Am trying to execute a java method, am having my java which I compiled using javac, After which a class file got created in the same path but when I tried executing the class file using command javac first.class it throws error saying file not found. Any idea by the way I have both JDK and JRE in the path variable. Am using java 1.8
Use java first to execute, javac is for compile.
I am running Java program from command line. I am referring to only 1 external jar file. i have added entire path to that jar in classpath. even then i get no class def found error while running program in command line. Program compiles without any error.
I think you complied and run the Java program like this
javac -cp fullyqualifiedPathToExternalJar yourfilepath/
java -cp fullyqualifiedPathToExternalJar yourfilepath/filename
This is totally wrong. When you compiled and run in this manner program compile successfully but not run. This because you have to follow the syntax of java command Properly.
for compiling its Ok.
javac -cp fullyqualifiedPathToExternalJar yourfilepath/
To run the program you have to add your file path to the classpath:
java -cp fullyqualifiedPathToExternalJar;yourfilepath //in windows
java -cp fullyqualifiedPathToExternalJar:yourfilepath //in linux
The syntax is
java example
with folderpath
javac /home/admin/
java -cp /home/admin example//only class name
Might be the chances of jar's compatibility issue. check yous inter dependent jar versions.
I got an error when I run a file exe.
unable to find a java runtime, please download and install a java runtime from
I use Java 1.8.0_151.
To fix it, I know I can run: javaw -jar exe_name class_name in cmd.
Ex: javaw -jar soflW.exe org.jgraph.JGraphad, but I don't know how to find the class name?
I have found a solution to my problem.
To find class name: I need zip .exe file and open it by winzip, then open file and you can see class name.
In my case, I need run with Java 7 because Java 8 hasn't this class and use java instead of javax as I said.
In other cases, I can run with Java 8 and use javax. I have not tried with java yet.
I am running a Java program with the following command:
java -cp .:./*
All the jar files are in the same directory. It works FINE! But what if I want to run it from a different folder?
The full location of the java program is: FIX/fixprog/src/com/fix/botclient
But if I try to run:
java -cp FIX/fixprog/src/* FIX/fixprog/src/
I get:
Error: Could not find or load main class
What am I doing wrong? How can I run the same Java program but not in the same directory?
If you have only jar files try:
java -cp FIX/fixprog/src/*
If you have also classes you should try:
java -cp FIX/fixprog/src/*:FIX/fixprog/src/
If both did not work perhaps you shoud use absolut path with disk unit if you are using windows.
Try if below works. You don't need to specify path when giving the fully qualified name of your java class that you are trying to execute. The "cp" part takes care of it.
java -cp FIX/fixprog/src
I am using the code from this tutorial to test the JDBC connection. I changed the name of the class to TestJDBC and I altered the database name and query, but otherwise it is identical. When I run the class as a Java application from within eclipse on my devbox, the program runs properly. However, when I copy the file to /home/username/ on a remote CentOS 7 server, typing java into the terminal produces the following error:
Error: Could not find or load main class
I also the same error when I try java TestJDBC and when I upload the .class file in addition to just the .java file. What else do I need to do in order to call the Java class from the CentOS 7 terminal?
Note that javac results in -bash: javac: command not found. And I did try java somepackage.TestJDBC with same results of Error: Could not find or load main class as above.
ANSWER NOTE: The answer required getting the development version of openJDK using yum. The PATH variable was not part of the solution. However, I am marking the answer below as accepted because the user who submitted it contributed substantially to the solution.
You should be able to run it after compiling it
java TestJDBC
Note that you do not need to add .class when running it from the commandline.
If this still does not work, please paste your code.
EDIT after request
So you've now stated that you're missing javac from your PATH. I'll show you how to add it:
$> export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk/jdk.1.8.0_20
$> export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
Verify by running
javac -version
It should print something like
javac 1.8.0_20
I am working on an embedded system with openwrt root files system and linux kernel.
I have compiled the trunk, no problem with that. I have installed the Java resources in /usr/bin, /usr/lib and /usr/share, but I haven't been able to compile some simple programs that I have done in Eclipse. I have used javac to compile a hello world and I obtain the .class file but when I try to execute the helloworld.class file in my embedded system with:
java helloworld.class
it does nothing, it just says:
/usr/bin/java: line 1: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting ")")
When I execute this in my computer it runs, so I guess it is because I have to cross-compile the java files, so how can I do that?
The problem is not with your class, but with a syntax error in the /usr/bin/java script - try cat /usr/bin/java
Just try the java command withoud .class extension like
java helloworld