case a some class in your library file you have in classpath has reference to non-existing classe(s) which could be in another jar file. Here, I received this error when I did not add org.springframework.beans-3.1.2.RELEASE.jar and had extended a class from org.springframework.jdbc.core.support.JdbcDaoSupport, which was in org.springframework.jdbc-3.1.2.RELEASE.jar of my classpath.
The problem may be that you have included incorrect jars. I had the same problem and the reason was that I had included incorrect default JRE library in the build path of the project. I had installed Java with another version and was including JRE files of Java with a different version. (I had installed JRE 1.6 in my system and was having JRE library 1.7 included in the build path due to previously installed Java) May be you can check if the JRE library that you have included in the build path is of correct version ie. of Java version that you have installed in your system.
I 've experienced this problem on Eclipse Juno, the root cause was that although some spring jars were being included by transient maven dependencies they were included in incorrect versions.
So you should check if using a modularized framework as spring that every module (or at least the most important: core, beans, context, aop, tx, etc.) are in the same version.
To solve the problem I 've used maven dependnecy exclusions to avoid incorrect version of transient dependencies.
Error : the hierarchy of the type "class name" is inconsistent error.
solution :
class OtherDepJar {} --> is inside "other.dep.jar" .
class DepJar extends OtherDepJar {} --> is inside "dep.jar".
class ProblematicClass extends DepJar {} --> is inside current project .
If dep.jar is in the project's classpath, but other.dep.jar isn't in the project's classpath, Eclipse will show the" The hierarchy of the type ... is inconsistent error"
To me, the issue was due to wrong imports. In fact, one need to update the imports after adding the v7 support library.
It can be fixed by doing as follows, for each class of your project:
Delete all the lines with import android.[*], in each class
Reorganize your imports: from the context menu select Source/Organize Imports or (CTRL+SHIFT+O)
When prompted, select the libraries android.support.[*] (and not android.[*]).
It was definitely because missing dependencies that were not in my maven pom.xml.
For example, I wanted to create integration tests for my implementation of the broadleaf ecommerce demo site.
I had included a broadleaf jar with integration tests from broadleaf commerce in order to reuse their configuration files and base testing classes. That project had other testing dependencies that I had not included and I received the "inconsistent hierarchy" error.
After copying the "test dependencies" from broadleaf/pom.xml and the associated properties variables that provided the versions for each dependency in broadleaf/pom.xml, the error went away.
The properties were:
The dependencies were:
<version>${blc.version}</version><!--$NO-MVN-MAN-VER$ -->
<!-- Logging -->
If the extended class has the issue then the above error message will gets displayed.
class Example extends Example1 {
fix the issues in Example1
I had the same exact problem marker and solved it by removing the #Override annotation from a method that was in fact the first implementation (the "super" one being an abstract method) and not an override.
In my case, the import references in many of the classes contained an extra word. I solved it by editing all the files to have the correct imports. I started doing the edits manually. But when I saw the pattern, I automated it with a find..replace in eclipse. This resolved the error.
For me it was changing the Android API level to one with Google APIs
I was having this problem too... I found out that the hierarchy of the class that was throwing this exception, cannot be traced all way back to its root class by eclipse... I Explain:
In my case, I have 3 java project: A, B and C... where A and B are maven projects and C a regular java eclipse project...
In the project A, i have the interface "interfaceA" ...
In the project B, i have the interface "interfaceB" that extends "interfaceA"
In the project C, i have the concrete class "classC" that implements "interfaceB"
The "project C" was including the "project B" in its build path but not "project A" (so that was the cause of the error).... After including "project A" inside the build path of "C", everything went back to normal...
I had a class that extends LabelProvider in a project with OSGi, there the error occured. The solution was: Adding org.eclipse.jface to the required plugins in the manifest.mf instead of importing the single packages like org.eclipse.jface.viewers
if you are importing the eclipse project just
1. Go to the java build path setting under the project properties.
2. In case the JRE System library has an error sign attach to it double click it to open the Edit library window
3. Change the execution environment to the correct java version of the system or choose edit the other settings by checking the radio buttons assign to them.
4. Click finish
When importing a GWT project in Eclipse without installing "Google Plugin for Eclipse", this will occur. After installing "Google Plugin for Eclipse", this error will disappear.
Right click on the project folder and select "Java Build Path". Under "Java Build Path" you should be able to see libraries. Eclipse will show errors in any of those libraries. Fixing those issue will help to resolve the issue.
I had this error after doing some git merge from a branch where my classes extended a new interface.
It was enough to Refresh (F5) the File-Tree in the Package Explorer frame of Eclipse.
It seems that Eclipse did not update everything properly and so the classes were extending a non-existing-yet interface. After refresh, all errors disappeared.
I had to switch from Eclipse Oxygen that I got from IBM and used IBM JDK 8 to Eclipse Photon and Oracle JDK 8. I'm working on Java customizations for maximo.
This error will also appear when one of the jars required by the existing dependencies is not available in current project path.
Ex:-> Current Proj depends on Lib1 depends on Lib2.
If we use one of the classes in Lib1 but Lib2 is not packaged in Lib1 or not available in current project path you'll see the issue.