How do I install Spring Boot CLI in Ubuntu? - java

I am trying to install Spring Boot CLI in Ubuntu. I am new to spring boot and was trying to learn it. I have already installed Gradle and groovy but did not find anything online to install Spring boot CLI.

please follow the code
sudo apt install unzip zip
curl -s | bash
source "/home/username/.sdkman/bin/"=
sdk install springboot
spring version

The Spring boot CLI install guide link
Spring boot CLI

You can read the docs for installation steps:
Manual installation:
Download the Spring CLI distribution: you can find the latest version link here.
Extract the downloaded zip file to any path of your choice.
Prerequisite: Make sure you have Java JDK v1.8 or above (check INSTALL.txt file from extracted archive in Step-1). You can check your JDK version using command: java --version.
Add the spring CLI script's path to $PATH environment variable:
For example, you can add below lines to your .bashrc file in *nix systems:
export SPRING_HOME=/path/to/your/extracted-spring-cli/spring-2.4.0
After saving the .bashrc file, run $ source .bashrc to reload the environment variables you just added.
(optional; and not for Windows user) Shell auto-completion scripts are provided for BASH and ZSH with the extracted archive in Step-1. Add symlinks to the appropriate
location for your environment. For example, something like:
ln -s /path/to/your/extracted-spring-cli/spring-2.4.0/shell-completion/bash/spring /etc/bash_completion.d/spring
ln -s /path/to/your/extracted-spring-cli/spring-2.4.0/shell-completion/zsh/_spring /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_spring
To check if you are using BASH or ZSH, run the command: $ echo $SHELL.
DONE: To test if you have successfully installed the CLI you can run the following command: spring --version.

Here is detailed instruction on how to do it, much more useful than official one, at least for manual installation. One more thing - to make path change permanent you might need to logout - login, as "source /etc/profile" will be effective only for currently opened terminal.

Use this link to get a detailed instruction on how to download the Spring framework successfully, It really helped me a lot after long time of making research.


When checking Maven in Jenkins I get this error "Could not open '/lib/': No such file or directory"

I've been looking at this for days.
I've created an instance of Jenkins in Docker to run locally using this DockerFile -
`FROM jenkins/jenkins:2.346.2-jdk11
USER root
RUN curl -sSL | sh
RUN usermod -a -G docker jenkins
USER jenkins
COPY plugins.txt /usr/share/jenkins/ref/plugins.txt
RUN jenkins-plugin-cli --plugin-file /usr/share/jenkins/ref/plugins.txt
COPY seedJob.xml /usr/share/jenkins/ref/jobs/seed-job/config.xml
ENV JAVA_OPTS -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false`
I have then installed the JDK in Jenkins
I have then installed Maven in Jenkins
I have then created a simple Pipeline to test for Maven
`pipeline {
agent any
tools {
// Install the Maven version configured as "M3" and add it to the path.
maven '3.8.6'
jdk 'openjdk-171'
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
sh 'mvn --version'
AND I get this message
"Could not open '/lib/': No such file or directory"
I've tried rebuilding from Scratch, followed youtube tutorials - still nothing
(I'm also running on a Mac). Any help massively appreciated!
I expect it to return the version number of Maven is the dynamic linker for the guest binary. If you have a dynamically linked guest binary then you need to tell the emulator about not just the binary itself but also the dynamic linker and all the dynamic libraries that the guest binary links to (usually by passing it an option to tell it about a directory which has all the libraries in the usual places they would be on the real filesystem of the guest).
For gem5 you can use --redirects and --interp-dir

CloudFoundry and JDK

I'm struggling with the deployment of a spring app that needs to compile java code during runtime. My app calls the javac command when a user submits a solution to a problem, so it can later run java
I'm deploying to cloud foundry and using the java-buildpack, but unfortunately, it doesn't come with JDK, only JRE is available and that thing has no javac or java commands available.
Do you guys know a way on how to add JDK to cloud foundry, without having to write my own custom buildpack.
I would suggest you use multi-buildpack support and use the apt-buildpack to install a JDK. It should work fine alongside the JBP. It just needs to be first in the list.
Create an apt.yml.
- openjdk-11-jdk-headless
Bundle that into your JAR, jar uf path/to/your/file.jar apt.yml. It should be added to the root of the JAR, so if you jar tf path/to/your/file.jar you should see just apt.yml and nothing prefixed to it.
Update your manifest.yml. Add the apt-buildpack first in the list.
- name: spring-music
memory: 1G
path: build/libs/spring-music-1.0.jar
- java_buildpack
Then cf push. You should see the apt-buildpack run and install the JDK. It'll then be installed under ~/deps/0/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64. It does not appear to end up on the PATH either, so use a full path to javac or update the path.

Can't set up Maven on Mac OSX

I am new to Mac OSX and I'm running Yosemite. I am trying to set up Maven using this official guide in order to set up a Google Cloud Messaging Backend. Here's what I did:
1) Downloaded Maven zip (version: apache-maven-3.3.9) and Unzipped it
2) As the guide says, I need to add the bin directory to my PATH variable. So I did the following in my terminal
export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-3.3.9
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_60
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$M2_HOME/bin:$PATH
The terminal didn't return any response. However when I checked to see if Maven got installed using:
mvn -version
I get a message saying:
-bash: mvn: command not found
What am I doing wrong? Did I follow the steps properly to set up Maven?
MVN Bin Directory path is:
I tried all the manual steps here and still couldn't get it to work. Then I realized I can easily install it using Homebrew, much more convenient:
brew install maven
that's all you need to install maven for mac!
The $PATH is what point where your programs are, because of that you change it in order to find mvn. Actually you are pointing $PATH to $M2_HOME/bin.
You need to update $M2_HOME to one directory level before mvn bin and before update $PATH.
If this is your mvn home:
you should use this env vars:
export M2_HOME="/Users/Earthling/Documents/Projects/MobiProject/apache-maven-3.3.9"
export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_60"
export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$M2_HOME/bin:$PATH"
You can also edit your ~/.profile in order to include these lines, so you don't need to type these exports whenever you open your terminal.
export M2_HOME=/Users/Earthling/Documents/Projects/MobiProject/apache-maven-3.3.9

Unable to install new relic on linux using tomcat server

I have created account on new relic and downloaded zip for new relic agent and uploaded to /etc directory in my linux machine(tomcat server).
As per documentations, I follow the following code
cd /etc/newrelic
java -jar newrelic.jar install
But I am getting following error:
Dec 31, 2013 06:14:04 +0000 NewRelic 1 INFO: Agent is using Logback
***** ( ( o)) New Relic Java Agent Installer
***** Installing version 3.2.3 ...
Could not edit start script because:
.:. Could not locate a Tomcat, Jetty, JBoss, JBoss7 or Glassfish instance in /etc
Try re-running the install command with the -s <AppServerRootDirectory> option or from <AppServerRootDirectory>/newrelic.
If that doesn't work, locate and edit the start script manually.
No need to create New Relic configuration file because:
.:. A config file already exists: /etc/newrelic/newrelic.yml
***** Install incomplete
***** Next steps:
For help completing the install, see
Can anyone give me solution for this?
As the log information provide that it Could not locate a Tomcat, you need to provide env var like TOMCAT_HOME and so on.
In linux, even if you have installed some software, it can not be conveniently used without adding into PATH or some other env var.
In your situation, seems you need to add TOMCAT_HOME and export it.
Make sure the tomcat is correctly installed!
I was dealing with the same error, you only need to copy the new-relic.jar file inside the root of your tomcat server and then type:
java -jar new-relic.jar install
And that's it, it worked for me. Hope it helps
I work in support at New Relic, specializing in the Java agent.
Since Tomcat installations vary between Linux environments, your best bet is to follow the manual installation instructions:
Scroll down to the Tomcat instructions, which advise you to add the -javaagent flag to your Tomcat startup script. Once you've made that change and started your Tomcat instance, you can verify that the newrelic.jar is included in the startup arguments by issuing a ps -ef | grep java command.
If you need further help, please open a support ticket at and we'll be glad to assist.
Before installing the New Relic the code will fetch the requisite environment parameters like JAVA_HOME, TOMCAT_HOME, etc ( depends on your configuration) and then install the agent on your server. Make sure all the required env variables are defined.
After you have done the above, also check the following:
a) The New Relic should be extraced/installed in your home directory ( in my case /APP)
cd /APP
Unzip –d /APP
b) The Java agent should be defined in the local properties file ( I have configured it for Hybris server in Dev environment)
vim /APP/hybris/config/
Add : -javaagent:/APP/newrelic/newrelic.jar –D newrelic.environment=Development
c) In some cases, it requirs the application specific yml file along with the newrelic.yml file ( in my case hybris.yml)
Cd /APP/newrelic
mkdir extensions
chmod 755 extensions
cd /APP/newrelic/extensions
vim hybris.yml
Hybris specific configuration for the hybris.yml file ( use jmx.yml)
Add the jmx.yml data in the hybris.yml after creating the file.
d) Restart your application:
I did it using the following commands:
cd /APP/hybris/bin/platform
ant clean all
e) You should see the data in sometime. Keep monitoring the new relic logs in:
tail -f /APP/newrelic/logs/newrelic_agent.log
Before you do any of these steps, make sure that your new relic folder is in inside the folder of your server. That immediately fixed my problem.
The folder newrelic belongs to /usr/share/tomcat/. At least on Ubuntu 16.04 with Tomcat 7. Then also the install command works. Please do not forget to read and adapt the whole newrelic.yml file.

Deploy - java application using

I have created a google-app-engine Java project in Eclipse using Google's Eclipse plugin. I had tried to deploy my application using terminal as follows:
~$ update /home/crimson/Music/Testing5/InitialData/
But it shows the following error: command not found
How to solve this?
If you developed a Java application using Google App Engine, you shouldn't use, that is meant for Python projects. See the documentation of Google App Engine for more details on how to deploy a Java-based project. In a nutshell, you will need if you are on Linux or Mac OS X, or appcfg.cmd if you are on Windows.
If you are using linux try this following step :
Go to your appengine-sdk/bin
type chmod u+x
run this command --> sh rollback [your app war path location]
