java create name of file with object sending a pattern - java

I am working with external configuration files, such as an application.yml in Springboot, the program copied files and renamed the files, but if I need another pattern the name of the files thengo to change in code.
Let's suppose the following code:
public class Pet {
private chain name;
private rope bread;
private chain size;
PrivateVar private chain;
Getters and Setters ....
And I make the name of the files with this code:
Pet pet = getPet();
String fileName = String.format ("% s_% s_% s_% s", pet.getName (), pet.getBread (), pet.getSize (), pet.getOtherVar ());
This is the problem, it is not dynamic.
In my configuration file, I think, I can write the pattern and send an object as input and have the patron organize the name.
String.format (pattern_from_the_file_config, pet);
Can I do this or is there any way to do this?

Consider using a method (Pet's in this example) to specify and return filename.
If it's still too hardcoded for you, maybe reflections may help.
Java Reflection API
But it's really not recommended, dangerous and should be used only if necessary. Think twice before you'll use it. By doing that, you are losing control of code correctness (for example if you made mistake by typing wrong class field/method name in your configuration file).

Why you just don't simply override the ToString() method?
According to your example:
public String toString() {
return String.format ("% s_% s_% s_% s", pet.getName (), pet.getBread (), pet.getSize (), pet.getOtherVar ());
this will change dynamically.

As Peteef mentioned such trick would require Java Reflection API usage. If you aware about potential problems, consider following code snippet:
String fileName = getFileName(classNameFromConfigFile);
String getFileName(String className) throws Exception {
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className);
StringBuilder nameBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String nameSeparator = "_";
for(Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) {
return nameBuilder.toString();


Get Original Field Name on GraphQL

I'm using with spring-boot java application. I can reach to alias name easily but how can I reach to original fieldName?
class Food {
#GraphQLQuery(name = "aliasNameX", description = "A food's name")
private String originalName;
#GraphQLQuery(name = "foods") // READ ALL
public List<Food> getFoods(#GraphQLEnvironment ResolutionEnvironment env) {
DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet selectionSet = env.dataFetchingEnvironment.getSelectionSet();
List<SelectedField> fields = selectionSet.getFields();
for (SelectedField f: fields)
return foodRepository.findAll();
When I run this code, Output looks like with alias fields: "aliasNameX", ..., but I need original name like "originalName". Is there a way to do it?
Solved, according to:
Posting my original answer here as well.
You want the underlying field names, but from a level above. Still possible, but ugly :(
for (SelectedField selectedField : env.dataFetchingEnvironment.getSelectionSet().getImmediateFields()) {
Optional<Operation> operation = Directives.getMappedOperation(selectedField.getFieldDefinition());
String javaName = -> ((Member) op.getTypedElement().getElement()).getName()).orElse(null);
Be very careful though. If there's more than one Java element exposed per GraphQL field, getTypedElement().getElement() will explode. So to be sure you'd have to call getTypedElement().getElements() (plural) instead and decide what to do. ClassUtils#getPropertyMembers might also be useful, or the ClassUtils.findXXX family of methods.
You'd basically have to do this:
List<AnnotatedElement> elements = getTypedElement().getElements();
//Look for a field and use its name
Optional<String> field = Utils.extractInstances(elements, Field.class).findFirst().map(Field::getName);
//Look for a getter and find its associated field name
Optional<String> getter = Utils.extractInstances(elements, Method.class).findFirst().map(ClassUtils::getFieldNameFromGetter);
This API might have to change in future, as SDL-based tools are proliferating, so complex directives like the ones SPQR is using are causing problems...

Auto generate replace methods

I am running in to a lot of boilerplate code when creating language files for the application I am making. I currently have a class with all the language strings in it and then I use reflection to write these strings to the file.
What I run into quite often is that I have certain placeholders in my strings that I want to replace, for an example I might have a String like this:
public static String USER_INFO = "Username: %name% money: %balance%";
What I would like to achieve is to generate a few methods based on Annotations like I can generate getters/setters and other methods with lombok. Based on the above string I would have an annotation called Arguments(Properly should have been named Replacers or something more meaningfull) like seen here:
public #interface Arguments {
String[] value();
What I would like to do is to add the annotation like this:
value = {"%balance%", "%name%"}
public static String USER_INFO = "Username: %name% - money: %balance%";
and get the following replacement methods auto generated:
public static String USER_INFONameReplacement(String name) {
return USER_INFO.replace("%name%", name);
public static String USER_INFOAllReplacement(String name, String balance) {
return USER_INFO.replace("%name%", name).replace("%balance%", balance);
public static String USER_INFOBalanceReplacement(String balance) {
return USER_INFO.replace("%balance%", balance);
After doing some searching I ended up trying to implement AbstractProcessor in a class like this:
public class SuggestProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
public synchronized void init(ProcessingEnvironment env) {
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annoations, RoundEnvironment env) {
for (TypeElement annoation : annoations) {
Set<? extends Element> annotatedElements = env.getElementsAnnotatedWith(annoation);
Map<Boolean, List<Element>> annotatedFields =
Collectors.partitioningBy(element ->
((ArrayType) element.asType()).getComponentType().getClass().equals(PrimitiveType.class)));
List<Element> setters = annotatedFields.get(true);
if (setters.isEmpty()) {
String className = ((TypeElement) setters.get(0)
Map<String, List<String>> setterMap =
setter -> setter.getSimpleName().toString(),
setter -> Arrays.asList(setter.getAnnotation(Arguments.class).value()))
try {
writeBuilderFile(className, setterMap);
} catch (IOException e) {
return true;
private void writeBuilderFile(
String className, Map<String, List<String>> setterMap)
throws IOException {
String packageName = null;
int lastDot = className.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDot > 0) {
packageName = className.substring(0, lastDot);
String builderSimpleClassName = className
.substring(lastDot + 1);
JavaFileObject builderFile = processingEnv.getFiler()
try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(builderFile.openWriter())) {
if (packageName != null) {
out.print("package ");
out.print("public class ");
out.println(" {");
setterMap.forEach((key, orgArgNames) -> {
for (int i = 0; i < orgArgNames.size(); i++) {
List<String> subList = orgArgNames.subList(0, i + 1);
List<String> argNames = -> v.replace("%", "") + "Replacement").collect(Collectors.toList());
List<String> argsWithTypes = -> "String " + v).collect(Collectors.toList());
String argumentList = "(" + String.join("", argsWithTypes).substring(0, argsWithTypes.size() - 3) + ")";
String methodName;
if (orgArgNames.size() <= 1) {
methodName = key + "Replace" + -> v.replace("%", "")).collect(Collectors.joining(""));
} else {
methodName = key + "Replace" + -> v.replace("%", "").substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + v.substring(1)).collect(Collectors.joining(""));
out.print(" public static ");
StringBuilder replaceSB = new StringBuilder();
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < subList.size(); i1++) {
String replace = replaceSB.toString();
out.println("return " + replace + ";");
But I can't seem to get it to register it?
So my first question is, is AbstractProcessor the way to go if I want to achieve this? If not how then? if yes, then why is this not registering? I am using IntelliJ and went into settings -> build-> compiler and changed Annotation Processors to enabled and set the processor path to my SuggestProcessor
Java Annotation Processing (APT) plugins are intended for generating code based on other classes. These classes end up in a generated sources folder which is then later compiled as well. These APT plugins are discovered from the classpath / build tool configuration and ran by the IntelliJ compiler as well. Keep in mind: APT is ment to be for generated source code generation, and not at all for replacing existing classes. The only reason why Lombok is still able to do so is because they hack their way very deep into the compiler and are by that means able to manipulate the AST of classes under compilation.
Because this approach is largely controversial and error-prone with future versions of Java, it is highly unlikely that anyone will ever even attempt at building a APT-based class replacement framework or an extension of Lombok that is able to do this (weren't it for the fact that Lombok is the only tool that could be considered a "framework" for this type of APT usage and Lombok itself is not at all build in an extendible manner).
In conclusion: APT is probably the way to go, but your processor will have to create a new class rather than trying to modify an existing one.
An example of how the annotation processor should be created you can look at the following repository:
I'm not sure why your current annotation processor is not associated correctly with your compiler. If you're using Maven, you could try to install the artifact for your processor locally and add it as a compile dependency to your other project. Don't forget to register the class as annotation processor with your compiler too, the example project that I referenced does this here: . The same configuration can be applied to other build systems too.
There is no real way in Java of modifying classes under compilation, so if you really must have the method in the same class then this, unfortunately, means that it cannot be done.
Instead of actually creating a file and writing to it, you can modify the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), like Lombok does. This isn't recommended and different compilers implement the AST in different ways, but you can extend the Lombok source code from github ( and make an annotation handler if you want to. However, it is a bit hard, so make sure you really need it.
I didn't read your question correctly, sorry. To register it, you want to make a META-INF\services directory in the project that uses the annotation and the annotation processor. Within that directory, make a txt file called "javax.annotation.processing.Processor" that contains the name of the processor, like mypackage.SuggestProcessor. If you decide to use java 9, you can also declare the processor in the module-info file. The module of the processor must include "provides javax.annotation.processing.Processor with something.SuggestProcessor" and the module that uses the annotation must include "uses javax.annotation.processing.Processor." That's how javac registers annotation processors.

"Variables" that is typed by user in a string java [duplicate]

Is there any String replacement mechanism in Java, where I can pass objects with a text, and it replaces the string as it occurs?
For example, the text is:
Hello ${},
Welcome to ${}.
The objects I have are user and site. I want to replace the strings given inside ${} with its equivalent values from the objects. This is same as we replace objects in a velocity template.
Use StringSubstitutor from Apache Commons Text.
Dependency import
Import the Apache commons text dependency using maven as bellow:
Map<String, String> valuesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
valuesMap.put("animal", "quick brown fox");
valuesMap.put("target", "lazy dog");
String templateString = "The ${animal} jumped over the ${target}.";
StringSubstitutor sub = new StringSubstitutor(valuesMap);
String resolvedString = sub.replace(templateString);
Take a look at the java.text.MessageFormat class, MessageFormat takes a set of objects, formats them, then inserts the formatted strings into the pattern at the appropriate places.
Object[] params = new Object[]{"hello", "!"};
String msg = MessageFormat.format("{0} world {1}", params);
My preferred way is String.format() because its a oneliner and doesn't require third party libraries:
String message = String.format("Hello! My name is %s, I'm %s.", name, age);
I use this regularly, e.g. in exception messages like:
throw new Exception(String.format("Unable to login with email: %s", email));
Hint: You can put in as many variables as you like because format() uses Varargs
I threw together a small test implementation of this. The basic idea is to call format and pass in the format string, and a map of objects, and the names that they have locally.
The output of the following is:
My dog is named fido, and Jane Doe owns him.
public class StringFormatter {
private static final String fieldStart = "\\$\\{";
private static final String fieldEnd = "\\}";
private static final String regex = fieldStart + "([^}]+)" + fieldEnd;
private static final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
public static String format(String format, Map<String, Object> objects) {
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(format);
String result = format;
while (m.find()) {
String[] found ="\\.");
Object o = objects.get(found[0]);
Field f = o.getClass().getField(found[1]);
String newVal = f.get(o).toString();
result = result.replaceFirst(regex, newVal);
return result;
static class Dog {
public String name;
public String owner;
public String gender;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Dog d = new Dog(); = "fido";
d.owner = "Jane Doe";
d.gender = "him";
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("d", d);
"My dog is named ${}, and ${d.owner} owns ${d.gender}.",
Note: This doesn't compile due to unhandled exceptions. But it makes the code much easier to read.
Also, I don't like that you have to construct the map yourself in the code, but I don't know how to get the names of the local variables programatically. The best way to do it, is to remember to put the object in the map as soon as you create it.
The following example produces the results that you want from your example:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Site site = new Site();
map.put("site", site); = "";
User user = new User();
map.put("user", user); = "jjnguy";
format("Hello ${},\n\tWelcome to ${}. ", map));
I should also mention that I have no idea what Velocity is, so I hope this answer is relevant.
Here's an outline of how you could go about doing this. It should be relatively straightforward to implement it as actual code.
Create a map of all the objects that will be referenced in the template.
Use a regular expression to find variable references in the template and replace them with their values (see step 3). The Matcher class will come in handy for find-and-replace.
Split the variable name at the dot. would become user and name. Look up user in your map to get the object and use reflection to obtain the value of name from the object. Assuming your objects have standard getters, you will look for a method getName and invoke it.
There are a couple of Expression Language implementations out there that does this for you, could be preferable to using your own implementation as or if your requirments grow, see for example JUEL and MVEL
I like and have successfully used MVEL in at least one project.
Also see the Stackflow post JSTL/JSP EL (Expression Language) in a non JSP (standalone) context might be a better option in terms of a Velocity-like syntax with other server-side templating features.
Handlebars handlebars = new Handlebars();
Template template = handlebars.compileInline("Hello {{this}}!");
I use GroovyShell in java to parse template with Groovy GString:
Binding binding = new Binding();
GroovyShell gs = new GroovyShell(binding);
// this JSONObject can also be replaced by any Java Object
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("key", "value");
binding.setProperty("obj", obj)
String str = "${obj.key}";
String exp = String.format("\"%s\".toString()", str);
String res = (String) gs.evaluate(exp);
// value
I created this utility that uses vanilla Java. It combines two formats... {} and %s style from String.format.... into one method call. Please note it only replaces empty {} brackets, not {someWord}.
public class LogUtils {
public static String populate(String log, Object... objects) {
log = log.replaceAll("\\{\\}", "%s");
return String.format(log, objects);
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(populate("x = %s, y ={}", 5, 4));;
Since Java 15 you have the method String.formatted() (see documentation).
str.formatted(args) is the equivalent of String.format(str, args) with less ceremony.
For the example mentioned in the question, the method could be used as follows:
"Hello %s, Welcome to %s.".formatted(user.getName(), site.getName())
Good news. Java is most likely going to have string templates (probably from version 21).
See the string templates proposal (JEP 430) here.
It will be something along the lines of this:
String name = "John";
String info = STR."I am \{name}";
System.out.println(info); // I am John
P.S. Kotlin is 100% interoperable with Java. It supports cleaner string templates out of the box:
val name = "John"
val info = "I am $name"
println(info) // I am John
Combined with extension functions, you can achieve the same thing the Java template processors (e.g. STR) will do.
There is nothing out of the box that is comparable to velocity since velocity was written to solve exactly that problem. The closest thing you can try is looking into the Formatter
However the formatter as far as I know was created to provide C like formatting options in Java so it may not scratch exactly your itch but you are welcome to try :).

how get the fully qualified name of the java class

I have a class like below.
public class Login {
private Keyword browser;
private String page;
Keyword is a class in different package. I want to get the fully qualified name of the class Keyword while parsing the Login class using javaparser.
You cannot do that using JavaParser because JavaParser does not resolve symbols. To resolve the name Keyword to a class you need to do several things:
* implements proper scope rules (you need to look for internal classes, then for other classes inside the same file, then to consider imports...)
* it depends on the classpath used to compile: changing it the same class could be resolved differently
To do that a symbol resolver should be written: it is not trivial but doable. If you are interested in the subject you can read a post I just wrote How to build a symbol solver for Java, in Clojure. The post contains also a link to the code, freely available on GitHub.
Source: I am a JavaParser contributor
You can use the JavaParser Symbol Solver:
Then parse the code using the following configuration:
CombinedTypeSolver combinedTypeSolver = new CombinedTypeSolver(new ReflectionTypeSolver(),
new JavaParserTypeSolver(sourceRoot));
final ParserConfiguration config = new ParserConfiguration()
.setSymbolResolver(new JavaSymbolSolver(combinedTypeSolver));
SourceRoot root = new SourceRoot(Paths.get("/path/to/project/"));
root.parse("", config, (Path localPath, Path absolutePath, ParseResult<CompilationUnit> result) -> {
// Do something with the CompilationUnit
return Result.DONT_SAVE;
We can now get the fully qualified identifier of any ReferenceType using:
ResolvedType type = referenceType.resolve();
String qualifiedName = type.getQualifiedName();
Nobody so far appears to have read the question, but if you're parsing the source code, either it is in the current package or it is imported by an import statement.
I would have expected a Java parser writer or user to know that.
I wrote a method that can get the fully qualified name on basis of a ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration object (latest version of JavaParser):
private static String getFullyQualifiedName(ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration c2) {
String name = "";
ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration parentClass = c2.getParentNode().isPresent() ? getClass(c2.getParentNode().get()): null;
if(parentClass!=null) {
} else {
CompilationUnit u = getCompilationUnit(c2);
if(u!=null && u.getPackageDeclaration().isPresent()) {
return name+c2.getNameAsString();
private static ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration getClass(Node n1) {
while (!(n1 instanceof ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration)) {
if(n1.getParentNode().isPresent()) {
n1 = n1.getParentNode().get();
} else return null;
return (ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration)n1;
private static CompilationUnit getCompilationUnit(Node n1) {
while (!(n1 instanceof CompilationUnit)) {
if(n1.getParentNode().isPresent()) {
n1 = n1.getParentNode().get();
} else return null;
return (CompilationUnit)n1;
A much simpler version can be used if you obtain the ClassOrInterfaceType of the class:
private static String getFullyQualifiedName(ClassOrInterfaceType e) {
String name = "";
return name+e.getNameAsString();
I hope this is of help to anyone!
If you are using the visitors, it seems that you only get the start and end indexes inside the source file for having the type name. That will not get you the fully qualified name.
So you should implement the visit(ImportDeclaration, A) method also in your custom visitor. This method then must store the import declarations, so you can later - when the method visit(FieldDeclaration, A) gets called - refer to the imported packages and assemble the fully qualified name.
JavaParser does not resolve imports (this isn't usually considered its job, anyway). You have to manually step through the import statements and search if the Keyword belongs to them. Keep in mind that Java implicitly does a import java.lang.*, otherwise you won't resolve types such as String.
Spring Roo has a JavaParserUtils class containing a method getJavaType(CompilationUnitServices compilationUnitServices, ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration cid). The class is not designed for usage outside of Roo, but you can use as a template for solving your problem.
this might be a better solution for your problem,
using instance of.
use of "Instance of" in java

known API to write Bean/ResultSet into CSV file

I would like to export a Java Bean or ResultSet(JDBC) into a CSV file through Reflection mechanism.
I have seen this api :
but it's not released yet.
Also, it will be fine if we can set some filters to avoid to map some precised fields.
Do you know a known API which owns these features ?
Unless there are some ready-made API:s I would use
Apache commons to get a String representation of an JavaBean. By setting your own ToStringStyle it would be possible to create a CSV style String. There are many possible settings for styling of the String, including excluding fields and so on.
And then of course writing it to a file.
You can just write out to a csv file as you would to a normal .txt file by using an outputstream or so.
If you need more advanced excel like stuff I recommend using Apache POI. It has always done the job nice & clean for me.
Adding to Kennets answer:
I implemented two classes: One for the header (if needed) and one for the body (actual data)
The header style class needs to extend ToStringStyle
Invoke toString with a single element, e.g. ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(firstElement, headerStyle)
Override Method:
public void append(StringBuffer buffer, String fieldName, Object value, Boolean fullDetail) {
super.append(buffer, fieldName, "", fullDetail);
The body class needs to extend RecursiveToStringStyle
Invoke toString with an array, e.g. ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(array, bodyStyle)
Override Method:
public void append(StringBuffer buffer, String fieldName, Object value, Boolean fullDetail) {
String csvField = Optional.ofNullable(value)
super.append(buffer, fieldName, csvField, fullDetail);
Formatting Methods:
private String escapeDoubleQuote(final String field) {
return field.replace("\"", "\"\"");
private String escapeLineBreak(final String field) {
return field.replaceAll("\\R", " ");
private String escapeField(final String field) {
return "\"" + field + "\"";
