I had written a SpringMVC code to export PostgreSQL databases to ndjson files, The code works. However, One of the tables take like 10seconds ( Careplan ) for 100 records !
the following is the code for DAO class
public List<DafCarePlanParticipant> getCarePlanparticipantByCareTeam(int id)
Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(DafCarePlanParticipant.class, "dp").add(Restrictions.eq("careteam", id));
List<DafCarePlanParticipant> dafCareTeam = criteria.list();
return dafCareTeam;
I've running into deadends without any success of optimizing this code. Can i get some help, please!
Thank you !
I think the problem maybe due to getSession(). Since getSession() might create a new Session, it consumes time to create a new session every time and exhaust your datasource.
Try to use getCurrentSession() instead to see if any improvement.
I trying persist a many registers in database reading a file with many lines
I´m using a forech to read the list of objects wrapped in file
logs.stream().forEach(log -> save(log));
private LogData save(LogData log) {
return repository.persist(log);
But the inserts are slow
Do i have a way to speed the inserts?
Your way take a long time because you persist element by element, so you go n time to the database, I would like to use Batch processing instead to use one transaction instead of N transaction, so the persist method can be :
public void persist(List<Logs> logs) {
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
logs.forEach(log -> session.save(log));// from the comment of #shmosel
Use a Batch Insert, Google "Hibernate Batch Insert" or replace with whatever name of your ORM if it's not Hibernate.
To insert at every line makes this program slowly, why dont you think to collect n lines, and insert n lines together at once.
This question is related to my other question
I am building a Spring web application which reads data from DB using hibernate. My App will not be aware of any changes(Updates/Inserts) done to the DB. Is there a way to use query cache in such a scenario?
I configured query cache, and it is not invalidating the cache when I update the DB from different App. And I think it is the expected behavior.
I need the queries to be cached and invalidated when there is an update in DB. How to achieve this?
I am not sure is there any automatic way for refreshing the cache. But i have solved this problem in my last project. Expose a method like below and give access to admin. Once any modification done in DB externally call this method to refresh your cache.
public void refreshCache()
try {
Map<String, ClassMetadata> classesMetadata = sessionFactory.getAllClassMetadata();
for (String entityName : classesMetadata.keySet()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Well if you are using Oracle , the following command will give you the last updated unique scn on the table
select max(ora_rowscn) from TableName;
further you convert this to timestamp if you want
select scn_to_timestamp(10772982279880) from dual
but idont think you need to convert it into time , just cache the the rowscn alone and periodically check the table , if there is a change you can evict the cache regions.
Please note that this supports version > 10g
I am performing a call to a function which is part of a DB package. This package is deployed in two locations. One local and another remote (across the Atlantic).
I am retrieving the data via the Spring JDBC template.
There is one function which returns approximately 1000 rows (not all that much) and this is taking about 1.5 seconds when getting the data locally but it's taking in the region of 12 seconds when getting the data remotely.
In all sample code, names have been changed and code has been simplified a little.
Please see an example of the current Java code:
SimpleJdbcCall simpleJdbcCall = new SimpleJdbcCall(getDataSource())
.returningResultSet("RESULT_SET", new DataEntryMapper());
SqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource()
.addValue("the_name", name)
.addValue("the_rev", rev);
Map resultSet = simpleJdbcCall.execute(params);
ArrayList list = (ArrayList) resultSet.get("RESULT_SET");
The RowMapper class looks something like this:
class RouteDataEntryMapper implements RowMapper {
public RouteDataEntry mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
return new DataEntry(resultSet.getString("name"),
SQL package spec snippet:
SQL function:
select *
from table_name tn
where tn.name = the_name
and tn.rev = the_rev;
I have tried using regular boiler plate JDBC also (create connection, prepare statement, execute statement, retrieve data from RESULT_SET, etc) and I found that the vast majority of time was spent looping over the RESULT_SET and extracting the data out of it and into some pojos. In the case of the Spring code above, most of the time was spent during the execute() method but this is probably because it creates the objects using the RowMapper at that time.
So, the common area between them is the performing of actions such as:
and I'm guessing that this is where the problem lies but I could be wrong.
As I said, locally the delay is fine but remotely it's taking way too long. Is this because it's going to the DB on every rs.get... ? Is there a better way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
ResultSet.get*(String columnName) can be replaced with ResultSet.get*(int columnNaumber) which is slightly faster but I doubt that the main problem here.
Is this because it's going to the DB on every rs.get... ?
While it really depends the driver I suspect it won't. For a cached result-set it might go to ther server when your scroll through the cursor but it would still fetch a bunch of rows in every roundtrip.
Two more suggestions I have are:
Use a network sniffing utility to see the data being transferred
Check your driver for any option to pre-fetch and such like.
add this line :-
in the following code lines
SimpleJdbcCall simpleJdbcCall = new SimpleJdbcCall(getDataSource())
.withoutProcedureColumnMetaDataAccess // to avoid fetching meta data info from database
I am new to JPA and am facing this issue for the past two days . Whenever i am trying to update my object in the database , the merge query is executing twice and the data is not updated in the Database . Can any one tell me where i have done mistake .
here is the Snippet :
Employee emp = em.find(Employee.class,empid);
if (emp != null) {
emp.setDob(new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()));
etxn = em.getTransaction();
Thats because you are calling merge method twice
Since you are using the same EntityManager, and JPA transactions, you do not even need to call merge.
Perhaps enable logging and include the log. Also include the code for you class.
I have an application using hibernate. One of its modules calls a native SQL (StoredProc) in batch process. Roughly what it does is that every time it writes a file it updates a field in the database. Right now I am not sure how many files would need to be written as it is dependent on the number of transactions per day so it could be zero to a million.
If I use this code snippet in while loop will I have any problems?
public void test()
//The for loop represents a list of records that needs to be processed.
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++ )
//Process the records and write the information into a file.
//Update a field(s) in the database using a stored procedure based on the processed information.
public void updateField(String value)
Session session = getSession();
SQLQuery sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery("exec spUpdate :value");
sqlQuery.setParameter("value", value);
Will I need any other configurations for my data source and transaction manager?
Will I need to set hibernate.jdbc.batch_size and hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache?
Will I need to use session flush and clear for this? The samples in the hibernate tutorial is using POJO's and not native sql so I am not sure if it is also applicable.
Please note another part of the application is already using hibernate so as much as possible I would like to stick to using hibernate.
Thank you for your time and I am hoping for your quick response. If it is also possible could code snippet would really be useful for me.
Application Work Flow
1) Query Database for the transaction information. (Transaction date, Type of account, currency, etc..)
2) For each account process transaction information. (Discounts, Current Balance, etc..)
3) Write the transaction information and processed information to a file.
4) Update a database field based on the process information
5) Go back to step 2 while their are still accounts. (Assuming that no exception are thrown)
The code snippet will open and close the session for each iteration, which definitely not a good practice.
Is it possible, you have a job which checks how many new files added in the folder?
The job should run say every 15/25 minutes, checking how much files are changed/added in last 15/25 minutes and updates the database in batch.
Something like that will lower down the number of open/close session connections. It should be much faster than this.